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程序说明: Form1.cs是应用聚类算法DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatical Clustering of Application with Noise)的示例,可以通过两个参数EPS和MinPts调节聚类。 DBSCAN.cs是实现文件,聚类算法的进一步信息请参考“数据挖掘”或者相关书籍 聚类示例数据来自于sxdb.mdb,一个Access数据库。 已知问题及进一步改进建议: 问题:dbscan.cs行64,SortedList不支持重复键,因此若两个数据点距离相同则无法加入集合 解决:采用人为减小一个微小量,使数据点距离不同且不影响聚类结果 上一解决方案的问题:减小double.Epsilon微小量无助于使SortedList认为两点距离以及不同 解决:采用一个指数增长的微小量,连续重试直至SortedList认为距离已经不同 进一步改进建议:可能通过double的强制转型为内存中的byte类型(假设double型转为8个byte) 然后最后一个byte减去0x01可比较漂亮的解决问题,但是……呵呵,C#中我不会这个操作 也可以自己实现一个SortedList,支持重复键,当然,这,好像是微软应该做的工作了 ^_^ Eric Guo <> -procedures : Form1.cs clustering algorithm is applied DBSCAN (Density-Based Spati cal Clustering of Application with Noise) example, two parameters can EPS and MinPts regulation clustering. DBSCAN.cs is, the clustering algorithm further information please refer to the "data mining" or books related data clustering example from sxdb.m db, an Access database. Known issues and recommendations for further improvement : : 64 dbscan.cs OK, SortedList not support duplicate keys, and therefore if two data points from the same pool can not be solved by adding : By applying an artificially reduce a small amount of data from different points without clustering results on the impact of a solution of the problem : double.Epsilon small decrease in the amount of helplessness to make that 2:00 S
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 15.29kb Publisher : Huang Yi

《精通ASP.NET网络编程》附带实例-"Network Programming ASP.NET proficient" with examples
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 456kb Publisher : 王名

人事,工资,考勤系统,C#实现 1、查看建模图 本文件夹中的Model目录下包含了系统的数据库模型图和系统建模图,分别使用PowerDesigner和Rational Rose打开。 2、数据库安装 本安装说明是以Microsoft Access 2000为例来阐述的,数据库文件为文件夹ManPowerManage/ManPowerManage/bin/debug目录下的ManPowerManage.mdb文件。数据库无须安装设置,直接就可以运行。 3、把员工照片文件夹picture复制到C:盘的根目录。 4、如果用户安装的是Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003,那么可以直接打开ManPowerManage文件夹下的工程,查看代码并进行调试。 5、把数据导入Excel要用到Excel.dll,Office.dll,VBIDE.dll 3个dll文件,请按照本章所讲方法,安装Excel并生成这些dll文件。注意,可执行示例程序的同一目录下必须有Excel.dll文件,否则示例程序将不能把数据输出到Excel。请读者自己按照本章所述,获取Excel.dll文件。 6、本程序没有设置登录窗口,读者可以参照前面的例子自行开发。 -personnel, wages and attendance system, a C#. View Modeling map of the folder directory of the Model of the system contains a database model of the system modeling and map separately used PowerDesigner and Rational Rose opened. 2. the installation of the database install Microsoft Access 2000 is the example to elaborate. database file folders for ManPowerManage/ManPowerManage/b in/debug ManPowerManage.mdb directories under the document. Not to install the database installed directly on the run. 3, staff photos picture folders to copy C : disk root directory. 4. If users install the Microsoft Visual Studio. Net 2003, Well, we can directly open ManPowerManage folder works View source and debugging. 5, the data into Excel to use Excel.dll, Office.dll. VBIDE.dll three dll file, in accor
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : 许轶淼

程序说明: Form1.cs是应用聚类算法DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatical Clustering of Application with Noise)的示例,可以通过两个参数EPS和MinPts调节聚类。 DBSCAN.cs是实现文件,聚类算法的进一步信息请参考“数据挖掘”或者相关书籍 聚类示例数据来自于sxdb.mdb,一个Access数据库。 已知问题及进一步改进建议: 问题:dbscan.cs行64,SortedList不支持重复键,因此若两个数据点距离相同则无法加入集合 解决:采用人为减小一个微小量,使数据点距离不同且不影响聚类结果 上一解决方案的问题:减小double.Epsilon微小量无助于使SortedList认为两点距离以及不同 解决:采用一个指数增长的微小量,连续重试直至SortedList认为距离已经不同 进一步改进建议:可能通过double的强制转型为内存中的byte类型(假设double型转为8个byte) 然后最后一个byte减去0x01可比较漂亮的解决问题,但是……呵呵,C#中我不会这个操作 也可以自己实现一个SortedList,支持重复键,当然,这,好像是微软应该做的工作了 ^_^ Eric Guo <> -procedures : Form1.cs clustering algorithm is applied DBSCAN (Density-Based Spati cal Clustering of Application with Noise) example, two parameters can EPS and MinPts regulation clustering. DBSCAN.cs is, the clustering algorithm further information please refer to the "data mining" or books related data clustering example from sxdb.m db, an Access database. Known issues and recommendations for further improvement : : 64 dbscan.cs OK, SortedList not support duplicate keys, and therefore if two data points from the same pool can not be solved by adding : By applying an artificially reduce a small amount of data from different points without clustering results on the impact of a solution of the problem : double.Epsilon small decrease in the amount of helplessness to make that 2:00 S
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 26kb Publisher : Huang Yi

这个是为了自己结婚打请贴方便而写的套打程序。没有人员输入界面,直接写到MDB里就可以了-This is a fight for their marriage of convenience please write affixed to the piling process. No officer input interface, MDB Lane wrote directly on the
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.65mb Publisher : liu

DL : 0
本示例说明如何在 C# 中使用 Microsoft Access 数据库。它显示如何创建数据集并从数据库向该数据集添加表。示例程序中使用的 BugTypes.mdb 数据库是一个 Microsoft Access 2000 .mdb 文件-this example of how the C# using the Microsoft Access database. It shows how to set up data from the database and data sets added to the table. The sample program used in the BugTypes.mdb database is a Microsoft Acces 's 2,000. mdb documents
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 56kb Publisher : tang

先读mdb中的表 用arcgis的方法修改layer图层的属性-Read mdb table method using ArcGIS layers modify the properties of layer
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 20kb Publisher : wangzi

一个通讯录源码,用C#写的.挺不错的,大家可以参考看一下.-A source address book, using C# Wrote. Very good, everyone can refer to a look.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.66mb Publisher : 姜鹏

C#代码创建Access MDB数据库,无需Access环境.-C# Code to create Access MDB database without Access environment.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 72kb Publisher : zcj

前台功能有:公司简介 运价参考 电子地图 身份验证 货物查询 在线留言 后台主要功能模块有:收货表单 发货表单 车辆管理 客户档案 首页信息 货物状态 网站后台 友情链接 本程序只是为了方便广大中小物流业主,是免费软件,在您安装时请修改数据库名称。App_Data/mydata.mdb和 App_Data/leaveword.mdb 修改后在用记事本打开web.config文件,在如下位置替换成你修改后名称 <connectionStrings> <add name="OLEDBCONNECTIONSTRING1" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Jet OLEDB:Database Password=lxhslmlz data source="/> <add name="OLEDBCONNECTIONSTRING2" connectionString="\App_Data\修改改后数据库名1.mdb"/> <add name="OLEDBCONNECTIONSTRING3" connectionString="\App_Data\修改改后数据库名2.mdb"/> </connectionStrings> 1.后台管理地址admin/login.aspx:用户名:51aspx 密码:51aspx 2.数据库为access数据库 3.软件要求环境 2.0 注意:Access密码是lxhslmlz-err
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.02mb Publisher : 蔚洁明

DL : 0
Form1.cs是应用聚类算法DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatical Clustering of Application with Noise)的示例,可以通过两个参数EPS和MinPts调节聚类。 DBSCAN.cs是实现文件,聚类算法的进一步信息请参考“数据挖掘”或者相关书籍 聚类示例数据来自于sxdb.mdb,一个Access数据库-Form1.cs is the application of clustering algorithm DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatical Clustering of Application with Noise) of the sample, two parameters can MinPts regulation EPS and clustering. Is to achieve DBSCAN.cs document clustering algorithm further information please refer to " data mining" or books related to clustering of data from sample sxdb.mdb, an Access database
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 48kb Publisher : allcy

一个3层结构的例子,分别可连接mdb,sqlserver,oracle-An example of layer 3, respectively, to connect mdb, sqlserver, oracle
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 38kb Publisher : liucheng

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this article is about a simple database built in Microsoft Access and C#. to explore : the end user doesn t need to install any SQL servers, he just needs executable binary and *.mdb file, i.e. connecting to *.mdb file, read/write data, using dataGridView control, adding buttons to cells, etc. -this article is about a simple database built in Microsoft Access and C#. to explore : the end user doesn t need to install any SQL servers, he just needs executable binary and*.mdb file, i.e. connecting to*.mdb file, read/write data, using dataGridView control, adding buttons to cells, etc.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 308kb Publisher : morad

DL : 0
source of c sharp that use mdb database
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 314kb Publisher : ali

Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.57mb Publisher : 道道

DL : 0
C#窗体程序,包含基本的功能,是真实可用的项目。工程管理系统,支持新建工程、新建任务、工程记录、对MDB数据库读写操作,对excel导入导出操作,对系统配置项进行设置,Excel操作使用aspose.cell(C# form program, including the basic functions, is the real available project. Project management system, support new projects, new tasks, engineering records, read and write operations on the MDB database, import and export operations on the excel, the system configuration items set, Excel operation using aspose.cell)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5.78mb Publisher :
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