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ColorDialog组件 图7-26 \"颜色\"对话框 2. FontDialog组件 图7-27 \"字体\"对话框 3. OpenFileDialog组件 图7-28 \"打开\"对话框 4. SaveFileDialog组件 图7-29 \"另存为\"对话框-ColorDialog components Figure 7-26 "Colors" box 2. FontDialog components Figure 7-27 "font" box 3. Figure 7-28 OpenFileDialog components "Open" dialog box 4. Figure 7-29 SaveFileDialog components "Save as" dialog box
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.62kb Publisher : 岳月

用vs2005 c#编写的调用调色板的窗体应用程序!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 12.46kb Publisher : dhg

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 43.38kb Publisher : Bob Green

使用ccolordialog选择客户区颜色及字体-use ccolordialog District customers choose colors and fonts
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 麦蓝

HTC颜色选择框控件,有用-HTC color selection box controls, useful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : 北漂

ColorDialog组件 图7-26 "颜色"对话框 2. FontDialog组件 图7-27 "字体"对话框 3. OpenFileDialog组件 图7-28 "打开"对话框 4. SaveFileDialog组件 图7-29 "另存为"对话框-ColorDialog components Figure 7-26 "Colors" box 2. FontDialog components Figure 7-27 "font" box 3. Figure 7-28 OpenFileDialog components "Open" dialog box 4. Figure 7-29 SaveFileDialog components "Save as" dialog box
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : 岳月

VC 源代码 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --   一个可以重命名workspace的程序。   演示了如何生成一个COM组件。   用图形界面的程序装载控制台程序并接收控制台程序的输出。   将tiff转换成PDF的源程序。   简单字处理程序。   调节灰度的滑动条的类。   一个SMPP类库可以用来连接SMPP网关来发送和接收SMS消息。   使用CColorDialog类轻松改变对话框背景颜色和字体。   一个基于IE的浏览器,使用了多文档界面的标签,IE界面和XP的工具条等。    一个C++ OCX控件可以在你应用程序的窗口上绘制图片。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 653kb Publisher : 章海

用vs2005 c#编写的调用调色板的窗体应用程序!-Vs2005 c# with calls to prepare the application form the palette!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : dhg

该程序提供了如何使用系统颜色对话框的详细过程,并能对程序背景颜色作实时响应。-The program provides a dialog box how to use the system colors the detailed process, and is able to process the background color for real-time response.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : Bob Green

DL : 0
一个使用windows的颜色对话框的实例,使用VC6.0独立开发而成-color dialog
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : yang

一些源码.api的一些应用. 1.appbar:在桌面上创建工具栏 2.ColorDialog:显示颜色对话框 3.Fontdialog:显示字体对话框 4.internet:ping,取ip等 5.irshaped:创建不规则窗口 6.minmaxsize:限制窗口最大最小尺寸 7.systemmenu:修改系统菜单 -some Source
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 157kb Publisher : chenmiao

给文本对话框的背景着色,让文本背景拥有你想要的颜色-The background to the text box shading, so that the text has a background color you want
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.96mb Publisher : frank

The common dialog boxes on Windows are sufficient for most users. However there are always requirements where these dialog boxes need customization. I wanted users to choose not only color but specify the alpha values from the ColorDialog box. I customized the default ColorDialog box using Win32 API. There are some hacks, some dirty C# code (I am new to C# so any suggestions to improve code is very much welcome), but finally I have a customized C# ColorDialog box control where the user can not only choose the color but also specify the alpha value
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : ashok

DL : 1
编写的一个简单的关于颜色对话框的例子,通过电极颜色来设置文本框的颜色。-Written in a simple example on the color of the dialog box, through the electrode to set the text color box color
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48kb Publisher : hanmbrous

创建一个使用ColorDialog 对话框的应用程序。将应用程序主窗体的背景颜色设置为ColorDialog 返回的颜色。返回的颜色被存储在Color属性中。提示:创建一个ColorDialog变量,调用该对话框时,选择的颜色应该存储在Color属性中。-Create a to ColorDialog dialog application. The application' s main form background color settings color ColorDialog return. The color returned is stored in the Color property. Tip: Create a a ColorDialog variable, call the dialog box, select the color should be stored in the Color property.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 寿娟娟

使用C++编写的颜色选择对话框程序,有助于初学者学习C++的单文档编程。-The color selection dialog using C++ written procedures help a beginner learning C++ single document programming.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.78mb Publisher : 王怡

这是用VC6.0编的关于Dialog的程序代码,可供初学者学习使用。-About Dialog VC6.0 compiled code, for beginners to learn to use.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.77mb Publisher : 王怡

一个简单的MFC颜色对话框实例,可任意选取当前使用的颜色-A simple MFC Color dialog instance, any select color
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.02mb Publisher : sunzeng

练习处理鼠标消息,包括拖曳,以此生成不同大小,不同颜色的气泡(圆形或椭圆形)。练习新加一个类,使用ColorDialog设置颜色,使用FileDialog实现File Save As和File Open功能等。-Practice handling mouse messages, including drag, in order to generate different sizes, different colors of bubbles (round or oval). Practice a new class ColorDialog set the color, use FileDialog File Save As and File Open function.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12mb Publisher : 陈朝晖

C#控件查询手册 CheckedListBox 控件19 ComboBox 控件20 DomainUpDown 控件21 ListBox 控件22 ListView 控件24 NumericUpDown 控件26 TreeView 控件27 图形显示控件 PictureBox 控件29 图形存储控件 ImageList 控件30 值的设置控件 CheckBox 控件31 CheckedListBox 控件31 RadioButton 控件32 TrackBar 控件32 数据的设置控件 DateTimePicker 控件34 MonthCalendar 控件35 对话框控件 ColorDialog 控件36 FontDialog 控件36 OpenFileDialog 控件37 PrintDialog 控件37 PrintPreviewDialog 控件37 -C# controls query manual CheckedListBox control 19 the ComboBox control 20 the DomainUpDown control 21 the ListBox control 22 the ListView control 24 the NumericUpDown control 26 the TreeView control 27 graphic display control PictureBox control 29 graphics storage control ImageList controls 30 value of setting controls CheckBox controls 31 CheckedListBox controls 31 RadioButton controls 32 the TrackBar control 32 data set control DateTimePicker controls 34 MonthCalendar controls 35 dialog controls ColorDialog control 36 FontDialog controls 36 OpenFileDialog control 37 PrintDialog control 37 PrintPreviewDialog controls 37
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 361kb Publisher : leetc
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