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本文是一篇名为“基于SVM的石油勘探算法研究”的硕士论文,文中应用MATLAB进行算法实现,给出了详细的设计思路,各种不同方法的图像对比,区县调整,是一片相当不错的文章。-This is the one entitled "SVM Based Algorithm for oil exploration," the master's thesis, text MATLAB algorithm is given a detailed design ideas, different methods of image contrast. county adjustment is a pretty good article.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 720.39kb Publisher : lijianjun

county, random population coordinates were generated using the complete spatial randomness (CSR) function in S-PLUS. Then, the background information was attached to each individual county based on the county?s distribution for the class of interest. Finally, all counties were merged into a single dataset that describes the whole state-county. random population coordinates were generated using the complete spatial randomness (CSR) fu nction in S-PLUS. Then, the background information was attached to eac h individual county based on the county's distri bution for the class of interest. Finally, all counties were merged into a single dataset t hat describes the whole state
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 203.09kb Publisher : su

本系统可以查询城市到城市的客运班车信息。始发站是地极市,终点站可以是市、县、区,请勿带市、县、区等字样-inquiries of the system to the city's urban passenger bus information. Predicate is the polar station City, terminal can be city, county, district, and not to carry city, county, district words
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 26.97kb Publisher : leijie

本文是一篇名为“基于SVM的石油勘探算法研究”的硕士论文,文中应用MATLAB进行算法实现,给出了详细的设计思路,各种不同方法的图像对比,区县调整,是一片相当不错的文章。-This is the one entitled "SVM Based Algorithm for oil exploration," the master's thesis, text MATLAB algorithm is given a detailed design ideas, different methods of image contrast. county adjustment is a pretty good article.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 720kb Publisher : lijianjun

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county, random population coordinates were generated using the complete spatial randomness (CSR) function in S-PLUS. Then, the background information was attached to each individual county based on the county?s distribution for the class of interest. Finally, all counties were merged into a single dataset that describes the whole state-county. random population coordinates were generated using the complete spatial randomness (CSR) fu nction in S-PLUS. Then, the background information was attached to eac h individual county based on the county's distri bution for the class of interest. Finally, all counties were merged into a single dataset t hat describes the whole state
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 203kb Publisher : su

本系统可以查询城市到城市的客运班车信息。始发站是地极市,终点站可以是市、县、区,请勿带市、县、区等字样-inquiries of the system to the city's urban passenger bus information. Predicate is the polar station City, terminal can be city, county, district, and not to carry city, county, district words
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : leijie

中国县级地图,sharpfile格式,可以直接 dundas Map 中直接使用-Chinese county-level map, sharpfile format
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.69mb Publisher : shishuo

工商系统推行的电子备案系统,适合县市级工商部门使用,c/s结构-Industrial and commercial systems to implement electronic filing system for the use of county or city level industrial and commercial department, c/s structure
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15.85mb Publisher : 要来看看

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五、软件的使用 1、软件使用前要先修改zyzfk.dbf 中的结算价格: 省内网地市价格=到郑州的固定车辆成本(折成每公斤价格,一般在0.1元左右)+ 集配中心费用(0.05)+下行到地市的费用+投递费 2、省内网的省费栏是不投递的价格,市费、县费栏是投递价格。 3、省际网价格分为省级、市级、县级 4、使用前应先将发货量大的客户用客户增加功能录入,客户代码是指客户姓名的拼音第一个字母。-5, the software' s use of a software first before using the settlement price changes zyzfk.dbf: province network = to the cities of Zhengzhou, the fixed price of vehicle costs (converted into the price per kilogram, generally at 0.1 yuan)+ set of distribution centers costs (0.05)+ the cost and cities down to the delivery fee+ 2, in the province of the province of net charge column is the price of non-delivery, city fees, county fees column is delivered price. 3, inter-provincial net price is divided into provincial, municipal, county-level 4, use should be preceded to ship large quantities of customers increased functionality with the client input, client code refers to the customer name, a phonetic alphabet.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : dufan

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C语言编写键盘画图程序 笔者在开发县级电网调度自动化系统的过程中,碰到一个要绘制电力系统一次接线图的问题。由于电力系统一次接线图比较复杂,图上有一些特殊的符号,象变压器符号、开关符号等等,用一般的编程方法来绘制比较困难,因此,笔者用C语言开发了一个手工绘制电力系统一次接线图的键盘绘图程序,使用该程序绘制的一次接线图符合用户需求,效果良好。 使用方法 程序中定义了几个特殊键: "V”:画笔提起 "W”:开始画图 "R”:开始擦图 "S”:当前图形存入文件 "E”:调出已有文件 "C”:画圆 程序一运行,屏幕上出现一个黄色的边框来设定画图的区域,区域中间出现提起的画笔符号 ,当按下“W”键时,画笔符号变为 ,此时可移动方向键(上、下、左、右、左上、左下、右上、右下)来画图;当按下“R”键时,画笔符号变为 ,此时可移动方向键来擦图;在画图过程中,按下“C”键,可画出一个半径为20个象素点的圆;当结束画图时,按下“S”键,将画好的图形存盘;按下“E”键可调出已有的图形进行编辑。-C language keyboard paint program I developed at the county level in the process of dispatching automation system, the encounter of a power system to draw a wiring diagram of the problem. A wiring diagram of the power system more complex, the map has some special symbols, as transformer symbol, switch symbols, etc., with general programming is difficult to draw, so I use the C language has developed a hand-drawn a power system keyboard wiring diagram drawing program, use the program draw a wiring diagram to meet client requirements effectively. Use Program defines several special keys: "V": brush filed "W": Start Paint "R": Start cleaning chart "S": the current graphics into documents "E": call up existing files "C": draw a circle A running program on the screen a yellow border to set the drawing area, the regional center there mention of the brush symbol, when you press the "W" key, sign into the brush, then you can move the arrow keys (up, down , left, rig
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 杨博文

一个文件夹下有若干个文本文件,文件名无规律。读取每个文件的内容,提取出文件内容中的时间信息。如果有时间信息,则以时间信息重命名文件。 例如: Hello.txt的文本内容为:中国天气网讯 据中央气象台消息,今年第11号超强台风“凡亚比”于2010年9月19日上午8时减弱为强台风,随后于9时前后在我国台湾省花莲县丰滨乡附近沿海登陆。登陆时中心风力15级,50米/秒,中心最低气压940百帕。 则可将文件重命名为2010-9-19.txt -A folder with a number of text files, the file name without the law. Read the contents of each file, extract the contents of the file in the time information. If there is time information, places to rename a file time information. For example: Hello.txt the text reads: According to China Central Meteorological Station weather, Reuters news, No. 11 this year, super typhoon " Where Abigail" was at 8:00 on September 19, 2010 weakened into a typhoon, and then in 9:00 Taiwan Province of China before and after Fongbin Township, Hualien County, near the coastal landing. Centre wind landing 15, 50 m/s, minimum central pressure 940 hPa. You can rename the file as 2010-9-19.txt
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 169kb Publisher : 唐晓明

中国县界shape数据,具有重要的作用,在空间分许等方面-China county boundary shape data, an important role in the spatial aspects Xu
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12.02mb Publisher : 费俊亮

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根据当地区县预报报文和温差数据,自动生成对应区县的风景区预报,特方便。-According to the local county forecast temperature data packets and automatically generate the corresponding county' s scenic forecasting, especially convenient.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 139kb Publisher :

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省市县级联表,可以直接导入,非常易用,是用户的首选-County-level cities together form can be imported directly, very easy to use, is the user' s preferred
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 76kb Publisher : joy

斗地主,属于基础类扑克游戏。起源和流行于湖北十堰房县一带,玩法简单,娱乐性强,老少皆宜。据传在万恶的旧社会,地主横行乡里,无恶不做,人们为了发泄对地主的痛恨,常常在一天的劳作之后,一家人关起门来“斗地主”。现已在线上和线下流行JJ斗地主、赖子斗地主等多种斗地主玩法。 -Landlords, are the basis of class poker game. The vicinity of the origin and popular in Shiyan, Hubei Fang County, the play is simple, entertaining, all ages. According to legend, the old society of evil, the landlord village rampage, no evil do, people to vent their hatred of the landlord, often after the day s labor, the family behind closed doors "Landlords". Has been popular online and offline JJ Landlords, Yoriko Landlords and other Landlords play.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 尐尛

Think in java 4th学习java编程的必读书籍-Thinking In Java should be read cover to cover by every Java programmer, then kept close at hand for frequent reference. The exercises are challenging, and the chapter on Collections is superb! Not only did this book help me to pass the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam it’s also the first book I turn to whenever I have a Java question. Jim Pleger, Loudoun County (Virginia) Government
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.16mb Publisher : lishi

该系统采用B/S架构,数据库及应用系统均部署在淳安县卫生局机房,而PACS系统数据库及应用系统部署在威坪中心卫生院机房,电子申请单接口不能通过直接访问数据库的“视图”、“存储过程”等方法,需要通过webservice方法实现。-The system uses B/S architecture, database and application systems are deployed in the engine room of the Health Bureau of Chunan County, PACS system database and application systems deployed in the Wei Ping Center Hospital room, electronic filing single interface can not directly access the database view"stored procedure", through a webservice method.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : yang

全国行政区 树形结构(C#) .net1.1,随处即可运行。 后台数据为XML,不必配置数据库。 根为中国,各省为分支节点,叶子节点为各县。 附带了郑州的区-办事处-社区居委会信息树形结构,根为郑州,各区为分支节点,二级分支为各办事处,叶子节点为各社区居委会。后台数据为XML,不必配置数据库。 附带了按各县区域代码分析身份证号。后台数据为XML,不必配置数据库。-National Administrative Region of the tree structure (C#). Net1.1, anywhere to run. Background data as XML, you do not have to configure the database. The Chinese provinces branch node leaf node counties. Fringe the Zhengzhou area- offices- the community' s neighborhood committee information tree structure, Zhengzhou, district branch node, two branch offices, the leaf nodes of each community' s neighborhood committee. Background data as XML, you do not have to configure the database. Comes with analysis by county and region code ID number. Background data as XML, you do not have to configure the database.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 878kb Publisher : 狄恒

地方药监局网站。适合市级、区、县级食品药品监督管理局架设本单位食品药品宣传网站。-Local Food and Drug Administration website. Suitable for municipal, district, county Food and Drug Administration website that promotes the erection of the unit' s Food and Drug.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.53mb Publisher : 封神榜

ajax n级联动数据库版(带后台和省市县数据库)utf-8编码 演示中使用的数据库为省、市、县三级数据库 演示程序实现了省、市、县三级联动(ajax技术) firste_data文件夹中#firste_city.mdb为省、市、县数据库,#firste_city_1.mdb为空数据库,可以通过后台管理数据库中的内容。-ajax n-level interaction version (with the background and the provincial cities and counties ) utf-8 encoding Demo used in the provincial, municipal, and county s Demo program to achieve the provincial, city and county three linkage (ajax technology) firste_data folder# firste_city.mdb provincial, city and county s,# firste_city_1.mdb empty , you can manage the background contents of the .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 149kb Publisher : Law
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