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[Special EffectsC++(Circle)

Description: 算法实现题1-2 平面几何问题 .问题描述: 试用C++ 的类来定义表示简单平面几何对象的抽象数据类型Geometry 。 (1) 用浮点数定义2 个几何量m1 和m2;m2 的缺省值为0.0。 (2) 实现2 个构造函数:允许用1 个参数或2 个参数声明几何对象。用1 个参数r 声明 的几何对象为半径为r 的圆;用2 个参数r1 和r2 声明的几何对象为r1′r2 的矩形。所声明 的几何对象的中心在原点。 (3) 定义计算几何对象的面积,周长和对角线长度的成员函数。 (4) 对于给定的实数r,先声明一个半径为r 的圆c1;然后声明一个c1 的外切矩形s, 接着再声明s 的外接圆c2。 (5) 输出(4) 中几何对象的面积,周长和对角线长度。 .编程任务: 给定实数r,计算几何对象c1,s 和c2 的面积,周长和对角线长度。 .数据输入: 由文件input.txt 给出输入数据。第1 行有1 个实数r,表示圆c1 的半径。 .结果输出: 将计算出的几何对象c1,s 和c2 的面积,周长和对角线长度分别输出到文件output.txt 。 文件的第1 行是计算得到的圆c1 的面积和周长;第2 行是矩形s 的面积,周长和对角线长 度;第3 行是圆c2 的面积和周长。-algorithm that 1-2 plane geometry problem. Problem description : probationary category C to the definition simple plane geometry objects to the abstract data type Geometry. (1) The definition of a float with two geometric m1 and m2; M2, the default value of 0.0. (2) to achieve two Constructors : permits the use of a parameter or two parameters statement geometric objects. Using a parameter r statement geometric objects to a radius of the circle r; With two parameters r1 and r2 statement to the geometric objects r1'r2 rectangular. Statement by the geometric objects in the center of origin. (3) calculate the geometric definition of the target area, perimeter and length of the diagonal members function. (4) For a given set of real r, first declare a radius of the circle r c1; Then a state
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: stzxxxstz | Hits:

[Fractal programcircle.c

Description: circle.c 在Turboc2下编写整数breshman画圆算法。本程序实现的是画圆算法。-circle.c in Turboc2 prepared integral breshman Circle algorithm. This program is Circle algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Sungol | Hits:


Description: 在MATLAB并无直接指令可进行画圆,本程序是一个不错的画圆程序。-in MATLAB no direct instructions can be Circle, the procedure is a good Circle procedures.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: alpha | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCircle

Description: 截取图片中的圆形,用鼠标取圆边界点,再裁剪出圆形,即可保存输出圆形。 包含:Win32 API的图像处理;工具栏;bmp等文件的读取、保存。 VS2008下编译成功-Interception of the picture of the round, use the mouse to get round the border points, and then cut out the circle, you can save the output circle. Contains: Win32 API for image processing Toolbar bmp and other documents to read, save. Compile successfully under VS2008
Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: 胡晓龙 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringcircle-detection-using-hough-transform

Description: circle detection using hough transform 作者:D J Kcrbywn and T J Atherton, University of Warwick, U.K.霍夫检测圆的IEEE,1995的文章,对指导霍夫变换圆检测的原理有一定的指导。-circle detection using hough transform Author: DJ Kcrbywn and TJ Atherton, University of Warwick, UK Hough circle detection IEEE, 1995 article in guiding Hough transform circle detection principle must have the guidance.
Platform: | Size: 338944 | Author: miaosiyi | Hits:

[OpenGL programCircle

Description: 在visual c++下用opengl实现中点画圆算法-In visual c++ implementation using the midpoint circle algorithm opengl
Platform: | Size: 332800 | Author: 冯建玉 | Hits:

[Special Effectscircle

Description: 这个是用OPENCV库函数在WIN32控制台中编写的,功能是实现轮廓跟踪,并画出轮廓,此程序得出的是圆的轮廓,求得圆的中心和半径,将此圆画出,与实际的圆形成对比。 -This is OPENCV library function in the preparation of WIN32 console, feature tracking is to achieve the outline and draw the outline, this procedure is to draw the outline of a circle, find the center and radius of a round, this round draw, with the actual In contrast, the yen.
Platform: | Size: 2331648 | Author: 黄烨 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeHough-Circle-Detect

Description: 可以实现对图像中半径不同的圆形图像区域的检测-Radius of the circle of different detection
Platform: | Size: 99328 | Author: polly | Hits:

[Graph programcircle-detect

Description: 这是我搜集的用VC编写圆检测程序的一些代码和算法,算法以HOUGH变换为主-This is my collection of circle detection using VC procedures to prepare a number of code and algorithm to transform the main HOUGH
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 丰旻 | Hits:

[Special Effectscircle-detection

Description: 采用hough变换对半径未知的圆进行检测-Using hough transform to detect the circle radius of the unknown
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: sss | Hits:


Description: 这次上传的程序源码是关于根据给定的xy点,拟合一个圆,依据是半径平方偏差的和。-The upload program source code is about according to the given xy point, fitting a circle, based on the radius squared deviations and.
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: apple | Hits:

[Windows Developcircle

Description: bresenham画圆法的实现,图形图像实验的代码。-bresenham circle
Platform: | Size: 1681408 | Author: guanlin | Hits:

[Graph DrawingCircle

Description: 在C++环境下,实现画圆,方便实用,简洁快速-In the C++ environment, fulfilling the Circle, convenient and practical, simple and fast
Platform: | Size: 1921024 | Author: 朱小幽 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizecircle

Description: circle detection using hough method. The code uses openCV library.
Platform: | Size: 6155264 | Author: Gaurav | Hits:


Description: 演示椭圆的曲率圆的动画。该程序演示了椭圆各点的曲率变化及相应的曲率圆圆心的轨迹。-Demonstration of the curvature ellipse circle animation. The program demonstrates the various points of the curvature of the ellipse and the corresponding changes in the curvature of the round locus of the center.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 凌凌漆 | Hits:


Description: this code will help you to draw a circle, the input is the radius and no. of point and the center point
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ibtesam | Hits:


Description: this circle detection in binary image-this is circle detection in binary image
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: mehdi | Hits:


Description: 实现求解平面上任意一组点集的包含所有点的最小包含圆-Solving the plane to achieve any of a group of point set contains all points of the minimum enclosing circle
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: suzie | Hits:


Description: 基于hough变换的圆形检测,非常好用。-Based on hough transform circle detection, very easy to use.
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: cc | Hits:


Description: draw a circle from given informations
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: youssef | Hits:
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