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由于BP网络的权值优化是一个无约束优化问题,而且权值要采用实数编码,所以直接利用Matlab遗传算法工具箱。以下贴出的代码是为一个19输入变量,1个输出变量情况下的非线性回归而设计的,如果要应用于其它情况,只需改动编解码函数即可。 -As a result of BP network weights optimization is a constrained optimization problems, and weights to be used real-coded, so the direct use of Matlab genetic algorithm toolbox. Posted the following code is for a 19 input variables, an output variable in case of non-linear regression designed, if applied to other situations, simply change your codec function.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王刚

带约束算子的粒子群算法,用于matlab环境,对于搞研究的教师有很大帮助。-Operator Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization for the matlab environment, engage in research for teachers are very helpful.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 337kb Publisher : savvy

由于BP网络的权值优化是一个无约束优化问题,而且权值要采用实数编码,所以直接利用Matlab遗传算法工具箱。以下贴出的代码是为一个19输入变量,1个输出变量情况下的非线性回归而设计的,如果要应用于其它情况,只需改动编解码函数即可。程序需要调用gaot工具箱.-As a result of BP network weights optimization is a constrained optimization problems, and weights to be used real-coded, so the direct use of Matlab genetic algorithm toolbox. Posted the following code is for a 19 input variables, an output variable in case of non-linear regression designed, if applied to other situations, simply change your codec function. Procedures need to call gaot toolbox.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher :

由于BP网络的权值优化是一个无约束优化问题,而且权值要采用实数编码,所以直接利用Matlab遗传算法工具箱-As a result of BP network weights optimization is a constrained optimization problems, and weights to be used real-coded, so the direct use of Matlab Genetic Algorithm Toolbox
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 59kb Publisher : yingengdog

基于克隆免疫算法最优问题的求解的MATLAB程序-Cloning based on immune algorithm for solving the optimal problem of MATLAB procedures
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 94kb Publisher : 关耳

文化算法是一种社会算法,这是一个文化算法的PPT让你能清楚的认识文化算法的作用特性以及其核心。-Cultural Algorithm is a kind of social algorithm, this is a culture of the PPT algorithm to allow you a clear understanding of the role of cultural algorithms, as well as its core characteristics.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 853kb Publisher : 张聪誉

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matlab程序,有约束最优化问题直接法--复合形法-matlab program, constrained optimization problems are the direct method- the complex method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : linfuquan

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matlab 7.0 以上版本提供了强大的优化工具箱,但在整数规划方面,只提供了bintprog()这个m文件以求解0-1整数规划,而对于一般的整数规划模型没有具体的算法提供。我们一般情况只是用最简单的分值定界思想编写matlab程序求解整数规划问题,但效率低下,如何利用求解整数规划的先进算法编写matlab程序提上日程,香港大学的李端和复旦大学编写的《Nonlinear Integer Programming》(非线性整数规划)为编写解决整数规划问题提供强大有效的算法,其中算法针对具体问题包括: lagrangian 对偶问题 代理对偶问题 非线性lagrangian 和强对偶问题 非线性背包问题 可分解的整数规划问题 二次目标函数的整数规划问题 非约束的0-1多项式规划问题 约束的 0-1多项式规划问题 混合整数非线性规划问题 -In spite of shortcoming of matlab 7.0 that it can t provide the toolbox in order to dealing with general integer programming problem, therefore, we need goog algorithm to write matlab code to solve general integer programming, in 2006, Li duan from Hongkong university and Sun xiaoling from Fudan university proposed a book named Nonlinear Integer programming, and it include the problems as follows: lagrangian duality problem surrogate duality problem nonlinear lagrangian problem nonlinear knapsack problem nonlinear integer programming with a quadratic objective functions nonconstrained polynomial 0-1 optimization constrained polynomial 0-1 programming mixed-integer nonlinear programming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.13mb Publisher : feimaxiao

MATLAB 有约束信赖域算法,以四元多项式为算例 适用于学习最优化算法的数学专业学生以及其他数值分析课程的同学, 程序清晰,对MATLAB的学习也有很大的帮助,同时程序还有一些不足,读者自己须根据实际问题更正。-MATLAB constrained trust region algorithm to quaternion polynomial example for the application of optimization algorithms in the learning of mathematics students, as well as other courses in numerical analysis of the students, the program clearly and learning to MATLAB is also a great help, but the procedure also There are a number of shortcomings, the reader himself to be corrected in accordance with the actual problem.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李龙

the book provides many solved examples that illustrate the principles involved, and includes, in addition, two chapters that deal exclusively with applications of unconstrained and constrained optimization methods to problems in the areas of pattern recognition, control systems, robotics, communication systems, and the design of digital filters. For each application, enough background information is provided to promote the understanding of the optimization algorithms used to obtain the desired solutions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.94mb Publisher : 曹继海

我改写的多变量带约束的遗传算法Matlab源程序!-Multi-variable Constrained Optimization by GA in Matlab!!!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张飞

细菌觅食随机优化论文及matlab源码。该算法属于进化算法的一种,可以处理全局优化、多目标优化、约束优化和动态优化等问题。-Bacterial feeding stochastic optimization papers and matlab source code. The algorithm belongs to a kind of evolutionary algorithm that can deal with global optimization, multi-objective optimization, constrained optimization and dynamic optimization problems.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.34mb Publisher : bxingliu

Two stage optimization algorithm is proposed and investigated for fast computation of constrained power economic dispatch control problems.-Two stage optimization algorithm is proposed and investigated for fast computation of constrained power economic dispatch control problems.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 579kb Publisher : cidadeus

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排课问题是一个有约束的、多目标的组合优化问题,并且已经被证明是一个NP完全问题。 遗传算法借鉴生物界自然选择和自然遗传机制,使用群体搜索技术,尤其是用于处理传统搜索方法难以解决的复杂的和非线性的问题。经过近40年的发展,遗传算法在理论研究和实际应用中取得了巨大的成功,本文将遗传算法用于排课问题的求解,首先讨论了排课问题中的影响因素、主要约束条件、求解目标和难点,并用数学模型完整地描述了排课问题。其次对多个模糊排课目标进行了定量分析,建立了排课优化目标空间。针对排课问题研究了染色体编码方式以及遗传算子的设计,提出了适应度函数的计算方法。最后对排课问题进行了实验。实验结果表明,其过程的目标值跟踪显示,算法稳健趋优,所得结果令人满意。-Course Scheduling problem is a constrained, multi-objective optimization problem, and has proven to be a NP complete problem. Genetic algorithms reference biosphere and the natural genetic mechanism of natural selection, using the group search technology, particularly the traditional search methods for handling complex and difficult to solve nonlinear problems. After nearly 40 years of development, the genetic algorithm in the theoretical study and practical application was a great success, this paper genetic algorithm for solving the course timetabling problem, first discussed the impact of factors in the course arrangement, the main constraints, to solve goals and difficulties, and a complete mathematical model to describe the course arrangement. Arranging multiple fuzzy goals followed by a quantitative analysis, the optimal target Arranging space. Arranging for the Study of the chromosome coding and genetic operators design, proposed fitness function is calculated. Finally, the co
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.23mb Publisher : 张林杰

Constrained optimization has been explained with matlab 2007a. This has been explained with various benchmark functions. The main program can be directly applied to knapsack problem and portfolio optimization problem directly. These programs have been written in a menu driven manner.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : missed2010

New Approaches to Constrained Optimization in MATLAB
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : javid

精通MATLAB最优化计算 配套光盘 本书的主要内容是应用MATLAB来解决最优化问题,通过将“最优化问题”、“MATLAB优化工具箱”和“MATLAB编程”这三方面有机结合进行讲述,即一方面是使用工具箱来快速解决最优化问题,另一方面是通过算法编程深入解决最优化问题。主要包括MATLAB优化工具箱、无约束多维极值问题、约束优化问题、非线性最小二乘优化问题、线性规划、整数规划、二次规划、粒子群优化算法、遗传算法。 -The main contents of the book is the application of MATLAB to solve the optimization problem, by " optimization problem" , " MATLAB Optimization Toolbox" and " MATLAB Programming" combination of these three were about, that one is using the kit to quickly solve the optimization problem, on the other hand, through in-depth programming algorithm to solve the optimization problem. Including MATLAB optimization toolbox, unconstrained multi-dimensional extremum problems, constrained optimization, nonlinear least squares optimization problem, linear programming, integer programming, quadratic programming, particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 150kb Publisher : 李可

外点罚函数方法,可以用来求解约束优化问题,也可以用来被调用在智能算法中-Point outside the penalty function can be used for solving constrained optimization problems, can also be used in intelligent algorithm called
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 彭ph.D

针对matlab中智能算法工具箱求解多目标函数问题是用遗传算法工具箱更加方便的计算多约束优化问题。(Aiming at the problem that multi-objective function is solved by using the intelligent algorithm toolbox in matlab, it is more convenient to calculate multi-constrained optimization problem with genetic algorithm toolbox.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.43mb Publisher : 李乃双

In mathematical optimization, constrained optimization (in some contexts called constraint optimization) is the process of optimizing an objective function with respect to some variables in the presence of constraints on those variables. The objective function is either a cost function or energy function which is to be minimized, or a reward function or utility function, which is to be maximized. Constraints can be either hard constraints which set conditions for the variables that are required to be satisfied, or soft constraints which have some variable values that are penalized in the objective function if, and based on the extent that, the conditions on the variables are not satisfied.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 38kb Publisher : reyhooon
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