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Description: C code for "Computational Geometry in C (Second Edition)": Code function Chapter pointer directory ----------------------------------------------------- Triangulate Chapter 1, Code 1.14 /tri Convex Hull(2D) Chapter 3, Code 3.8 /graham Convex Hull(3D) Chapter 4, Code 4.8 /chull sphere.c Chapter 4, Fig. 4.15 /sphere Delaunay Triang Chapter 5, Code 5.2 /dt SegSegInt Chapter 7, Code 7.2 /segseg Point-in-poly Chapter 7, Code 7.13 /inpoly Point-in-hedron Chapter 7, Code 7.15 /inhedron Int Conv Poly Chapter 7, Code 7.17 /convconv Mink Convolve Chapter 8, Code 8.5 /mink Arm Move Chapter 8, Code 8.7 /arm-C code for "Computational Geometry in C (Second Edition)": Code function Chapter pointer directory----------------------------------------------------- Triangulate Chapter 1, Code 1.14 /tri Convex Hull(2D) Chapter 3, Code 3.8 /graham Convex Hull(3D) Chapter 4, Code 4.8 /chull sphere.c Chapter 4, Fig. 4.15 /sphere Delaunay Triang Chapter 5, Code 5.2 /dt SegSegInt Chapter 7, Code 7.2 /segseg Point-in-poly Chapter 7, Code 7.13 /inpoly Point-in-hedron Chapter 7, Code 7.15 /inhedron Int Conv Poly Chapter 7, Code 7.17 /convconv Mink Convolve Chapter 8, Code 8.5 /mink Arm Move Chapter 8, Code 8.7 /arm
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: Mark | Hits:


Description: 1.实现了最近点平分法的分类器 2.实现了基于凸函数最优解的分类器-1. The realization of the nearest point of the classifier equally Act 2. To achieve the optimal solution based on the convex function of the classifier
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 杨光大 | Hits:


Description: 目标函数是De Jong函数,是一个连续、凸起的单峰函数-Objective function is De Jong function, is a continuous, convex function of the single-peak
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 齐乐 | Hits:


Description: 详细的介绍了凸函数的一阶范数最优解问题,并且给出一实例-Detailed account of the convex function of the first-order optimal solution norm, and gives an example
Platform: | Size: 9571328 | Author: 彭锋 | Hits:

[Special Effectsconvex

Description: 关于图像最小凸包的一系列算法,该算法主要运用于OpenCV 中的MinAreaBox()函数中 用于确定图像的倾斜角度-With regard to image the smallest convex hull of a series of algorithm, which mainly used OpenCV in MinAreaBox () function is used to determine the image of the tilt angle of
Platform: | Size: 122880 | Author: Free.L | Hits:


Description: 几个凸优化函数,用于解决非约束和带约束条件的凸优化问题-Several convex optimization function, for solving non-binding and the constrained convex optimization problem
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: xuhongteng | Hits:


Description: methods of convex function optimization
Platform: | Size: 4465664 | Author: wing cheung | Hits:


Description: Designs an FIR filter given a desired frequency response H_des(w). The design is judged by the maximum absolute error (Chebychev norm). This is a convex problem (after sampling it can be formulated as an SOCP). minimize max |H(w) - H_des(w)| for w in [0,pi] - where H is the frequency response function and variable is h (the filter impulse response).
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wwcj | Hits:


Description: The Rosenbrock function is a non-convex function used as a performance test problem for optimization algorithms introduced by Rosenbrock (1960). It is also known as Rosenbrock s valley or Rosenbrock s banana function. The global minimum is inside a long, narrow, parabolic shaped flat valley. To find the valley is trivial. To converge to the global minimum, however, is difficult.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: suci ariani | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsConvex-Optimization-

Description: 一本很好的凸优化书,有助于进一步学习凸函数及优化理论。-A good book convex optimization, convex function and help to further study and optimization theory.
Platform: | Size: 5408768 | Author: 杨雪 | Hits:


Description: 平均互信息是信源概率的上凸函数,是信道概率的下凸函数,该软件展示他们平面图与三维可视图.直观.-The average mutual information source probability convex function, convex function of the probability of channel, the software shows they plan and 3D view. Intuitive.
Platform: | Size: 310272 | Author: wangjin | Hits:

[Special Effectswrk

Description: 基于模糊对比度的图像增强方法,大致过程仍然是先把图像从空间域映射到模糊域,在模糊域内通过定义一个局部对比度算子,然后通过对凸函数的加强来放大像素邻域的各像素之间的差异。 -Based on the fuzzy contrast image enhancement method, the general process is still the first images from space domain is mapped to the fuzzy field in fuzzy field through the define a local contrast operator, and then the convex function to enlarge the strengthening of pixels each neighborhood pixel differences.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 艾可 | Hits:

[Special EffectsConvex

Description: 使用opencv的函数实现图形图像处理中的凸包缺陷的查找-Use opencv function of the convex hull of the graphics processing defects Find
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 叶子 | Hits:


Description: “凸优化” 是指目标函数为凸函数且由约束条件得到的定义域为凸集的优化问题。文章是MIT的公开课讲义。-"Convex optimization" refers to the objective function is convex function and the constraint conditions are the domain of optimization problem for convex set. Article is MIT public class notes.
Platform: | Size: 5595136 | Author: 师行知 | Hits:


Description: Being the overall problem non-convex in terms of transmitted power, we propose to solve it distributedly, where each femto access point (FAP) optimizes a convex function for some measured interference levels. If the optimization is done independently at each FAP, we can formulate the overall problem as a non-cooperative game where each action is taken as a selfish response to the own FAP channel states and to the interference generated by other FAP decisions.
Platform: | Size: 344064 | Author: Pikachu | Hits:


Description: 遗传算法求解非凸函数的极值,包含选择交叉变异子函数-Using Genetic algorithm to solve the extremum of non-convex function
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: zhangyuan | Hits:

[source in ebooksimulate

Description: 使用DC算法求解非凸函数的最优化问题。可以确保局部最优解,有时收敛到全局最优-DC algorithm using optimization problem of non-convex function. Ensure local optima, sometimes converge to the global optimum
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: 破晓 | Hits:


Description: 优化的Banana函数-各类优化方法的对比-Banana optimization function- Comparison of various types of optimization methods
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Tony Shao | Hits:


Description: ”凸优化“ 是指一种比较特殊的优化,是指求取最小值的目标函数为凸函数的一类优化问题。其中,目标函数为凸函数且定义域为凸集的优化问题称为无约束凸优化问题。而目标函数和不等式约束函数均为凸函数,等式约束函数为仿射函数,并且定义域为凸集的优化问题为约束优化问题- Convex optimization refers to a kind of special optimization, which is a kind of optimization problem with the objective function of the minimum value. Among them, the objective function is convex function and convex domain optimization problem called unconstrained convex optimization problem. The objective function and the inequality constraint functions are convex function, equality constraint functions as an affine function and domain for convex optimization problems as constraint optimization problem
Platform: | Size: 4785152 | Author: 童云轩 | Hits:


Description: 在运筹学基础中,有讲解许多算法,在实际中也会用的到,在这编了几个程序,有凸函数、加布探索法、牛顿法,多数情况下是通用的,只需改几个参数,换下函数即可。-In Operations Research Foundation, there are many algorithms to explain which will be used to do something in practice.There are series of few procedures, including convex function, Gabe heuristics, Newton s method, in most cases are common, simply change several parameters can be replaced function.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: Dr.Joey | Hits:
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