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Description: 清华大学出版社 2004版 曹雪虹老师编的《信息论与编码》 教学课件(ppt格式),包括各章习题解答,复习,和教学日历(ppt格式)。学生反映课件效果还行-Qinghua University Press 2004 version CAO Xue-hong teachers series "information theory and coding" Courseware (ppt format), including the chapter to answer the questions, review, and teaching calendar (word format). Students also reflect the effect of courseware OK.
Platform: | Size: 4211712 | Author: | Hits:

[Program docchannelcodingbyHanVinck

Description: 详细阐述信道编码在实际系统中的应用,其中包括了RS码,turbo码以及信息论。-elaborate channel coding system in the actual application, including the RS code, turbo codes and information theory.
Platform: | Size: 7056384 | Author: 聂华 | Hits:


Description: 信息论与编码的一本比较好的电子版参考书,供交流学写用-Information theory and coding of an electronic version of a better reference for the exchange of learning to write with
Platform: | Size: 10651648 | Author: ligangmiao | Hits:


Description: 信息理论与编码——关于信息熵迭代算法的matlab仿真程序-Information Theory and Coding- on the information entropy iterative algorithm matlab simulation program
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 陈子飞 | Hits:

[Program docinformation_theory_and_coding

Description: 信息论与编码理论的经典书籍,详细介绍了finit field以及基于它的convolution code, block code, 最新的coding方法也有涉及。-Information theory and coding theory of classic books, described in detail based on finit field, as well as its convolution code, block code, the latest as well as the coding method.
Platform: | Size: 7117824 | Author: kun | Hits:

[Program docInformationTheoryandNetworkCoding

Description: e-book :Raymond W. Yeung "Information Theory and Network Coding.pdf"communication material,Information theory
Platform: | Size: 3542016 | Author: sotiiis | Hits:


Description: 高等教育出版社版<<信息论与编码课件>>.-PPT for <information Theory and Coding>.
Platform: | Size: 1249280 | Author: 黄习培 | Hits:


Description: this file gives the important information theory and coding in matlab
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: guhan | Hits:


Description: Introduction To Coding Theory And Algebraic Geometry
Platform: | Size: 4476928 | Author: thon | Hits:


Description: 构造围长8列重4的准循环的LDPC码的MATLAB源码-constructs girth-eight column-weight four LDPC codes Coding and Information Theory. girth-eight, QC-LDPC Codes
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 舒若 | Hits:


Description: Network information theory aims to establish the fundamental limits on information flow in networks and the optimal coding schemes that achieve these limits. It extends Shannon’s fundamental theorems on point-to-point communication and the Ford–Fulkerson max-flow min-cut theoremfor graphical unicast networks to general networks withmultiple sources and destinations and shared resources. Although the theory is far fromcomplete, many elegant results and techniques have been developed over the past forty years with potential applications in real-world networks. This book presents these results in a coherent and simplified manner that should make the subject accessible to graduate students and researchers in electrical engineering, computer science, statistics, and related fields, as well as to researchers and practitioners in industry.
Platform: | Size: 3757056 | Author: zaman | Hits:

[File FormatWiley.Interscience.Elements.of.Information.Theory

Description: In information theory and coding theory, information about the file is Shannon
Platform: | Size: 4107264 | Author: moradi | Hits:

[Program docintroduce-of-information-theory

Description: 信息论与编码绪论部分,重点介绍了信息论与通信原理及高频电子线路的关系-Information theory and coding preface, highlighting information theory and communication theory and the relationship between high-frequency electronic circuits
Platform: | Size: 2393088 | Author: nihao | Hits:

[3G developInformation-Theory-and-Coding

Description: 对于现代通信领域的研究所必须掌握的信息论与信息代码的资料-The Institute of Modern communications field of information theory and information must master code information
Platform: | Size: 6491136 | Author: 王钥 | Hits:

[Education soft systemHuffman-coding-and-Compression--algorithm

Description: Huffman coding and Compression algorithm c++ code In computer science and information theory, a Huffman code is an optimal prefix code found using the algorithm developed by David A. Huffman while he was a Ph.D. student at MIT, and published in the 1952 paper A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes .[1] The process of finding and/or using such a code is called Huffman coding and is a common technique in entropy encoding, including in lossless data compression. The algorithm s output can be viewed as a variable-length code table for encoding a source symbol (such as a character in a file). Huffman s algorithm derives this table based on the estimated probability or frequency of occurrence (weight) for each possible value of the source symbol. -Huffman coding and Compression algorithm c++ code In computer science and information theory, a Huffman code is an optimal prefix code found using the algorithm developed by David A. Huffman while he was a Ph.D. student at MIT, and published in the 1952 paper A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes .[1] The process of finding and/or using such a code is called Huffman coding and is a common technique in entropy encoding, including in lossless data compression. The algorithm s output can be viewed as a variable-length code table for encoding a source symbol (such as a character in a file). Huffman s algorithm derives this table based on the estimated probability or frequency of occurrence (weight) for each possible value of the source symbol.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: stoulod | Hits:

[Crack HackHuffman-coding-and-decoding

Description: 完整的哈弗曼编码译码程序,信息论与编码课程实验中经常用到的程序-Complete Huffman coding and decoding procedures, information theory and coding course experiments frequently used programs
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 左晨 | Hits:

[Program docA-students-guide-to-coding-and-information-theory

Description: A student s guide to coding and information theory-Cambridge University Press (2012)
Platform: | Size: 823296 | Author: toshine | Hits:

[Program docElements-of-Information-Theory

Description: 信息论领域的经典著作,由该领域大师Cover合作完成,包括数据压缩,信道编码和信道容量等领域的概述,适合初学者和科研人员作为教材-Classic information theory in the field of cooperation in this field is completed by the master of Cover, including data compression, an overview of channel coding and channel capacity in areas such as, for beginners and researchers as a textbook
Platform: | Size: 4107264 | Author: 何山峰 | Hits:


Description: 信息论与编码 陈运主编 无水印完整版答案Information theory and coding-Information theory and coding Chen Yun editor without watermark full version of the answer
Platform: | Size: 441344 | Author: 陈思 | Hits:

[matlabArithmetic coding

Description: 算术编解码,利用MATLAB实现信息论与编码中的算术编码。(Arithmetic coding, which uses MATLAB to implement arithmetic coding in information theory and coding.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 开水烫 | Hits:
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