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A starting point for creating a web site for your club or organization. Includes a news posting, calendaring, member directory, and photo album systems. Create news announcements and news articles with photos or links to a photo album. Create and view Membership lists of club members. Create photo albums and share the photos from your club activities.-A starting point for creating a web site for your club or organization. Includes a news post ing, calendaring, member directory, and photo album systems. Back news announcem ents and news articles with photos or links to a p hoto album. Create and view lists of Membership club members. Create photo albums and share the photos from your club activities.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 378kb Publisher : tracy618

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1.创建一副扑克牌 包括四种花色:黑桃 红桃 梅花 方片 十三点种数 : 2-10 j Q K A [考虑大小王] 2.创建两名玩家: 玩家要有ID 姓名 手牌等属性 手牌为扑克牌的集合 3.洗牌 将之前创建的一副扑克牌打乱顺序 4.发牌 将洗好之后的扑克牌集合 从第一张开始发给两名玩家,按照一人一张的方式,没人发两张 5.游戏规则 从控制台输入两名玩家的信息 进行游戏 取两名玩家各自手中最大的点数进行比较,点数大的赢,如果点数相等,按照花色比较 :黑 红 梅 方 玩家类 interface 处理业务类 Impl 1.创建一副牌的函数 2.创建两名玩家 3.洗牌的方法 4.发牌的方法 控制层类(1. create a deck of cards Including four kinds: spades Hearts Club square piece Thirteen points: 2-10, J, Q, K, A [considering size, king] 2. create two players: Players should have ID names, hand cards and other attributes, hand cards for the collection 3. shuffle Upset a deck of cards created earlier 4. cards The set of cards after being washed will be sent to two players from the start, and no one will send two cards in one person 5. rules of the game Enter two player information from the console for the game The maximum two points compared to game player in their hands, a large number of points wins. If the points are equal, in accordance with the color: black plum party Player class Interface handles business class Impl 1. create a deck of functions 2. create two players 3. shuffling methods 4. cards approach Control layer class)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : yyx_2017
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