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讯飞云语音的Python实现 只是简单的用Python调用dll,自己用着觉得还不错,分享给大家。 双击test.bat就可以实现对wav_test.wav的识别,这个wav是sdk demmo中的123456789的那个。 其它语音文件的话,可以仿照test文件自己写一个。 双击test2.bat可以识别麦克风的输入。这个需要pyaudio的支持。 我是在win7的CMD下运行正常,但是xp的CMD可能会乱码~~~因为日志输出的是unicode编码的文字。 使用方法可以参看src里面的源码,需要注意的是:请把代码里appid=zzzzzzzz替换为自己的AppID By wangqy( 2013-1-26-Python implementation of information Fei voice simply call in Python dll, they used feel pretty good, for everyone to share. Double test.bat wav_test.wav can be achieved on the recognition that this is sdk demmo wav that the 123456789. Other audio files, then you can write a test file modeled. Double test2.bat microphone input can be identified. This requires pyaudio support. I was in the CMD win7 run properly, but the xp CMD may be garbled ~ ~ ~ Because log output is unicode encoded text. Using methods can be found in src inside source, the need to note that: Please code appid = zzzzzzzz replace with your own AppID By wangqy ( 2013-1-26
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 670kb Publisher : harry
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