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Activity——活动管理模块 Analyse——分析模块 Client——客户管理系统模块 Email——E-mail管理模块 Fee——费用管理模块 Report——报表模块 Sell——销售管理模块 Service——服务管理模块 Stock——库存管理模块 UserManage——用户管理模块 其余文件夹为: Data——报表生成数据存放文件夹 Images——图片文件夹 Scripts——脚本文件夹 -Activity- Activity Management Module Analyse- Analysis Module Client- Customer management system modules Email- E-mail management module Fee- Fees Management Module Report- Report modules Sell- Sales Management Module Service- Service Management Module Stock- inventory management module UserManage- user management module for the rest of the folder: Data- Report generated data repository folder Images- Pictures folder Scripts- Scripts folder
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 260kb Publisher : yanggt

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迅易WEB版CRM客户资源管理系统-开源版 WEB版CRM客户资源管理系统适合销售主管,业务部门经理,业务骨干,小型办事处等 ◆ 简单,实用的迷你型客户管理软件:从客户资料的管理,到日常工作的安排,提醒,销售情况的记录,邮件群发的通讯功能,细致的权限管理等功能 -Xun Yi WEB version of CRM Customer Resource Management System- WEB version of the open source version of Customer Resource Management CRM system suitable sales director, business manager, business the backbone of small and medium-sized offices ◆ easy and practical mini-client management software: data from the client management, day-to-day work, to remind, the record sales, mass e-mail communications, which detailed the functions of rights management
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : dingh

主要功能 在瞬息万变的市场环境中,企业要立于不败之地,必须依托现代化的管理思想和手段,对企业内外部资源进行有效整合,其中客户资源管理尤为重要。但在很多人的眼里,客户资源管理被认为是进行客户资料采集的工具,殊不知在良好客户资源管理系统的辅助下,能让客户感受到“无微不至的关怀。” 企业客户资源管理系统实现了企业客户资源管理的信息化,它记录着一个企业所有客户的相关信息,而且可以通过发送邮件与客户进行沟通、交流。 -Main function in a rapidly changing market environment, enterprises must be invincible, to be based on modern management thinking and means-to-business resources in an effective internal and external integration, customer resource management which is particularly important. However, in the eyes of many people, customer resource management is considered to customer data collection tool, not knowing the good customer support resource management system, the customer can feel the " care in every possible way." Resource management system of enterprise customers to achieve the business customers of information resources management, and it records all of an enterprise customer' s relevant information, but also by sending e-mail to communicate with clients, exchange.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.08mb Publisher : shopgirl56

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JAVA E拍网上购物业务管理 使用CRM业务流程-JAVA E-line shopping business management make use of CRM business processes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.66mb Publisher : colin

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在瞬息万变的市场环境中,企业要立于不败之地,必须依托现代化的管理思想和手段,其中客户管理尤为重要。本例中的客户管理系统实现了企业客户管理的信息化,可对企业所有客户的相关信息进行有效管理,并且可以通过邮件与客户进行沟通、交流。本系统属于小型的数据库管理系统,可以对中、小型企业客户进行有效管理。-In a rapidly changing market environment, enterprises must be invincible, to be based on modern management thinking and tools, including customer management is particularly important. In this case the customer management system of enterprise customer management information, may be all-to-business customers to effectively manage information, and through e-mail to communicate with clients, exchange. The system is small-scale database management systems, can small and medium-sized enterprise customers to effectively manage.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.6mb Publisher : xiaolong

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ext struts spring hibernate 开发的客户关系管理系统-ext struts spring hibernate development of customer relationship management system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14.5mb Publisher : jyli

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主要功能 在瞬息万变的市场环境中,企业要立于不败之地,必须依托现代化的管理思想和手段,其中客户管理尤为重要。本例中的客户管理系统实现了企业客户管理的信息化,可对企业所有客户的相关信息进行有效管理,并且可以通过邮件与客户进行沟通、交流。本系统属于小型的数据库管理系统,可以对中、小型企业客户进行有效管理。 -Main function in a rapidly changing market environment, enterprises must be invincible, we must rely on modern management thinking and tools, including customer management is particularly important. In this case the customer management system to achieve the enterprise customer management information may be relevant to enterprises of all customers to effectively manage information, and can communicate with customers via e-mail exchange. This system is a small database management system, can small and medium business customers to effectively manage.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.6mb Publisher : cream

ASP客户关系管理系统,具有客户管理(客户信息管理,联系人信息管理,合同信息管理),库存管理(库存管理,产品管理 ),服务管理(反馈信息管理),报表管理(客户报表查询,联系人报表查询),e-mail管理(Email管理,发件人管理),用户管理等功能。 管理员和密码都是admin-ASP customer relationship management system with customer management (customer information management, contacts management, contract information management), inventory management (inventory management, product management), service management (feedback management), report management (customer report query, contact who report query), e-mail management (Email Management, From management), user management functions. Administrator and password is admin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 390kb Publisher : 张三

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Exploring the Use of E-CRM Elements and Effective Website
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 64kb Publisher : Daraghmeh

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WEB版CRM客户资源管理系统 适合销售主管,业务部门经理,业务骨干,小型办事处等 简单,实用的迷你型客户管理软件:从客户资料的管理,到日常工作的安排,提醒,销售情况的记录,邮件群发的通讯功能,细致的权限管理等功能 精简而实用,使用方便,易于学习 -Version WEB CRM customers resource management system for sales director, business manager, business backbone, small offices, etc Simple, practical miniature customer management software: from the customer data management, to the daily work arrangement, remind, sales records, E-mail group of communication function, meticulous authority management etc. Function Concise and practical, easy to use, easy to learn
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : 火焰

for the influence of frequency selection in Wimax, we give some methods to use the frequency selection to improve the capacity of wimax.SINR PUSC FUSC AMC MIC (Mean Instantaneous Capacity),EESM (Exponential Effective SINR Mapping),E CRM (Effective Code Rate Method-for the influence of frequency selection in Wimax, we give some methods to use the frequency selection to improve the capacity of wimax.SINR PUSC FUSC AMC MIC (Mean Instantaneous Capacity),EESM (Exponential Effective SINR Mapping),E CRM (Effective Code Rate Method
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 154kb Publisher : Yuan

McGraw Hill - Oracle JDeveloper 11g Handbook (December 2009) (ATTiCA). As the title and subtitle of the book states, we address the material in this book to those who wish or need to use Oracle JDeveloper 11g to create web applications with the Fusion technologies— the technologies Oracle uses to create Oracle Fusion Applications—the next generation of Oracle’s packaged applications (which now includes Oracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, Siebel CRM, and other applications products). This book is a “handbook,” not in the sense of a complete guide to all areas of the tool (because that function is well handled in the online JDeveloper Help Center) but in the sense that it is a guide for creating Java-enterprise standard, web applications using JDeveloper 11g.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18.77mb Publisher : ez2sarang

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电子商务实验中的CRM实验编写,包含了CRM实验的基本要求和实验报告,完整可用。-CRM e-commerce experiment experimental preparation, including the basic requirements of CRM experiments and lab reports and complete available.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.55mb Publisher : 李大鹏

在瞬息万变的市场环境中,企业要立于不败之地,必须依托现代化的管理思想和手段,其中客户管理尤为重要。本例中的客户管理系统实现了企业客户管理的信息化,可对企业所有客户的相关信息进行有效管理,并且可以通过邮件与客户进行沟通、交流。本系统属于小型的数据库管理系统,可以对中、小型企业客户进行有效管理。-To vary from minute to minute market environment, enterprises want to remain invincible, must rely on modern management ideas and tools, including customer management is particularly important. Customer management system in the case of the implementation of the enterprise customer management information, can carry on the effective management of all information related to enterprise customers, and can communicate, communicate with customers via e-mail. This system is a database management system for small, can the effective management of medium, small business customers.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.77mb Publisher : 花无缺

系统可作为OA、网站、电子政务、ERP、CRM、APP后台等基于B/S架构的应用软件系统的快速开发框架。-The system can be used as OA, website, e-government, ERP, CRM, APP backstage rapid development framework based on B/S structure of the application software system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40.42mb Publisher : steve zhong
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