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JPEG 标准的最新进展是 1996 年开始制定, 2001 年正式成为国际标准的 JPEG 2000 。与 JPEG 相比, JPEG 2000 作了大幅改进,其中最重要的是用离散小波变换( DWT )替代了 JPEG 标准中的离散余弦变换。在文件大小相同的情况下, JPEG 2000 压缩的图像比 JPEG 质量更高,精度损失更小。作为一个新标准, JPEG 2000 暂时还没有得到广泛的应用,不过包括数码相机制造商在内的许多企业都对其应用前景表示乐观, JPEG 2000 在图像压缩领域里大显身手的那一天应该不会特别遥远。 -JPEG standard on the latest progress of the development started in 1996 and in 2001 became the international standard JPEG 2000. Compared with JPEG, JPEG 2000 made substantial improvements, the most important of which is discrete wavelet transform (DWT) instead of the JPEG standard discrete cosine transform. The file size under the same circumstances, JPEG 2000 compressed images of higher quality than JPEG, precision small loss. As a new standard, JPEG 2000 has not yet been widely applied, including digital camera manufacturers in many enterprises have their applications are optimistic about the prospects of the JPEG 2000 image compression areas prone to the day should not particularly remote.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 67.35kb Publisher : ldwe

这是一个用C写的傅立叶变换,以及离散余弦变换的代码,在图象压缩中会用到-This is a C wrote Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform, and the code in image compression will be used
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.3kb Publisher : 陈中

c压缩算法,jpeg图像压缩算法-c compression algorithm, jpeg image compression algorithm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.34kb Publisher : 青木

新一代静止图像压缩算法JPEG2000的参考代码,采用C++实现,非常易懂,是学习JPEG2000编程应用的好东东。-new generation of geostationary JPEG2000 image compression algorithm reference code using C++, very easy to understand, learn JPEG2000 is a good application programming Wanton.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.46mb Publisher : 王青海

c压缩算法,jpeg图像压缩算法-c compression algorithm, jpeg image compression algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 青木

(利用GIF_LZW算法实现的)网络图片传输 技术特点 ~~~~~~~~ 一、使用TCP协议传输数据。理由:稳定性好。 二、使用字节数据流进行传输,理由: A:VB的String存在自动Unicode转换问题,影响速度; B:可以直接发送8位字节数据,不需要使用Base64编码,从而减少了编码时间。 三、使用GIF-LZW压缩算法压缩图像。理由: A:行程编码、Huffman压缩算法压缩率太低; B:JPEG压缩算法需要太多位运算,且运算量大(有专门MMX优化算法),不利于VB实现; C:GIF-LZW压缩算法压缩率较好,且我已想出VB语法下高效GIF-LZW压缩/解压算法。 四、使用“有序抖动”算法进行 色彩量化。理由:“有序抖动”处理的结果具有一定规律性,有助于LZW类算法压缩。-(using GIF_LZW algorithm) picture transmission network ~~~~~~~~ a technical features, the use of TCP to transmit data. Reason : good stability. Two, the use of byte data stream for transmission, reasons : A : VB String exist automatically Unicode conversion, the impact speed; B : can directly send eight bytes of data and do not need to use Base64 encoding, thereby reducing the coding time. 3, the use of GIF- LZW compression algorithm for image compression. Reason : A : itinerary coding, Huffman compression algorithm compression rate is too low; B : JPEG compression algorithm needs much-bit computing, and large amount of computation (with MMX specialized optimization algorithm), is not conducive to VB; C : GIF- LZW compression algorithm compression ratio better, and I have come up with un
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 61kb Publisher :

JPEG 标准的最新进展是 1996 年开始制定, 2001 年正式成为国际标准的 JPEG 2000 。与 JPEG 相比, JPEG 2000 作了大幅改进,其中最重要的是用离散小波变换( DWT )替代了 JPEG 标准中的离散余弦变换。在文件大小相同的情况下, JPEG 2000 压缩的图像比 JPEG 质量更高,精度损失更小。作为一个新标准, JPEG 2000 暂时还没有得到广泛的应用,不过包括数码相机制造商在内的许多企业都对其应用前景表示乐观, JPEG 2000 在图像压缩领域里大显身手的那一天应该不会特别遥远。 -JPEG standard on the latest progress of the development started in 1996 and in 2001 became the international standard JPEG 2000. Compared with JPEG, JPEG 2000 made substantial improvements, the most important of which is discrete wavelet transform (DWT) instead of the JPEG standard discrete cosine transform. The file size under the same circumstances, JPEG 2000 compressed images of higher quality than JPEG, precision small loss. As a new standard, JPEG 2000 has not yet been widely applied, including digital camera manufacturers in many enterprises have their applications are optimistic about the prospects of the JPEG 2000 image compression areas prone to the day should not particularly remote.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 67kb Publisher : ldwe

本程序是用VC++6.0开发的BMP转JPEG格式的图片压缩源程序,编译后即可运行。并且可以自行设定压缩的质量。-this program is the development of the VC 6.0 BMP format to the JPEG image compression source, the compiler can run after. And can set their own compression quality.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 580kb Publisher : 刘利辉

这是一个用C写的傅立叶变换,以及离散余弦变换的代码,在图象压缩中会用到-This is a C wrote Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform, and the code in image compression will be used
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 陈中

jpeg 图像压缩源程式,仅供学习,不可用于商业范筹!-jpeg image compression source programs, only learning, not for commercial aspects!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 257kb Publisher : spadaks

此源码为按照jpeg标准编写的huffman压缩程序源代码,主要是进行图像数据压缩-source of this according to jpeg standards prepared by the Huffman compression source code, mainly for image data compression
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher :

本作品是基于Windows平台使用Visual C++工具开发的多文档应用程序。本课题组成员在对DICOM3.0医学影像存储与传输的国际标准和JPEG 2000静态图像压缩标准学习的基础上,实现了基于JPEG 2000标准的医学图像高效压缩功能,压缩比可在1~300间可调;同时该软件兼容JPEG压缩,压缩比可在1~100间可调。该软件操作简单、界面友好,是PACS系统的一个重要组成部分,对于缓解传输带宽和存储容量的压力具有一定意义。-of the book is based on the Windows platform using Visual C development tool for the multi-document applications. The members of the task group on DICOM3.0 medical imaging storage and transmission of international standards and JPEG 2000 Static state image compression standard on the basis of studies, Based on the realization of the JPEG 2000 standard medical image compression function efficiently, compression ratio can be an adjustable-300; The software also compatible JPEG compression, compression ratio in a ~ 100 adjustable. The software is simple, friendly interface and PACS system is an important component of the For ease transmission bandwidth and storage capacity of the pressure with a certain sense.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 899kb Publisher : 袁耀辉

提出一种基于视觉特性的图像摘要算法,增大人眼敏感的频域系数在计算图像Hash时的权重,使得图像Hash更好地体现视觉特征,并提高鲁棒性。将原始图像的分块DCT系数乘以若干由密钥控制生成的伪随机矩阵,再对计算的结果进行基于分块的Watson人眼视觉特性处理,最后进行量化判决产生固定长度的图像Hash序列。本算法比未采用视觉特性的算法相比,提高了对JPEG压缩和高斯滤波的鲁棒性。图像摘要序列由密钥控制生成,具有安全性。-Based on the visual characteristics of the image digest algorithm, increasing the human eye-sensitive frequency-domain coefficients in the calculation of the image when the weight of Hash, Hash makes images better reflect the visual characteristics, and improve robustness. Will block the original image multiplied by the number of DCT coefficients generated by the key control of pseudo-random matrix, then the results of calculation based on the sub-block of Watson HVS treatment, and finally quantify the judgments arising from fixed-length sequence of images Hash . Than the algorithm did not use the visual characteristics of the algorithm, improve the JPEG compression and Gaussian filtering robustness. Abstract image sequence generated by the key control, with security.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 164kb Publisher : kurt

处理图形图像,JPEG图像压缩的C语言完整源代码-Handle graphics images, JPEG image compression complete C language source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : anlina

各种数字图像处理的算法及编程实现源码。主要内容包括:位图基础、图像的显示、图像的几何变换、图像灰度变换、图像的平滑处理、图像锐化处理及边缘检测、图像分割及测量、图像的形态处理学、图像的变换域处理及应用、图像的合成、24位彩色图像的处理、图像的小波变换和JPEG图像的压缩编码。-A variety of digital image processing algorithms and programming source code. The main contents include: basis bitmap, image display, image geometric transformation, image transformation, image smoothing, image sharpening and edge detection, image segmentation and measurement, image handle the form of science, image transform domain treatment and application, image synthesis, 24-bit color image processing, image of the wavelet transform and JPEG image compression coding.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.44mb Publisher : 邓玥琳

图像压缩,用C编写的图像压缩程序,我也别的地方下载的-Image compression, using C prepared image compression process, I also downloaded other places
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 265kb Publisher : zouchunbo

JPEG源代码C语言实现压缩与解,对学习图像处理有一定的参考意义。-C language source code for JPEG compression and the realization of solutions for image processing to learn some reference significance.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 358kb Publisher : yubua

有关图像压缩的jpeg实现算法介绍及其源码-Related to the jpeg image compression algorithm introduced and its source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 159kb Publisher : 刘荣国

DL : 0
压缩包的内容包括:1.有关JPEG和DPCM算法的文章;2.实现其算法的压缩程序3.有关图像压缩方面的资料。读者请注意: <1>这里讨论的是灰度图像的压缩不涉及彩色图像。 <2>实现压缩时,输入的图像数据采用一种自定义的格式(com 格式),前四个字节记录图像的宽度和高度,之后就是逐 行的图像数据,图像的开头和结尾没有任何标记。这种格式的图像数据是从BMP图像中得到的。 <3>这里没有JPEG算法的解压程序,压缩后的数据存成标准的JPEG文件格式,任何视图软件都可以打开。DPCM方法中的解 压缩程序将数据仍然存成com格式,可以将其转成PGM格式观看,压缩包中由com转为PGM格式的程序。 <4>所有的C程序均是在Linux(Rethat7.3)下完成。-Compressed package includes: 1. The JPEG and DPCM algorithm article 2. To achieve its compression algorithm procedure 3. The image compression information. Readers please note: <1> discussed here is the gray image compression does not involve color images. <2> to achieve compression, the input image data using a custom format (com format), record the first four bytes of the image width and height, and then is gradually Line of image data, image mark the beginning and no end. This format of image data is obtained from the BMP image. <3> There are no procedures for JPEG decompression algorithm, compressed data stored as a standard JPEG file format, you can open in any view. DPCM method of solution Compressed program data is still stored as com format, you can watch it turn into a PGM format, compressed in the com format to PGM program. <4> All the C programs are in Linux (Rethat7.3) to complete.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.73mb Publisher : shikaichang

Jpeg图像压缩毕业论文以及C++源码,能实现,bmp与jpeg等图像的转换-Jpeg image compression thesis and C++ source code, to achieve, bmp and jpeg and other image conversion
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.61mb Publisher : Hongyuan Li
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