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Most motion-based tracking algorithms assume that objects undergo rigid motion, which is most likely disobeyed in real world. In this paper, we present a novel motion-based tracking framework which makes no such assumptions. Object is represented by a set of local invariant features, whose motions are observed by a feature correspon- dence process. A generative model is proposed to depict the relationship between local feature motions and object global motion, whose parameters are learned efciently by an on-line EM algorithm. And the object global motion is estimated in term of maximum likelihood of observations.Then an updating mechanism is employed to adapt object representation. Experiments show that our framework is exible and robust in dealing with appearance changes,background clutter, illumination changes and occlusion
Update : 2010-10-20 Size : 414.75kb Publisher : chenjieke

Patent:SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR 3D OBJECT RECOGNITION. The present invention provides a system and method for recognizing a 3D object in a single camera image and for determining the 3D pose of the object with respect to the camera coordinate system. In one typical application, the 3D pose is used to make a robot pick up the object. A view-based approach is presented that does not show the drawbacks of previous methods because it is robust to image noise, object occlusions, clutter, and contrast changes. Furthermore, the 3D pose is determined with a high accuracy. Finally, the presented method allows the recognition of the 3D object as well as the determination of its 3D pose in a very short computation time, making it also suitable for real-time applications. These improvements are achieved by the methods disclosed herein.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 578kb Publisher : yangwei

Rule-driven Object Tracking in Clutter and Partial Occlusion with Model-based Snakes - G. Tsechpenakis2004
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.57mb Publisher : terminator86

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介绍了MTI雷达(动目标检测雷达)。该类型雷达能够抑制杂波保留目标信号。对MTI雷达进行了仿真,并利用参差重频消除盲速影响,讨论了MTI雷达参差比取不同的值对盲速的影响-This code introduce the use of MTI radar that inhibits clutter in order to remain object signal, and simulate the system for MTI radar using multiple PRFs to eliminate hte influence of blind velocity.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : 朱亮亮

本代码介绍了舰载相控阵雷达在海杂波背景下进行动目标检测的方法,性能稳定,杂波消除明显,目标信号提取有效,代码值得相关研究人员学习和参考。-This code introduces the method of how shipborne PAR radar detects moving object signal in strong sea clutter background with many good attributes.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 14kb Publisher : 朱亮亮

对线性调频脉冲压缩雷达进行了仿真,考虑了实际目标回波包含的系统噪声和地物杂波、高频放大器设计、混频器设计、中频放大器设计、正交鉴相器设计、时域和频域脉冲压缩(脉压)、MTI、MTD及CFAR恒虚警等多个方面。-This code simulates the system of LFM pulse compression radar taking into account of system noise and clutter contained in object signal and many other aspects important in a complete radar system.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 309kb Publisher : 朱亮亮

We present an object class detection approach which fully integrates the complementary strengths offered by shape matchers. Like an object detector, it can learn class models directly from images, and can localize novel instances in the presence of intra-class variations, clutter, and scale changes. Like a shape matcher, it finds the boundaries of objects, rather than just their bounding-boxes. This is achieved by a novel technique for learning a shape model of an object class given images of example instances. Furthermore, we also integrate Hough-style voting with a non-rigid point matching algorithm to localize the model in cluttered images. As demonstrated by an extensive evaluation, our method can localize object boundaries accurately and does not need segmented examples for training (only bounding-boxes).
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.12mb Publisher : Daria

  本数据库系统主要解决在学校图书馆中,实现图书基本情况的录入、修改、删除,能够办理借书卡,实现借书功能、还书功能 ,实现对借阅者图书证的录入、删除,以及根据图书编号对图书进行查询。 系统开发的意图是帮助图书管理人员提高管理效率,通过本管理系统软件,能帮助工作人员利用计算机,快速方便的对图书信息数据进行管理、输入、输出、查找的操作,使杂乱的图书信息数据能够具体化、直观化、合理化等。另一方面方便学生使用,快速查找相关书籍信息, 目前图书管理系统在学校的图书管理中起着不可替代的作用,是一个典型的数据库系统。本次的课程设计采用了结构化和面向对象程序设计的方法,使后台数据库具有可扩展性,前台界面简单实用。本系统在Windows XP环境中采用Visual Basic为开发平台,使用SQL SERVER创建数据库,用于对图书信息资料的增加、删除、修改,以及学生借书还书信息的增加、删除、修改。此系统经过分析、设计、编码、调试等一系列步骤,初步实现了设计目标,并且经过适当完善后,最终作出了一个虽简洁但却实用的图书管理系统。-The database system is mainly to solve in the school library, library basic input, modify, delete, can apply for a library card, achieve a library function, but also the book function, to achieve the borrower library card entry, deletion, and in accordance with Book Number of books to search. System development is intended to help librarians improve management efficiency through the management system software, can help staff the use of computers for book information quickly and easily manage the data, input, output, look for operation, making information and data clutter of books to be specific, intuitive, rationalization and so on. On the other hand facilitate students to use, fast search related information, Library management system currently in school library management plays an irreplaceable role, is a typical database system. The course was designed with structured and object-oriented programming approach, so that the background database scalability, front interface is simple an
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8.44mb Publisher : owen

本书是关于雷达目标检测和恒虚警(CFAR)处理理论与方法的一部专著。书中总结了三十多年来,在这一领域国际上的研究进展及大量研究成果。全书由15章组成,主要内容有经典的固定门限检测、均值类CFAR检测器、有序统计类CFAR检测器、采用自动筛选技术的广义有序统计类CFAR检测器、自适应CFAR检测器、韦布尔和对数正态杂波背景中的CFAR检测器、复合高斯分布杂波中的CFAR处理、非参量CFAR处理、杂波图CFAR处理、变换域CFAR处理、距离扩展目标检测、多传感器分布式CFAR处理以及其他CFAR处理方法,最后是本书的回顾、建议与展望-This book is about the radar target detection and constant false alarm rate (CFAR) processing theory and methods of a monograph. The book summarizes the thirty years, research progress in this area and a large number of international research. The book consists of 15 chapters, the main contents of the classic fixed threshold detection, mean class CFAR detector, orderly statistical category CFAR detector, automatic screening generalized order statistics class CFAR detector, adaptive CFAR detector, Wei Boolean and lognormal clutter the CFAR detector, complex Gaussian clutter CFAR processing, non-parametric CFAR processing, clutter map CFAR processing, CFAR processing transform domain the extended target detection, multi-sensor distributed CFAR processing and other CFAR processing method, and finally the review of the book, suggestions and Prospects
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4.68mb Publisher : wangjianlu

Cogl is a modern 3D graphics API with associated utility APIs designed to expose the features of 3D graphics hardware using a more object oriented design than OpenGL. The library has primarily been driven by the practical needs of Clutter but it is not tied to any one toolkit or even constrained to developing UI toolkits.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3.5mb Publisher : liwei

对红外背景抑制技术进行了相关讨论和研究,在总结前人研究成果的基础 上,提出一种基于模式侧抑制的背景抑制方法。实验结果表明,该方法在有效增强 目标的同时,又能对复杂背景进行很好的抑制,在提高信杂比方面表现出良好的性 能。 -The technique of background suppression in IR image is discussed and studied principally. Based on the outcomes developed, an algorithm of small target detection based on pattern lateral inhibition is proposed. Experiments results demonstrate the approach proposed to be effective in detecting small target in clutter.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 774kb Publisher : 陈想

One of the most popular approaches to detect lines is based on the Radon transform (RT). But in real-world applications RT-based approach suffers the noise and clutter, because they decrease the sharpness of the local maximums. In this paper we suggest a new approach to computational effective line detection using the Weighted Radon Transform (WRT). The suggested WRT-based approach uses gradient direction information, so only the differences that are perpendicular to the line direction are integrated to make a local maximum corresponding to the line. The theoretical and experimental studies show the effectiveness of the WRT-based line detection. The suggested WRTbased algorithm can be effectively implemented in real-time systems using parallelization and FFT-based techniques. Keywords: Radon transform, line detection, object detection.-One of the most popular approaches to detect lines is based on the Radon transform (RT). But in real-world applications RT-based approach suffers the noise and clutter, because they decrease the sharpness of the local maximums. In this paper we suggest a new approach to computational effective line detection using the Weighted Radon Transform (WRT). The suggested WRT-based approach uses gradient direction information, so only the differences that are perpendicular to the line direction are integrated to make a local maximum corresponding to the line. The theoretical and experimental studies show the effectiveness of the WRT-based line detection. The suggested WRTbased algorithm can be effectively implemented in real-time systems using parallelization and FFT-based techniques. Keywords: Radon transform, line detection, object detection.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 538kb Publisher : Lamine
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