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[Software Engineering税务客户服务中心

Description: 利用客户服务中心(呼叫中心)技术,建设纳税综合服务系统,可极大地提高税务机关税务征管工作的效率,同时可为广大纳税用户提供电话、传真等多种服务方式,方便其纳税。-use of the Customer Service Center (call center) technology, building integrated tax system can greatly improve the tax authorities of tax collection efficiency, while the majority of users pay for phone, fax and other services, to facilitate its taxpayers.
Platform: | Size: 9991 | Author: luobiao | Hits:

[Windows DeveloptapiPhone

Description: 自动语音应答系统是指在没有工作人员值班的情况下,由系统自动处理来自用户的呼叫,通过语音给出用户各种操作提示,并根据用户的操作来执行相应的命令,完成用户所需要实现的功能或提供用户所需要的信息. 例如当前的201电话系统,手机的客户服务中心等.-automated voice response system means that there will be no staff on duty at the circumstances, handled by the system automatically from the user's call, the user is given voice through various tips, According to the users and operators to implement the corresponding order, Users need to complete the functions or to provide users the information they need. For instance, the 201 telephone system, cell phone customer service center.
Platform: | Size: 345329 | Author: wangzi | Hits:

[Software Engineering税务客户服务中心

Description: 利用客户服务中心(呼叫中心)技术,建设纳税综合服务系统,可极大地提高税务机关税务征管工作的效率,同时可为广大纳税用户提供电话、传真等多种服务方式,方便其纳税。-use of the Customer Service Center (call center) technology, building integrated tax system can greatly improve the tax authorities of tax collection efficiency, while the majority of users pay for phone, fax and other services, to facilitate its taxpayers.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: luobiao | Hits:

[Windows DeveloptapiPhone

Description: 自动语音应答系统是指在没有工作人员值班的情况下,由系统自动处理来自用户的呼叫,通过语音给出用户各种操作提示,并根据用户的操作来执行相应的命令,完成用户所需要实现的功能或提供用户所需要的信息. 例如当前的201电话系统,手机的客户服务中心等.-automated voice response system means that there will be no staff on duty at the circumstances, handled by the system automatically from the user's call, the user is given voice through various tips, According to the users and operators to implement the corresponding order, Users need to complete the functions or to provide users the information they need. For instance, the 201 telephone system, cell phone customer service center.
Platform: | Size: 345088 | Author: wangzi | Hits:

[Database systemxyPRO0131224

Description: 物业管理系统 特点 一、 实现集中式管理 系统将集团公司、各分公司、各物业管理处连接到一起,所有数据能够实时共享,为企业领导提供一个及时掌握业务全貌的信息处理平台,提供全面的报表查询和分析功能。 二、 具有全面、强大的收费管理功能 支持管理各种类型的物业,具有强大的收费管理功能。在收费管理上支持多种收费项目和多种收费标准,支持现金收款、银行托收、预收款等缴款方式,并能与现有主流财务管理软件实现接口,达到数据流一体化管理的目的。 三、 完善的客户服务中心 住户可通过电话或直接到管理处客服中心进行投诉、装修申请登记、服务申请登记,并通过系统以流程化方式跟踪从登记、派单、领料、处理、回访等整个处理过程,实现客户-客户服务中心-内部专职服务部门之间的互动沟通。并通过业务统计分析功能,分析客户服务质量和客户满意度,不断提升客户服务水平。 功能模块 物业管理部分包含房产管理、客户管理、收费管理、费用报表、租赁管理、综合服务、保安消防、清洁绿化、设备管理、仓库管理、工资管理、文档管理共十个功能模块。 系统管理部分包含基础资料、系统维护共两个功能模块。 -Property Management System Features First, realize centralized management System group, the branch office, the property management office to connect to work together, all data able to share real-time for business leaders to provide a timely grasp of the operational picture of the information processing platform to provide comprehensive Report query and analysis functions. Two, with a comprehensive, powerful management capabilities charges Supporting the management of all types of property, with a strong management capabilities charges. At the management fees on multiple charges and multiple charges to support cash receipts, bank collection, pre-payment methods such as receivables, and the mainstream with the existing financial management software interface implementation, to data flow integration management purposes. Three, perfect customer service center Households, by telephone or directly to the Management Office Service complaint, the decoration of application
Platform: | Size: 2689024 | Author: gys | Hits:


Description: 针对专业物流公司设计,旨在为中小型企业提供便捷准确的物流服务 本系统以仓储中心为系统组成基本单位,围绕各个仓储中心之间的物流操作进行业务处理 整个系统的基本模块可分为四大模块:客户服务,仓库管理,物流运输,综合查询以及系统设置 -For professional logistics companies designed to provide SMEs with accurate and convenient system of logistics services to the storage center for the system composed of the basic unit of storage centers around the various logistics business operations throughout the system to deal with the basic module can be divided into four modules: customer service, warehouse management, logistics and transport, as well as comprehensive system settings query
Platform: | Size: 3337216 | Author: vicksong | Hits:


Description: 近年来,随着YDcom的迅猛发展,给用户带来了com的方便,也对YDcom的服务质量有了更高的要求。为提高YDcom服务和业务管理水平,树立YDcom企业良好的服务形象。今年,DD省正建立全省的YDcom客户服务中心系统,为明年的客户服务年作准备,各个地市的客服中心的建设正顺利地进行,省中心的建设迫在眉睫。-In recent years, with the rapid development of YDcom to give users the convenience of the com, but also YDcom have a higher quality of service requirements. YDcom In order to enhance the level of service and business management, enterprise YDcom establish the image of good service. This year, DD is the establishment of the province of the province YDcom customer service center system, the customer service next year to prepare for the year, all to the city center building is carried out smoothly, the imminent construction of the provincial centers.
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: zhangzhenzhong | Hits:


Description: 主要功能 客户管理系统主要由基础信息维护、客户 服务、信息查询、系统管理和帮助信息等几个功能模块组成,规划系统功能模块如下:  基础信息维护模块 该模块主要包括区域信息设置、企业性质设置、企业类型设置、企业资信设置、客户级别设置和客户满意程度设置6部分。  客户信息维护模块 该模块主要包括客户信息、联系人信息、业务往来、客户呼叫中心4个部分。  客户服务模块 该模块主要包括客户反馈、客户投诉两个部分。  信息查询模块 该模块主要包括客户信息查询、联系人信息查询、客户反馈满意度查询和客户投诉满意度查询4部分。  系统管理模块 该模块主要包括增加操作员、密码修改、退出系统3部分。 -Customer management system is mainly based on information from maintenance, customer information, maintenance, customer service, information, information systems management and help the composition of several function modules, function modules planning system is as follows: The maintenance of basic information modules  The module is mainly set up regional information, the nature of an enterprise set up, business type, business credit establishment, customer-level settings and set the level of customer satisfaction 6.  to safeguard customer information module The module includes customer information, contact information, business contacts, customer call center in part 4.  Customer Service Module The module includes customer feedback, customer complaints in two parts.  Information Module The module includes customer information, contact information, customer feedback and customer satisfaction inquiries, inquiries, complaints satisfaction 4.
Platform: | Size: 2214912 | Author: 志勇 | Hits:

[Technology ManagementINtess-CallCenterV3.0-InstallGuide

Description: 华为INEtess客户服务中心的开局指导书3.0版本,对于安装、维护华为客服系统非常有帮助。-Huawei Customer Service Center INEtess start guide book version 3.0, for installation, maintenance, Huawei' s customer service system is very helpful.
Platform: | Size: 3149824 | Author: 大圣 | Hits:


Description: 1. 网站管理 2. 店铺及供应商管理 (单店系统不包含该功能) 3. 促销与商品推荐 4. 商品展示 5. 商品分类管理 6. 商品分类检索 7. 用户中心 8. 客户服务 9. 支付管理 10. 结账方式 11. 物流管理 12. SEO搜索引擎优化 13. 分析和报表 -1. Web site management 2. Shop and supplier management (single store system does not contain this feature) 3. Promotion and commodity recommendation 4. Merchandise display 5. Category Management 6. Product Search by Category 7. User Center 8. Customer Service 9. payment management 10. checkout 11. logistics management 12. SEO search engine optimization 13. Analysis and Reporting
Platform: | Size: 3589120 | Author: 马瑞瑞 | Hits:

[WEB Code65company_php168

Description: PHP168企业应用平台 v6.5 基于“核心+系统+模块+插件”的架构体系,拓展性良好。能非常方便站长及企业搭建企业信息平台。 提供的模块有:新闻、产品、人才招聘、独立页模块、会员中心、专题、在线客服等相关模块。-PHP168 Enterprise Application Platform v6.5 based on " Core+ System+ module+ plugin" architecture system expansion was good. Owners and enterprises can be very convenient platform to build enterprise information. The module offers: news, products, talent recruitment, independent page module, Member Center, special, online customer service and other related modules.
Platform: | Size: 9748480 | Author: 袁波 | Hits:

[transportation applicationsstu_wuliu

Description: 物流管理系统 具有物流系统的基本功能客户服务中心 调度中心 分站管理 库房管理 配送中心 财务管理-Logistics management system has the basic functions of logistics dispatch center customer service management sub-station distribution center warehouse management Financial Management
Platform: | Size: 1331200 | Author: 朱亮 | Hits:

[Goverment application20083

Description: 后台账号:admin 后台密码:admin888 增加了在线客服问答系统。 后台支持自问自答。 增加了用户交易后对客服的评价系统。 后台支持添加评价。 增加了积分抽奖系统,后台可设置奖品、抽奖几率、多少积分抽一次奖等等。 增加了买家发布求购后,卖家可在线出货系统。 增加了网站整体统计数据,交易量,会员注册数,交易总金额等等,显示在网站的头部位置。 后台可直接修改数量和金额。 增加了会员中心账号安全检测与提示设置。 增加了后台可写入计数器代码,前台底部统计访问量。 增加了后台可写入首页长标题关键字,以便提高各大搜索引擎的排名。 增加了会员必须输入验证码才能注册,防止恶意注册。 增加了后台支付接口可随意填写支付接口连接地址,更方便,更安全。 修正了上传漏洞导致被篡改支付连接或被黑的问题。 修正了数据库防下载,增强了防注入和页面数据输出的安全性。 修正支付密码修改后发生错误的问题。 修正了我要卖页面提交后重复选择交易类型的问题。 美化了首页整体和分页局部的页面。-Backstage account: admin backend Password: admin888 Increase online customer service answering system. Background support question and answer. Increased user transaction on customer service evaluation system. Supports adding background evaluation. Increased integration lottery system, the background can be set prizes, raffle chances, how many points draw a prize and so on. Buyers Wanted increased, the seller shipped systems available online. Increases the overall site statistics, trading volume, membership registration number, total amount of transactions, etc., displayed on the website s head position. Background can directly modify the number and amount. Member Center increased account security detection and alert settings. Increase of the background can be written to counter code, front bottom of visits. Increase of the background can be written home long title keywords to improve rankings in major search engines. Increased the membership must enter ver
Platform: | Size: 10061824 | Author: yinxiaobo | Hits:


Description: 客户管理系统主要由基础信息维护、客户 服务、信息查询、系统管理和帮助信息等几个功能模块组成,规划系统功能模块如下: 基础信息维护模块该模块主要包括区域信息设置、企业性质设置、企业类型设置、企业资信设置、客户级别设置和客户满意程度设置6部分。 客户信息维护模块该模块主要包括客户信息、联系人信息、业务往来、客户呼叫中心4个部分。 客户服务模块 该模块主要包括客户反馈、客户投诉两个部分。 信息查询模块 该模块主要包括客户信息查询、联系人信息查询、客户反馈满意度查询和客户投诉满意度查询4部分。 系统管理模块该模块主要包括增加操作员、密码修改、退出系统3部分。 -Customer management system mainly consists of basic information maintenance, customer information maintenance, customer service, information inquiry, systems management and help information, and several functional modules, the planning system function modules as follows:  basic information maintenance module The module includes regional information setting, corporate nature setting, type of enterprise settings, set the corporate credit, customer and client satisfaction level setting set 6 parts.  customer information maintenance module The module includes customer information, contact information, business contacts, customer call center four parts.  Customer Service module The module includes customer feedback, customer complaints in two parts.  information query module The module includes customer information inquiries, contact information inquiries, customer feedback and customer satisfaction inquiries complaint satisfaction inquiries four parts. ɧ
Platform: | Size: 6190080 | Author: qqq | Hits:


Description: 针对专业物流公司设计,旨在为中小型企业提供便捷准确的物流服务 本系统以仓储中心为系统组成基本单位,围绕各个仓储中心之间的物流操作进行业务处理 整个系统的基本模块可分为四大模块:客户服务,仓库管理,物流运输,综合查询以及系统设置-Designed for professional logistics company, aims to provide convenient and accurate logistics services for small and medium enterprise storage center of the system as a system composed of the basic unit, warehousing center around logistics operations between the various basic business processing module of the system can be divided into four modules: customer service, warehouse management, logistics and transport, as well as integrated query system settings
Platform: | Size: 4320256 | Author: 黄强 | Hits:


Description: Buffer dynamics in a discrete service system Suppose time is discrete and customers arrive to a service center according to an independent sequence a(1), a(2),..., where a(k) is the number of arrivals during time slot number k. One customer can be serviced per slot (single server system). Additional customers wait in a buffer until service available.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: nihad | Hits:

[Post-TeleCom sofeware systemskfldxx

Description: 客服来电显示系统 分为服务端和客户端。服务端通过广播来电号码,客服端自动接收显示。一般配合板卡级呼叫中心使用。-Display system customer service call Divided into server and client. The server broadcasts the incoming number, client automatically receives the display. The general coordination board level call center.
Platform: | Size: 1173504 | Author: chensiyuan | Hits:

[Web Serverhlstats1_20

Description: PHP168Sharp6.5企业方案基于“核心+系统+模块+插件”的架构体系,拓展性良好。能非常方便站长及企业搭建企业信息平台。提供的模块有:新闻、产品、人才招聘、独立页模块、会员中心、专题、在线客服等相关模块。-PHP168Sharp6.5 enterprise solutions based on the core system+++ module plug-in architecture system, the expansion is good. It can be very convenient for business owners and build enterprise information platform. Modules available are: news, products, personnel recruitment, independent page module, Member Center, features, online customer service and other related modules.
Platform: | Size: 1218560 | Author: 陈晨 | Hits:

[WEB Codeemltxgl

Description: ,向企业员工随时随地的提供企业通讯录信息,用户可在手机端实时查看人员联系方式,拨打电话等全面提高了企业内部沟通效率。 主要功能有:用户管理(添加用户,删除用户用户,更新用户资料);通讯录管理(添加通讯录,更新通讯录,删除),个人中心,配置管理等。 EML企业客户关系管理系统,是基于Linux开放性内核和Apache基础上Php+Mysql的智能B/S交互式服务系统。 EML系统移动端由移动端采用javascript、html5、ajax、json等技术。 中间件层包括函数库,由java开发,android操作系统、中间件、用户界面和应用软件组成。 最佳分辨率: 1440x900 最佳浏览器: 火狐Firefox-At the same time, the enterprise employees to provide business address book information anytime, anywhere in the mobile phone users can view real-time contact information, telephone calls, etc.. The main features are: user management (add users, delete users, update user information) address book management (add address book, update address book, delete), personal center, configuration management, etc.. EML enterprise customer relationship management system is based on Linux open kernel and Apache based on the Php+Mysql intelligent B/S interactive service system. EML mobile terminal by the mobile terminal using JavaScript, HTML5, AJAX, JSON and other technologies. The middleware layer includes function library, which is developed by Java, Android operating system, middleware, user interface and application software. The best resolution: 1440x900: the best browser Firefox Firefox
Platform: | Size: 323584 | Author: haha | Hits:


Description: 美食类网站模板源码,后台系统已经升级,体验起来更加顺畅,可以一目了然看到,关于我们、产品中心、案例中心、招商加盟、新闻资讯、联系我们等,客服系统也进行了升级,在后台可自由设置。(Delicacy website template source, the background system has been upgraded to experience more smoothly, can see at a glance, about our products, center, case center, merchants, news and information, contact us, customer service system has been upgraded, in the background can be set free. www.scjianzhan.cn)
Platform: | Size: 19332096 | Author: 维熵科技 | Hits:
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