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可分离据卷积,在GPU上实现并行运算,比较CPU和GPU上的效率比较-According separable convolution, in the GPU to achieve parallel computing, compare CPU and GPU on the efficiency
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.57mb Publisher : zhao00888100

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可分离据卷积,在GPU上实现并行运算,比较CPU和GPU上的效率比较-According separable convolution, in the GPU to achieve parallel computing, compare CPU and GPU on the efficiency
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.14mb Publisher : Jack

Convolution filtering is a technique that can be used for a wide array of image processing tasks, some of which may include smoothing and edge detection. In this document we show how a separable convolution filter can be implemented in NVIDIA CUDA and provide some guidelines for performance optimizations.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.74mb Publisher : vgaliano

CONVOLVE2可以用于任何CONV2使用,采取同样的参数并返回一个小的公差范围内同样结果。加速计算是通过使用面膜中的奇异值分解,表示为外产品总结一下。这些都可以有效地计算与行和列向量的卷积。 CONV2是用来从事这项运动。 可分面具是一个特殊情况,并受CONVOLVE2处理多达FILTER2一样。许多不属于其他口罩可分低等级(如Gabor函数口罩),并更有效地处理CONVOLVE2。 该功能也将计算出降秩逼近一个给定的面具如果需要的话,将使用此是否会加速计算。一个额外的参数允许在错误控制。 附加形状选项允许:(一)2 - D“的通知“执行卷积- 也就是说,输入数组被视为周期,而不是零包围 (二)一个“反思“的边界条件- 那就是,输入数组被视为体现了自身的副本包围。 看到 计算机和机器人视觉 第一卷,由R.M. Haralick和L.G.夏皮罗(Addison - Wesley出版1992年),第298-299 -CONVOLVE2 can be used wherever CONV2 is used, taking the same arguments and returning the same results to within a small tolerance. The computation is speeded up by using the singular value decomposition of the mask to express it as a sum of outer products. Each of these can be computed efficiently as convolution with a row and a column vector. CONV2 is used to carry this out. Separable masks are a particular case and are handled by CONVOLVE2 much as FILTER2 does. Many other masks which are not separable have low rank (e.g. Gabor function masks) and are handled more efficiently by CONVOLVE2. The function will also compute a reduced-rank approximation to a given mask if required and will use this if it will speed up the computation. An extra argument allows control over the error. Additional shape options allow: (a) 2-D "circular" convolution to be performed- that is, the input array is taken to be periodic rather than surrounded by zeros (b) a "reflection" boundary c
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : namind

 Ext rapolation operator of one2way wave field has great application in seismic migration imaging. According to their implement , these operators can be classified into three kinds : Kirchhoff integral method , implicit definite difference in space domain and Fourier t ransform method. They represent different operator expression methods. Dif2 ferent precisions will be got while using the operators in these methods in different t runcate order. Represent in sym2 bol in the method of derivation and accuracy analysis. Symbol of operator is the function of operator acting on sine function. Symbol of operator is the extension of convolution operator’s Fourier t ransform. Fourier t ransform method can be directly derived f rom symbol function’s separable approximation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 503kb Publisher : txd
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