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全球手机顶尖游戏3D MotoRacer制作全揭密1-top global mobile phone production MotoRacer 3D games, Colo. 1
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 605.07kb Publisher : 唐小川

学MIDP2游戏编程 手机顶尖游戏制作全揭密!.pdf -school MIDP2 phone game programming top game, Colo.! . Pdf top mobile phone game, Colo.! . Pdf
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 604.59kb Publisher : 白贺强

手机顶尖游戏制作全揭密-top mobile phone game, Colo.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 605.57kb Publisher : 徐刚

手机顶尖游戏制作全揭密-top mobile phone game, Colo.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 604.59kb Publisher : 张鲁新

手机顶尖游戏制作全揭密!-top mobile phone game, Colo.!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 609.5kb Publisher : 李可

数字识别代码 第一步:训练网络。使用训练样本进行训练。(此程序中也可以不训练,因为笔者已经将训练好的网络参数保存起来了,读者使用时可以直接识别)第二步:识别。 首先,打开图像(256色) 再次,进行归一化处理。点击“一次性处理” 最后,点击“R”或者使用菜单找到相应项来进行识别识别的结果显示在屏幕上,同时也输出到文件result.txt中 该系统的识别率一般为90% 另外,也可以单独对打开的图片一步一步进行图像预处理工作。但要注意,每一步工作只能执行一遍,而且要按顺序执行。步骤为:“256色位图转为灰度图”“灰度图二值化”“去噪”“倾斜校正”“分割”“标准化尺寸”“紧缩重排” 另外注意,要识别的图片,要与win.dat、whi.dat位于同一目录。此两文件保存训练后网络的权值参数 -digital identification code first step : training network. Use of training samples for training. (These procedures also can not training because I have trained network parameters saved, Readers can direct identification) second step : identification. First, open the Image (256 colors) again, to a treatment. Click on the "one-stop" Finally, Click on the "R" or use the menu item corresponding to find the identification of the identification results on the screen, also result.txt output to a file which the system's recognition rate of 90% for the other, can be individually opened to the step-by-step pictures for image preprocessing work. But we know that each step of implementation can work again, but according to the implementation of the order. Steps : "256-colo
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 59.37kb Publisher : 刘嘉康 anyTex - a class for non-restrictive textures in OpenGL anyTex is a class allowing you to load a bitmap of a given color depth from a file and think of it as texture with no restrictions (of course, limited by the computer resources, that is something we have to live with). anyTex-a class for n on-restrictive textures in OpenGL is a c anyTex lass allowing you to load a bitmap of a given colo r depth from a file and think of it as texture with no restrictions (of course, limited by the computer resources, that is something we have to live with).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 27.77kb Publisher : 上官婉儿

全球手机顶尖游戏3D MotoRacer制作全揭密1-top global mobile phone production MotoRacer 3D games, Colo. 1
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 605kb Publisher : 唐小川

手机顶尖游戏制作全揭密-top mobile phone game, Colo.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 605kb Publisher : 徐刚

手机顶尖游戏制作全揭密-top mobile phone game, Colo.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 604kb Publisher : 张鲁新

手机顶尖游戏制作全揭密!-top mobile phone game, Colo.!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 609kb Publisher : 李可

DL : 0
学MIDP2游戏编程 手机顶尖游戏制作全揭密!.pdf -school MIDP2 phone game programming top game, Colo.! . Pdf top mobile phone game, Colo.! . Pdf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 604kb Publisher : 白贺强

数字识别代码 第一步:训练网络。使用训练样本进行训练。(此程序中也可以不训练,因为笔者已经将训练好的网络参数保存起来了,读者使用时可以直接识别)第二步:识别。 首先,打开图像(256色) 再次,进行归一化处理。点击“一次性处理” 最后,点击“R”或者使用菜单找到相应项来进行识别识别的结果显示在屏幕上,同时也输出到文件result.txt中 该系统的识别率一般为90% 另外,也可以单独对打开的图片一步一步进行图像预处理工作。但要注意,每一步工作只能执行一遍,而且要按顺序执行。步骤为:“256色位图转为灰度图”“灰度图二值化”“去噪”“倾斜校正”“分割”“标准化尺寸”“紧缩重排” 另外注意,要识别的图片,要与win.dat、whi.dat位于同一目录。此两文件保存训练后网络的权值参数 -digital identification code first step : training network. Use of training samples for training. (These procedures also can not training because I have trained network parameters saved, Readers can direct identification) second step : identification. First, open the Image (256 colors) again, to a treatment. Click on the "one-stop" Finally, Click on the "R" or use the menu item corresponding to find the identification of the identification results on the screen, also result.txt output to a file which the system's recognition rate of 90% for the other, can be individually opened to the step-by-step pictures for image preprocessing work. But we know that each step of implementation can work again, but according to the implementation of the order. Steps : "256-colo
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 204kb Publisher :

DL : 0
一個很好用的 lcd 時鐘程序 C語言 #include<reg51.h> #include<stdio.h> //定義計時器0 的重裝值 #define RELOAD_HIGH 0x3C #define RELOAD_LOW 0xD2 //定義按鍵彈跳時間 #define DB_VAL //定義設置模式的最大時間間隔 #define TIMEOUT 200 //定義游標位置常數 #define HOME 0 #define HOUR 1 #define MIN 2 #define SEC 3-a good lcd clock with the C-language# include
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : wfl anyTex - a class for non-restrictive textures in OpenGL anyTex is a class allowing you to load a bitmap of a given color depth from a file and think of it as texture with no restrictions (of course, limited by the computer resources, that is something we have to live with). anyTex-a class for n on-restrictive textures in OpenGL is a c anyTex lass allowing you to load a bitmap of a given colo r depth from a file and think of it as texture with no restrictions (of course, limited by the computer resources, that is something we have to live with).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : 上官婉儿

DL : 0
256色转灰度图 256色转成灰度 该功能用于将8位索引图转成灰度图。因有些绘图工具或处理功能必须在灰度状态下进行操作,所以我们要选择“256色转成灰度”功能将8位索引图转成灰度图-256 colors to 256 colors into grayscale grayscale of the function 8 is used to index into a grayscale map. Because of some drawing tools, or processing functions must be carried out under the gray state of operation, and therefore we have to select
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 275kb Publisher : 李艳

用C++编译的关于256色转灰度图的程序,以供大家交流学习用-Using C++ compiler of about 256 colors to grayscale procedures to communicate for the U.S. study by
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 155kb Publisher : wangxiacsu

Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Review and Application to Generalized Assignment Problem
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 354kb Publisher : balatas

Nonsubsampled Contourlet Toolbox: MATLAB source code that implements the nonsubsampled contourlet transform as described in the paper The nonsubsampled contourlet transform: Theory, design, and applications.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 94kb Publisher : dao

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher :
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