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实现点云文件的读取与显示,要求点云文件是DAT文件,文件头是点数乘以3,其后是每个点的具体坐标。可以用鼠标进行交互-The realization of point cloud file to read and display requested document is a point cloud DAT files, the first is multiplied by 3 points, followed by the specific coordinates of each point. Can interact with the mouse
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.4mb Publisher : YY

BMyCrust take as input a 3D scatter points cloud and return a tight, manifold, triangulation. Remember that crust algorithm needs a cloud representing a volume, so open surface may give inaccurate results. For example : a plane can not be triangulated, half-sphere is in doubt, a sphere with a small hole shoud be good. The more points are given the best the surface will be fitted, of course in this case you would have to wait more and in the worst case a memory help error may occurs. The best results are obtained with more points in high curvature feature. The old version did not ensure the output surface to be a manifold so it could be used only for graphical purpose. In the new one a tight, regular manifold is returned. It as outward normals orientation, after using this algorithm is very easy to get an STL file from a point cloud. I added a manifold extraction tool that also correct the errors (slivers) generated by delaunayn during the initial tessellation.-BMyCrust take as input a 3D scatter points cloud and return a tight, manifold, triangulation. Remember that crust algorithm needs a cloud representing a volume, so open surface may give inaccurate results. For example : a plane can not be triangulated, half-sphere is in doubt, a sphere with a small hole shoud be good. The more points are given the best the surface will be fitted, of course in this case you would have to wait more and in the worst case a memory help error may occurs. The best results are obtained with more points in high curvature feature. The old version did not ensure the output surface to be a manifold so it could be used only for graphical purpose. In the new one a tight, regular manifold is returned. It as outward normals orientation, after using this algorithm is very easy to get an STL file from a point cloud. I added a manifold extraction tool that also correct the errors (slivers) generated by delaunayn during the initial tessellation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.76mb Publisher : naz

在VS2008和opencv下,对2D/3D点(云)数据实现三角剖分,运算速度快,实时性好,计算精度高,并对三角剖分进行了优化,可以处理复杂点集的三角剖分,可以用于人脸识别的工作-In the VS2008 and opencv, the pairs of 2D/3D points (cloud) data to achieve triangulation, calculation speed, real-time performance is good, high precision, and triangulation is optimized to handle complex point set triangulation can be used in the work of face recognition
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 143kb Publisher : 三角剖分VC++

This tool is a simplification of the ballpivoting algorithm. It imagines a bella eating a delaunay traignulation in order to extract a manifold surface. It requires a single parameter: radius of the fretting ball. Ball Fretting Given a uniform sampled filled point cloud returns a tight triangulation. Input: ■tetr: a set of tetraedrons, nx4 array. If the cloud is not tesselated yet you need to call a delaunay triangulator prior calling this function. ■p : nx3 array, 3D set of points. ■r : the only parameter of the algorithm, the radius of the fretting ball Output: ■t : triangles ids, nx3 array ■tnorm: normals of triangles with outwards orientation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 832kb Publisher : tao lu

Plantra-Trajectory Planning is a software to rebuild surfaces from cloud points, featuring shaded 3D visualization and path planning for robotics paths. It uses Voronoi diagram, Cyrus-Beck clipping, Delaunay triangulation and B-Splines
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.18mb Publisher : superlzhi
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