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基础的控制条与界面设计,为初学者提高帮助-basis of the control and interface design to help beginners improve
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 67.03kb Publisher :

Multiple control bars in a frame window, selective hiding and showing of control bars, and dynamic rearrangement of controls along the border of the frame window. The control bars are allocated space in the frame window according to their Z-order, which initially is the order in which they are created (see CMainFrame::OnCreate). CTRLBARS changes the Z-order of the dialog bar with the CWnd::SetWindowPos function. It hides or shows a control bar using CWnd::ShowWindow. Whenever CTRLBARS changes the Z-order or hides or shows a control bar, it calls CFrameWnd::RecalcLayout afterward so that the window real estate is reallocated to the remaining visible control bars.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 20.91kb Publisher : srom chen

ctrlbars(左侧固定工具栏) ctrlbars(左侧固定工具栏)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 22.37kb Publisher : yanjie

ctrlbars(左侧固定工具栏) ctrlbars(左侧固定工具栏)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 39.04kb Publisher : yanjie

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 218.38kb Publisher : 张红鸽

基础的控制条与界面设计,为初学者提高帮助-basis of the control and interface design to help beginners improve
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 67kb Publisher :

Multiple control bars in a frame window, selective hiding and showing of control bars, and dynamic rearrangement of controls along the border of the frame window. The control bars are allocated space in the frame window according to their Z-order, which initially is the order in which they are created (see CMainFrame::OnCreate). CTRLBARS changes the Z-order of the dialog bar with the CWnd::SetWindowPos function. It hides or shows a control bar using CWnd::ShowWindow. Whenever CTRLBARS changes the Z-order or hides or shows a control bar, it calls CFrameWnd::RecalcLayout afterward so that the window real estate is reallocated to the remaining visible control bars. -Multiple control bars in a frame window, selective hiding and showing of control bars, and dynamic rearrangement of controls along the border of the frame window. The control bars are allocated space in the frame window according to their Z-order, which initially is the order in which they are created (see CMainFrame:: OnCreate). CTRLBARS changes the Z-order of the dialog bar with the CWnd:: SetWindowPos function. It hides or shows a control bar using CWnd:: ShowWindow. Whenever CTRLBARS changes the Z-order or hides or shows a control bar, it calls CFrameWnd:: RecalcLayout afterward so that the window real estate is reallocated to the remaining visible control bars.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : srom chen

ctrlbars(左侧固定工具栏) ctrlbars(左侧固定工具栏)-ctrlbars (the left side of the fixed toolbar) ctrlbars (left fixed Toolbar)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : yanjie

ctrlbars(左侧固定工具栏) ctrlbars(左侧固定工具栏)-ctrlbars (the left side of the fixed toolbar) ctrlbars (left fixed Toolbar)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher : yanjie

一个精彩的控制工具栏例子,非常好用的典型例子,对于做界面有很大帮助。-A wonderful example of the control of the toolbar is very easy to use a typical example, the interface helps a lot to do.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 218kb Publisher : 张红鸽

DL : 0
CTRLBARS 示例阐释控件条的各种各样的自定义选项: -CTRLBARS explain the control sample of the wide range of customization options:
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : cenin

DL : 0
介绍从CToolBar继承的 CPaletteBar CToolBar m_wndToolBar CStyleBar m_wndStyleBar CPaletteBar m_wndPaletteBar CDialogBar m_wndDlgBar -CPaletteBar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 101kb Publisher : 韩宾

Ctrlbars应用程序演示了MFC类库中工具 条的用法。在这个程序中,我们介绍了工具 条的创建,如何控制工具条,在鼠标移到工 具条上时如何在状态条中显示相应的信息等 内容。该程序的源代码在光盘的Code\Ctrlbars 目录下。-Ctrlbars MFC class library application demonstrates the usage of the toolbar. In this program, we introduced the toolbar to create, how to control the tool bar, move the mouse to the status bar when the toolbar to display the corresponding information content. The program' s source code CD Code \ Ctrlbars directory.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 98kb Publisher : wupeiheng
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