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CxImage类库是一个优秀的图像操作类库。它可以快捷地存取、显示、转换各种图像。有的读者可能说,有那么多优秀的图形库,如OpenIL,FreeImage,PaintLib等等,它们可谓是功能强大,齐全,没必要用其它的类库。但我要说,这些类库基本上没有免费的,使用这些类库,你要被这样那样的许可协议所束缚。在这点上,CxImage类库是完全免费的。另外,在使用上述类库时,你会遇到重重麻烦。因为它们大部分是平台无关的,且用C语言写成,有的还夹杂着基本的C++ wrapper和成堆德编译选项的声明需要你去处理。而CxImage类库在这方面做得很好。还有让我最看好的,就是作者完全公开了源代码。相对于那些封装好的图形库和GDI+来说,这一点使我们可以进一步学习各种编解码技术,而不再浮于各种技术的表面。 -CxImage library is a fine image manipulation libraries. It can quickly access, display, converting all images. Some readers might say that there are so many outstanding graphics libraries, such as OpenIL, FreeImage, PaintLib etc., they can be powerful, complete, and no need to use other libraries. But I must say, these are basically no free library, the use of these libraries, you have to be all kinds of licensing agreements are binding. At this point, CxImage library is completely free. In addition, the use of these libraries, you will encounter a lot of trouble. Because most of them are platform-independent and can be used in C language. Some also mixed with the basic C wrapper and piles of Germany compiler options statement need you to handle. CxImage library and the work has been done
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.87mb Publisher : 姜丽华
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