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使用PhyX物理引擎制作的粉笔2D游戏演示Demo,可以真实模拟各种2D的碰撞检测以及碰撞响应。-The use of physics engine PhyX chalk produced 2D game demo Demo, can simulate all kinds of real 2D collision detection and collision response.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.5mb Publisher : 李帅

基于K_DOPS碰撞检测算法实现的一个小实例.模拟两个物本对像的碰撞测试.结果给出了碰撞测试的碰撞点及反应时间.-Collision detection algorithm based on K_DOPS a small instance. Simulated two things like this on the crash test. Crash test results show the impact point and response time.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.21mb Publisher : 张冲

使用DirectX9演示了运动物体的碰撞检测及响应。-Demonstrated the use of DirectX9 moving object collision detection and response.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.97mb Publisher : 淘气堡

DL : 0
这个文档是对D3D环境下碰撞的详细分析,其中包括了碰撞检测和碰撞响应两个部分,而且其中还有一些D3D的基础知识。-This document is under D3D detailed analysis of the collision, including collision detection and collision response in two parts, and of which there are some basic knowledge of D3D.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : mansur

DL : 0
其中包含了两份文档,一份是对碰撞的详细分析,在D3D情况下的碰撞检测和碰撞响应,另一份是Direct9的简介,一些基本知识的介绍-Which contains two documents, a collision is a detailed analysis of the circumstances in D3D collision detection and collision response, the other is the Direct9 brief introduction to some basic knowledge
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : mansur

An Java OpenGL example illustrating basics of collision detection, collision response, and physically based modelling effects.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 194kb Publisher : TiNg

功能和特点 ◆ 提供Anti-aliasing支持 ◆ 可换肤的GUI环境 ◆ 场景管理系统 ◆ 角色动画系统 ◆ 特殊的效果系统   ◆ 内建的材质支持 ◆ .NET语言绑定   ◆ 内建的平台独立的软件生成器 ◆ 2D绘图功能 ◆ 能直接导入常见的建模文件格式 ◆ 能直接导入纹理 ◆ 快速而易用的碰撞检测与响应 ◆ 为3D运算和容器模板库优化处理 ◆ 直接读取档案 ◆ 集成了快速的XML分析器 ◆ 提供Unicode支持 ◆ 可运行于Linux,Windows ,MacOS-Functions and features to provide Anti-aliasing support ◆ ◆ ◆ may be peeling of the GUI environment, the role of scene animation system management system ◆ ◆ ◆ built-in special effects system, the material support ◆. NET language bindings ◆ built-in platform independent software generation ◆ ◆ 2D graphics device directly into the modeling common file formats directly into the texture ◆ ◆ fast and easy to use collision detection and response ◆ computing and containers for the 3D template library is optimized to read the file directly ◆ ◆ Integration a fast XML parser to provide Unicode support ◆ ◆ can run on Linux, Windows, MacOS
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21.47mb Publisher : 张玉刚

InertiaEngine 是一个使用C++编写的2D 刚体物理特性仿真器,可跨平台使用,还包含多边形碰撞检测算法,支持碰撞反应,静态摩擦,动态摩擦。-InertiaEngine is a 2D rigid body physic engine written in C++ and is not OS dependent. It is designed to be very user friendly. It contains also a 2D convex polygon collision detection engine. It supports collision response, static friction, kinetic fric
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.67mb Publisher : 张玉刚

碰撞在射频识别系统中是一个非常常见的问题,如何有效解决这个问题对整个系统来说是很重要的。射频识别 系统是由两个部分组成的:一个是标签;另一个是读写器。在读写器的作用范围内有多个标签同时应答,这时就会产生碰 撞。提出了一种改进的二进制搜索算法,使用这种算法能够在更短的时间内比二进制搜索算法、纯ALOHA和时隙ALO. HA 法识别更多的标签。-Collision in the radio frequency identification systems is a very common problem, how to effectively solve this problem the whole system is very important. Radio frequency identification system is composed of two parts: a label the other is the reader. The role of the reader there are multiple tags at the same time within the response, then it will produce collisions. An improved binary search algorithm, using this algorithm can be in a much shorter period of time than the binary search algorithm, pure ALOHA, and slot ALO. HA the Identification of additional labels.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 302kb Publisher : 吴晓彦

布料物理模拟,有碰撞检测与响应,共轭梯度法求解-Cloth physics simulation, with collision detection and response, Conjugate Gradient Method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.9mb Publisher : Lulu

实现对工厂反应釜的实时监控,绘制出重要的参数,自动化控制反应釜的加料,和反应。还有对十字路口交通灯的控制。控制车辆正常运行而不撞车。-Realizes to the factory reaction still real-time monitoring, draws up the important parameter, the automated control reaction still feeding, with response. Also has to the intersection traffic light s control. Controls the vehicles normal operation, but does not have a collision.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.01mb Publisher : 郑婷

该程序主要实现的是虚拟环境中刚体之间的碰撞检测,及碰撞反应-The procedure to achieve the virtual environment between the rigid body collision detection and collision response
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 418kb Publisher : liuxiaoya

美 国 综 合评价系统(GES)1 992年数据库资料 显示,汽车追尾碰撞是道路交通事故的主要形式之 一,其占总碰撞事故起数的23 n1。多年来,国外对 追尾碰撞预警系统及避免系统进行了大量研究,结 果表明,借助于追尾碰撞预瞥系统,能使驾驶员制动 响应时间和追尾碰撞数量减少,追尾碰撞降低率可 达620a[2,调查表明中国的高速公路追尾碰撞发生 起数约占总事故起数的33. 6 ,其造成的经济损失 约占总数的40 -U.S. Comprehensive Assessment System (GES) 1 992 Year database information, rear-end collisions are one of the main forms of road traffic accidents, the total number of crashes from 23 n1. Over the years, foreign to the rear-end collision warning system and to avoid a large number of systems, the results show that the pre-warning system by means of rear-end collision, the driver can brake response time and reduce the number of rear-end collision, rear-end collisions reduce the rate of up to 620a [ 2, the investigation shows that China' s highways since the number of rear-end collision occurred about the total number of accidents of 33.6, the economic losses caused by about 40 of the total number of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 175kb Publisher : zhaoshihai

国外的一篇关于碰撞检测算法研究的论文,希望对大家有所帮助吧。-A Collision Detection and Response Scheme for Simplified Physically Based Animation 。
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 131kb Publisher : 陈玉

本程序采用碰撞检测算法,检测运动小球之间、运动小球与其它平面或者柱体的碰撞,并作出相应的碰撞响应。-This procedure uses collision detection algorithm to detect motion between the ball, exercise ball or cylinder with the other plane collision, and collision response accordingly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 287kb Publisher : buptkid

OpenGL编程实现的雪地模型,有山、水、房子、飞机等模型,场景移动响应鼠标、键盘操作,可以开启雾化效果,实现天空盒,有碰撞检测-OpenGL programming realize snow model, a mountain, water, the house, the airplane model, scene mobile response mouse, keyboard, can open atomization effect, achieve the sky box, there are collision detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 38.16mb Publisher : 李超

轿车侧面柱碰撞结构响应与乘员损伤研究.Car collision of flank pole structure response and occupant injury research.-Car collision of flank pole structure response and occupant injury research.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 751kb Publisher : a1739

ABSTRACT The generation of overall wrinkles on garment surfaces can be achieved by either introducing accurate cloth models with full collision response or by providing geometric wrinkle functions. Small wrinkles such as rippled appearance along seam lines have not been fully studied. Boundaries between different panels are often excluded from most garment draping simulations resulting in unrealistic appearance. This paper describes a new method to model realistic wrinkles on clothes via seams. The proposed seam model of tension pucker is simple and is easy to incorporate into a mass spring model with improvements over wrinkled appearance. We present a method that automatically constructs a seam surface along an arbitrary path on the surface of an irregular mesh. As an extension of modeling of seam pucker, we also apply the seam model to 3D garments. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism – Virtual reality
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 681kb Publisher : ss

详细描述了复杂环境高级碰撞检测和碰撞反应算法,并使用到向量空间-A detailed description of the complex environment of advanced collision detection and collision response algorithm, and use the vector space
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 626kb Publisher : 林晓斌
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