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趋势曲线图 You Might Want To Copy The Files Into The System Directory Before Registering Them With FSOCX.EXE Programs available from the homepage are FS TextFile........ VB OCX Easy Access To Text Files FS AnimIcon........ VB OCX Animated Icon s For The Taskbar FS FunkyFont....... VB OCX Multicolored fonts in a textbox FS OnlineUpdate.... VB OCX to perform Online Version Checks FS Utils........... VB OCX alot of little functions FS Password........ VB OCX Password protect your Apps FS CommonDialog.... VB OCX missing part of commondialog FS TweakDUN........ Easy access to tweakDUN from taskbar FS Scroll.......... VB OCX Scroll forms or controls FS DateCheck....... VB OCX setup App s to stop after a date FS OCXReg.......... A small program to register/unregister OCX s FS MsgBox.......... VB OCX programmable MsgBox replacment FS Digital......... VB OCX 3 color digital display FS File............ VB OCX find files-file type on any drive-trend curves You Might Want To Copy The Files Into The System Directory With Them Before Registering FSOCX.EXE Programs available from the homepage are FS TextFile ........ VB OCX Easy Access To Text Files FS AnimIcon .... .... VB OCX Animated s Icon For The Taskbar FS FunkyFont ....... VB OCX Multicolored fonts in a textbox FS OnlineUpdate .... VB OCX to perform Online Version Checks FS Utils ....... .... VB OCX a lot of little functions FS Password ........ VB OCX Password protect your Apps FS CommonDialog .... VB OCX missing part of commondialog FS TweakDUN ........ Easy access to tweakDUN from taskbar FS Scroll .......... VB OCX Scroll forms or controls FS DateCheck ....... VB OCX setup App s to stop after a date FS OCXReg ....... ... A small program to register / UNREGISTER OCX s FS M
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 286.64kb Publisher : 周庭枫

放源代码软件就是在开放源代码许可证下发布的软件,以保障软件用户自由使用及接触源代码的权利。这同时也保障了用户自行修改、复制以及再分发的权利。简而言之,所有公布软件源代码的程序都可以称为开放源代码软件-Open Source Software in the open-source license issued by the software, in order to protect software users are free to use the source code and access rights. It also safeguards the user modify, copy and distribute the right again. In short, all released software source code procedures can be called open source software
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 557.57kb Publisher : 林万

此段程序采用公开的 Win2k注射远程线程,来保护指定进程始终处于运行状态。 生成wap32.exe拷贝到c:\\下运行,则Wap32进程不死。-During the proceedings open Win2k injection remote threads, to protect the designation process has always been running. Generation wap32.exe copy of the c : \\ run, Wap32 process of immortality.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.2kb Publisher : 宁静

此段程序采用公开的 Win2k注射远程线程,来保护指定进程始终处于运行状态。 生成wap32.exe拷贝到c:\下运行,则Wap32进程不死。-During the proceedings open Win2k injection remote threads, to protect the designation process has always been running. Generation wap32.exe copy of the c : \ run, Wap32 process of immortality.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 宁静

趋势曲线图 You Might Want To Copy The Files Into The System Directory Before Registering Them With FSOCX.EXE Programs available from the homepage are FS TextFile........ VB OCX Easy Access To Text Files FS AnimIcon........ VB OCX Animated Icon s For The Taskbar FS FunkyFont....... VB OCX Multicolored fonts in a textbox FS OnlineUpdate.... VB OCX to perform Online Version Checks FS Utils........... VB OCX alot of little functions FS Password........ VB OCX Password protect your Apps FS CommonDialog.... VB OCX missing part of commondialog FS TweakDUN........ Easy access to tweakDUN from taskbar FS Scroll.......... VB OCX Scroll forms or controls FS DateCheck....... VB OCX setup App s to stop after a date FS OCXReg.......... A small program to register/unregister OCX s FS MsgBox.......... VB OCX programmable MsgBox replacment FS Digital......... VB OCX 3 color digital display FS File............ VB OCX find files-file type on any drive-trend curves You Might Want To Copy The Files Into The System Directory With Them Before Registering FSOCX.EXE Programs available from the homepage are FS TextFile ........ VB OCX Easy Access To Text Files FS AnimIcon .... .... VB OCX Animated s Icon For The Taskbar FS FunkyFont ....... VB OCX Multicolored fonts in a textbox FS OnlineUpdate .... VB OCX to perform Online Version Checks FS Utils ....... .... VB OCX a lot of little functions FS Password ........ VB OCX Password protect your Apps FS CommonDialog .... VB OCX missing part of commondialog FS TweakDUN ........ Easy access to tweakDUN from taskbar FS Scroll .......... VB OCX Scroll forms or controls FS DateCheck ....... VB OCX setup App s to stop after a date FS OCXReg ....... ... A small program to register/UNREGISTER OCX s FS M
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 286kb Publisher : 周庭枫

放源代码软件就是在开放源代码许可证下发布的软件,以保障软件用户自由使用及接触源代码的权利。这同时也保障了用户自行修改、复制以及再分发的权利。简而言之,所有公布软件源代码的程序都可以称为开放源代码软件-Open Source Software in the open-source license issued by the software, in order to protect software users are free to use the source code and access rights. It also safeguards the user modify, copy and distribute the right again. In short, all released software source code procedures can be called open source software
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 557kb Publisher : 林万

DL : 0
内存空间不能跨进程访问的原因主要在于不同进程都有自己的页目录和页表。进程切换的很大一块也就是切换掉页目录。 Windows自己的ReadProcessMemory最终也是通过KeStackAttachProcess附加到目标进程空间执行拷贝的。但是中间的N个内核函数调用现在被很多保护系统Hook掉并保护起来了,所以要通过这层层关卡读到东西还是不那么简单的。-Inter-process memory space should not visit the main reason is because a different process has its own page directory and page table. The process of switching is a big switch off pages directory. Windows own ReadProcessMemory ultimately KeStackAttachProcess attached to the target through the process of implementation of copy space. However, N Central core function call is now a lot of protection systems and protect up Hook off, so going to pass this, each having something to read or not as simple as that.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : sdlylz

DL : 0
加密狗是用来保护软件的硬件设备,通常其中存放软件中的部分内容,复制加密狗,完全实现软件硬化.-Dongle is used to protect software, hardware equipment, which is usually stored in the part of the contents of the software, copy dongle, the full realization of software hardening.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 127kb Publisher : 赵阳

jsp File Browser version 1.1a -jsp File Browser version 1.1a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------IMPORTANT With this jsp you can destroy important files on your system, it also could be a serious security hole on your server. Use this script only, if you know what you do. There is no warranty of any kind. ------------------------REQUIREMENTS To use the File browser, you need a JSP1.1 compatible Web Server like Tomcat, Resin or Jetty. If you use the browser on webspace provided by an internet service provider, it could be, that you are not allowed to go in some directories or execute commands on the server, this will result in an exception. ------------------------INSTALLATION Just copy the jsp file to any configured Web application. The author recommends to protect the directory you copy the file into by password, to avoid abuse. ------------------------SETTINGS If you want to change the standard style, you
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : flash

软件加密中的防拷贝技术,是学习软件保护的好东西!-Encryption software copy protection technology, is learning software to protect the good stuff!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 373kb Publisher : 凌晨两点

* To protect our network from unauthorized users. * Access permissions are allowed only to valid users. * Resources can be shared between the client and the server. * Server can take a backup copy of what the client request. * Server also prepare a report of who all accessed , what was accessed and day of access. -* To protect our network from unauthorized users. * Access permissions are allowed only to valid users. * Resources can be shared between the client and the server. * Server can take a backup copy of what the client request. * Server also prepare a report of who all accessed , what was accessed and day of access.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : Ibrahim

为linux系统设计一个简单的二级文件系统-Linux system design for a simple two file system. Required to do the following: (1) can be achieved following a few commands read_file read the file create_file create a file create_dir create a directory del_file delete files del_dir remove directory display_curdir displays the current directory list of files display_dir into the specified directory back_dir Back to a directory display_sys show disk usage copy_file copy files move_file move files rename_file Rename Files append_file additional contents of the file edit_file edit content of the document remove_user Remove User login Login chomd Manage Users add_user Add Users see see user permissions (2) column directory to list the file name, physical address, protect code and file size (3) The source files can be read and write protection.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 107kb Publisher : jane

一个根据硬件ID和程序ID生成注册码的动态链接库DLL,可以根据计算机CPU、硬盘、网卡、BIOS生成唯一识别码。该组件不是从注册表中获得,而是直接从硬件获取信息,不需要管理员权限。支持最新的WIN7系统。适应于软件开发,注册。保护自己的软件。 使用方法:把Crack下的文件复制到安装程序目录下覆盖。在程序调用入口使用如下注册码:R5LR-S4TQ 示例:GetHardwareID(b_HDD, b_NIC, b_CPU, b_BIOS, "R5LR-S4TQ") -ID and procedures in accordance with a hardware ID generated registration key dynamic link library DLL, according to the computer CPU, hard disk, network card, BIOS generate a unique ID. This component is not obtained from the registry, but to obtain information directly from the hardware does not need administrator privileges. Support for the latest WIN7 system. Adapted to software development, registration. To protect their software. Usage: copy the Crack to the installation under the program directory under the coverage. Call use the following entry in the program License: R5LR-S4TQ Example: GetHardwareID (b_HDD, b_NIC, b_CPU, b_BIOS, " R5LR-S4TQ" )
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.12mb Publisher : naige

DL : 0
设计目的:通过设计和调试一个简单的文件系统,主要是模拟文件操作命令的执行,来模拟文件管理,使学生对主要文件操作命令的实质和执行过程有比较深入的了解,掌握它们的基本实施方法。 设计要求: ⑴设计一个支持n个用户的文件系统,每个用户可拥有多个文件; ⑵采用二级或二级以上的多级文件目录管理; ⑶对文件应设置存取控制保护方式,如“只能执行”、“允许读”、“允许写”等; ⑷系统的外部特征应接近于真实系统,可设置下述文件操作命令:建立文件、打开文件、关闭文件、删除文件、读文件、写文件、复制文件、查询目录。 ⑸通过键盘(或鼠标)使用该文件系统,系统应显示操作命令的执行结果。 -Design Objective: To design and debug a simple file system, mainly the implementation of the simulation file manipulation commands, to simulate the file manager, so that students have a more in-depth understanding of the substance and the implementation process of the main file manipulation commands to master their basic implementationapproach. Design requirements: The ⑴ design a file system supports n users, each user can have multiple files ⑵ two multi-level or two above the file directory management (3) the file should be set up access control to protect only the implementation, "allowed to read," Allow Write " ⑷ the external characteristics of the system should be close to the real system, file manipulation commands can be set to the following: creating a document, open the file, close the file, delete files, read files, write files, copy files, query the directory. ⑸ use the file system via the keyboard (or mouse), the system should display the results of the implementati
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 梁程广

LKT4101 防抄板专用协处理器芯片采用专用的智能卡芯片平台,内置凌科芯安公司自主开发的嵌入式系统,专门为保护用户代码,防止非法访问和外部攻击而设计的新一代安全芯片。处理器使用8051内核,采用串口通讯协议,用户可以把主要算法放到芯片内部,编程语言基于标准C,开发简单方便,同时,内部大容量的数据空间可作为用户扩展数据存储器,存放重要特征数据。-LKT4101 anti-copy board dedicated coprocessor chip dedicated smart card chip platform, a new generation of security chip built-in van den Brink core security company independently developed embedded systems, specifically designed to protect the user code, to prevent unauthorized access and external attacks. 8051 core processor, using the serial communication protocol, user main algorithm onto the chip' s internal programming language based on standard C, the development of simple and convenient at the same time, large capacity internal data space can be used as a user extended data memory, to store important feature data .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 曹铁

DL : 0
BAX8802百安加密芯片资料,用于电路板防抄板设计。-BAX8802 crypt chip material,for protect copy pcb and software in flash,eg. electronics products.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : 鲁清竹

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随着计算机网络的迅速发展,发生了翻天覆地的变化,数字信息的保护已是一个刻不容缓的问题,由于数字内容很容易复制,修改,网络上的数字内容分发的,有很多的盗版,侵权行为,知识产权保护,以抵抗各种侵权行为,近年来一直是世界上一种新的信息安全技术的提出,数字水印技术,它是一种新的数字信息技术为数字文件的特定著作权利益的保护。现在流行的水印算法在国内外主要是基于空间域和变换域,从综合性能比较,变换域的方法更为优越,目前占主要地位,未来的趋势为变换域方法为主流。本文提出了一种离散余弦变换(DCT)基于变换域的彩色图像水印算法,从低频部分和高频部分的变换后的图像,水印信号嵌入到低频部分,可以保证水印的鲁棒性。-With the rapid development of computer network, happened to turn the world upside down change, the protection of digital information has been a brook no delay problem, due to the modification of digital content is very easy to copy, distribute, digital content on the Internet, there are a lot of piracy, infringement, protection of intellectual property rights, to resist all kinds of tort, in recent years has been is a new information security technology, digital watermarking technology, it is a kind of digital information technology for specific works of digital document right to protect the interests of the. Watermarking algorithm now popular at home and abroad is mainly based on spatial domain and transform domain, from the comparison of comprehensive performance, the transform domain approach is more superior, currently occupies the main position, future trends in the transform domain method for the mainstream. This paper presents a discrete cosine transform (DCT) color image waterm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 488kb Publisher : 汪超

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保护U盘被复制,您需要使用各级别密码管理U盘。-To protect U disk copy, you need to use the land level U disk password management.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5mb Publisher : 于通

灵活性与扩展性。同时还可以自由控制哪些用户组需要输入验证码,等等 防采集、防复制功能,有效保护网站内容(授权版独有)你是否恨透了别人采集与复制你的网站原创内容呢?你可以在后台开启防采集与防复制功能,别人就难以盗用你的网站内容。因为在文章的每一段都智能的加了不同的混淆字符串。 防CC攻击、防恶意刷新(授权版独有)当别人恶意刷新你的网站的时候,就会导致网站变得很慢,影响用户的正常访问,这个时候,你可以在后台开启防CC功能,就可以阻止攻击者的访问。 -Flexibility and extensibility. At the same time it can freely control which user groups need to enter the verification code, etc. Anti acquisition, copy protection function, effectively protect the website content (authorized version of the unique) if you hate others collection and copy your original content sites? You can open in the background of anti acquisition and anti copy function, it is difficult for others to steal your website content. Because each paragraph in the article is intelligent with a different string of confusion. Anti CC attack, prevent malicious refresh (authorized version of the unique) when others malicious refresh your website, will cause the website become very slow, affect the user s normal visit, this time, you can open in background anti CC function, can prevent an attacker access.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.04mb Publisher : 薛天志
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