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[GUI Develop电力系统电机转动实现

Description: 在电力系统中,客户经常提出要实现电力系统监控主接线图的潮流实现。所谓潮流实现即是在电力监控系统的主接线图中能够动态反映各线路的运行情况,包含电流流动方向,各设备运行状态等。由于在水电站监控系统中很多用户提出要求能够反映发电机组的动态运行情况,即在主接线图中能够反映哪个机组正在运行。这里我采用贴图法进行动态贴图然后交替显示达到动态运行的目的。当然我们可以采用其他的很多方法,比如CDC类对象动态绘制等。 -in the power system, customers often made to achieve the main power system control diagram of the trend to achieve. To achieve the so-called trend that is the power of the main monitoring system wiring diagram to reflect the dynamic operation of the lines, including current flow direction, the device operation status. Due to the hydroelectric power system many users requesting units to reflect the dynamic operation, that is the main wiring diagram to reflect what units are running. Here I use dynamic mapping method shows tile then turn to a dynamic operating purposes. Of course, we can use many other methods, such as CDC category Dynamic Object Rendering so.
Platform: | Size: 223232 | Author: ysh | Hits:


Description: 支流调速系统的电直流电源原理图希望对于开发支流流调速系统的朋友有一点帮助。-Tributary of speed control system electrical schematics DC power supply hope for the development of tributary flow speed control system has a little friend to help.
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: young | Hits:


Description: 无功优化IEEE论文With the increased loading of existing power system, the problem of voltage stability and voltage collapse has become a major concern in power system planning and operation. The dependence of the system voltage profile on reactive power distribution forms the basis for reactive power optimisation. The technique attempts to utilises fully the reactive power sources in the system to improve the voltage profile and also to meet the reactive power requirements at the AC–DC terminals to facilitate the smooth operation of DC links. The method involves successive solution of steady-state power flows and optimisation of reactive power control variables with unified power flow controllers using linear programming technique. The proposed method has-With the increased loading of existing power system, the problem of voltage stability and voltage collapse has become a major concern in power system planning and operation. The dependence of the system voltage profile on reactive power distribution forms the basis for reactive power optimisation. The technique attempts to utilises fully the reactive power sources in the system to improve the voltage profile and also to meet the reactive power requirements at the AC–DC terminals to facilitate the smooth operation of DC links. The method involves successive solution of steady-state power flows and optimisation of reactive power control variables with unified power flow controllers using linear programming technique. The proposed method has been tested on a real life equivalent 96-bus AC and a two terminal DC system.
Platform: | Size: 470016 | Author: liuzhaohua | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSimPowerSystems-powerflow

Description: 关于matlab simpowersystem的例子,有助于掌握matlab潮流计算-About matlab simpowersystem example, help to control power flow matlab
Platform: | Size: 124928 | Author: 小强 | Hits:


Description: Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Control of a UPFC Power Flow Compensator
Platform: | Size: 132096 | Author: metidji | Hits:


Description: These files gives information of unified power flow control
Platform: | Size: 1205248 | Author: yogi | Hits:

[Energy industrydistributed-generation_distribution-system_Newton-

Description: 优秀论文配套源码。分布式电源的接入使得配电系统从放射状无源网络变为分布有中小型电源的有源网络。带来了使单向流动的电流方向具有了不确定性等等问题,使得配电系统的控制和管理变得更加复杂。但同时,分布式电源又具有提高电网可靠性,绿色节能,等等优点,所以为更好的利用分布式电源为人类造福,我们必须对其进行研究与分析。 本文采取通过利用仿真软件Matlab编写计算潮流程序模拟分布式电源接入配电网的模型进行潮流计算的方法对分布式电源的稳态影响进行探索与分析。 选取了34节点的配电网网络模型,通过对单个以及多个分布式电源的接入位置以及容量的不同情况对34节点配电网的网损以及节点电压状况进行了分析。 -The distributed generation access to distribution system makes passive radial distribution network to active medium-sized power distribution network. It brings uncertainty to one-way direction power flow, etc., and it makes the control and management of the distribution system more complicated. Otherwise, it can bring a lot of benefits, such as more reliable, and it is green power. The distributed generation should be better known , so we can benefits more. So the program called Matlab was used to compile a program to solve the power flow problem. By this program, we can text which factor can influence the distributed generation’s access to the distribution system. The IEEE 34 Node model was chosen to be discussed how different factors can influence the power quality. This article analyzes distributed generation’s influence to the distribution system of energy lost and voltage level.
Platform: | Size: 520192 | Author: NBB | Hits:

[Energy industrySCED_PSOPF

Description: 计及预防控制的电力系统最优潮流,OPF,考虑线路N-1故障-Account of prevention and control of power system optimal power flow, OPF, consider the fault lines N-1
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 白加林 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringDirect-Power-Control-of-Matrix-Converter-Based-Un

Description: This paper presents the Direct Power Control of Three-Phase Matrix Converters (DPC-MC) operating as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC). Since matrix converters allow direct AC/AC power conversion without intermediate energy storage link, the resulting UPFC has reduced volume and cost, together with higher reliability. Theoretical principles of DPCMC method are established based on an UPFC model, together with a new direct power control approach based on sliding mode control techniques. As a result, active and reactive power can be directly controlled by selection of an appropriate switching state of matrix converter. This new direct power control approach associated to matrix converters technology guarantees decoupled active and reactive power control, zero error tracking, fast response times and timely control actions. Simulation results show good performance of the proposed system.
Platform: | Size: 631808 | Author: abdalla el-saadaney | Hits:

[Software EngineeringComparison-of-different-control-actions-UPFC

Description: Comparison of Different Control Actions for unified power flow controller
Platform: | Size: 299008 | Author: ashik | Hits:

[Industry researchHybrid-Fuzzy-PI-Controller-Applied-to-VSC-HVDC.zi

Description: A hybrid fuzzy-PI controller for voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) transmission system is proposed in this paper. At first, the elementary model of VSCHVDC is described. Then the fuzzy self-tuning control strategy is proposed, in which direct current control strategy and dual closed loop structure are designed in dq synchronous reference frame. Independent control of the active and reactive power is realized. Simulation results show that the designed control system obtains satisfying performance, and the adjustments of power flow could be achieved quicker than convention PI control.
Platform: | Size: 2249728 | Author: Bidyut Hota | Hits:


Description: The principal characteristic of VSC-HVDC transmission is its ability to independently control the reactive and real power flow at each of the AC systems to which it is connected, at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). In contrast to line-commutated HVDC transmission, the polarity of the DC link voltage remains the same with the DC current being reversed to change the direction of power flow.
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: jafar | Hits:

[Program doc278-Estimating-of-Rotor-Speed-based-MRAS

Description: The training techniques, allows a wide range of use of the asynchronous machine with good performance, tell her great robustness, reliability and electromagnetic low cost. The vector control strategy takes into account the dynamic structure of the machine to have training systems robust high performance. In the sensorless speed control of induction motors for the information of the rotor speed and extracted the electrical terminals of the stator (voltage, current) . Vector control of induction motors allows to reduce the control of an induction motor similar to that of a machine with separate excitation current contained linear control, this control requires an estimate of the amplitude and direction of flow in the rotor. The estimated speed of the engine, which uses the MRAS technique based on reactive power, has been proposed and used in this work to achieve this goal. -The training techniques, allows a wide range of use of the asynchronous machine with good performance, tell her great robustness, reliability and electromagnetic low cost. The vector control strategy takes into account the dynamic structure of the machine to have training systems robust high performance. In the sensorless speed control of induction motors for the information of the rotor speed and extracted the electrical terminals of the stator (voltage, current) . Vector control of induction motors allows to reduce the control of an induction motor similar to that of a machine with separate excitation current contained linear control, this control requires an estimate of the amplitude and direction of flow in the rotor. The estimated speed of the engine, which uses the MRAS technique based on reactive power, has been proposed and used in this work to achieve this goal.
Platform: | Size: 204800 | Author: zakary | Hits:

[Software Engineeringpower-PMSG

Description: Power flow control of PMSG
Platform: | Size: 245760 | Author: sun | Hits:


Description: 主要讲解电网运行管理,各类相电厂运行控制,电网潮流短路及稳定分析计算-Mainly on power system operation management, operation with all types of plant control, short circuit and stability analysis of power flow calculation
Platform: | Size: 13167616 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Abstract— In an interconnected multi-area power system, as a power load demand varies randomly, in the case of any small sudden load change in any of the areas, both area frequency and tie-line power flow interchange also vary. The main goals of Load Frequency Control (LFC) are, to hold the frequency and the desired power output in the interconnected power system at the scheduled values and to control the change in the tie-line power flow between control areas. The purpose of this paper is to present basically an application of Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC)
Platform: | Size: 433152 | Author: Gomaa Haroun | Hits:


Description: Frequency control as a major function of automatic generation control is one of the important control problems in electric power system design and operation.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Zawawy | Hits:

[DocumentsOPF control of dc grid

Description: 针对直流电网中的最优潮流问题,提出了一种基于模糊控制理论的自适应粒子群算法,以实现电网兼顾有功网损和电压质量的优化运行。(To solve optimal power flow problem in DC grid, an adaptive particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm based on fuzzy control theory is proposed in this paper, and optimal operation considering both power loss and voltage quality is realized.)
Platform: | Size: 302080 | Author: 阿飞之父 | Hits:

[matlabstatcom FACTS Devices

Description: statcom connection Abstract In deregulated power system, congestion management is a major problem due to operational constraints. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices can be a choice to control the power flow in congested lines. This paper explores the use of two popular FACTS devices, TCSC and STATCOM for power flow control in electrical network and their capability to decongest the network. It suggests the optimal location of TCSC and STATCOM individually to relieve congestion with minimum power losses, voltage regulation and cost of the device. The proposed method has been verified on IEEE-14 bus system for its effectiveness. Simulation work is carried out in MATLAB software.
Platform: | Size: 7979 | Author: Mariya | Hits:

[matlabstatcom FACTS Devices

Description: ieee 14 bus Abstract In deregulated power system, congestion management is a major problem due to operational constraints. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices can be a choice to control the power flow in congested lines. This paper explores the use of two popular FACTS devices, TCSC and STATCOM for power flow control in electrical network and their capability to decongest the network. It suggests the optimal location of TCSC and STATCOM individually to relieve congestion with minimum power losses, voltage regulation and cost of the device. The proposed method has been verified on IEEE-14 bus system for its effectiveness. Simulation work is carried out in MATLAB software.
Platform: | Size: 29639 | Author: Mariya | Hits:
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