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在JAVA上的一个类ICQ聊天系统,服务器和客户机都已经测试,可以正常使用,如果你有本事完善的话,请联系我!谢谢!-in a category on the ICQ chat systems, servers and clients are already testing can normal use, if you have a good sound, please contact me! Thank you!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 895.32kb Publisher : 欧阳龙

支持多客户的Client/Server程序设计.在服务器上运行一个永久的程序,它可以接收来自多个客户端的请求,并为它们提供相应的服务.欢迎各位使用-support multiple clients Client / Server programming. The server running on a permanent procedures, which can receive from a number of the client's request, and to provide them with corresponding services. Welcome to use
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.62kb Publisher : lei

java写的基于socket的web聊天室,客户端使用浏览器,使用时请把index.html中的ip地址127.0.0.1改成服务器所在机子的地址-java write socket based web chat rooms, clients use the browser, Please use index.html ip address of 127 .0.0.1 into the server is located loom Address
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 31.71kb Publisher : lavee

java编的电子邮件程序。服务端和客户端都有。已编译通过-java series of the e-mail program. Services and clients have. Compiled by
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : 李丹

多线程的chat聊天程序,不太成熟,还有很多功能要实现,只是简单的实现了多clients只见的对话功能-multithreaded chat chat program, not mature enough, there are many functions to achieve, but simply the realization of a number of clients seen functional dialogue
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : 彭宇

用RMI构建聊天应用程序: 其基本思想是:多个客户通过APLLET进行聊天,客户的聊天内容分别显示在各自的 TextArea 内,要做到这些,需要做到: 1、客户首先向服务器注册,告知服务器它在监听某主题; 2、客户注册之后,向服务器发送消息; 3、服务器再把消息发送给所有监听此主题的客户-Construction chatting with RMI application : The basic idea is : many customers APLLET for chat, chat clients as shown separately in the respective TextArea, to achieve this, the need to do so : 1, the first client to the server registration, it tells the server in a wiretapping theme; 2, registered customers, send messages to the server; 3, the server then send information to all of this theme eavesdropping customers
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 杨旭迎

DL : 0
It is a MMORPG multithreading server. It can connect many clients using Java Connection socket.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 69kb Publisher : 活帐号

在JAVA上的一个类ICQ聊天系统,服务器和客户机都已经测试,可以正常使用,如果你有本事完善的话,请联系我!谢谢!-in a category on the ICQ chat systems, servers and clients are already testing can normal use, if you have a good sound, please contact me! Thank you!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 895kb Publisher : 欧阳龙

DL : 0
一个简单的socket聊天工具,实现在发送文件和语音聊天等功能,还能聊天的同时听音乐,分服务器端和客户端两部分-a simple socket chatting tool, in this paper and voice chat features, but also chat while listening to music and sub-servers and clients of two parts
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 椰子 为客户端,ServerDemo.java为服务端,可以可以实现简单的ICQ的会话 for clients, for server can be a simple conversation ICQ
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 张小小

支持多客户的Client/Server程序设计.在服务器上运行一个永久的程序,它可以接收来自多个客户端的请求,并为它们提供相应的服务.欢迎各位使用-support multiple clients Client/Server programming. The server running on a permanent procedures, which can receive from a number of the client's request, and to provide them with corresponding services. Welcome to use
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : lei

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JICQ是用JAVA语言编写的一个基于客户机/服务器(C/S)模式的局域短信实时通信工具系统,系统采用了Microsoft公司的SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库,系统通过JDBC访问数据库。系统分为服务器程序和客户程序两部分,服务器与客户间采用“传输控制协议”(TCP),通过套接字(Socket)连接,客户之间采用“用户数据报协议”(UDP),通过数据报套接字(DatagramSocket)建立连接。系统具有用户注册、用户登录、添加好友、删除好友、发送和接收消息等功能。-JICQ Java is a language based on the client/server (C/S) mode Local SMS real-time communications tool, the system uses Microsoft's SQL Server 2000 database as a background, system access to the database through JDBC. System is divided into server and two clients, the server-client "Transmission Control Protocol" (TCP), socket (Socket) connectivity, customers using the "User Datagram Protocol" (UDP), through Datagram Sockets (DatagramSocket) establish a connection. Users registered with the system, users log in, friends add, delete friends, send and receive news and other functions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : 乔峰

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电子商务系统是由吉林省明日科技有限公司开发,程序的主要目的就是通过网站来推广互联企业的产品和服务,并使客户随时可以了解企业和企业的产品,为客户提供在线服务和订单处理功能。网站不仅仅是产品和服务的推广,而是通过Internet、企业内部网(Intranet)和企业外部网(Extranet),将买家与卖家、厂商和合作伙伴紧密结合在了一起,因而消除了时间与空间带来的障碍。内容:前台首页,会员登录、会员资料修改、搜索商品、购买商品、去收银台结账、清空购物车、查询订单、销售排行和商城公告等9个模块。-e-commerce system, which is in Jilin Province tomorrow Technology Development Limited, the principal purpose is to promote the Web site through the Internet business products and services, the clients can always understand the enterprises and products, to provide customers with online services and order processing functions. Terms of products and services not only to the promotion, but through the Internet, internal network (Intranet) and the external network (Extranet), buyers and sellers, vendors and partners in a closely integrated together, thus eliminating the time and space of obstacles. Content : Home prospects, Member Login, Member revised information, search goods, buying merchandise to checkout settle accounts, emptied Cart, For inquiries, orders, sales and the largest mall annou
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.3mb Publisher : 懒丫丫

设计B/S模式的网络聊天室,客户端使用浏览器和服务器端java应用程序进行通信。采用瘦服务器富(Rich)客户端的思路,以使服务器响应大量用户的请求时减轻服务器的工作量,而客户端能轻松设计出更富动态的Web页面。-Design B/S mode network chat rooms, Clients use the browser and server-side java application procedures for communication. Fu server using thin (Rich) client's idea, to enable the server to respond to a large number of users at the request of the server to reduce the workload, and the client can easily design a more dynamic Web pages.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 362kb Publisher : 李建康

RTL-lwIP is the porting of the lwIP TCP/IP stack to RTLinux-GPL.The focus of the RTL-lwIP stack is to reduce memory usage and code size, making RTL-lwIP suitable for use in small clients with very limited resources such as embedded systems. -RTL-lwIP is the porting of the lwIP TCP/IP's tack to RTLinux- GPL.The focus of the RTL-lwIP's tack is to reduce memory usage and code size, making RTL-lwIP suitable for use in small clien ts with very limited resources such as embedded systems.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 831kb Publisher : 傅文祥

小型的java聊天室程序,一个服务端,可以有多个客户端。-Small java chat room procedures, a service client, you can have multiple clients.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 门鑫

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本书以大量精简的实例介绍了Java安全性编程方面的概念和技术,全书共计9章。 经过精心设计,每个小节的实例着重说明一个问题,又相互贯穿和联系。涉及Java加密和解密,反编译和反反编译,对类、成员变量、方法的攻击和保护,消息摘要,消息验证码,数字签名,口令保护,数字证书和证书链的生成、签发、检验和维护,SSL和HTTPS客户及服务器程序、基于代码位置和签发者的授权,签名Java Applet,基于身份的验证和授权(JAAS)等。 全书的实例极为精简,只保留了能够说明问题的代码,而又可真正运行,便于Java入门者轻松掌握安全性方面繁杂的概念。适合于适合于初步了解Java语法的学习者,也适合于安全技术的入门及高校Java教学参考。 -This book introducte the Java security programming concepts and techniques by a large number of examples ,book total of 9 chapters. Carefully designed, each section highlights examples of a problem, and contact each other throughout. Involving Java encryption and decryption, decompile and compile counter of class, member variables, methods of attack and protection, message digest, message authentication codes, digital signatures, password protection, digital certificate and certificate chain generation, issuance, inspection and maintenance, SSL and HTTPS clients and server program, based on code location and issuer of the authorized signature Java Applet, identity-based authentication and authorization (JAAS) and so on. Examples of the book is extremely streamlined, leaving only the problem that can code and who can really run, easy to Java beginners to easily grasp complex security concepts.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.27mb Publisher : wang chao

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基于Socket的局域网聊天室系统, 本系统是采用JAVA1.6来完成的,是在TCP/IP环境下,实现客户端和服务器端两部分程序(Client和Server)。即首先服务器方要启动,客户端向服务器发出请求,服务器接收到请求后提供相应的服务。当客户端连接到已启动的服务器,客户端用户登录时,客户端输入的内容通过服务器端与其他客户端连接;客户端进入聊天室聊天时,服务器端与客户端进行数据交互。-Socket LAN-based chat room system, the system is used to complete JAVA1.6 is in the TCP/IP environment, the achievement of client and server-side program in two parts (Client and Server). That is, first of all, to start the server side, the client request to the server, the server receives a request to provide the corresponding services. When the client has started to connect to the server, client users log on, enter the contents of the client through the server-side with other clients to connect client to enter the chat room to chat, the server-side data and client interaction.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 高飞

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1.实现一个采用用户自定义协议的文件传输服务器FileServer和客户FileClient。 2. 编写一服务器程序和客户程序,要求客户每输入一行数据,服务器接收后加上echo:回送给客户程序,要求服务器程序采用多线程方式和线程池为每个客户分配一个线程。-1. The realization of a use of user-defined file transfer protocol server FileServer and customer FileClient. 2. Write a server program and the client, required for every input line of data, the server after receiving add echo: back to give clients require the server program uses multiple threads and thread pools for each customer is assigned a thread.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : zhang liang

java源码, 用于检测无线网络中的AP 和clients的仿真。-The simulator iterates continuously through time until MAX_SIMTIME. At each time epoch, it checks all objects to determine whether they have any task to complete. For example, at time t it checks whether a traffic source needs to generate a packet or whether it has completed transmitting a packet.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : cxz
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