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一个用java开发界面的程序集(jfc核心编程)-development of a java interface with the procedures set (JFC core programming)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.72mb Publisher : 张小明

Ivor Horton s Beginning Java 2, JDK 5 Edition (Java 2入门经典:JDK 5)英文原版 本书综合介绍了使用J2SE(Java 2 Standard Edition)5.0或更高版本开发动态程序的过程,阐述了Java语言的各个方面,包括Java语言结构和工作原理的基本知识,用大量的实例讲述如何开发功能齐全的Java应用程序,以期帮助读者掌握Java语言的最新特性和Java类库中主要的功能包,积累Java应用环境的使用经验,并在核心技术领域打下坚实的基础。. 本书系统全面、浅显易懂,非常适合没有任何编程经验的初学者阅读,也可作为软件开发人员和高校师生的必备参考书。 通过阅读本书,你可以借助J2SE 5.0这个最新、最出色的Java平台来学习Java编程。J2SE 5.0拥有强大的新特性和新功能,使Java性能产生了巨大的飞跃。 -Ivor Horton's Beginning Java 2. JDK 5 Edition (Java 2 portal classic : JDK 5) The English version of the original book on the integrated use of J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edit Ion) version 5.0 or higher dynamic program development process, expounded the Java language in all its aspects, including the Java language's structure and working principle of the basic knowledge, with plenty of examples on how to develop fully functional Java applications, to help readers master the latest Java language features and Java class library major functional package, Java application environment accumulation of experience and core technology in the field to lay a solid foundation. . The book system of comprehensive, simple words, not very suitable for any programming experience beginners reading, can a
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.65mb Publisher : haibing

JSP上传视频后自动转成flv的核心JAVA方法 使用的时候只要通过ConvertThreadProxy 类的静态方法将源视频绝对地址(包括文件名+括展名)和要生成的FLV文件的绝对地址(包括文件名+括展名)以字符串的方式传进去即可!因为用的是多线程,所以转换过程不会占用当前线程! 核心转换类是线程同步的,所以您不用担心并法问题,因为一次只能转换一个文件!-JSP automatically transferred into the core Java flv ways to use the time provided by Con vertThreadProxy kind of static method will definitely address the source of video (including file name includes the development) and Friend to generate the document's absolute addresses (including file name includes outreach) to the string can be heard! Because of multithreading, so the conversion process will not occupy the current thread! Conversion is the core thread synchronization, so you do not have to worry about legal issues and because one can only change one document!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 古刹飞鹰

Core Java 2 Volume I - Fundamentals, Seventh Edition Completely revised and up-to-date coverage of Generic programming, restrictions and limitations, type bounds, wilcard types, and generic reflection Swing GUI development, including input validation and other enhancements Exception handling and debugging, including chained exceptions, stack frames, assertions, and logging Streams and files, the new I/O API, memory-mapped files, file locking, and character set encoders/decoders Regular expressions using the powerful java.util.regex package Inner classes, reflection, and dynamic proxies Application packaging and the Preferences API-Core Java 2 Volume I- Fundamentals, Seventh Edition Completely revised and up-to-date coverage of Generic programming, restrictions and limitations, type bounds, wilcard types, and generic reflection Swing GUI development, including input validation and other enhancements Exception handling and debugging, including chained exceptions, stack frames, assertions, and logging Streams and files, the new I/O API, memory-mapped files, file locking, and character set encoders/decoders Regular expressions using the powerful java.util.regex package Inner classes, reflection, and dynamic proxies Application packaging and the Preferences API
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.33mb Publisher : tengteng

java开发网络蜘蛛的核心parseHTML源码-java development network core Spider parseHTML source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : jia li you

本书主要介绍了核心语言、核心Java库、服务器端Java技术、客户端Java技术和企业级Java技术。其中 核心语言部分讨论了语法、面向对象编程特征和—些关键技术;核心Java库部分讨论了输入/输出、模式匹配、 文件锁、映射的I/O技术以及数据结构与集合;服务器端Java技术部分讨论了JFC/Swing CGI开发、Applet、容器布局以及图形编程等技术;企业级Java技术部分讨论了JDBC API、EJB体系结构的基础知识、Java平台安全方案以及XML。 本书结构严谨、语言流畅,是一个学习Java 2最新技术的综合参考书,适合各种层次的Java编程人员使用。-This book introduces the core language, the core Java libraries, server-side Java technology, client-side Java technologies and enterprise-class Java technology. One of Discussed some of the core language syntax, object-oriented programming features and- more critical technologies part of the core Java library to discuss the input/output, pattern matching, File locks, mapped I/O technology, as well as with the collection of data structures part of server-side Java technology discusses the JFC/Swing CGI development, Applet, containers such as layout and graphical programming techniques part of enterprise-class Java technology discusses the JDBC API, EJB basic knowledge of architecture, Java platform security programs, as well as XML. This book well-structured, language fluency is a study of the latest technologies Java 2 General reference books, suitable for all levels of Java programmers to use.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.69mb Publisher : leehong

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《Java核心技术》出版以来一直畅销不衰,深受读者青睐,每个新版本都尽可能快地跟上Java开发工具箱发展的步伐,而且每一版都重新改写了部分内容,以便适应Java的最新特性。本版也不例外,它反映了Java SE 6的新特性。全书共14章,包括Java基本的程序结构、对象与类、继承、接口与内部类、图形程序设计、事件处理、Swing用户界面组件、部署应用程序和Applet、异常日志断言和调试、泛型程序设计、集合以及多线程等内容。 全书对Java技术的阐述精确到位,叙述方式深入浅出,并包含大量示例,从而帮助读者充分理解Java语言以及Java类库的相关特性 -"Java core technology," published in salable has been well received by readers favor, each new version as soon as possible to keep up with the pace of the development of Java Development Kit, and each version had to rewrite some of the content in order to adapt Java The latest features. Edition is no exception, which reflects the new features of Java SE 6. A total of 14 book chapters, including the Java basic program structure, objects and classes, inheritance, interfaces and inner classes, graphics programming, event handling, Swing user interface components, deploy applications, and Applet, exception log assertions and debugging, the generic program design, collection and multi-threaded and so on. The book expounded on the Java technology, precisely in place, narrative simple terms, and includes a large number of examples to help readers fully understand the Java language and Java class library-related features
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 61.82mb Publisher : 小二

基于java的学生信息管理系统,实现对学生具体信息的查询,修改,添加,删除-This paper first introduced the J2EE platform architecture and MVC (model-view-controller) development model, based on the J2EE platform and was widely used. Second, a brief description of the system to use the key technologies in the process of developing , including struts and the core code of configuration. In the analysis of requirement stage, the functional structure of the system was abstracted, with the establishing database structure and model. Based on the above technical background and system requirements, the development of a standardized was formed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 415kb Publisher : sunna

Java核心技术Shape2d开发设计代码Core technology development and design of Java code Shape2d -Core technology development and design of Java code Shape2d
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher :

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编程实践:Java进阶100例,李相国编著,书中全面诠释了Java SE的知识结构体系和开发重点,并使用了最新版本的MyEclipse进行程序开发,书中详细讲解了Java核心技术,介绍了JavaSE6.0的最新特征演示了MyEclipse对项目,数据库,GUI图形的全方位驾驭,还着重对编程思路、编程思想、编程理念的培养,在知识点的基础上结合具体实例,实现思想、理论和实践的完美结合。- Programming practices: Java advanced 100 examples, in the book, LiXiangGuo, explained the Java SE comprehensive system of knowledge structure and key developed, and USES the latest version of the MyEclipse for program development, the book explains in detail the core technology, introduces the Java JavaSE6.0 latest characteristics of project, MyEclipse demonstrates the database, GUI graphic comprehensive control, also focuses on the programming ideas, programming ideas, programming concept in the cultivation of the basis of knowledge, an instance squential, realize ideology, the perfect combination of theory and practice.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 57.98mb Publisher : flymydream

struts框架具有组件的模块化,灵活性和重用性的优点,同时简化了基于MVC的web应用程序的开发。-struts framework with modular components, the advantages of flexibility and reusability, while simplifying the MVC-based web application development.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.11mb Publisher : yuanpan

Ueditor编辑器划分为了三层架构。其中,核心层为开发者提供了诸如range、selection、domUtils类的底层API接口,中间的命令插件层不仅提供了大量的基础command,还允许开发者基于核心层进行command命令的开发,而面向用户端的界面层则可以提供自由定制的用户交互界面。Ueditor开源编辑器这种拥有可配性的模式,令开发者能够根据自身需要接入任何一层进行开发。-Ueditor editor is divided to three-tier architecture. Among them, the core layer to provide developers, such as range, selection, domUtils the low-level API interface, the middle of the command plug-in layer not only provides a lot of basic command, also allows developers to command command based on the core layer development, and for client interface layer can provide the freedom to customize the user interface. Ueditor open source editor of this model can be equipped with, so that developers can access any level according to their own needs for development.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.73mb Publisher : 苏阳

java web 开发事例-struts 《java web 开发》-java web develop a example-struts 《java web development》
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.06mb Publisher : wei

Java核心技术(第八版)随书源码,包括上下卷全部源码,学Java的有的参考了,同时Java核心技术这本书在业界也是比较权威的,大部分学习Java开发的朋友都会知道这本书的。-Java core technology ( Eighth Edition ) with the book source code, including upper and lower all the source code, to learn Java some reference, and Java core technology this book in the industry is more authoritative, most learning Java development of a friend will know this book.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.25mb Publisher : lqua

DL : 0
Java核心开发技术从入门到精通源码---通过简单易懂的例子轻松入门,多多实践,希望对初学者有帮助!-From entry to the master source in the Java core development technology- a simple example of ease of entry, a lot of practice, for beginners!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.74mb Publisher :

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JAVA开发的核心概念,包括Java虚拟机的类加载器架构,Java类文件,Java API的简要概述-A brief overview of the core concepts of JAVA development, including the Java virtual machine, class loader architecture, Java class files, Java API
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 海蓝

java开发的网上商城源代码,适合初学者学习之用-java development online store source code, suitable for beginners to learn
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.61mb Publisher : wolaou

Java开发工具包。如对Properties配置文件的操作,字符串简要 MD5加密等。-Java Development Kit. Such as the operation of the Properties configuration file, string brief MD5 encryption.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : sunyan

The book you have in your hand is the first volume of the fifth edition of the Core Javabook. Each time, the book followed the release of the Java development kit as quickly as possible, and each time, we rewrote the book to take advantage of the newest Java features.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.28mb Publisher : sara

Parallel Java是基于Java提供的并行编程API,其目标是(1)在一套API中同时支持基于线程/共享内存的并行编程和基于消息/集群的并行编程;(2)提供与OpenMP和MPI相同的功能,但采用面向对象的Java API;和(3)很容易部署在异构计算环境中,包括单核CPU、多核CPU及集群。本文介绍了Parallel Java的特点和体系结构,并与其他基于Java的并行开发中间件进行了对比。(Parallel Java is a API parallel programming based on Java provides the goal (1) in a API and thread support / shared memory parallel programming and parallel programming based on message / cluster; (2) with OpenMP and MPI provide the same functionality, but the Java API object oriented; and (3) is easy to deploy in a heterogeneous computing environment, including single core CPU, and multi-core CPU cluster. This paper introduces the characteristics and architecture of Parallel Java, and compares it with other Java based parallel development middleware.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 105kb Publisher : kmsj
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