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实验芯片: ATmega8515L或Atmega8515 工作频率: 8MHz 编译软件: C语言:WINAVR 1.41 汇编语言:AVR Studio 功能: 8个数码管从左至右依次显示:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8。 -Experimental chip: ATmega8515L or Atmega8515 frequency: 8MHz compiler software: C language: WINAVR 1.41 assembly language: AVR Studio Features: 8 LED display from left to right: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : kingdom

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本书结合目前应用非常广泛的C语言以及keil c51编译器,详细介绍单片机C语言编程的方法。本书通过大量应用实例对单片机资源及外围芯片进行详细介绍。 本书分为上下两篇。上篇侧重于介绍基础知识,主要有C51语言和C语言以及汇编语言的对比,单片机内部资源、扩展资源以及其编程等内容;下篇侧重于应用实例,通过实例,读者既可以在工作中进行类比编程,又可以开阔思路,提高实际工作能力。-This book combines a wide range of current applications, as well as C-language compiler keil c51, detailing Microcontroller C programming language method. Application examples in this book through a large number of resources and external to the microcontroller chip detail. The book is divided into two from top to bottom. Part focuses on introducing the basics, mainly C51 language and C language and assembly language contrast, MCU internal resources to expand programming and other resources, as well as its content next focused on examples of application, by example, readers not only can be analogy work program, but also the broad ideas, enhance practical ability to work.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23.05mb Publisher : zhuhaiyan

,我们开始迈入单片机的世界。在我们开始这一章具体的学习之前,有必要给大家先说明一下。在以后的系列文章中,我们将以51内核的单片机为载体,C语言为编程语言,开发环境为KEIL uv3。至于为什么选用C语言开发,好处不言而喻,开发速度快,效率高,代码可复用率高,结构清晰,尤其是在大型的程序中,而且随着编译器的不断升级,其编译后的代码大小与汇编语言的差距越来越小。而关于C语言和汇编之争,就像那个啥,每隔一段时间总会有人挑起这个话题,如果你感兴趣,可以到网上搜索相关的帖子自行阅读。不是说汇编不重要,在很多对时序要求非常高的场合,需要利用汇编语言和C语言混合编程才能够满足系统的需求。在我们学习掌握C语言的同时,也还需要利用闲余的时间去学习了解汇编语言。 -We began to enter the world of single. Before we begin this chapter specific before learning , it is necessary to give everybody to explain to you. Later in the series of articles, we will be the 51 kernel SCM as a carrier, C language is the programming language, the development environment for the KEIL uv3. Why use C language development, benefits it is self-evident, development speed, high efficiency, high rate of code reuse, structural clarity, especially in large programs, and as the compiler is ceaseless upgrade, the compiled code size and assembly language gap is more and more small. On the C language and assembly for what, like that, every once in a while there will always be people who provoke this topic, if you are interested, can go to online search related posts to read. Not to say that the assembly is not important, in many of the timing requirements of very high situation, need to use assembly language and C language programming to meet the requirements of the system. When
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : 李娜

Intel汇编语言程序设计。本书全面细致地讲述了汇编语言程序设计的各个方面。从微处理器体系结构、工作机制到指令集;从最基本的编译器链器的使用到高级过程、结构和宏的使用;从用纯汇编编写程序到用C/C++等最新编译器与汇编的混合接口编程;从16位实模式下BIOS、DOS实模式文本及图形程序设计到32位保护模式的Windows程序设计;从磁盘基础知识到Intel指令编码、浮点运算等相关知识都做了深入而细致的讲解。-Intel assembly language programming. The book is detailed and thorough about all aspects of assembly language programming. Microprocessor architecture, the working mechanism to the instruction set the use of the compiler chain from the most basic to advanced process, structure and use of macros from pure assembler programming to use C/C++ and the latest compiler and assembler mixed-interface programming from the 16-bit real mode BIOS, DOS real mode, text and graphics program design to the 32-bit protected-mode Windows program design the basics from the disk to the Intel instruction encoding, floating-point operations and other related knowledge depth detailed explanations.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.87mb Publisher : 戈青
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