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[CSharpMAC风格的半透明超酷WinForm Button控件源码

Description: MAC风格的半透明超酷WinForm Button控件源码-MAC style translucent cool WinForm Button Controls FOSS
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: 廖焕庭 | Hits:


Description: 有图片的BUTTON,从别的地方转载,不错。-pictures of BUTTON, reprinted from other places, yes.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 飘雪 | Hits:

[WEB CodeAspView

Description: asp.net的介绍使用示例(附PPT)。里面有asp.net的注意事项、用户控件使用、自定义控件创建和使用、和一些使用技巧(如点击删除按钮需要确认(需从后台代码加)、后台输出javascript的3种方法、叶面很长时postback后怎样回到原来的位置)-Asp. Net on the use of the sample (PPT). There are matters to the attention of Asp. Net, the use of user controls, OCX creation and use, and the use of some techniques (such as clicking on the Remove button need to recognize (subject from the background source added), background javascript output of the three, leaves a very long time after postback how to return to the original location )
Platform: | Size: 1241088 | Author: 沈镇杰 | Hits:

[GUI Developbutton ME

Description: 一个我自己做的按钮演示-I own a button demo
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 百年经典 | Hits:


Description: 水晶按钮,类似于苹果操作系统的水晶按钮效果。非常漂亮。-crystal buttons, similar to the Mac OS crystal button effects. Very beautiful.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 老郎 | Hits:

[Button controlXCtrls_Src

Description: The motivation behind the custom bitmap control was to allow different bitmap images to be displayed for each of the button states. This includes disabled, normal, mouse over, and button pressed. In addition to the button graphics, it was important to include button text and control the alignment of the text with regards to the button image. It follows an XP style look and feel with some embellishments that are unique to it.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 王小文 | Hits:

[Button controlPDA图形按钮

Description: 在PDA设备开发环境下,所使用的BUTTON控件,可以加载ICON和其他字体-in PDA device development environment, used by BUTTON controls can be loaded ICON and other fonts
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 张璐 | Hits:


Description: Windows应用程序,C#编写,实现了求最短路径的Dijkstra算法,方便操作,可以自已在程序界面上指定每一个点的位置,在界面上空白的地方每点击一下生成一个点(该点是一个可以点击的按钮),这些按钮按照出现的先后顺序自动从1开始编号(目前程序设定最多支持100个点,可自行更改)。界面右上角是计算结果显示区,往下是权值输入区和“连线”、“清屏”“计算”三个按钮以及状态区,状态区显示当前的起点和终点,连线和计算都要用到该信息(点击生成的顺序编号的那些按钮可以依次改变起点和终点)。输入权值后点“连线”则把编号为状态区显示的起点和终点连接起来,并在线的中央标明权值。点击“计算”则计算状态区显示的起点和终点的最短距离及路径,并将结果输出到右上角。右下角为异常显示区,显示程序运行过程中出现的异常,比如权值输入一个字母,因字母无法转为整型,就会产生异常,该异常信息就显示在右下角。-Windows applications, C#, for the realization of the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm, convenient operation, the procedure can own interface on a point each designated location, gaps at the interface of each click generated a point (the point is a can click on the button), these buttons with the automatic sequence starting from No. 1 (the current procedure set up to support 100 points can make changes). Instructions interface is calculated results show, right down the value of the importation and the "Alliance" "screen" "calculated" button and the three state area, the current state of the district show the starting and finishing points. Alliance and calculation should use the information (click generation of serial numbers of those buttons can be followed to
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: | Hits:

[Button controlAresButtonPro

Description: 这是一个用 csharp 开发的按扭控件,是本人第一个用csharp开发的项目-This is a development with csharp control buttons, I was the first one used to develop the project csharp
Platform: | Size: 272384 | Author: 程玲 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopArrowButton

Description: 带箭头的按钮,很不错,包含原代码和demo程序-with arrow button, quite well, and include the original code and procedures demo
Platform: | Size: 192512 | Author: sunnyjian | Hits:


Description: C#DataGrid控件中使用Button控件,ComboBox控件,TimerPicker控件的demo-C# using DataGrid Control Button Controls, ComboBox control, TimerPicker Control demo
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 张志远 | Hits:


Description: 使用现成的已经编写好的控件当然是很方便的事情,但是有的时候随着C#编成应用的不断深入,已有的控件已经不能满足实际需求,所以不得不自己在现有控件的基础上扩展功能,本程序通过一个扩展button控件功能而形成自己开发的控件,可以给CSharp开发者一个简单明了的参考。简单不失一般性-use off-the-shelf component has prepared a good course is a convenient thing, Some, however, when C# organization with the in-depth application, the controls have already unable to meet the actual demand. So I have to own the existing controls on the basis of the functional expansion, The procedures through an expansion button controls its own function and the development of the controls, CSharp can give developers a simple reference. Simple without loss of generality
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 朱向荣 | Hits:


Description: 自定义可移动圆、椭圆形按钮,可以设置按钮中图片的具体位置,可设置按钮中文本的位置-Custom removable round, oval button, you can set a picture button in the specific location, you can set the location of the Chinese version button
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: Shute | Hits:

[Multimedia Developrecording

Description: 本录音软件实现了传统录音软件的基本功能,具体功能如下 : 1〉录音:点击开始录音按钮后开始录音,同时将所录内容存于Recording\bin文件夹下。用户可以直接打开聆听。 2〉暂停,继续:录音过程中可以进行暂停,继续功能,界面上面都会给出对应的状态显示。 3〉停止录音:如果在录音过程中需要终止(比如:所需内容已经录完,但被录文件还没有结束,则可以通过停止录音按钮结束录音),按结束录音按钮后,文件不会被删除,在下一次录音时被自动清除,下一次录音开始之前,用户可以任意使用所录文件。-the recording software of the traditional recording the basic functions of the software, specific functions are as follows : a "recording : Click on the button to start recording after recording. the same time as recorded by the Recording stored in \ bin folder. Users can open the hearing. 2 "was suspended to continue : recording process can be suspended, continue to function, the above interface will be given the corresponding status display. 3 "stop recording : If the recording process to terminate (for example : as has been recorded for End, But was recorded document have not ended, we can stop recording button by the end of recording), by the end of recording button, documents will not be deleted, the next recording was automatically eliminated, the next time prior to th
Platform: | Size: 402432 | Author: tiepiao | Hits:


Description: 漂亮的按钮控件,以小动物的形式显示.能使你的程序界面看上去更形象生动.具有与众不同的亮点-Beautiful button control to the form of small animal show. The program interface allows you to look more vivid image. Has a distinct bright spot
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 汤云杰 | Hits:

[Button controlwinparam

Description: 实现多窗口间的传值功能,实施动态传值,用到了textbox,button和滚动进度条的控件,实现动态传值-Realize multi-window between the value function, the implementation of the dynamic value, use a textbox, button and rolling the progress bar control, realize the dynamic value
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 卜酷塔 | Hits:

[Printing programcsharp-duplex-print

Description: C# 重载 文档预览对话框的打印按钮,并实现文档的双面打印,也可用于crystal report 的双面打印.-C# Overloaded document print preview dialog box button, and realize double-sided document printing, crystal report can also be used for the double-sided printing.
Platform: | Size: 1693696 | Author: frank | Hits:

[Windows CEButton

Description: netcf2.0开发,ImageButton.可以设定多种图片状态,显示方式等等。是PDA软件开发必备的控件-netcf2.0 development, ImageButton. can set a variety of picture status, display and so on. PDA software development is an essential control
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 八股文 | Hits:

[Button controlOffice2007Button

Description: Office 2007 skinned button
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: kphwn | Hits:


Description: C#+如何给Winform的button等控件添加快捷键(C#如何给Winform的按钮、标签及上下文菜单等控件添加快捷键)-CSharp Quick Shortcut of Button
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zhuang | Hits:
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