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iphone 和 ipad 游戏引擎cocos2d 详细讲解-the cocos2d game engine for iphone and ipad
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16.39mb Publisher : xujiyuan

DL : 0
植物大战僵尸cocos2d android-plant vs zombie cocos2d android
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.9mb Publisher : tangxiansheng21

cocos2djs-tetris:tetris implemented using cocos2d-js,build 1. create a new hello world project using cocos new -l js tetris 2. copy all the things into the new directory, overwrite all existing files 3. build for android cocos compile -p android 4. run in broswer cocos run -p web -cocos2djs-tetris:tetris implemented using cocos2d-js,build 1. create a new hello world project using cocos new-l js tetris 2. copy all the things into the new directory, overwrite all existing files 3. build for android cocos compile-p android 4. run in broswer cocos run-p web
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 344kb Publisher : heisheng
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