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本程序分为界面和控制器核心两部分 一、界面部分功能主要有: (1)显示控制器核心数据和参数 (2)与用户交互,可以调节初始输入温度值,并将温度变化率清零以便进行新一轮的模拟。 界面使用了定时器。开启模拟时候,每隔一秒,触发一次计时器消息,完成下列工作: 1. 将界面上的当前温度映射为模糊控制器的输入温度 2. 输出当前温度,当前温度变化率 3. 调用模糊控制,得到控制器输出值,将其乘以m_fFuelEffect (燃料输出对温度变化率的影响率,目前设置为0.3),得到变化率的变化,加到当前温度变化率上,得到新的变化率。 4. 更新变化率,更新温度。将结果映射到界面上。 5. 记录相关数据并以图形、数字方式输出。 二、控制器核心用到的类有 (1)Rule_Func_Single 将简单的函数包装成类,方便后面使用。实现了 NB, NS, ZO, PS, PB 等梯形函数,以及常值函数。 (2)Grading_Func 继承自Rule_Func_Single类,比基类增加一个输入参数,指明梯形函数属于Input, Delta或者Output 。 (3)Rule_Function 将两个Grading_Func结合在一起,进行模糊与或模糊或等模糊逻辑操作,并输出结果。 -interface and controller core part of a two, the main function of the interface are : (1) Display Controller and core data parameters (2) interact with the user, can regulate the importation of the initial temperature, and will reset the rate of temperature change to a new simulation. Use the interface timer. Open simulation, every one second, the news triggered a timer, to complete the following tasks : 1. will interface on the current temperature map to the fuzzy controller input temperature 2. output current temperature, the current rate of temperature change 3. Call fuzzy control, to be the controller output value, m_fFuelEffect be multiplied by (fuel output to the rate of temperature change in rates Currently set to 0.3), be changes in the rate of change, added to the current rate of
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 46.86kb Publisher : 梁秀波

遗传算法程序 主要程序 ga.m 遗传算法核心程序 BinaryExample.m 二进制编码应用程序 FloatExample.m 浮点编码的应用程序 相关算子及函数 initializega.m 种群初始化函数 simpleXover.m 用于二进制编码的简单交叉算子 arithXover.m 用于浮点编码的算术交叉算子 binaryMutation 用于二进制编码的变异算子 nonMutation.m 用于浮点编码的非均匀变异算子 roulette.m 轮盘选择算子 normGeomSelect.m 标准化几何分布排序选择算子 maxGenTerm.m 以最大进化代数为判别条件的进化终止函数 calcbits.m 计算二进制编码染色体串长度的函数 f2b.m 由浮点表达到二进制表达的转换函数 b2f.m 由二进制表达到浮点表达的转换函数 parse.m 字符串识别函数 delta.m 非均匀变异的变异量计算函数 exampleFn 一个二元函数 startup.m 进行路径设置-Genetic Algorithm main proceedings ga.m GA BinaryExample core program. m binary floating-point applications FloatExample.m coding applications relevant operator and function initializega.m Stocks initialization function for binary series simpleXover.m Codes simple crossover operator arithXover.m for floating-point arithmetic coding crossover operator binaryM utation for binary coding mutation operator nonMutation.m float for the non-coding Uniform mutation operator roulette.m roulette selection operator normGeomSelect.m standards Sort of geometric distribution maxGenTerm.m selection operator algebras with the greatest evolutionary criterion for the evolution of termination calcbits.m calculation function binary coding chromosome length of the string from the floating-point functions f2b.m
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 12.99kb Publisher : 胡朋

Easy-to-Use, Ultra-Tiny, Differential, 16-Bit Delta Sigma ADC With I2C Interface The LTC2453 is an ultra-tiny, fully differential, 16-bit, analog-to-digital converter. The LTC2453 uses a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply and communicates through an I2C interface. The ADC is available in an 8-pin, 3mm x 2mm DFN package. It includes an integrated oscillator that does not require any external components. It uses a delta-sigma modulator as a converter core and has no latency for multiplexed applications. The LTC2453 includes a proprietary input sampling scheme that reduces the average input sampling current several orders of magnitude lower than conventional delta-sigma converters. Additionally, due to its architecture, there is negligible current leakage between the input pins.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 267.56kb Publisher : Lee Ka Wing

DL : 0
Type Classification Code [英汉计算机大词典] n.分类码 :main.m (program control)discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)plotimg.m (plots划分 images)dirImg.m (computes the directional image)extract.m (extracts square portion of image抽取块方向图 - called by dirImg) slitSum.m (computes the slit缝隙、剖面 sum direction - called by dirImg)tileImg.m (tiles平铺显示 the image and computes new directions)averImg.m (smoothes the image)angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representationvector representation n.向量表示 )Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points)temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations) Correlation相关、对比 Code:proj.m (program control)plotimg.m (plots images)discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)normalize.m (normalizes images)corrfft.m (computes the correlation)-Type Classification Code [computer English Dictionary] n. classification codes : main.m (program control) discretize.m (converts image to discrete values) plotimg.m (plots classified images) dirImg.m (computes the directional image) extract. m (extracts square image portion of the direction taken block map-called by dirImg) slitSum.m (computes the slit cracks, profile sum direction - called by dirImg) tileImg.m (smooth tiles show the image and computes new directions) averImg.m ( smooths the image) angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representationvector representation n. Vector) Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points) temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations) Correlation related contrast Code : proj.m (program control) plotimg.m (plots images) discretize.m (con
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 841byte Publisher : 丰逸

摘要:指纹识别技术在各个领域的应用已经逐渐成熟,本文基于信息论中的互信息,在指纹识别的特征选取和识别提出自己的一些想法。 1 引言 指纹是人终身不变的生理特征之一,因其具有惟一性、稳定性以及方便性等独特的特点,使指纹识别成为现在应用最广泛的生物识别技术。 指纹识别系统处理的流程中,指纹图像预处理是第一个处理环节,我沿用已经成熟的去噪,二值化,滤波,细化,对其进行预处理。 互信息作为最终的识别准则来进行指纹的识别。 2 指纹的预处理 般自动指纹识别系统由图像采集、图像预处理、细节点提取和指纹匹 几部分组成。 首先,指纹要通过指纹采集设备(常见的有光学取像设备、超声波扫描取像设备、晶体传感器,现在广泛使用的是晶体传感器)转化为计算机内的数字图像(一般为灰度图)。由于采集过程中难免因手指或仪器的原因 使图像存在较多的噪声,所以对采集到的图像进行增强和滤波,并进一步二值化、细化。 二值化 指纹图像是将灰度图像变成两个灰度级的图像。它的思想是在指纹增强时设定一定的灰度阈值,图像像素灰度与此阈值比较,大于此值的灰度置灰度最大值 255(白色),小于此值的灰度置0(黑色),从而使图像前景和背景彻底分开。对于指纹图像的二值化要用自适应二值化,即灰度阈值的选取不能是固定的,因为利用Matlab强大的图像处理函数不仅省去很多烦琐的编程,而且其中提供的算法能够达到非常好的效果。 Mattab函数代码为: function I—binarization(a) level— graythresh(a): I— im2bw(a,leve1); 滤波也是用到matlab的工具来实现的。 细化 细化处理是指在二值化的指纹图像上,在不影响纹线连通性的基础上删除纹线的边缘像素,直到纹线为单像素宽为止。采用已有的方法 Introduction to Digital Image Processing with Matlab 数字图像处理概论 [美]Alasdair MchAndrew 著,胡小平 缩编 如下图所示 从左到有一次为;原始图像,滤波图像,二值化图像,细化图像; 3 图像的特征提取与识别 指纹分类可以分为固定类别分类方法和连续分类方法 常见的周定类别分类方法是根据指纹的自然形状将指纹分为5类,或扩展为6~8类,这种分类体系称为Henry分类体系。Henry分类体系中重要的分类特 有指纹的奇异点,包括Core点(核心点)和Delta点(三角点),以及指纹方向场和脊线流等。后一些学者又 提出了一种脊线流分布模型用于指纹/奇类,定义了l0种指纹脊线常见的形状模型,通过分析脊线的形状和分布来确定指纹所在的类别,这类分类算法复杂度高,所以基于信息论的互信息来实现。 假定X是离散的随机变量x是集合,概率密度函数是为了方便我们用P(X)来表示概率密度函数而不用Px(x)。因此P(X)和P(y)则代表两个不同的随机变量并且实际上对应着两个不同的概率密度函数,分别是Px(X)和Py(x) 定义变量X的熵H(X)定义为 , 联合熵: 如果一对离散随机变量的联合密度函数是p(x,y),那么,它们的联合熵H(x,y)可以定义为: 也可以描述为: 互信息: 考虑两个随机变量X和Y,联合概率分布函数为p(x,y),边缘概率分布函数为p(x)和p(y)。互信息I(X,Y)为联合分布和分布乘积p(x)p(y)之间的相对熵。 由于互信息是一个随机变量包含另一个随机变量多少的一个量度,是一个随机变量由另一个随机变量的信息其不确定性的减少,应为指纹简单的可分为3类:簸箕,斗,弧,其主要特征判别由指纹的中心决定,所以提出先由图像中心来比较互信息,达到阈值,在扩大范围进行第二次的比较,在判定是否达到阈值,依此比较,达到最后的识别目的,不过此方法对于不同类型的指纹识别效果不错,对于相同类型的效果不好。 所以用一种方法:运用在图像处理中常用的8邻域编码对图像进行脊线跟踪,完成对真细节特征的有效的提取,提取的特征向量格式{x,y,dim},分别为细节特征点的横坐标、纵坐标和方向。计算方向角;计算频率, Gabor滤波实现; G(X Y @ F0)=EXP(-1/2{X^2/Px^2+Y^2/Py^2})cos(2*pi*F0X) [X Y]=[sin() cos() -cos() sin][x y] 特征的提取 Sum(P(1:n))=1 Sum(P(1:n))=3 实现匹配 取临近10个特征点与当前点记录,若有5个一样则匹配 结果中22%出现错误,其余都实现了识别的效果。 4总结 上述识别方法用互信息的成功不高但相信在以后基于互信息的方法来识别指纹是有可能的。 参考文献 Introduction to Digital Image Processing with Matlab 数字图像处理概论 [美]Alasdair MchAndrew 著,胡小平 缩编 【指纹图像预处理和特征提取算法】“李展丹,徐进”;有具体的实现方法。
Update : 2011-05-08 Size : 412.33kb Publisher : sasigi

DL : 0
Type Classification Code [英汉计算机大词典] n.分类码 :main.m (program control)discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)plotimg.m (plots划分 images)dirImg.m (computes the directional image)extract.m (extracts square portion of image抽取块方向图 - called by dirImg) slitSum.m (computes the slit缝隙、剖面 sum direction - called by dirImg)tileImg.m (tiles平铺显示 the image and computes new directions)averImg.m (smoothes the image)angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representationvector representation n.向量表示 )Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points)temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations) Correlation相关、对比 Code:proj.m (program control)plotimg.m (plots images)discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)normalize.m (normalizes images)corrfft.m (computes the correlation)-Type Classification Code [computer English Dictionary] n. classification codes : main.m (program control) discretize.m (converts image to discrete values) plotimg.m (plots classified images) dirImg.m (computes the directional image) extract. m (extracts square image portion of the direction taken block map-called by dirImg) slitSum.m (computes the slit cracks, profile sum direction- called by dirImg) tileImg.m (smooth tiles show the image and computes new directions) averImg.m ( smooths the image) angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representationvector representation n. Vector) Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points) temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations) Correlation related contrast Code : proj.m (program control) plotimg.m (plots images) discretize.m (con
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 丰逸

本程序分为界面和控制器核心两部分 一、界面部分功能主要有: (1)显示控制器核心数据和参数 (2)与用户交互,可以调节初始输入温度值,并将温度变化率清零以便进行新一轮的模拟。 界面使用了定时器。开启模拟时候,每隔一秒,触发一次计时器消息,完成下列工作: 1. 将界面上的当前温度映射为模糊控制器的输入温度 2. 输出当前温度,当前温度变化率 3. 调用模糊控制,得到控制器输出值,将其乘以m_fFuelEffect (燃料输出对温度变化率的影响率,目前设置为0.3),得到变化率的变化,加到当前温度变化率上,得到新的变化率。 4. 更新变化率,更新温度。将结果映射到界面上。 5. 记录相关数据并以图形、数字方式输出。 二、控制器核心用到的类有 (1)Rule_Func_Single 将简单的函数包装成类,方便后面使用。实现了 NB, NS, ZO, PS, PB 等梯形函数,以及常值函数。 (2)Grading_Func 继承自Rule_Func_Single类,比基类增加一个输入参数,指明梯形函数属于Input, Delta或者Output 。 (3)Rule_Function 将两个Grading_Func结合在一起,进行模糊与或模糊或等模糊逻辑操作,并输出结果。 -interface and controller core part of a two, the main function of the interface are : (1) Display Controller and core data parameters (2) interact with the user, can regulate the importation of the initial temperature, and will reset the rate of temperature change to a new simulation. Use the interface timer. Open simulation, every one second, the news triggered a timer, to complete the following tasks : 1. will interface on the current temperature map to the fuzzy controller input temperature 2. output current temperature, the current rate of temperature change 3. Call fuzzy control, to be the controller output value, m_fFuelEffect be multiplied by (fuel output to the rate of temperature change in rates Currently set to 0.3), be changes in the rate of change, added to the current rate of
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 48kb Publisher : 梁秀波

遗传算法程序 主要程序 ga.m 遗传算法核心程序 BinaryExample.m 二进制编码应用程序 FloatExample.m 浮点编码的应用程序 相关算子及函数 initializega.m 种群初始化函数 simpleXover.m 用于二进制编码的简单交叉算子 arithXover.m 用于浮点编码的算术交叉算子 binaryMutation 用于二进制编码的变异算子 nonMutation.m 用于浮点编码的非均匀变异算子 roulette.m 轮盘选择算子 normGeomSelect.m 标准化几何分布排序选择算子 maxGenTerm.m 以最大进化代数为判别条件的进化终止函数 calcbits.m 计算二进制编码染色体串长度的函数 f2b.m 由浮点表达到二进制表达的转换函数 b2f.m 由二进制表达到浮点表达的转换函数 parse.m 字符串识别函数 delta.m 非均匀变异的变异量计算函数 exampleFn 一个二元函数 startup.m 进行路径设置-Genetic Algorithm main proceedings ga.m GA BinaryExample core program. m binary floating-point applications FloatExample.m coding applications relevant operator and function initializega.m Stocks initialization function for binary series simpleXover.m Codes simple crossover operator arithXover.m for floating-point arithmetic coding crossover operator binaryM utation for binary coding mutation operator nonMutation.m float for the non-coding Uniform mutation operator roulette.m roulette selection operator normGeomSelect.m standards Sort of geometric distribution maxGenTerm.m selection operator algebras with the greatest evolutionary criterion for the evolution of termination calcbits.m calculation function binary coding chromosome length of the string from the floating-point functions f2b.m
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : 胡朋

Easy-to-Use, Ultra-Tiny, Differential, 16-Bit Delta Sigma ADC With I2C Interface The LTC2453 is an ultra-tiny, fully differential, 16-bit, analog-to-digital converter. The LTC2453 uses a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply and communicates through an I2C interface. The ADC is available in an 8-pin, 3mm x 2mm DFN package. It includes an integrated oscillator that does not require any external components. It uses a delta-sigma modulator as a converter core and has no latency for multiplexed applications. The LTC2453 includes a proprietary input sampling scheme that reduces the average input sampling current several orders of magnitude lower than conventional delta-sigma converters. Additionally, due to its architecture, there is negligible current leakage between the input pins.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 267kb Publisher : Lee Ka Wing

Type Classification Code: main.m (program control) discretize.m (converts image to discrete values) plotimg.m (plots images) dirImg.m (computes the directional image) extract.m (extracts square portion of image - called by dirImg) slitSum.m (computes the slit sum direction - called by dirImg) tileImg.m (tiles the image and computes new directions) averImg.m (smoothes the image) angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representation) Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points) temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations) Correlation Code: proj.m (program control) plotimg.m (plots images) discretize.m (converts image to discrete values) normalize.m (normalizes images) corrfft.m (computes the correlation) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Type Classification Code: main.m (program control) discretize.m (converts image to discrete values) plotimg.m (plots images) dirImg.m (computes the directional image) extract.m (extracts square portion of image- called by dirImg ) slitSum.m (computes the slit sum direction- called by dirImg) tileImg.m (tiles the image and computes new directions) averImg.m (smoothes the image) angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representation) Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points) temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations) Correlation Code: proj.m (program control) plotimg.m (plots images) discretize.m (converts image to discrete values) normalize. m (normalizes images) corrfft.m (computes the correlation )--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 小熊

DL : 0
陀螺仪检测角速度过冲值处理程序核心芯片xs128-Detecting angular velocity of the gyroscope Delta handler core chip xs128
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 686kb Publisher : 光明

program for fingerprint recognition using minutia The general shape of the fingerprint is generally used to pre-process the images, and reduce the search in large s. This uses the general directions of the lines of the fingerprint, and the presence of the core and the delta. Several categories have been defined in the Henry system: whorl, right loop, left loop, arch, and tented arch. Most algorithms are using minutiae, the specific points like ridges ending, bifurcation... Only the position and direction of these features are stored in the signature for further comparison.-program for fingerprint recognition using minutia The general shape of the fingerprint is generally used to pre-process the images, and reduce the search in large s. This uses the general directions of the lines of the fingerprint, and the presence of the core and the delta. Several categories have been defined in the Henry system: whorl, right loop, left loop, arch, and tented arch. Most algorithms are using minutiae, the specific points like ridges ending, bifurcation... Only the position and direction of these features are stored in the signature for further comparison.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : safa younes

Delta DVP: DELTA DVP Series PLC Core.rar
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 109kb Publisher : FaragSeddik

分析橡胶挤出到人工分剪过程中的运动,以适应企业所生产所有规格橡胶为目标;以台达SV2型号PLC为控制核心,采用惠斯通电桥压电式传感器实时采集橡胶重量变化;针对现场加工环境中产生的振动干扰,并分析称重传感器采集到的称重信号;针对分剪系统响应速度与橡胶挤出速度匹配问题导致的不同挤出速度下误差的分布不同,且随着挤出速度的增大导致所分剪橡胶误差也增大的问题,(The movement of rubber extrusion to artificial shearing process is analyzed in order to adapt to the rubber of all specifications produced by the enterprise. Taking the delta SV2 model PLC as the control core and using the Wheatstone bridge piezoelectric sensor to collect the change of rubber weight in real time, the vibration interference produced in the field processing environment and the analysis of the weighing sensor are analyzed. The set of weighing signals; the distribution of errors at different extrusion speeds caused by the matching of the response speed of the shear system to the rubber extrusion speed is different, and the error of the shear rubber increases with the increase of the extrusion speed.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14.63mb Publisher : D辉哥
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