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Description: 迅捷简易网页计数器 Ver2.0 一.系统要求: ASP+ACCESS 二.程序主要功能: 简单的页面计数功能。 三.使用方法 1. 上传全部文件; 2. 用记事本打开setup.asp更改程序按装路径; 3. 将 下面的代码添加到需要计数的网页, <script language=\"javascript\" src=\"count.asp\"></script> 其中count.asp应改为计数文件的实际路径。 四.文件说明 count.asp 计数器主文件. count.mdb ACCESS数据库. index.asp 计数器测试文件. -swift summary Ver 2.0 counter a website. System Requirements : ASP ACCESS two. Procedures main functions : a simple count of pages function. 3. The use of a method. Upload all the documents; 2. Use Notepad to open setup.asp changes in procedures installed by the path; 3. The following code will be added to the need to count the website lt; Script language = "javascript" src = "count.asp" gt; lt; / scriptgt; count.asp which documents should be changed to count the actual path. 4. This document explains count.asp counter master file. Count.mdb ACCESS database. Index.asp counter test documents.
Platform: | Size: 18276 | Author: 秦凯伦 | Hits:

[Web Serverweb_count_with(ASP)

Description: 计数统计的程序:web_count_with(ASP).rar 可以直接将此代码镶套在asp站点中实现count功能。-counting statistics : web_count_with (ASP). rar this code can be directly casement asp site in China achieving count function.
Platform: | Size: 494112 | Author: wwq | Hits:


Description: 详细说明: http://XXX. XXX/count/base.asp 显示访问者的详细记录。 http://XXX.XXX.XXX/count/fw.asp 显示访问者的最后30个访问者信息 本程序参考了ASP精品屋的计数器。 调用本计数器请使用 <SCRIPT src=\"http://xxx.xxx.xxx/count/count.asp\"></script> 调试时直接浏览http://XXX.XXX.XXX/count/index.htm即可 计数器图片可以自由改动-details : http : / / XXX. XXX / count / base.asp show visitors a detailed record. Http : / / XXX.XXX.XXX / count / fw.asp show visitors the last 30 visitors information reference to the procedures of the ASP products estate counter. Calling the counter use
Platform: | Size: 90393 | Author: 涂世昌 | Hits:

[Other resource42424524545

Description: 调用方式:<script src=\"/count/count.asp\"></script> 请把计数器程序上传到网站根目录下的count文件夹下。调用演示页 index.htm 计数器图片使用说明:请把目录1到目录10里面你所喜欢的图片复制到images文件夹下。系统调用的是images 文件夹下的图片-calling ways :
Platform: | Size: 104024 | Author: 吴眨旭 | Hits:

[WEB Codecount

Description: 网站计数器,使用asp编写,可添加到需要的网页中。
Platform: | Size: 17079 | Author: sharp | Hits:

[Other resourceCount

Description: 统计系统,在线考试系统,asp编程实例入门与提高随书代码
Platform: | Size: 13707 | Author: 刘力 | Hits:

[WEB Codecount

Description: Asp网站访问量计数器,简单实用,有不同的数字图片可选择!
Platform: | Size: 95480 | Author: jackji | Hits:

[Windows Developthink8count20

Description: ASP源码 / 统计计数可以实现记数,非常方便 系统平台ASP+ACCE-ASP resource code/statistic take count can realize take count,very convient,syetem platform ASP+ACCE
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: JHD | Hits:


Description: 迅捷简易网页计数器 Ver2.0 一.系统要求: ASP+ACCESS 二.程序主要功能: 简单的页面计数功能。 三.使用方法 1. 上传全部文件; 2. 用记事本打开setup.asp更改程序按装路径; 3. 将 下面的代码添加到需要计数的网页, <script language="javascript" src="count.asp"></script> 其中count.asp应改为计数文件的实际路径。 四.文件说明 count.asp 计数器主文件. count.mdb ACCESS数据库. index.asp 计数器测试文件. -swift summary Ver 2.0 counter a website. System Requirements : ASP ACCESS two. Procedures main functions : a simple count of pages function. 3. The use of a method. Upload all the documents; 2. Use Notepad to open setup.asp changes in procedures installed by the path; 3. The following code will be added to the need to count the website lt; Script language = "javascript" src = "count.asp" gt; lt;/scriptgt; count.asp which documents should be changed to count the actual path. 4. This document explains count.asp counter master file. Count.mdb ACCESS database. Index.asp counter test documents.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 秦凯伦 | Hits:

[Web Serverweb_count_with(ASP)

Description: 计数统计的程序:web_count_with(ASP).rar 可以直接将此代码镶套在asp站点中实现count功能。-counting statistics : web_count_with (ASP). rar this code can be directly casement asp site in China achieving count function.
Platform: | Size: 493568 | Author: wwq | Hits:


Description: 详细说明: http://XXX. XXX/count/base.asp 显示访问者的详细记录。 http://XXX.XXX.XXX/count/fw.asp 显示访问者的最后30个访问者信息 本程序参考了ASP精品屋的计数器。 调用本计数器请使用 <SCRIPT src="http://xxx.xxx.xxx/count/count.asp"></script> 调试时直接浏览http://XXX.XXX.XXX/count/index.htm即可 计数器图片可以自由改动-details : http :// XXX. XXX/count/base.asp show visitors a detailed record. Http :// XXX.XXX.XXX/count/fw.asp show visitors the last 30 visitors information reference to the procedures of the ASP products estate counter. Calling the counter use
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: 涂世昌 | Hits:

[WEB Codegaobei

Description: 一个功能强大,版面简洁大方的网站系统,集合了文章、下载、产品、新闻、留言、公告、计数等等为一体,采用了主程序与用户站点分离的功能,不但方便管理,也较大程度上提高系统安全性,同时采用64位md5加密。集成所见即所得编辑器,可自由添加二级分类,灵活的一级导航管理,方便的栏目调用,系统适合于个人网站,中小型公司网站.-a powerful, concise layout of the site generous system, a combination of articles, downloads, products, news, voice mail, notice, so on one count of using a main site with users from the function, not only to facilitate management, also a greater extent to enhance the security of the system, using 64 md5 encrypted. Integrated WYSIWYG editor, added two free classification, a flexible navigation management, the convenience of calling columns, systems suitable for personal web sites, small and medium companies website.
Platform: | Size: 955392 | Author: 马宁 | Hits:

[Web Serverlbxw

Description: 蓝白新闻 v3.2 功能: 1.修改蓝白新闻V3.0的一些bug 2.界面友好,操作简便 性能进行了优化,速度快。 3.Aspx文件全部采用codebehind进行代码分离,界面修改容易。 4.系统管理员可设置默认风格,用户可自由选择系统风格。 5.可设推荐新闻和首页新闻. 6.可设置首页滚动图片,并自动生成缩略图。 7.新闻图片可以方便的在线上传。 8.新闻审核和浏览计数功能。 9.采用(类似Word)的编辑方式,可以方便的进行图文新闻混排。 10.可以对新闻做关键字查询。 11.新闻类别可以动态管理。 12.权限分三级:系统管理员、新闻审核员、新闻输入员,系统管理员可设置新闻审核员和新闻输入员权限。 13.增加,修改和删除友情链接功能. 14.通过简单的修改配置文件就可以轻松修改系统各项信息。 15.网站调查功能。 -blue news v3.2 functions : 1. Information V3.0 changes blue bug of some 2. Friendly interface. simple properties of the optimal speed. 3.Aspx document all use codebehind code for separation of interface changes easily. 4. Administrators can set up the default style, the user can freely choose style system. 5. Can be installed and recommended news portal. 6. Homepage can be set rolling pictures, and automatically generated thumbnail. 7. News Photos can be uploaded online convenience. 8. Press count audit and browsing functions. 9. Use (similar to Word) editing, it can be convenient for Graphic News gray. 10. Information can be done right keyword inquiries. 11. News categories can be dynamic management. 12. 3 pm competence : the system administrator, the auditors, the entry clerk, Administra
Platform: | Size: 570368 | Author: xfsq | Hits:

[OS programlbnews3

Description: v3.2 功能: 1.修改蓝白新闻V3.1的一些bug 2.界面友好,操作简便 性能进行了优化,速度快。 3.Aspx文件全部采用codebehind进行代码分离,界面修改容易。 4.系统管理员可设置默认风格,用户可自由选择系统风格。 5.可设推荐新闻和首页新闻. 6.可设置首页滚动图片,并自动生成缩略图。 7.新闻图片可以方便的在线上传。 8.新闻审核和浏览计数功能。 9.采用(类似Word)的编辑方式,可以方便的进行图文新闻混排。 10.可以对新闻做关键字查询。 11.新闻类别可以动态管理。 12.权限分三级:系统管理员、新闻审核员、新闻输入员,系统管理员可设置新闻审核员和新闻输入员权限。 13.增加,修改和删除友情链接功能. 14.通过简单的修改配置文件就可以轻松修改系统各项信息。 15.网站调查功能。 16.实用留言本功能。 新闻前台首页为index.aspx 后台登陆页为admin_login.aspx. 管理员账号密码默认均为:admin 审核员账号密码默认均为:check 输入员账号密码默认均为:input-v3.2 functions : 1. Information V3.1 changes blue bug of some 2. Friendly interface. simple properties of the optimal speed. 3.Aspx document all use codebehind code for separation of interface changes easily. 4. Administrators can set up the default style, the user can freely choose style system. 5. Can be installed and recommended news portal. 6. Homepage can be set rolling pictures, and automatically generated thumbnail. 7. News Photos can be uploaded online convenience. 8. Press count audit and browsing functions. 9. Use (similar to Word) editing, it can be convenient for Graphic News gray. 10. Information can be done right keyword inquiries. 11. News categories can be dynamic management. 12. 3 pm competence : the system administrator, the auditors, the entry clerk, Administrators can s
Platform: | Size: 628736 | Author: 张黎来 | Hits:

[Other Databasescrmdemo

Description: 系统特点: 1、可自设网站栏目、文章分类; 2、提供用户注册、审核模块(可选是否开放); 3、提供HTML和Ajax两种版本;Ajax版本子页面不含Google广告栏。 4、主页文章分类采用Ajax技术,无刷新页面,速度更快; 5、提供留言模块,以及游客留言(均可选); 6、新增用户站长Mail通知; 7、用户访问记录以及用户下载记录,在线人数显示,在线会员浏览; 8、文章、分类、栏目日、月、总浏览计数; 9、来访者IP来源查询、更新(请到本站主页下载IP数据库放到Data目录下); 10、热门文章展示(admin/showTopArtics.asp)可选排序方式(时间,点击数); 11、热门文章置顶功能; 12、用户注册、留言、发文安全字符过滤; 13、广告显示设置; 14、提供多款免费模板; -characteristics of the system : a freely available from the Web site columns, articles classification; 2, providing user registration, audit module (optional whether to open); 3, HTML and Ajax in two versions; Ajax version of Google-page advertisement-free column. 4, Home Categories used Ajax technology, no page reloads and faster; 5, voice mail module, and tourists messages (open elections); 6, a new user station Mail notification; 7. users access to records and users download records show the number of online, visit the online Member; 8, articles, classified columns, 1999, View the total count; 9, visitors IP source inquiries, Update (go to the site home page download the database of IP Data directory); 10. popular articles display (admin/showTopArtics.asp) Optional Sort (time , and th
Platform: | Size: 168960 | Author: 方杰 | Hits:

[WEB Codecount

Description: 网站计数器,使用asp编写,可添加到需要的网页中。
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: sharp | Hits:

[Web ServerTinyCount

Description: TinyCount 是一个AJAX的计数插件,无刷新的获取和记录客户下载的次数。-TinyCount is a count of AJAX plug-in, refresh-free access and download the number of customer records.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: sss | Hits:

[source in ebookCount

Description: 统计系统,在线考试系统,asp编程实例入门与提高随书代码-Statistical systems, on-line examination system, asp programming examples of entry and increase with the code book
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 刘力 | Hits:

[WEB Codecount

Description: Asp网站访问量计数器,简单实用,有不同的数字图片可选择!-Asp site traffic counters, simple and practical, there are different digital picture to choose!
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: jackji | Hits:


Description: 统计图书数据库藏书总数量的一个小代码,方法为:图书唯一标示乘以每本库存量。-Statistical books database books library holding writen by ASP
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王慧 | Hits:
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