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[OS programTaskManagerEx_2_1_sources

Description: The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used kernel handles, opened files, file properties, and lots of other info! It is very useful in many situations. -The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerE x) is a plug-in for Windows built-in Task Manage r. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Tas k Manager Extension modules can show process, process memory map, used kernel handles. opened files, file properties, and lots of other info! It is very useful in many s ituations.
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: changming | Hits:


Description: 类似如任务管理器的一个东西,可以显示CPU型号和主频以及内存的信息等。-similar task as a manager, and it displays the CPU type and frequency of memory information.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: smilefish | Hits:

[Static controlInfoDisplayBar

Description: 类似于任务管理器内存和CPU利用率的柱状显示图的控件,添加了上下警戒线,不在正常范围内会提示报警-similar to the task manager for memory and CPU utilization of cylindrical map shows the controls, add the next alert level not within normal limits will prompt warning
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: wutong | Hits:


Description: 嵌入式任务管理器的简单实现,能够查看系统进程和线程信息,CPU占用率等信息,杀死选择的进程,能够重启或者关闭机器-Embedded Task Manager simple to achieve, be able to view system processes and threads of information, CPU information such as occupancy rate, killing the process of choice, able to restart or shut down the machine
Platform: | Size: 1249280 | Author: youfile | Hits:


Description: gtk编程glade2制作界面的linux下的任务管理器 显示系统信息 进程信息 CPU占用率-gtk programming linux interface glade2 produced under the Task Manager shows System Information CPU occupancy rate of the process of information
Platform: | Size: 312320 | Author: 李明 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCPU

Description: 简单模拟任务管理器的CPU使用率代码,可与学会如果获取当上前CPU使用情况.-Simple simulation of the Task Manager CPU usage code
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: chenxin | Hits:

[Remote Controlremotemanagement

Description: 1.文件管理: 包括对文件的操作和打包下载. 2.终端命令: 其实就是Win下的"命令提示符",可以通过命令进行重启服务器等操作 3.远程桌面: 和Windows系统的"mstsc"基本上一样,可以远程管理桌面. 4.任务管理: 可以查看正在运行的程序的状态,并终止已停止响应的程序 5.服务管理: 启动、停止或重新启动服务. 6.系统信息: 可以查看CPU、内存、OS版本.... -1. Document management: including the operation and packaged documents to download. 2. Terminal command: Win is actually under the " command prompt" can be ordered, such as the resumption of operation of the server 3. Remote Desktop: and Windows systems " mstsc " basically the same, you can remotely manage the desktop. 4. Task Manager: You can view the process is running the state, and has ceased to respond to the termination of the procedure 5. Service Management: start, stop or restart the service. 6. System Information: Yes See CPU, memory, OS version ....
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 出尘 | Hits:

[OS programCPUControl

Description: 可以在Windows的任务管理器中的CPU使用记录图表中显示正弦曲线。支持多CPU(防线程漂移),曲线波峰间隔和精度可以设置,支持CPU性能监视(但对此应用无益,被微软的人骗了),debug版本可在C盘根目录下为每个CPU生成工作日志。ATL架构。-In the Windows Task Manager the CPU usage of the chart shows sinusoid. Support multi-CPU (drift-way line of defense), the peak spacing and precision curve can be set up to support the CPU performance monitoring (but not conducive to this application have been fooled by Microsoft' s people), debug version of packing in the C directory for each CPU generation work log. ATL structure.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 梁绍博 | Hits:

[Static controlcpumemdisk

Description: 用Static静态控制绘制类似任务管理里的CPU、内存使用率图形,还有磁盘使用比率饼状图。-Static mapping static control with a similar task manager' s CPU, memory usage of graphics, as well as the ratio of disk to use pie chart.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 陈忠厚 | Hits:


Description: 调用windows API 函数来得到目前进程所占的CPU利用率。如任务管理器中查看CPU利用率一样-Calling windows API function to get the current process of the CPU utilization percentage. Such as the Task Manager to view CPU utilization, as
Platform: | Size: 764928 | Author: lj | Hits:

[OS programcpu

Description: 让你的系统看起来有多个cpu。。。 通过任务管理器可以看到哦-Make your system appear to have more than one cpu. . . Task Manager can be seen through the oh. . .
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 焱哥 | Hits:


Description: 分布式应用系统的自身设备管理软件,管理各服务器的网络状态,系统资源状态(CPU、内存、文件系统),应用进程状态等。软件采用标准SNMP协议,支持V1-V3版本。有代理也有管理模块,可以访问代理获取状态信息,也可以主动发TRAP,可以与第三方标准SNMP网管平台对接。-Distributed application system s own device management software to manage all the server s network status, system resources, the state (CPU, memory, file system), the application process status. Software using standard SNMP protocol to support V1-V3 version. There are also agent management module, you can visit the agency to obtain status information can also be unsolicited TRAP, with third-party standard SNMP network management platform for docking.
Platform: | Size: 126976 | Author: malibin | Hits:

[OS programcpu

Description: 动态的改变windows任务管理器的cpu的占用率,算法是改变cpu工作和sleep的时间比例-Dynamic changes in windows task manager cpu occupancy rate, the algorithm is to change the cpu time for the proportion of work and sleep
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 聪林 | Hits:


Description: 编程之美上的代码,控制cpu利用率,使得任务管理器中cpu曲线为正弦曲线。-The beauty of the programming code to control cpu utilization, so the task manager cpu curve sine curve.
Platform: | Size: 1162240 | Author: 王文浩 | Hits:


Description: This Utility is used for check The PERFORMANCE of CPU like "TASK MANAGER" it can show the CPU PERformance,Currently running files as well as the size of the program
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: Ubaid | Hits:


Description: 自制Windows任务管理器源码 一个以假乱真的任务管理器(界面有点像,但功能差远了),此程序主要实现取系统的应用程序列表、取系统的所有进程的相关信息(映像名称,PID,CPU时间,内存使用)、实时取CPU的得用率并以波浪线来描绘、实时取内存的使用记录,并以波浪线来描绘。同时也实现了,结束任务,新建任务,及切换至等功能。“选项菜单”只实现了“总是最前”,“查看菜单”只实现了“更新速度”。主要没有实现的功能,是取各个进程的CPU利用率和在系统托盘显示CPU线的效果。 程序中使用了几个网友作品的算法:如画CPU使用率的背景的效果,取CPU利用率的算法等都非本人原创的(作了部分修正)。-Home Source Windows Task Manager A highly advanced task manager (interface a bit like, but much worse function), the main implementation of this program to take the system s application list, taking the system all processes related to information (Image Name, PID, CPU time, memory usage), real-time CPU-use statistics obtained by the wave line rate and to describe real-time access memory usage records, and to the wave line to describe. Also achieved, the end of the task, new tasks, and switch to other functions. "Options menu" just realized "always best before", "View menu" just realized "update speed." Main function is not implemented, is to take each process CPU utilization and in the system tray display CPU line results. Some users use the program works algorithms: the picturesque background of the effect of CPU utilization, CPU utilization of the algorithm and so take my non-original (made partial amendments).
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 1178 | Hits:

[OS programsysMsgForCPU

Description: 高仿WINDOWS任务管理器中 CPU使用率 内存使用率 双缓冲绘图 图像移动-High imitation WINDOWS Task Manager CPU usage memory usage double buffering graphics moving image
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: moto | Hits:

[OS programcpu

Description: 让用户决定Windows任务管理器的CPU占用率。本程序实现让CPU的占用率状态时一条正弦曲线。-Let users decide Windows Task Manager CPU usage. This procedure allows CPU to achieve the occupancy rate of state of a sine curve.
Platform: | Size: 1185792 | Author: 胡容 | Hits:

[OS programCPU-Rate

Description: CPU使用率监视 1.监视CPU占用率(动态现实托盘区图标) 2.显示内存情况 3.快速启动 windows任务管理器-CPU utilization monitoring 1. Monitoring CPU usage (dynamic reality tray icon) 2. Display memory situation 3. Quick Start windows task manager
Platform: | Size: 172032 | Author: eejin | Hits:


Description: 一个linux操作系统的任务管理器,它能反映系统的cpu和内存利用率,能显示系统进程以及每个进程的状态等相关信息,能显示系统的硬件等静态信息!-Linux operating system, a task manager, it reflects the system' s cpu and memory utilization, the system can display the status of processes and each process and other related information, can display the system hardware such as static information!
Platform: | Size: 1402880 | Author: 吴昌 | Hits:
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