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实现sobel,canny,LOG算法的边缘检测 以及EM算法的图象分割-achieve segmentation, canny, LOG edge detection algorithm and the EM algorithm for image segmentation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : 臧明

Multiclass Spectral Clustering Algorithm,和Dominant-set算法同属于较常用的聚类算法,用于图像分割等-Multiclass Spectral Clustering Algorith m, and Dominant-set algorithm is more commonly used with the clustering algorithm for image segmentation, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : sai

这是N-Cut算法的matlab程序,可用于图像分割等-This is the N-Cut algorithm Matlab procedures can be used for image segmentation, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 46kb Publisher : maggie

人工选择聚类中心,用k-means聚类方法对图像进行分割,效果不错的-artificial selection cluster center, k-means clustering method for image segmentation, the good results
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : gggg

自己编写的基于直方图的遗传聚类算法,用于图象分割。-prepared based on their genetic histogram clustering algorithm for image segmentation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 张清华

中心点漂移是一种非监督聚类算法(与k-means算法相似,但应用范围更广些),可用于图像分割,基于Matlab实现的源码。 MedoidShift is a unsupervised clustering algorithm(similar to k-means algorithm, but can be used in border application fields), can be used for image segmentation. Included is the Matlab implementation source code.-Center drift is a non-supervised clustering algorithm (k-means algorithm with the similar, but more a wider range of applications), can be used for image segmentation, based on the realization of the source Matlab. MedoidShift is a unsupervised clustering algorithm (similar to k-means algorithm, but can be used in border application fields), can be used for image segmentation. Included is the Matlab implementation source code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 36kb Publisher : 陈明

利用c均值方法对图象进行聚类分割,此为matlab环境下的仿真代码-Use c-means clustering methods for image segmentation, this is matlab code simulation environment
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王英

介绍了视觉颜色空间及其在交互式图像分割中的作用, 实验分析了它的奇异性, 在此基础上, 考虑像素的 空间和色彩分布, 提出了基于区域生长法的多颜色空间、 多度量准则的聚类算法和零碎区域的合并算法, 颜色空间选取HSL 和RGB 两种, 相似性度量包括了种子点、 扩张点和生长区域三个方面, 并用于敦煌壁画图像的分割.-Introduce the visual color space and its application in interactive image segmentation of the role, experimental analysis of its singularity, on this basis, taking into pixel space and color distribution, based on region growing multi-color space, multi-metric criteria clustering algorithm and fragmented region merging algorithm, select the HSL color space and RGB are two similarity measure, including the seed point, the expansion point and the three aspects of regional growth, and for image segmentation in Dunhuang murals.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 340kb Publisher : singro jiang

DL : 0
通过模糊c-均值(FCM)聚类实现图像的分割。-Through the fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering to achieve image segmentation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 553kb Publisher : qht

快速K均值聚类图像分割算法源代码,能很好的实现图像的分割处理-Fast K-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation source code, can achieve very good to deal with image segmentation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 327kb Publisher : zhangyun

matlab模糊聚类算法进行图像分割的源程序-matlab fuzzy clustering algorithm for image segmentation source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15kb Publisher : 熊文涛

该程序是我毕业设计时候做的,是运用蚁群聚类算法进行图像分割的程序,针对普通图像跟MRI图像进行处理,效果不错!-The program is designed to graduate when I do, is to use ant colony clustering algorithm for image segmentation procedure, for the ordinary image processing with the MRI images, good results!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 518kb Publisher : 成林

DL : 1
将K均值算法用于图像分割,输入的是彩色图像,转换为灰度图像进行分割,输出结果为灰度图像.利用灰度做为特征对每个像素进行聚类,由于光照等原因,有时应该属于一个物体的像素,其灰度值也会有很大的差别,可能导致对该像素的聚类发生错误.在分割结果中,该物体表面会出现一些不同于其它像素的噪声点,因此,算法的最后,对结果进行一次中值滤波,以消除噪声,达到平滑图像的作用-The K means algorithm for image segmentation, the input is a color image, convert to grayscale image segmentation, the output of grayscale images. The use of gray as the characteristics of each pixel clustering, due to light and other reasons, and sometimes should belong to an object pixel, its gray value will also be very different, may lead to clustering of the pixel error has occurred. in the segmentation results, the surface, there would be different from other pixel noise points, so , the algorithm Finally, the results of a median filter to eliminate noise, to the role of smoothing the image
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 328kb Publisher : caoliang

谱聚类算法进行图像分割,该算法应用MATLAB运行。-Spectral clustering algorithm for image segmentation, the algorithm is applied to run MATLAB.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : liulili

用于图像分割的自调整普聚类算法,可实现大多数图像的无监督分割-Self-tunning spectral clustering for image segmentation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 126kb Publisher : 沈郑燕

基于核的FCM,可以用于聚类或者图像分割,但运行速度不是很快 自己不知道如何优化-Kernel-based FCM, can be used for clustering or image segmentation, but the speed is not fast they do not know how to optimize
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 盛春冬

算法目的:通过模糊c-均值(FCM)聚类实现图像的分割-Algorithm Objective: fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering for image segmentation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 方明

迭代模糊聚类算法,可以用于图像分割,优化算法-Iterative fuzzy clustering algorithm, can be used for image segmentation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23kb Publisher : zhaoyong

DL : 0
利用模糊聚类的方法对图像分割,效果不错,就是速度慢得很(By using the method of fuzzy clustering for image segmentation, the effect is good, speed is very slow)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 394kb Publisher : PMMRbnop%2524025

spectral clustering for image segmentation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.29mb Publisher : Rah85
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