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K-均值聚类算法的编程实现。包括逐点聚类和批处理聚类。K-均值聚类的的时间复杂度是n*k*m,其中n为样本数,k为类别数,m为样本维数。这个时间复杂度是相当客观的。因为如果用每秒10亿次的计算机对50个样本采用穷举法分两类,寻找最优,列举一遍约66.7天,分成3类,则要约3500万年。针对算法局部最优的缺点,本人正在编制模拟退火程序进行改进。希望及早奉给大家,倾听高手教诲。-K-means clustering algorithm programming. Point by point, including clustering and clustering batch. K-means clustering of the time complexity of n * k * m, n samples, several types of k, m sample dimension. The time complexity is a very objective. Because if we use one billion times per second the computer using 50 samples of two exhaustive method to find the optimal set out again about 66.7 days, divided into three categories, offering 3,500 years. Local optimal algorithm against the shortcomings, I was prepared simulated annealing process improvements. Early Feng hope for everyone, listen to the master teachings.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.98kb Publisher : 韩磊

由于K-均值聚类算法局部最优的特点,而模拟退火算法理论上具有全局最优的特点。因此,用模拟退火算法对聚类进行了改进。20组聚类仿真表明,平均每次对K结果值改进8次左右,效果显著。下一步工作:实际上在高温区随机生成邻域是个组合爆炸问题(见本人上载软件‘k-均值聚类算法’所述),高温跳出局部解的概率几乎为0,因此正考虑采用凸包约束进行模拟聚类,相关工作正在进行。很快将奉献给各位朋友。-as K-means clustering algorithm for optimal local characteristics, and simulated annealing algorithm theory with the characteristics of the global optimum. Thus, simulated annealing algorithm for clustering improvements. Cluster Group of 20 simulations show that the average value of K results improved about eight times, the results are obvious. The next step : In fact, in high temperature generated random neighborhood is a combination of explosives (see my software on the 'k-means clustering algorithm' mentioned above), high-temperature solution of partial out almost zero probability, it is considering the use of convex hull bound for simulation cluster, the work under way . Soon dedication to the ladies.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.64kb Publisher : 韩磊

K-均值聚类算法的编程实现。包括逐点聚类和批处理聚类。K-均值聚类的的时间复杂度是n*k*m,其中n为样本数,k为类别数,m为样本维数。这个时间复杂度是相当客观的。因为如果用每秒10亿次的计算机对50个样本采用穷举法分两类,寻找最优,列举一遍约66.7天,分成3类,则要约3500万年。针对算法局部最优的缺点,本人正在编制模拟退火程序进行改进。希望及早奉给大家,倾听高手教诲。-K-means clustering algorithm programming. Point by point, including clustering and clustering batch. K-means clustering of the time complexity of n* k* m, n samples, several types of k, m sample dimension. The time complexity is a very objective. Because if we use one billion times per second the computer using 50 samples of two exhaustive method to find the optimal set out again about 66.7 days, divided into three categories, offering 3,500 years. Local optimal algorithm against the shortcomings, I was prepared simulated annealing process improvements. Early Feng hope for everyone, listen to the master teachings.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 韩磊

由于K-均值聚类算法局部最优的特点,而模拟退火算法理论上具有全局最优的特点。因此,用模拟退火算法对聚类进行了改进。20组聚类仿真表明,平均每次对K结果值改进8次左右,效果显著。下一步工作:实际上在高温区随机生成邻域是个组合爆炸问题(见本人上载软件‘k-均值聚类算法’所述),高温跳出局部解的概率几乎为0,因此正考虑采用凸包约束进行模拟聚类,相关工作正在进行。很快将奉献给各位朋友。-as K-means clustering algorithm for optimal local characteristics, and simulated annealing algorithm theory with the characteristics of the global optimum. Thus, simulated annealing algorithm for clustering improvements. Cluster Group of 20 simulations show that the average value of K results improved about eight times, the results are obvious. The next step : In fact, in high temperature generated random neighborhood is a combination of explosives (see my software on the 'k-means clustering algorithm' mentioned above), high-temperature solution of partial out almost zero probability, it is considering the use of convex hull bound for simulation cluster, the work under way . Soon dedication to the ladies.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 韩磊

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模拟退火算法实现,内负有模拟退火的聚类,TSP等等6种问题的实现例子,在EXAMPLE文件夹内-Simulated annealing algorithm, which has a simulated annealing clustering, TSP, etc. 6 kinds of issues realize examples folder in EXAMPLE
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 53kb Publisher : wy

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此文档是K类均值聚类和模拟退火结合的软硬件化分算法。众所周知,模拟退火算法的通用性,此算法是模拟退火的改进,较单纯的SA更优秀。-This document is a category K-means clustering and simulated annealing combination of hardware and software sub-algorithm. As we all know, the generic simulated annealing algorithm, this algorithm is the improvement of simulated annealing, a simpler SA better.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 64kb Publisher : 石敏敏

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基于遗传模拟退火算法的聚类算法。将模拟退火算法与遗传算法相结合用于聚类分析,由于模拟退火算法和遗传算法可以互相取长补短,因此有效地克服了传统遗传算法的早熟现象,同时根据聚类问题的具体情况设计遗传编码方式、适应度函数,使该算法更有效、更快速地收敛到全局最优解。 -Genetic simulated annealing algorithm based on clustering algorithms. Simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm are combined for cluster analysis, the simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm can complement each other, thus effectively overcome the premature convergence of the traditional genetic algorithm, and clustering problem based on the specific circumstances of the design of genetic encoding , fitness function, making the algorithm more effective, more quickly converge to the global optimal solution.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 杨剑浩

自己在各个论坛上搜集的十大算法,Dijkstra算法,Floyd算法,动态规划,分治算法,概率算法,灰色预测,聚类算法,蒙特卡洛,模拟退火算法,神经网络等等,附有算法的原理,部分含有相关的程序源代码。-In various forums to collect the ten algorithms, Dijkstra algorithm, the Floyd algorithm, dynamic programming, divide and conquer algorithms, probabilistic algorithms, gray prediction, clustering algorithms, Monte Carlo, simulated annealing, neural networks, etc., accompanied by the algorithmthe principle, in part contain the source code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.14mb Publisher : 黄绍广

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matlab学习案例,基于遗传模拟退火算法的聚类算法-the matlab case study, the clustering algorithm based on genetic simulated annealing algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : 蔡正杰

基于遗传模拟退火算法的聚类算法肯定是可以用的,而且效果不错的。-Certainly genetic simulated annealing algorithm-based clustering algorithm can be used, and the effect is good.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : 杨晓帆

MATLAB智能算法30个案例分析,109页的详细讲解,程序和程序注解,可以直接复制代码。包括遗传算法,基于遗传算法和非线性规划的函数寻优算法,遗传算法工具箱详解及应用,多种群遗传算法的函数优化算法, 基于粒子群算法的多目标搜索算法,基于多层编码遗传算法的车间调度算法,基于遗传模拟退火算法的聚类算法,蚁群算法,支持向量机等等30章。-MATLAB intelligent algorithm 30 case studies, 109 detailed explanations, procedures and procedures annotations, you can directly copy the code. Including genetic algorithms, function optimization algorithm based on genetic algorithm and nonlinear programming, genetic algorithm toolbox the Xiangjie and application, the function of a variety of population genetic algorithm optimization algorithms, multi-target search algorithm based on particle swarm optimization based on multi-coding The genetic algorithm shop scheduling algorithm based on genetic simulated annealing algorithm clustering algorithm, ant colony algorithm, support vector machines, etc. 30 cases and chapters.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.49mb Publisher : Binjie Liao

遗传模拟退火+聚类 源程序+数据 学习该算法的重要案例-Genetic simulated annealing the+ clustering source+ data to learn the important case of the algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : wangying

matlab数学建模中的15个模型的算法讲解与举例,包括灰色预测、灰色关联分析、主成分分析法、模糊聚类分析、随机模拟、多元回归模型、正交试验设计、图论、目标规划模型、马尔可夫预测方法、时间序列分析、模糊综合评价模型、层次分析模型、模糊数学方法、模拟退火算法。-15 model matlab mathematical modeling method to explain with examples, including the gray prediction, gray correlation analysis, principal component analysis, fuzzy clustering analysis, stochastic simulation, a multiple regression model, orthogonal design, graph theory, goal programmingmodel, Markov forecasting methods, time series analysis, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, analytic hierarchy model, fuzzy mathematical methods, simulated annealing algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 664kb Publisher : 吴自强

聚类算法,以及基于遗传模拟退火算法的聚类算法,优化聚类算法-Clustering algorithm, and the clustering algorithm based on genetic simulated annealing algorithm to optimize the clustering algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 219kb Publisher : 周云

由于K-means 聚类方法对遥感图像进行分类时,对训练样本的选取依赖性很大,容易陷入局部最优的陷阱的情况,本文提出利用模拟退化算法对K-means 的聚类进行优化以获得 全局最优解的分类新方案。并以多波段影像为例进行验证分析,结果表明该方法可行,收敛 结果优于K-means 聚类算法,分类精度相对传统的K-means 算法更高。-Because K-means clustering classification depend on the training sample selection,great easy to fall into local optimum, in this paper , using Simulated Annealing algorithm to optimize K-means cluster analysis to obtain the global best optimal solution of the classification of 20 the new program. And multi-band image as an example to verify the analysis results, showing that the method is feasible, convergence results are better than K-means clustering algorithm, classification accuracy compared to traditional K-means algorithm is higher
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 428kb Publisher : huaoking

介绍了基于遗传模拟退火算法的聚类算法,给出了其编程程序-Introduces the simulated annealing algorithm based on genetic clustering algorithm gives its programming procedures
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : 李炫富

matlab源代码 包括K均值聚类 鱼群算法 模拟退火 蚁群算法 端点检测等-matlab source code, including K-means clustering algorithm simulated annealing ant colony algorithm fish endpoint detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.58mb Publisher : 杨存强

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基于遗传模拟退火算法的聚类算法的源码文件-Genetic simulated annealing algorithm based clustering algorithm source code file
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : liyaohui

智能计算主要程序源码,有matlab的模糊聚类图像分割,还有VC++编写的模拟退火和遗传算法。-Intelligent Computing The main program source code, there is matlab fuzzy clustering image segmentation, as well as VC++ Prepared simulated annealing and genetic algorithms.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15.08mb Publisher : 魏琳

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基于K均值的PSO聚类算法,用于图像处理的独立分量分析,基于混沌的模拟退火算法。- K-means clustering algorithm based on the PSO, Independent component analysis for image processing, Chaos-based simulated annealing algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 王军毅
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