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根据云南航天提供的平面图及应用要求,云南航天网络系统具成必需达到以下要求: 1.实现办公信息管理、局部办公本身办公自动化 作为现代化的办公信息管理,大楼内部实现办公自动化及其他管理关键性应用,必须依靠先进的计算机网络技术,综合布线系统是一套基本的布线网络,为计算机网络的应用提供必要的基础。 2.实现油库域网与外部网络的连接 云南航天局域网是以综合布线系统为传输介质的。要实现云南航天局域网与外部网络的连接,也必须通过综合布线系统。-Yunnan space under the floor plan and application requirements, Yunnan space into a network system is necessary to achieve the following requirements : 1. Achieving information management office, local office automation office itself as a modern office information management, internal realization of the building and other office automation management of critical applications, we must rely on advanced computer network technology, integrated wiring system is the basic set of network cabling for computer networks should be used to provide the necessary infrastructure. 2. To achieve the depot area network and external network connections Yunnan space is an integrated LAN cabling systems for the transmission medium. To achieve Yunnan with the outside space LAN network connections, are also requ
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 146.52kb Publisher : 无限

感应IC卡电脑考勤、门禁、售饭一卡通管理系统是基于我公司开发生产的ESW型智能卡记录器所具有的对持卡人刷卡卡号、时间、次数进行读取贮存等功能,并能通过电脑网络通讯方式将其所记录贮存的数据传输给电脑,再由软件人员结合各企事业单位的有关考勤、门禁、售饭等管理制度,编写相应的管理软件,对原始打卡数据进行电算处理,得出管理者所需要的各种数据和报表的一个管理实现过程。本系统具有一机多用(MR350记录器既能作考勤机、售饭机又可同时或单独作门禁机使用)、一卡多用(IC/ID卡既可作为考勤卡,又可同时作为工卡、饭卡、进出门管理卡)、且打卡速度快、故障少、耗材少、维修费用低,电脑分析运算统计、查询准确、快捷等优点,使企业的管理更科学、更严谨,极大地提高了管理工作效率,推动了企业的快速发展,是企业实现现代化科学管理的理想选择。-sensor IC card computer attendance, doors, EL keyboard Illumination Card Management System is based on the company's development and production of smart cards ESW recorders have the right cardholders Swiping cards the logging, time, the number of readers for storage and other functions, and through computer networks to communicate his record storage data transmission to the computer, by combining the software personnel in the enterprises and institutions in attendance, doors, etc. EL keyboard Illumination management system, preparation of the management software, the original punch-card data processing ICC, managers need to come by the data and statements of a management process to achieve. The system is a multi-purpose (MR350 record for attendance for both machines, EL keyboard Illumi
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.45mb Publisher : 古风

硕士论文题目:网络环境下组态软件的研究与开发 主要内容:该文通过对网络技术和组态软件的研究与分析,提出了一种网络环境下组态软件的结构框架,并通过编程实现了基于Web的组态软件的开发.通过对计算机网络在工业信息监视系统上的应有物分析,我们将Internet技术与工业现场监视系统结合起来,从而形成了一种新的基于浏览器的工业信息监视系统 在课题的开发设计中,采用将工业现场自动化中各类实时信息,连接进入企业本地网络的服务器中,并以HTML文本的形式进行实时发布的设计方案,实现了动态画面的实时刷新 在实时任务处理中,引入了“任务控制块”(TaskControlBlock)的概念,针对系统的任务调度提出了一种基于高级语言的任务处理机制-任务轮转优先权调度机制(TaskCyclePriorityScheduling),同时采用了自定义消息以及多线程并行运行,提高了系统的响应速度 在系统实现中,通过对软件结构的分析,我们运用了面向对象的程序设计方法,完成了画面的设计与显示,实现了组态软件的开发. -master's thesis topic : network environment configuration software R & D main elements : the text of network technology and configuration software research and analysis, a proposed network configuration software environment, the framework, Programming and through a Web-based configuration software development. right through computer networks in industrial surveillance system the analysis should be on, we will Internet technology and industrial-site surveillance systems, thus, a new browser-based industrial surveillance system in the development of design issues, The adoption of the industrial automation field various real-time information to connect into the enterprise local network server, HTML and text in the form of real-time dissemination of design options achieving a dynamic s
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.36mb Publisher : 蒋小平

Sector is a system infrastructure software that provides functionality for distributed data storage, access, and analysis/processing. It automatically manages large volumetric data across servers or clusters, even those over distributed wide area high speed networks. Sector provides simple tools and APIs to access and/or process the data. Data and server locations are transparent to users, as the whole Sector network is a single networked super computer to the users.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 124.96kb Publisher : goodview

根据云南航天提供的平面图及应用要求,云南航天网络系统具成必需达到以下要求: 1.实现办公信息管理、局部办公本身办公自动化 作为现代化的办公信息管理,大楼内部实现办公自动化及其他管理关键性应用,必须依靠先进的计算机网络技术,综合布线系统是一套基本的布线网络,为计算机网络的应用提供必要的基础。 2.实现油库域网与外部网络的连接 云南航天局域网是以综合布线系统为传输介质的。要实现云南航天局域网与外部网络的连接,也必须通过综合布线系统。-Yunnan space under the floor plan and application requirements, Yunnan space into a network system is necessary to achieve the following requirements : 1. Achieving information management office, local office automation office itself as a modern office information management, internal realization of the building and other office automation management of critical applications, we must rely on advanced computer network technology, integrated wiring system is the basic set of network cabling for computer networks should be used to provide the necessary infrastructure. 2. To achieve the depot area network and external network connections Yunnan space is an integrated LAN cabling systems for the transmission medium. To achieve Yunnan with the outside space LAN network connections, are also requ
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 146kb Publisher : 无限

感应IC卡电脑考勤、门禁、售饭一卡通管理系统是基于我公司开发生产的ESW型智能卡记录器所具有的对持卡人刷卡卡号、时间、次数进行读取贮存等功能,并能通过电脑网络通讯方式将其所记录贮存的数据传输给电脑,再由软件人员结合各企事业单位的有关考勤、门禁、售饭等管理制度,编写相应的管理软件,对原始打卡数据进行电算处理,得出管理者所需要的各种数据和报表的一个管理实现过程。本系统具有一机多用(MR350记录器既能作考勤机、售饭机又可同时或单独作门禁机使用)、一卡多用(IC/ID卡既可作为考勤卡,又可同时作为工卡、饭卡、进出门管理卡)、且打卡速度快、故障少、耗材少、维修费用低,电脑分析运算统计、查询准确、快捷等优点,使企业的管理更科学、更严谨,极大地提高了管理工作效率,推动了企业的快速发展,是企业实现现代化科学管理的理想选择。-sensor IC card computer attendance, doors, EL keyboard Illumination Card Management System is based on the company's development and production of smart cards ESW recorders have the right cardholders Swiping cards the logging, time, the number of readers for storage and other functions, and through computer networks to communicate his record storage data transmission to the computer, by combining the software personnel in the enterprises and institutions in attendance, doors, etc. EL keyboard Illumination management system, preparation of the management software, the original punch-card data processing ICC, managers need to come by the data and statements of a management process to achieve. The system is a multi-purpose (MR350 record for attendance for both machines, EL keyboard Illumi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.45mb Publisher : 古风

硕士论文题目:网络环境下组态软件的研究与开发 主要内容:该文通过对网络技术和组态软件的研究与分析,提出了一种网络环境下组态软件的结构框架,并通过编程实现了基于Web的组态软件的开发.通过对计算机网络在工业信息监视系统上的应有物分析,我们将Internet技术与工业现场监视系统结合起来,从而形成了一种新的基于浏览器的工业信息监视系统 在课题的开发设计中,采用将工业现场自动化中各类实时信息,连接进入企业本地网络的服务器中,并以HTML文本的形式进行实时发布的设计方案,实现了动态画面的实时刷新 在实时任务处理中,引入了“任务控制块”(TaskControlBlock)的概念,针对系统的任务调度提出了一种基于高级语言的任务处理机制-任务轮转优先权调度机制(TaskCyclePriorityScheduling),同时采用了自定义消息以及多线程并行运行,提高了系统的响应速度 在系统实现中,通过对软件结构的分析,我们运用了面向对象的程序设计方法,完成了画面的设计与显示,实现了组态软件的开发. -master's thesis topic : network environment configuration software R & D main elements : the text of network technology and configuration software research and analysis, a proposed network configuration software environment, the framework, Programming and through a Web-based configuration software development. right through computer networks in industrial surveillance system the analysis should be on, we will Internet technology and industrial-site surveillance systems, thus, a new browser-based industrial surveillance system in the development of design issues, The adoption of the industrial automation field various real-time information to connect into the enterprise local network server, HTML and text in the form of real-time dissemination of design options achieving a dynamic s
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.36mb Publisher : 蒋小平

计算机网络课程设计--局域网聊天系统(VB开发的有源程序和完整的报告)-Curriculum design of computer networks LAN chat system (VB source and has developed a full report)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 470kb Publisher : 梁小小

软件工程案例分析,机票预定信息系统的总目标是:在计算机网络,数据库和先进的开发平台上,利用现有的软件,配置一定的硬件,开发一个具有开放体系结构的、易扩充的、易维护的、具有良好人机交互界面的机票预定系统,实现航空公司的机票销售的自动化的计算机系统。-Software Engineering Case Studies, ticket booking information system s general objective is: In computer networks, databases and advanced development platform, using existing software, configure certain hardware, the development of an open architecture, easy expansion, easy to maintain, and has a good interactive interface of the ticket reservation system, airline ticket sales to achieve the automation of computer systems.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : 张上大

Sector is a system infrastructure software that provides functionality for distributed data storage, access, and analysis/processing. It automatically manages large volumetric data across servers or clusters, even those over distributed wide area high speed networks. Sector provides simple tools and APIs to access and/or process the data. Data and server locations are transparent to users, as the whole Sector network is a single networked super computer to the users.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 125kb Publisher : goodview

计算机网络的迅速发展,使数据库应用系统不仅在功能而且在结构上都有了深刻的变化-The rapid development of computer networks, so that database application system not only in the functional and structural changes have a profound
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.69mb Publisher : jfy

本系统是一套用于小区物业管理业务的综合系统。利用计算机网络的各种优势,根据物业管理原则,对物业小区的各种服务进行统一、规范的管理,本系统实现了计算机对楼房、业主、设备的统计,查询,修改,添加等工作。达到规范化管理的效果,提高工作效率、提升对业主住户服务需求的反应速度,从而全面提高物业管理的水平和服务质量。 关键词:物业;物业管理;物业管理信息系统 -The system is a set of residential property management business for the integrated system. The use of computer networks of various advantages, in accordance with the principles of property management of residential property of all kinds of services a unified, standard management, the system computer to realize the building owners, equipment statistics, query, modify, add, and so on. Standardized management to achieve results, improve work efficiency, enhance household demand for services to owners of the reaction rate, thus a comprehensive property management improve the level and quality of service. Keywords: property property management Property Management Information System
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.48mb Publisher : luke

本课程较好地把握了计算机网络理论体系的系统性和高职高专理论教育的“必需、够用”原则、计算机网络基础理论知识的相对稳定性和主流技术的相对发展性之间的平衡。将理论教学内容分为计算机网络概述、数据通信基础、OSI/RM各层功能、局域网技术、网络互联设备和多层交换、网络操作系统和计算模型、广域网技术、TCP/IP协议、Internet/Intranet的原理和应用、网络技术应用等章节。-This course has a better grasp of the theoretical system of computer networks, systematic and theoretical education in Higher Vocational
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.9mb Publisher : 乔玉

计算机网络课件,比较全面系统的讲解计算机网络的组成分类等!-Courseware for computer networks, a more comprehensive system on the computer network, such as the composition of Category!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.62mb Publisher : 王志刚

考试,系统,网上,构建,利用,ASP.NET, 随着计算机网络的普及,基于数据库的B/S网上考试 系统得到广泛地应用,现以 server为例 -Examination system, online, build, use, ASP.NET, with the popularization of computer networks, based on database B/S-line examination system has been widely applied, it is a (C#)+ SQL server as an example
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 376kb Publisher : liu

企业安防管理系统:随着企业的信息化建设不断深入,如今在很多生活领域(如小区物业、企事业单位等)都进行了安全布防,一旦有事件发生时,就可以进行人工或自动报警(如火警、水警等)。特别是大中型企业都加快了信息网络平台的建设;企业正逐步转向利用网络和计算机集中处理管理、生产、销售、物流、售后服务等重要环节的大量数据。 数字视频、音频技术以其高清晰度、易于存储、回放和共享而备受关注,是企业可视信息管理系统的重要组成部分。本系统是基于企业局域网平台针对企业安防、音、视频数据的管理系统。它是传统视频监控系统在功能和性能上的延伸和拓展。 运行环境 操作系统:Windows ME/2000/XP 开发工具:Delphi 7.0 数据库:SQL Server 2000 硬件配置:CPU:Pentium 200MHz 以上 内存:32MBRAM以上 硬盘:100MB以上磁盘空间 显示分辨率:最低800×600像素 建议1024×768像素 颜色:256色 -Enterprise Security Management System: With the informatization construction of enterprises continued to deepen, is now in many areas of life (such as residential property, enterprises, institutions, etc.) have carried out a security guard, when the time of the incident can be manual or automatic alarm (such as fire, water, police, etc.). Large and medium-sized enterprises in particular, has accelerated the construction of information network platform enterprises are gradually shifting the use of computer networks and concentrate on management, production, marketing, logistics, after-sales service and other important aspects of the large amounts of data. Digital video, audio technology for its high-definition, easy to store, playback and sharing have attracted much attention, visual information management is an important component of the system. The system is based on the enterprise LAN security platform for enterprises, audio, video data management system. It is a traditional video
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.41mb Publisher : maosan

DL : 0
computer networks a system approach larry L.peterson
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.12mb Publisher : hamidagha

A security metric measures or asse s the extent to which a system meets its security objectives. Since meaningful quantitative security metrics are largely unavailable, the security community primarily uses qualitative metrics for security. In this paper, we present a novel quantitative metric for the security of computer networks that is based on an analysis of attack graphs. The metric measures the security strength of a network in terms of the strength of the weakest adversary who can successfully penetrate the network.-A security metric measures or assesses the extent to which a system meets its security objectives. Since meaningful quantitative security metrics are largely unavailable, the security community primarily uses qualitative metrics for security. In this paper, we present a novel quantitative metric for the security of computer networks that is based on an analysis of attack graphs. The metric measures the security strength of a network in terms of the strength of the weakest adversary who can successfully penetrate the network.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 582kb Publisher : 张倩倩

Computer Networks . A system s approach.. By Peterson
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.48mb Publisher : Jithin

随着计算机网络和Internet的发展,宽带VOD视频点播技术因其交互式功能和流媒体传输技术已倍受教育、娱乐等行业青睐。论文结合NT平台开发实例阐述了基于WEB的实时VOD系统的协议原理、软件结构和设计实现方案,以便由基于IP的大规模多媒体点播系统的设计提供参考。-With the development of computer networks and the Internet, broadband VOD video on demand technology because of its interactive features and streaming media transmission technology has been much education, entertainment and other industries favor. Paper combines the NT platform development instance elaborated WEB-based real-time VOD system protocol principles, software architecture and design implementations for the large-scale IP-based multimedia-on-demand system is designed to provide a reference.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 792kb Publisher : yan
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