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[matlab2D CUDA-based bilinear interpolation

Description: This MEX performs 2d bilinear interpolation using an NVIDIA graphics chipset. To compile and run this software, one needs the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit (http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_get.html) and, of course, an NVIDIA graphics card of reasonably modern vintage. BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS: Change the 'MATLAB' (and if necessary, 'MEX') variables in the Makefile to appropriate values, then simply run 'make' at a prompt and an executable (mex/mexmac/mexmaci/dll?) file will be created. This code uses your GPU's built-in bilinear texture interpolation capability, and is very fast. For reasonably sized operations (taking, say, a 50x50 matrix up to 1000x1000) CUDA-based code is 5-10x faster than linear interp2 (as tested on a MBP 2.4GHz C2D, GeForce 8600M GT). With very (VERY) large matrices, however, it has the capability of completely crashing your computer or giving bizarre results. Be careful!
Platform: | Size: 37881 | Author: whitewalter | Hits:

[Software Engineeringcksc2.0

Description: nvidia CUDA 2.0 SDK 中文版本,翻译率大概为95%-nvidia CUDA 2.0 SDK Chinese version, the translation rate of about 95
Platform: | Size: 854016 | Author: 幽谷客要 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopUIUC_CudaProgrammingGuide

Description: UIUC的工程院在全美堪称至尊级,这是UIUC推出的CUDA学习教程,非常系统地讲述其特点及应用。很好,很强大!-UIUC' s at the National Academy of Engineering called Extreme class, This is UIUC Study launched CUDA tutorial, very systematically about their characteristics and applications. Very good, very powerful!
Platform: | Size: 1241088 | Author: 李毅 | Hits:


Description: 基于NVIDIA CUDA GPU计算开发环境的双目视觉匹配程序,用于立体视觉的识别,同时可用于三维重建。主要算法在显卡上进行,需要NVIDIA的支持CUDA的显卡-NVIDIA CUDA GPU-based computing development environment to match the binocular vision procedures, for three-dimensional visual recognition, can be used for three-dimensional reconstruction at the same time. Graphics on the main algorithm, and the need to support NVIDIA' s CUDA cards
Platform: | Size: 1789952 | Author: 远航 | Hits:

[Windows Developmultichanneltest

Description: 完成飛行情報區交叉可以高保真的夢想,它的大幅過濾器和線性信號階段。 but current FFT type of FIR crossover on PC loses time information of audio signal.但目前的FFT類型的FIR交叉在PC失去時間信息的音頻信號。 If you use 10ms frame, time information in 10ms are lost.如果您使用10ms幀,在10ms時間信息都將丟失。 Now nVidia CUDA GPU computing power can achieve very fast "Real" FIR conversion, resulting such a sharp filtering like below.現在的nVidia CUDA技術的GPU運算能力可以達到非常快的“真正的”飛行情報區的轉換,從而導致這樣一個尖銳的過濾像如下。 -Complete FIR Crossover can be Audiophile s dream, by it s sharp filter and linear signal phase. but current FFT type of FIR crossover on PC loses time information of audio signal. If you use 10ms frame, time information in 10ms are lost. Now nVidia CUDA GPU computing power can achieve very fast "Real" FIR conversion, resulting such a sharp filtering like below.
Platform: | Size: 1781760 | Author: bigecho | Hits:

[Industry researchNVCC_1.0

Description: CUDA s Compiler NVCC description, very important t o CUDA developers
Platform: | Size: 318464 | Author: hahaha | Hits:


Description: cuda资料,对于并行编程很有帮助!该资料描述了cuda的基本信息,以及重要的步骤,让您逐渐上手,轻松掌握cuda并行编程。-cuda information useful for parallel programming! The information describes the cuda s basic information, as well as an important step, so that gradually you get started, easy to master parallel programming cuda.
Platform: | Size: 7119872 | Author: wuhaoqiang | Hits:


Description: cuda的教程,cuda是在nvdia的GT80以上显卡支持的Gpu编程的c语言环境-cuda' s Guide, cuda is the GT80 in nvdia above Gpu graphics support c programming language environment
Platform: | Size: 1631232 | Author: 何龙军 | Hits:

[2D Graphicmpeg2dec

Description: MEPG2 dec 优化代码。 可运行于nvidia 的CUDA平台中-MEPG2 dec opt code it can running in nvidia s cuda chip
Platform: | Size: 153600 | Author: boboo | Hits:


Description: 学习NVIDIA公司GPU平台CUDA开发环境的好资料,可以大体上了解CUDA的运行环境和编程技巧-NVIDIA' s GPU platform to learn CUDA development environment good information, you can generally understand the CUDA runtime environment and programming skills
Platform: | Size: 462848 | Author: 要强 | Hits:


Description: 基于GPU计算的SVM,VC++源码,包括详细文档说明文件。借用了GPU编程的优势,该代码据作者说比常规的libsvm等算法包的训练速度快13-73倍,预测速度快22-172倍。希望对大家有用-cuSVM is a software package for high-speed (Gaussian-kernelized) Support Vector Machine training and prediction that exploits the massively parallel processing power of Graphics Processors (GPUs). cuSVM is written in NVIDIA s CUDA C-language GPU programming environment, includes implementations of both classification and regression, and performs SVM training (prediction) at 13-73 (22-172) times the rate of state of the art CPU software. Moreover, cuSVM features a Matlab MEX wrapper so that users can access the GPU s power without having to do any "real" programming.
Platform: | Size: 879616 | Author: Sheng | Hits:

[Special Effects40e87b3a-0df7-43ec-8729-916b7c6ea92fR

Description: 基于CUDA的立体视觉 在本文中,我们提出了一个基于GPU的加速方法,以加快计算量图像配准 统一设备架构(CUDA技术)。一种新颖的CUDA技术为基础的联合直方图计算方法介绍 在这个文件,该文件还对二维图像配准和其他应用程序的一般图形宝贵。此外, 1算法的改进,提出改进FMRIB广泛使用的线性图像注册工具 (调情)。虽然采取了额外的时间是通过应用该算法的改进,我们的实现表明, 能够执行一个完整的12个自由度(自由度)的两个脑容量图像配准在近35秒, 时间大约是10比本地调情执行速度更快。实验结果表明,我们的 算法的改进与实施能避免一些不当注册。-In this paper, we propose a GPU-based acceleration method to speed up volume image registration using Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA). An novel CUDA-based method for joint histogram computation is introduced in this paper, which is also valuable for 2D image registration and other general graphics applications. Additionally, an algorithm refinement is proposed to improve the widely used FMRIB’s Linear Image Registration Tool (FLIRT). Although extra time is taken by applying that algorithm refinements, our implementation showed the ability to perform a full 12 DOF (Degrees of Freedom) registration of two brain volume image in nearly 35 seconds, which is about 10 time faster than the native FLIRT implementation. Experimental results showed that our implementation with algorithm refinement can avoid some mis-registration.
Platform: | Size: 3177472 | Author: 王冉 | Hits:

[Windows Developcuda

Description: 深入浅出谈CUDA CUDA 是 NVIDIA 的 GPGPU 模型,它使用 C 语言为基础,可以直接以大多数人熟悉的 C 语言,写出在显示芯片上执行的程序,而不需要去学习特定的显示芯片的指令或是特殊的结构。-Visitors to learn about CUDA CUDA is NVIDIA s GPGPU model, which uses the C language-based, most people directly familiar with the C language, write in the display chip implementation process, rather than have to learn Teding of graphics chips in order Huoshi particular the structure.
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: multigen | Hits:

[File FormatCUDA_Developer_Guide_for_Optimus_Platforms

Description: CUDA开发者程序优化指南!NVIDIA公司最新规范!不可多得的程序规范指南!-CUDA Developer Program Optimization Guide! NVIDIA' s latest specification! Rare procedural norms guide!
Platform: | Size: 1058816 | Author: daifuxin | Hits:

[Crack Hackcuda_wordpassword_crack

Description: 暴力破解word2003所需的计算量极其大,耗费时间长!本作品利用CUDA的高速并行能力进行破解,以时间换空间及成本, 适合普通用户使用。-Word2003 brute force computation required is extremely large, time-consuming long! This works using CUDA' s ability to break high-speed parallel to the time for space and cost, for ordinary users.
Platform: | Size: 411648 | Author: rei | Hits:


Description: 面向大学的课件,介绍NVIDIA公司GPU在CDUA平台下的编程方法,是快速进入研究计算机并行计算的优秀课件,全英文的-For university courseware to introduce NVIDIA' s GPU programming platform in CDUA method is quick access to the best of parallel computing research computer courseware, all in English
Platform: | Size: 7400448 | Author: 于雨 | Hits:


Description: 基于cuda的软件雷达信号处理的多GPU并行技术-Multi- GPU Parallel Technology Based on cuda s Software Radar Signal Processing
Platform: | Size: 1960960 | Author: wangzhenxing | Hits:


Description: CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture),是显卡厂商NVIDIA推出的运算平台。 CUDA?是一种由NVIDIA推出的通用并行计算架构,该架构使GPU能够解决复杂的计算问题。(CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), is the graphics platform NVIDIA's computing platform. CUDA is a general purpose parallel computing architecture from NVIDIA that enables GPUs to solve complex computational problems.)
Platform: | Size: 1269760 | Author: taoshi | Hits:


Description: 基于CUDA的FDTD模拟二维TM波在真空中的传播,基于Mur边界条件(FDTD-Mur-CUDA ============= 2D FDTD solution for Mur's Absorbing Boundary Condition using CUDA acceleration.)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: kabu | Hits:


Description: 利用simulink的自动生成代码功能生成代码后,在VC2013上进行编译,然后调用CUDA程序(After generating code from Simulink's automatic generation of code, compiling on VC2013, then calling the CUDA program)
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: NiZaiCaiA | Hits:
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