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基于Cisco CTI OS 6.0的Java 软电话简单实例-based Cisco CTI Java OS 6.0 simple example of the soft phone
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 17.71kb Publisher : louis

基于Cisco CTI OS 6.0的Java 软电话简单实例-based Cisco CTI Java OS 6.0 simple example of the soft phone
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : louis

基于CTI技术的会议通知系统的实现.基于CTI技术的会议通知系统的实现.-CTI technology-based meetings to inform the system. CTI technology-based notification system for meetings.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 199kb Publisher : lovejf

1- Start the Intraswitch server. 2- Make sure MYCLASSPATH settings in simplecall.bat /, reflects location of client-CTI jars. 3- Make sure java executable is in search path and java.policy is ok (see "installing IntraSwitch Sample Code and Client Librairies" in documentation for details about java.policy setup). A default java.policy is provided in the lib directory. 4- Update SERVER_HOST_NAME settings in simplecall.bat /, if the CTI server is not running on the same machine (default is localhost). Set it to the IP address or host name of your server. 5- On WinNT, launch simplecall.bat or on Unix: first, then Start the Intraswitch server. 2- Make sure MYCLASSPATH settings in simplecall.bat/, reflects location of client-CTI jars. 3- Make sure java executable is in search path and java.policy is ok (see "installing IntraSwitch Sample Code and Client Librairies" in documentation for details about java.policy setup). A default java.policy is provided in the lib directory. 4- Update SERVER_HOST_NAME settings in simplecall.bat/, if the CTI server is not running on the same machine (default is localhost). Set it to the IP address or host name of your server. 5- On WinNT, launch simplecall.bat or on Unix: first, then
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : zzz

中小企业呼叫中心CTI技术软件任务包和相关的文档。-Small and medium-sized CTI call center software package and related tasks documents.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.99mb Publisher : 郭志雷

目前JTAPI主要应用于呼叫中心领域,利用它还可以编写包括自动拨号、语音邮件、传真接收等各类软件。特别在互联网呼叫中心领域更是大有用武之地。比如Lucent 推出的ICC(Internet Call Center)就是一个典型的例子。整个ICC系统从技术上划分,可以分为3部分:管理、CTI、工作流。三个部分都用JAVA开发。利用JAVA的优势,ICC可以运行在NT、SALORIS等各种平台之上。 -JTAPI call center is currently mainly used in the field, using it to write, including automatic dialing, voice mail, fax reception and other types of software. Internet, call centers, particularly in the area is great development potentials. Example, Lucent announced ICC (Internet Call Center) is a typical example. The ICC system from the technical division can be divided into three parts: management, CTI, workflow. Three parts are developed using JAVA. The use of JAVA advantage, ICC can be run on NT, SALORIS other platform.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.02mb Publisher :
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