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[OS programC-compiler-design

Description: C-编译器的设计,有详细的文档 1. 具有比较友好的GUI界面(仿照了我自己正在用的emacs); 2. 语法支持比较全面(毕竟是C-,语法还是不多的); 3. Error Recovery; 4. 生成p-code,便于理解; 5. 生成asm代码,通过masm6.0基本都能编译成功,但代码没有优化,效率极低。-C-compiler design, is a detailed document. compared with a friendly GUI interface (modeled on my own is using the emacs); 2. Grammar supported the more comprehensive (after all, C-, grammar or less); 3. Error Recovery; 4. Generation p-code, easy to understand; 5. asm2 code generated by the basic masm6.0 able to successfully build, but code has not been optimized, extremely inefficient.
Platform: | Size: 996016 | Author: wangfei | Hits:

[assembly languagetetris-asm

Description: 汇编写的俄罗斯方块,在386体系结构下编译运行,蛮好玩的-compilation of the Russian ideographic writing, in 386 Architecture compiler running under, quite fun
Platform: | Size: 2391 | Author: 朱于乐 | Hits:


Description: djgpp源码,含有gcc2.9编译器,汇编工具,debug工具等-Source coded of djgpp , it includes the gcc2.9 compiler, ASM tools, the debug tools etc.
Platform: | Size: 20989952 | Author: bob | Hits:


Description: 这是“led广告屏”程序,已经成功调试,希望对大家有用,谢谢!(最好配合51单片机和伟福编译器)-"led advertising screen" program has been successfully tested and we hope to useful, thank you! (Preferably with 51-fu SCM and compiler)
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 振臂 | Hits:

[assembly languagetetris-asm

Description: 汇编写的俄罗斯方块,在386体系结构下编译运行,蛮好玩的-compilation of the Russian ideographic writing, in 386 Architecture compiler running under, quite fun
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 朱于乐 | Hits:

[Crack HackEXE二合一源码解析ttoo

Description: EXE二合一源代码!不用多说了!用tasm编译!-source code! Needless to say! With Tasm compiler!
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: dalao | Hits:


Description: 51自制编译器。本资料免费提供,但作者仍保留版权,未经本人允许,请勿随意传播。任何人可以研究本资料的源程序及电路图以学习本编程器的制作思路,但不可以任意改造并用于商业用途。否则作者将会追究其责任。各位同仁请自觉遵守。-51 homemade compiler. This information is free, but the author retains the copyright, without my permission, do not circulate freely. Any person can examine the source of the information and to learning the circuit for the production of programming ideas, but not arbitrary transformation and for commercial purposes. Otherwise, the author will be held accountable. Colleagues invite you consciously observe.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 常春 | Hits:


Description: MCS-51智能反编译器。可将51单片机的bin或hex文件反编译为汇编码。仅用于学习用途,否则后果自负。-MCS-51 Intelligent compiler. May 51 SCM bin hex or documents compiled for the Department of Anti-coding. For learning purposes only, otherwise the consequences conceited.
Platform: | Size: 252928 | Author: 常春 | Hits:

[OS programfasm164

Description: fasm是一个x86的汇编编译器,支持win32和linux平台,支持多种文件格式输出,包括纯二进制-FASM is a compilation of x86 compiler support win32 and Linux platforms, support for multiple output file formats, including pure binary
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: 王汉文 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个制作显ipqq的源程序,需要使用MASM32来进行反编译.QQ_Plugins.bat就是源代码,要编译直接运行它就可以了。MASM32必须安装在与源代码同一盘下的masm32目录下。推荐安装masm32 v8.0。-This is a significant production ipqq source, between the need to use anti-compiler. QQ_Plugins.bat is the source code to compile it to run it. Between be installed with the same source code between the disk directory. Recommend installation of between 8.0.
Platform: | Size: 445440 | Author: 孙轩 | Hits:

[OS programmasm编译妻_2004_10_28

Description: masm为MASM类型的编译器,其中:masm.exe为编译器,link.exe为连接器-can for Multiple types of compiler, which : masm.exe for the compiler, linker for link.exe
Platform: | Size: 1307648 | Author: 李雷 | Hits:


Description: 32位汇编编译器nasm源代码,用c/asm混合编程,对于编写汇编编译器的爱好者来说是一个参考。-32 NASM compilation compiler source code, c/asm mixed programming, for the preparation of the compilation compiler lovers is a reference.
Platform: | Size: 717824 | Author: wsw | Hits:


Description: ARM体系结构和编程,介绍ARM CPU 的细节,包括结构,寻址,指令集,汇编语言,cache管理,存储,函数调用参数传递,交叉编译连接及调试。-ARM architecture and programming on the ARM CPU details, including the structure, addressing, instruction set, assembly language, cache management, storage, transfer function call parameters, cross-linking and debugging compiler.
Platform: | Size: 18489344 | Author: 韩杰生 | Hits:


Description: 3d界面编程,用汇编语言完成,源码编译之后很小,非常适合在windows下传播。-3d programming interface, complete with assembly language, compiler source code after a small, very suitable for the windows to spread.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:


Description: c语言编译器arm-gen.c asmtest.S bcheck.c boundtest.c c67-gen.c Changelog coff.h configure COPYING elf.h [examples] float.h gcctestsuite.sh i386-asm.c i386-asm.h i386-gen.c il-gen.c il-opcodes.h libtcc.h libtcc1.c libtcc_test.c Makefile README stab.def stab.h stdarg.h stdbool.h stddef.h tcc-doc.html tcc-doc.texi tcc.1 tcc.c tccasm.c tcccoff.c tccelf.c tcclib.h tccpe.c tcctest.c tcctok.h texi2pod.pl tiny_impdef.c TODO varargs.h VERSION-c language compiler arm-gen.c asmtest.S bcheck.c boundtest.cc67-gen.c Changelog coff.h configureCOPYING elf.h [examples] float.hgcctestsuite.sh i386-asm.c i386-asm.h i386- gen.cil-gen.c il-opcodes.h libtcc.h libtcc1.clibtcc_test.c Makefile README stab.defstab.h stdarg.h stdbool.h stddef.htcc-doc.html tcc-doc.texi tcc.1 tcc. ctccasm.c tcccoff.c tccelf.c tcclib.htccpe.c tcctest.c tcctok.h texi2pod.pltiny_impdef.c TODO varargs.h VERSION
Platform: | Size: 423936 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programC-compiler-design

Description: C-编译器的设计,有详细的文档 1. 具有比较友好的GUI界面(仿照了我自己正在用的emacs); 2. 语法支持比较全面(毕竟是C-,语法还是不多的); 3. Error Recovery; 4. 生成p-code,便于理解; 5. 生成asm代码,通过masm6.0基本都能编译成功,但代码没有优化,效率极低。-C-compiler design, is a detailed document. compared with a friendly GUI interface (modeled on my own is using the emacs); 2. Grammar supported the more comprehensive (after all, C-, grammar or less); 3. Error Recovery; 4. Generation p-code, easy to understand; 5. asm2 code generated by the basic masm6.0 able to successfully build, but code has not been optimized, extremely inefficient.
Platform: | Size: 995328 | Author: wangfei | Hits:


Description: Win32 ASM用,masm32的外挂批处理,NotePad2配合此Bat程序可以快速自动完成编译连接,配全相关开关,可以使工作更愉快。-Win32 ASM used, masm32 batch of plug-ins, NotePad2 with this Bat procedures can quickly auto-complete compiler to connect with the entire relevant switch, can make work more enjoyable.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 依然 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programslac080g

Description: many examples for asm and C compiler (IAR) MSP430F20xx Code Examples Texas instruments MSP430 platform
Platform: | Size: 258048 | Author: jos | Hits:


Description: Compiler for mini c language
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: 123 | Hits:


Description: Asm编程器(VC++6.0 resource)通过测试良好运行代码可读性强-Asm Programming (VC++6.0 resource) a good run through the test code readability
Platform: | Size: 1691648 | Author: dengqijun | Hits:
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