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CRM 不仅仅是一个管理名词和管理概念,更是一套人-机交互系统和一种先进的解决方案,它能帮助企业更好的吸引潜在的客户和留住最有价值的客户,从而实现销售、市场营销、服务和支持的商业流程自动化。 Programming Language: PHP-CRM not merely is a management noun and the management concept, is set of people- machine interactive systems and one kind of advanced solution, it can help the enterprise better attraction latent customer and detain the most valuable customer, thus realization sale, market marketing, service and support commercial flow automation. Programming Language: PHP
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 116kb Publisher : 阳昌珠

一个客户联系管理(CRM)系统,可以轻松建立客户联系方式,并且进行客户售后跟踪和服务支持-a customer contact management (CRM) system, can easily build customer contacts, as well as for after-sales tracking and customer service support
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.74mb Publisher : 岸西

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一个由 php 写成的开放源码 会计/ERP/CRM 系统。它包含十九个模块 - 系统管理,联系资讯管理,顾客关系, 顾客自助服务, 供应商关系, 总帐,银行结馀校对,存货管理,服务管理,应付帐/发票,应收帐/发票,采购订单,销售订单,报价单,销售点收银员,销售点主管,人力资源,职员自助服务和职员工资 包括一套新的顾客自助服务模块,它提供了客户服务中心和顾客研读总帐报表等功能,安装过程被改进,对中文 egroupware 用户来说,zh/zt 被转换到 utf-8 的功能被加入-a php written by the open-source accounting/ERP/CRM system. It contains 19 modules- system management, contact information management, customer relations, customer self-service, supplier relations, general ledger, bank balances proofreading, inventory management, service management, accounts payable/invoices, accounts receivable/invoices, purchase orders, sales orders, reportedly price, sales cashier, sales, human resources, self-service staff and staff salaries including a new set of customer self-service module, which provides customer service centers and customer statements read general ledger functions, the installation process has been improved, the Chinese egroupware users, en /converted to utf-8 by adding features
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.37mb Publisher :

CK-ERP is a CRM/ERP/MRP/accounting system with 22 modules - Admin,i18n, ContactMgmt,CRM,CustomerSelfService,VRM, MRP,Warehouse,Inventory,Service, Ledger,BankRec,Payables,Receivables,PO,SO,Quotation, POS(Cashier),POS(Mgr), HR,StaffSelfService & Payroll. -CK-ERP is a CRM/ERP/MRP/accounting syste m with 22 modules- Admin, i18n, ContactMgmt. CRM, CustomerSelfService, VRM, MRP, Warehouse, Inventory, Service, Ledger, BankRec, Payables, Receivables, PO, SO, Quotation, POS (Cashier), POS (Mgr), HR, StaffSelfService
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.51mb Publisher : 汪金

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主要特点: 1. 稳定高效的模板机制 OsoonCRM 采用PHP官方模板引擎Smarty,使得对于OsoonCRM 以前版本而言具有了 质的飞跃,并且作为PHP官方模板引擎,通过大量,广泛的实际应用,验证了其无与 伦比的稳定性和高效性,软件的模板与多语言正是基于这样的稳定和高效上。 2. 使用几乎所有的数据库 OsoonCRM 甲申版本采用业内优秀的数据库链接类库Adodb,并通过长期的测试, 能稳定的运行在MySQL,MS SQLServer,MS Access上,在未来的版本会提供更多数 据库的支持。 3. 模块化的系统 OsoonCRM 通过模块机制进行软件开发,每一个模块既有其独特的功能,亦与其余 模块有着紧密的联系,并通过主模块 客户 在其余各模块之间进行深入细节的紧 密结合。 4. 国际性支持 OsoonCRM 拥有良好的国际性支持,OsoonCRM 甲申版本已经支持英语,简体中文,繁 体中文,您可以对软件进行深入内部的细节语言设定,在未来的版本会提供对更多 语言的支持,以适合世界各地的人士使用。 5. 图形报表支持 OsoonCRM 使用先进的图形报表引擎进行即时图形报表生成,用生动的图形来显示 您的年度报表和月报表。-main features : 1. stable and efficient mechanism OsoonCRM template using PHP official Smarty template engine. OsoonCRM made for the previous version in terms of a qualitative leap, and as the official PHP template engine, large-scale, wide range of practical applications, validated its unparalleled stability and efficiency, software templates and multi-language based on the same stable and efficient on. 2. Almost all use of the database used OsoonCRM 1884 version of the database industry outstanding Class Ad Links odb, and through long-term tests, the stability of the operation in MySQL, MS SQLServer, MS Access, in the next version of the database will provide more support. 3. Modular system OsoonCRM module mechanism through software development, Each module is attributable to its unique
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : 王全贵

用php开发的crm系统, 推荐使用php4 + MYSQL 4搭建!! 采用Sugar Suite v4.0.1为核心! For a list of new features and other important information about Sugar Suite 4.0.1, please see the ReleaseNotes.doc file. Our goal continues to be to build the customer relationship management system that you have always wanted, so your input is vital. To share ideas with the Sugar Community, ask questions, find answers and submit feedback, please visit our Sugar Forums at php crm development of the system, recommends php4 MYSQL four structures! ! Sugar Suite v4.0.1 used as the core! For a list of new features and other important in formation about Sugar Suite 4.0.1, ReleaseNotes.doc please see the file. Our goal continues to be to build the customer relations hip management system that you have always want ed. so your input is vital. To share ideas with the Su gar Community, ask questions, find answers and submit feedback, please visit our Sugar Forums at http ://
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14.81mb Publisher : xiaolei

CRM全套解决方案,全部源代码,支持简体中文-CRM complete solution, all source code, support for Simplified Chinese
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.03mb Publisher : 黎兵

SugarCRM是一个开源项目的CRM,php开发,后台数据库是mysql,基本是开源的。功能相当的丰富,此为他的最新CE版本的汉化包。-SugarCRM is an open source project of the CRM, php development, the background database is mysql, open source is basically the. Quite rich, this is his latest CE version of the finished package.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 399kb Publisher : Henry

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FP2 CRM code+Mysql DB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : Ali Imran Ahmad

SugarCRM是一个开源项目的CRM,php开发,后台数据库是mysql,基本是开源的。功能相当的丰富:My Portal、Calendar、Activities、Contacts、Accounts、Leads、Opportunities、Cases、Rss、Dashboard、Emails、BugTracker,Comercial版本还包括:Quotes、Products、Repors。   SugarCRM 是在SourceForge.net上最成功的开放源程序系统,其开放源程序的版本是目前为止最有名,也是最成功的免费的 CRM。   SugarCRM 具有很强的可操作性、灵活的适用性、完善的功能、独特的个性化设计和专业的技术安全保障,是辅助企业实现客户关系管理的理想之选。-SugarCRM is an open source project of the CRM, php development, the background database is mysql, open source is basically the. Considerable wealth of functions: My Portal, Calendar, Activities, Contacts, Accounts, Leads, Opportunities, Cases, Rss, Dashboard, Emails, BugTracker, Comercial version also includes: Quotes, Products, Repors. SugarCRM is the most successful in the open source system, its open source version is by far the most famous and most successful free CRM. SugarCRM has a strong operational and flexible applicability, and improve the function, the unique design of personalized and professional technical security guarantees, is to assist the enterprise customer relationship management to achieve the ideal.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.43mb Publisher : Kevin

CRM开源工具,包含安装文件与中文文档。-CRM open-source tools, including the installation file and Chinese documents.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39.2mb Publisher : 游牧师

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CRM系统 功能包括 1、客户资料管理 2、客户联系人管理 3、市场活动信息管理 4、商业机会管理 5、使用人员日程管理 6、Meddic销售分析系统 7、CRM用户管理 8、CRM工作移交-crm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 405kb Publisher :

php 短信群发接口 适合集成oa crm等-php interface for Short Message oa crm integration, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : Dylan

思域CRM V1.1 “思域CRMV1.1”目前主要模块有: 1、客户资料管理 2、客户联系人管理 3、市场活动信息管理 4、商业机会管理 5、使用人员日程管理 6、Meddic销售分析系统 7、CRM用户管理 8、CRM工作移交 -Civic CRM V1.1 " Civic CRMV1.1" At present the main modules are: 1, 2, customer information management, customer contact management 3, 4 market activity information management, business opportunities, management of 5, use of personnel scheduling 6, Meddic sales Analysis System 7, CRM User Management 8, CRM job transfer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 393kb Publisher : 谷传彬

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企业办公系统,客户关系系统,非常的好用.我以现在,在使用中,向大家推荐.-Business office systems, crm, crm customer relationship system, very easy to use. I am in now in use. To recommend
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 645kb Publisher : 王立文

yii框架的CRM源代码,供PHP爱好者学习参考,不准用于商业行为。(Yii framework CRM source code.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23.14mb Publisher : hoson

PHP协同办公OA管理系统源码 协同办公系统由客户管理(crm)、日常办公(oa)、现金记账(cash)、团队分享(team)和应用导航(ips)五大模块组成,主要面向中小团队的企业内部管理,和市面上其他的产品相比,然之协同更专注于提供一体化、精简的解决方案。(PHP collaborative office OA source code management system for collaborative office system by the customer management (CRM), daily office (OA), cash accounting (cash), team share (team) and the application of navigation (IPS) composed of five modules, mainly for small and medium-sized enterprise internal management team, compared with the other products available in the market, but the co integration, focus more on providing streamlined solutions.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.22mb Publisher : honey007

a simple crm online app -PHP.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 528kb Publisher : face2face

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another php online crm for small business.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.34mb Publisher : face2face

PHP and Symfony ACL system to do role access list and crm app
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.55mb Publisher : Pmurphy
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