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基于at89s51单片机的数字钟程序 有闹钟秒表等功能-AT89S51 MCU-based digital clock program has features such as alarm clock stopwatch
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : licheng

MFC控件的基本应用,简单学会时钟界面.轻松入门哦-MFC controls the basic application, a simple interface clock Society. Easy entry-Oh
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 619kb Publisher : qwer

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MFC编写的一个小时钟程序,用图象显示出一个时钟,有时针,分针和秒针-MFC prepared a small clock procedures, with images showing a clock, a clock, minute hand and second hand
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 吴胜周

一个简单的数字时钟程序,其中的date类派生于MFC CStatic 基类-A simple digital clock procedures, in which category the date derived from MFC CStatic base class
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 120kb Publisher : litingjiu

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LCM128*64指针式万年 硬件:LCM128*64 M16 DS1302 软件:WinAVR 时钟:内部4M-Pointer LCM128* 64 years of hardware: LCM128* 64 M16 DS1302 Software: WinAVR Clock: Internal 4M
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : 龚伟

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很多ic芯片的资料,mcu,e2,时钟,红外,485,232接口-Ic a lot of information on the chip, mcu, e2, clock, infrared, 485232 Interface
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15.12mb Publisher : 毛伟明

多钟调制方式,适合初学者学习,内容还是不错的-Many clock modulation, suitable for beginners to learn, content is still good
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 181kb Publisher : tome

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60进制计数器,采用十分简便的方法,能够很快速的完成计数功能。-60 M-ary counter, using a very simple way to very quickly complete the count function.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 420kb Publisher : 黎明

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5800C Fm芯片资料和驱动代码 技术特点: *国内首颗采用CMOS工艺的调频收音机芯片; *驱动能力强,可直接驱动耳机及放大器; *功耗低,比国外先进方案还低1mA; *频率覆盖从76M-108M的各国调频波段; *高度集成度,所需外围器件数为零; *强大的LOW-IF数字音频结构; *强大的数字信号处理技术(DSP),实现自动频率控制和自动增益控制; *数字自适应噪声抑制 接受灵敏度高、音质出色、立体声效果优异; *支持重低音,可调式电台搜寻、柔软静音和混音等功能; *只需一个32.768K晶振作为参考时钟; *支持I2C和SPI数字接口,支持I2S音频接口,可以配合所有多媒体处理芯片; *可调去加重(50/75 us) ; *模拟和数字音量控制; *线性模拟输出电压; *两线和三线控制接口模式; *封装面积: 4×4mm,24-pin QFN-5800C Fm chip code data and drive Technical characteristics: * Domestic first CMOS process using the FM radio chip * Drive ability, and can directly drive headphones and amplifier * Low power consumption, advanced program than lower 1mA * Frequency coverage from 76M-108M FM band of countries * A high degree of integration, necessary to zero the number of peripheral devices * LOW-IF powerful digital audio structure * A powerful digital signal processing technology (DSP), automatic frequency control and AGC * Digital Adaptive Noise Reduction Acceptance of high sensitivity, excellent sound quality, excellent stereo sound effects * To support the heavy bass, adjustable radio search, soft mute and blend functions * Only one 32.768K crystal as a reference clock * Support for I2C and SPI digital interface to support I2S audio interface will be in line with all the multimedia processing chip * Adjustable de-emphasis (50/75 us) * Analog and digital volu
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : 文社

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一个时钟计数器,用VHDL语言编写,有24进制,60进制功能,能在实验平台上运行,-A clock counter, using VHDL language, 24 M, 60-band functionality, the platform can run in the experiment,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 213kb Publisher : chenqin

Cool widgets to customize your Home screen * Media Player * Profiles * Weather * Clock with world time * Wireless Manager * Calendar with 2 weeks agenda view -Cool widgets to customize your Home screen * Media Player * Profiles * Weather * Clock with world time * Wireless Manager * Calendar with 2 weeks agenda view
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.62mb Publisher : Sammy

【问题描述】普通时钟都有时针和分针,在任意时刻时针和分针都有一个夹角,并且假设时针和分针都是连续移动的。现已知当前的时刻,试求出该时刻时针和分针的夹角A(0≤A≤180)。 注意:当分针处于0分和59分之间时,时针相对于该小时的起始位置也有一个偏移角度。 【输入形式】从标准输入读取一行,是一个24小时制的时间。格式是以冒号(“:”)分隔的两个整数m(0≤m≤23)和n(0≤n≤59),其中m是小时,n是分钟。 【输出形式】向标准输出打印结果。输出一个浮点数A,是时针和分针夹角的角度值。该浮点数保留3位小数值。 【输入样例】 8:10 【输出样例】 175.000 【样例说明】8:10那个时刻时针与秒针的夹角是175.000度-【Description】 general problem of the clock and the clock minute hand has, at any time there is a clock and the angle between minute hand and hour hand and minute hand is the assumption that continuous movement. Now know the current moment, try to derive the moment and the minute hand clockwise angle A (0 ≤ A ≤ 180). Note: When the minute hand at 0 hours and 59 minutes between when the clock relative to the start position of the hour there is a migration perspective. 】 【Input form to read from standard input line, is a 24-hour time system. Format is a colon-separated (":") two integer m (0 ≤ m ≤ 23) and n (0 ≤ n ≤ 59), in which m is the hour, n is the minutes. 】 【Output format print results to standard output. Output of a floating-point A, is the angle between the clock and the minute hand angle. Floating-point numbers to retain the value 3. 】 【Input sample 8:10 【Output sample】 175.000 【Description】 8:10 sample clock with second hand at all times that the angle is 175.00
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 施立波

这是我写的一个很不错的时钟程序。用现在流行的Mega16L+DS1302+LM1602组成的年历。-This is what I wrote a very good clock procedures. Now popular with Mega16L+ DS1302+ LM1602 calendar component.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 李圣灵

单片机的数字钟设计,毕业设计,带Protel图,源代码用proteus软件仿真通过,附有毕设论文-Microcontroller digital clock design, graduate design with Protel map, the source code through the use proteus software simulation, with a Bi-based papers
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 572kb Publisher : fengxinlong

[SCM] m
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这是我写的一个非常好的多功能时钟程序,希望大家喜欢-This is what I wrote a very good multi-function clock program, I hope everyone likes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : liudehua

Distributed Logical clocks. Code will spawn n (distributed) processes Pi, 0 ≤ i < n, each one looping forever. Each loop iteration is a loop interval and its duration can be set to 1 second. In every loop interval Pi does the following: − If there is a message m pending to be received it receives m − Otherwise o It does an internal action with probability 0.80 o It sends a message to process Pj, 0 ≤ j < n and j ≠ i with probability 0.20. The message gets delayed at its source for a random amount of time < 2 sec to simulate network delay. − It calculates and prints its logical clock value along with the action it takes. Note: several messages may arrive in a process within a loop interval. In such a case they will be queued and delivered to the process in subsequent loop intervals.-Distributed Logical clocks. Code will spawn n (distributed) processes Pi, 0 ≤ i < n, each one looping forever. Each loop iteration is a loop interval and its duration can be set to 1 second. In every loop interval Pi does the following: − If there is a message m pending to be received it receives m − Otherwise o It does an internal action with probability 0.80 o It sends a message to process Pj, 0 ≤ j < n and j ≠ i with probability 0.20. The message gets delayed at its source for a random amount of time < 2 sec to simulate network delay. − It calculates and prints its logical clock value along with the action it takes. Note: several messages may arrive in a process within a loop interval. In such a case they will be queued and delivered to the process in subsequent loop intervals.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : Araz

基于VS1003,C8051F020的MP3,实现语音播放,实时时钟、日历提醒,温度检测、游戏娱乐等-Based on VS1003, C8051F020' s MP3, voice playback, real-time clock, calendar reminders, temperature detection, games and entertainment
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 265kb Publisher : 庞伟振

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m sure you ve seen analog clocks, digital clocks and maybe even binary clocks! Traditionally, analog clocks (or watches) display time by a continuous motion of two (hour, minute) or three (second) rotating pointers pointing to numbers arrayed on a circular dial. - m sure you ve seen analog clocks, digital clocks and maybe even binary clocks! Traditionally, analog clocks (or watches) display time by a continuous motion of two (hour, minute) or three (second) rotating pointers pointing to numbers arrayed on a circular dial.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : ishan

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这是使用单片机内部的定时器编写的时钟程序,可以显示小时、分钟、秒。初始值为固定值,大家可以根据需要修改。晶振:12.0 M-This is written using the MCU internal clock timer program that can display hours, minutes, seconds. The initial value is fixed, we can edit. Crystal: 12.0 M
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 孙俊

改进的Clock算法(Not Recently Used):为每页设置一访问位A,和一修改位M,将内存中的所有页面保存在一个类似于钟面的数据结构中,实验中采用了循环数组来模拟时钟。某页被访问,访问位置1;某页面被修改,修改位置1。本实验采用的是发生命中时,指针指向下一个页面。当发生缺页中断时,既要考虑最近未被访问过的页面,又要考虑最近未被修改过的页面,其执行步骤分为以下三步: 1:从当前指针所指位置扫描一遍循环数组,寻找A=0、M=0的页面,若找到,则置换页面,第一次扫描过程中不修改访问位。 2:如果第一步失败,则开始第二轮扫描,寻找A=0且M=1的页面,找到后立即置换,并将所有扫描过的页面访问位A都置0。 3:如果第二步仍未找到,则重复第一步,必要时再重复第二步,直到找到可以被置换出的页面为止。 -clocking algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 443kb Publisher : vivi
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