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六 程序实现: #include <stdio.h> typedef struct { int row int col }Position int FindPath (Position start, Position finish, int &PathLen, Position *&path) { //计算从起始位置start到目标位置finish的最短布线路径,找到返回1,否则,返回0 int i if ((start.row = = finish.row) && (start.col = = finish.col)) { PathLen = 0 return 0 } //start = finish //设置方格阵列”围墙” for (i = 0 i <= m+1 i++) grid[0][i] = grid[n+1 -6 program : # include
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11.59kb Publisher : 敖斌

一个什么都能做的语音处理软件,Manual segmentation of speech waveforms - creates label files which can be used to train speech recognition systems Waveform editing - cutting, copying or pasting speech segments Formant analysis - displays formant tracks of F1, F2 and F3 Pitch analysis Filter tool - filters speech signal at cutoff frequencies specified by the user Comparison tool - compares two waveforms using several spectral distance measures Speech degradation -can do what a voice processing software, Manual segmentation of speech waveforms - crea tes label files which can be used to train speech recognition systems Waveform editing - cuttin g, copying or pasting speech segments Formant ana P <0.05-displays formant tracks of F1, F2 and F3 Pitch analysis Filter tool-filters sp eech signal at cutoff frequencies specified by the user Comparison tool-compares two wavefor ms spectral distance using several measures Sp eech degradation
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 403.47kb Publisher : 威威

一个CListCtrl,col和row可以绑定不同数据类型,类型T-a CListCtrl, col and row can be bundled with different data types, type T
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.32kb Publisher : hhn

function [y,ndx] = sortrows(x,col) %[Y,I]=sortrows(A,k)按第k列升序的排列,向量I返各行的原编址.-function [y, ndx] = sortrows (x, col)% [Y, I] = sortrows (A, k) k out by the ascending order, I Vector trip back to the site of the original series.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.98kb Publisher : 王志波

it is a automotive application of CAN protocol one microcontroller. -it is a automotive application of CAN proto col one microcontroller.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 47.16kb Publisher : radiolocate

FTP RFC959 中文版文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol, FTP)实现FTP断点续传-RFC959 Chinese version of FTP (file transfer protocol File Transfer nonrequiring col, FTP) to achieve FTP HTTP
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.62kb Publisher : wenlin

% 文件名:randlsbget.m % 程序员:余波 % 编写时间:2007.6.25 % 函数功能: 本函数将完成提取隐秘于上的秘密信息 % 输入格式举例:result=( scover.jpg ,56, secret.txt ,2001) % 参数说明: % output是信息隐藏后的图象 % len_total是秘密信息的长度 % goalfile是提取出的秘密信息文件 % key是随机间隔函数的密钥 % result是提取的信息 function result=randlsbget(output,len_total,goalfile,key) ste_cover=imread(output) ste_cover=double(ste_cover) % 判断嵌入信息量是否过大 [m,n]=size(ste_cover) frr=fopen(goalfile, a ) % p作为信息嵌入位计数器将信息序列写回文本文件 p=1 % 调用随机间隔函数选取像素点 [row,col]=randinterval(ste_cover,len_toal,key) for i=:len_toal if bitand(ste_cover(row(i),col(i)),1)==1 fwrite(frr,1, bit1 ) result(p,1) else fwrite(frr,0, bit1 ) result(p,1)=0 end if p==len_total break end p=p+1 end fclose(frr)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.34kb Publisher : yubo

delphi表格控件源码,修改垂直方向滚动表格时, 可以滚动得只剩下一行的问题. - 修改了打印预览页眉行之间间距过大的问题 - 修改了3.25版本后多行文本单元格打印不显示的问题 - 修改了3.25.3后某些版本会出现内存泄漏导致程序崩溃的问题 + 为TEjunDataGrid的Columns对象添加了CellItems属性,该属性是TStrings类型,当该列的单元格 是cellComboBox类型时,下拉列表的内容将从Columns[Col].CellItems属性中获取。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.9mb Publisher : 赵垚鑫

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 821byte Publisher : 王五六

打飞碟小游戏,射击类,/*自己改游戏的速度*/ int speed /*飞碟移动速度*/ int col /*中心坐标*/ int score=0 /*得分*/
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.92kb Publisher : 王乐

DL : 0
(1) 设计和编写代表矩阵的Matrix类。该类包括矩阵行列数变量int rows和int cols,矩阵数据数组double data[][],构造方法Matrix()、Matrix(int rows,int cols)、Matrix(int rows,int cols,double data[][]),获取某元素值的方法getData(int row,int col),设置某元素值的方法setData(int row,int col,double value),计算两个矩阵的乘积的方法multiply(Matrix m)以及toString()等内容。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.63kb Publisher : fangfei

DL : 0
用回溯解背包问题 假设有n件物品,定义一个结构体a[]来存储,结构体有两个成员weight和value(weight表示重量,value表示价值)先定义一个数组col[]表示每个物品当前状态(为1表示被选,为0表示未被选),其初值全为1,从下标为0开始遍历,当前所选物品总重和总价值分别设为tw和tv(初值均为0),背包的限重设为limit,若第i个物品满足tw+a[i].weight<=limit且col[i]==1 就将a[i].weight和value加入tw和tv,否则col[i]设为0。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.85kb Publisher : STartBoy

这是一个用VB实现的变换颜色的小程序。-This is a VB transform the color of small programs.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher :

通过CComboBox控件在CListBox控件中添加彩色的字体,在CComboBox中设定不同的背景色和前景色。在CListBox中实现每行都有不同的颜色。-through CComboBox Control in CListBox controls add color and the size of the CComboBox set different background color and foreground color. CListBox achieved in each line has a different color.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 吕杨

六 程序实现: #include <stdio.h> typedef struct { int row int col }Position int FindPath (Position start, Position finish, int &PathLen, Position *&path) { //计算从起始位置start到目标位置finish的最短布线路径,找到返回1,否则,返回0 int i if ((start.row = = finish.row) && (start.col = = finish.col)) { PathLen = 0 return 0 } //start = finish //设置方格阵列”围墙” for (i = 0 i <= m+1 i++) grid[0][i] = grid[n+1 -6 program :# include
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 敖斌

一个什么都能做的语音处理软件,Manual segmentation of speech waveforms - creates label files which can be used to train speech recognition systems Waveform editing - cutting, copying or pasting speech segments Formant analysis - displays formant tracks of F1, F2 and F3 Pitch analysis Filter tool - filters speech signal at cutoff frequencies specified by the user Comparison tool - compares two waveforms using several spectral distance measures Speech degradation -can do what a voice processing software, Manual segmentation of speech waveforms- crea tes label files which can be used to train speech recognition systems Waveform editing- cuttin g, copying or pasting speech segments Formant ana P <0.05-displays formant tracks of F1, F2 and F3 Pitch analysis Filter tool-filters sp eech signal at cutoff frequencies specified by the user Comparison tool-compares two wavefor ms spectral distance using several measures Sp eech degradation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 403kb Publisher : 威威

这个程序可以实现显示屏幕上任意点的当前颜色的功能-this procedure can be achieved DSE arbitrary point on the current color of the function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 220kb Publisher : 阮齐

一个CListCtrl,col和row可以绑定不同数据类型,类型T-a CListCtrl, col and row can be bundled with different data types, type T
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : hhn

function [y,ndx] = sortrows(x,col) %[Y,I]=sortrows(A,k)按第k列升序的排列,向量I返各行的原编址.-function [y, ndx] = sortrows (x, col)% [Y, I] = sortrows (A, k) k out by the ascending order, I Vector trip back to the site of the original series.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王志波

DL : 0
it is a automotive application of CAN protocol one microcontroller. -it is a automotive application of CAN proto col one microcontroller.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 47kb Publisher : radiolocate
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