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一 题目 全国铁路交通咨询系统 二 需求分析 1.系统配制: 硬件:CPU:P4 1.6G 内存容量 256M 标准输入输出设备 软件:操作系统Windows xp 源程序调试工具VC6.0 可执行文件运行工具 DOS 5.0. 2.该系统有供用户选择的菜单和交互性。 3.建立一个全国铁路交通咨询系统,该系统具备自动查找任意两城市间铁路交通的最短路径和最少花费的功能。 三 设计概要 1.抽象数据类型 本程序运用了关于图这种数据结构。 他的抽象数据类型定义如下: typedef struct unDiGraph { int numVerts //结点 costAdj cost //邻接矩阵 }unDiGraph,*UNG 基本操作: unDiGraph* CreateCostG() 操作结果:构造带权(费用)图。 unDiGraph* CreateTimeG() 操作结果:构造带权(时间)图。 PathMat *Floyed(unDiGraph *D) 操作结果:Floyed函数 求任意两点的最短路径。 -a subject of the national railway traffic advisory system analysis of a two needs. Preparation System : Hardware : CPU : P4 1.6 GHz 256 MB of memory standard input and output device software : Windows XP operating system source code debugging tools VC6.0 executable file running DOS 5 tools. 0. 2. The system is available for users to choose the menu and interactive. 3. The establishment of a national rail traffic advisory system, the system automatically search with arbitrary two inter-city rail traffic and the shortest path to the function at the lowest cost. Three design an outline. This abstract data type procedures on the use of this data structure map. His abstract data type is defined as follows : typedef struct (int unDiGraph numVerts / / node costAdj cost / / adjacency matrix) unDiG
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 55.6kb Publisher : gang

/*** *** *** *** *** *** **/ //**此映射表用来映射LED模块不译码时,显示的字符和必须输入的数据的关系 //**每段和对应比特位的关系见示意图 // g // --- --- // b | a |f | | <---显示0时点亮的段为gfedcb // --- // c | |e | | 那么写入数据为0x7e // --- --- // d // bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 // 段位: g f e d c b a -/*** *** *** *** *** ***** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***/ / / ** mapping table to map LED module does not decoding, show characters and must import the data / / ** each and the corresponding bits see the relationship between the matrix / / g / / --- --- / / b | a | f
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 194.01kb Publisher : 简其平

一 题目 全国铁路交通咨询系统 二 需求分析 1.系统配制: 硬件:CPU:P4 1.6G 内存容量 256M 标准输入输出设备 软件:操作系统Windows xp 源程序调试工具VC6.0 可执行文件运行工具 DOS 5.0. 2.该系统有供用户选择的菜单和交互性。 3.建立一个全国铁路交通咨询系统,该系统具备自动查找任意两城市间铁路交通的最短路径和最少花费的功能。 三 设计概要 1.抽象数据类型 本程序运用了关于图这种数据结构。 他的抽象数据类型定义如下: typedef struct unDiGraph { int numVerts //结点 costAdj cost //邻接矩阵 }unDiGraph,*UNG 基本操作: unDiGraph* CreateCostG() 操作结果:构造带权(费用)图。 unDiGraph* CreateTimeG() 操作结果:构造带权(时间)图。 PathMat *Floyed(unDiGraph *D) 操作结果:Floyed函数 求任意两点的最短路径。 -a subject of the national railway traffic advisory system analysis of a two needs. Preparation System : Hardware : CPU : P4 1.6 GHz 256 MB of memory standard input and output device software : Windows XP operating system source code debugging tools VC6.0 executable file running DOS 5 tools. 0. 2. The system is available for users to choose the menu and interactive. 3. The establishment of a national rail traffic advisory system, the system automatically search with arbitrary two inter-city rail traffic and the shortest path to the function at the lowest cost. Three design an outline. This abstract data type procedures on the use of this data structure map. His abstract data type is defined as follows : typedef struct (int unDiGraph numVerts// node costAdj cost// adjacency matrix) unDiG
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 55kb Publisher : gang

数据结构上机实验 实验题目:两个有序循环链表合并成一个有序循环链表 实验题目:欧洲地图最短路径 实验题目:稀疏矩阵基本运算及转置 实验题目: 已给定先序构造一棵二叉树的算法,请你完成其余部分,包括先序、中序、后序遍历 二叉树并打印出来。先序序列建立二叉树的顺序读入字符为A B C Ф Ф D E Ф G Ф Ф F Ф Ф Ф,注意输入时Ф用空格代替。 实验题目:复数抽象数据类型的实现-Data structure experiment experimental subject: Two orderly circulation list in an orderly manner into a cycle of experimental topic list: Europe map the shortest path experimental subjects: basic computing and sparse matrix transpose experimental Title: has given a first order structure Binary trees algorithm, please complete the remaining parts, including the first order, in sequence, after the tree traversal and print them. First order sequence to establish the order of tree read characters for the ABC Ф Ф DE Ф G Ф Ф F Ф Ф Ф, Ф attention to input by a space to replace. Experimental subjects: the plural of the realization of abstract data types
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 29kb Publisher : 何金龙

/*** *** *** *** *** *** **/ //**此映射表用来映射LED模块不译码时,显示的字符和必须输入的数据的关系 //**每段和对应比特位的关系见示意图 // g // --- --- // b | a |f | | <---显示0时点亮的段为gfedcb // --- // c | |e | | 那么写入数据为0x7e // --- --- // d // bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 // 段位: g f e d c b a -/*****************************************///** mapping table to map LED module does not decoding, show characters and must import the data//** each and the corresponding bits see the relationship between the matrix// g//------// b | a | f
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 194kb Publisher : 简其平

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本系统采用单片机 AT89S52 为控制核心,实现电子秤的基本控制功能。系统的硬件部分包括最小系统板,数据采集、人机交互界面三大部分。最小系统部分主要是扩展了外部数据存储器,数据采集部分由压力传感器、信号的前级处理和 A/D 转换部分组成。人机界面部分为键盘输入 , 128 64 点阵式液晶显示,可以直观的显示中文,使用方便。-The system uses a single-chip AT89S52 for the control of the core, the realization of the electronic scale of the basic control functions. System hardware components, including the smallest system board, data acquisition, the three most interactive interface. The smallest parts of the system is mainly the expansion of the external data memory, data acquisition in part by the pressure sensors, signal pre-processing and A/D conversion parts. Part of man-machine interface for keyboard input, 12,864 dot-matrix liquid crystal display can show the Chinese intuitive and easy to use.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 186kb Publisher : killer

1.对一个256*256的图像进行DCT变换得到图像D,将D得斜下角数值置为零,然后进行DCT反变换. 2.对源图像进行K-L转换 1和2比较-1.Get a grey level image which size is N*N. (For example, 256*256, however, N = ), and partition to 8*8 sub images. 2.. Apply DCT to these sub images, and get the transformed image D with DCT coefficients for elements. 3. From D, keep the coefficient values for only upper left triangular region and set zeros for lower right region to approximate the image. (That is, only half of data is used.) 4.Take Inverse DCT to get the approximated image. 2 . Get the covariance matrix of image. 3 . Calculate the corresponding eigenvectors and eigenvalues. 4 . Represent the original image with Singular Value Decomposition. 5 . Approximate the image by taking off the 4 smallest eigenvalues. (That is, only half of information is used.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhengyan

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本书主要讲述最常用51单片机AT89S51的常用实验,包含有电路原理图,且每个例子都包含有汇编语言和C语言两种程序代码。对于51单片机的学习者来说,是不可多得的好资料。包含基本的接口实验如下: ▲ 灯控制实验 ▲ 循环灯控制实验 ▲ 动态数码显示控制实验 ▲ 静态数码显示控制实验 ▲ 继电器驱动控制实验 ▲ 8X8点阵实验 ▲ RS232串行通信实验 ▲ 74LS164串/并转换实验 ▲ 4X4矩阵式键盘按键识别实验 ▲ 独立式按键识别技术实验 ▲ RAM数据存储器扩展实验 ▲ 音乐控制实验 ▲ A/D转换实验 ▲ D/A转换实验 ▲ 定时计数器基本应用实验 ▲ 中断技术基本应用-This book describes the most commonly 51 microcontroller AT89S51 common experiment, includes circuit schematic, and each case contains assembly language and C language has two kinds of program code. SCM for 51 learners, good information is rare. The interface contains the basic experiment is as follows: ▲ Lights Experiment ▲ Cycle Lights Experiment ▲ dynamic digital display control experiments ▲ static digital display control experiments ▲ relay driver control experiments ▲ 8X8 matrix experiment ▲ RS232 serial communication experiment ▲ 74LS164 series/parallel conversion experiment ▲ 4X4 matrix keyboard keys identification experiment ▲ stand-alone key identification experiment ▲ RAM data memory expansion experiment ▲ music control experiments ▲ A/D converter test ▲ D/A conversion experiment ▲ basic application time counter experiment ▲ interrupt Technology Basic application
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.93mb Publisher : 杨冲

数据结构基本算法演示程序实现: 1、实现KMP模式匹配算法、哈夫曼编码算法、由遍历序列恢复二叉树、Prim算法、Kruskal算法、Floyd算法、Dijkstra算法、拓扑排序、关键路径算法、二叉排序树生成算法(含平衡化)、哈希表生成及哈希查找算法、希尔排序、快速排序、堆排序、归并排序、基数排序。(四则表达式计算、矩阵运算、有向图的强连通分量求解) 2、算法中的链表结构和数组结构的基本操作要求单独函数实现(同组内算法要求共享使用)。 要求数据结构基本算法演示程序具有菜单选择,算法要有结果的显示形式,显示程序框架 -Basic algorithm demo program data structures to achieve: 1, and KMP pattern matching algorithm, Huffman coding algorithm, the binary tree traversal sequence recovery, Prim algorithm, Kruskal algorithm, Floyd algorithm, Dijkstra algorithm, topological sorting, critical path algorithm, binary sort tree generation algorithm (including the balance of), hash table hash search algorithm generates and Hill sort, quick sort, heap sort, merge sort, radix sort. (D expression computing, matrix operations, have to solve the graph strongly connected components) 2, the algorithm in the list structure and basic operation of the array structure requires a separate function to achieve (within the algorithm requires the same set of shared use.) Basic algorithm required data structure has the menu to select the demonstration program, the algorithm should have the results display format, display program framework
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20kb Publisher : dark

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PCA的步骤: 1 先将数据中心化; 2 求得的协方差矩阵; 3 求出协方差矩阵的特征值与特征向量; 4 将特征值与特征向量进行排序; 5 根据要降维的维数d’,求得要降维的投影方向; 6 求出降维后的数据; -PCA steps: 1 of the first data center 2 covariance matrix obtained 3 obtained covariance matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors 4 eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be sorted 5 according to the dimension of dimension reduction d ' , seek to reduce the dimension projection direction 6, the data obtained after the dimensionality reduction
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 265kb Publisher : 李岩

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(ebook-pdf) - Engineering - Using MATLAB 6 (Graphics, 3D).pdf Overview of MATLAB Graphics – plot editing mode and the Property Editor. • Basic Plotting – plotting vector and matrix data in 2-D representations. • Formatting Graphs – describes how to customize the format of a plot to help explain your data. This section includes information about adding labels, titles, and annotations to a plot.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.7mb Publisher : li

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Pass the Images Through Optics -- Use a Gaussian "Aperture Function" This code segement can use a measured aperture function just as easily - simply replace the next five lines by "load measured_aperture" where measured_aperture is the measured function strored in ASCII and the data stored in the file measured_aperture.mat is a MATLAB .mat file that contains the matrix apfunction. (in MATLAB type "help load" for how to use load and look at the c and fortran code that shows how to read and write MATLAB .mat files). (Note: When the Point Spread Function is Gaussian, then so is the Aperture function) To simulate the effect of the tracker optics, each of the movie frames is now blurred using a 2-D FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). The first frame of the resulting image is shown in Figure 1. - Pass the Images Through Optics -- Use a Gaussian "Aperture Function" This code segement can use a measured aperture function just as easily - simply replace the next five lines by "load measured_aperture" where measured_aperture is the measured function strored in ASCII and the data stored in the file measured_aperture.mat is a MATLAB .mat file that contains the matrix apfunction. (in MATLAB type "help load" for how to use load and look at the c and fortran code that shows how to read and write MATLAB .mat files). (Note: When the Point Spread Function is Gaussian, then so is the Aperture function) To simulate the effect of the tracker optics, each of the movie frames is now blurred using a 2-D FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). The first frame of the resulting image is shown in Figure 1.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : sabah_altaie

zju1438一道广度优先搜索题目,三维空间,陷阱很多。-You re in space. You want to get home. There are asteroids. You don t want to hit them. input Input to this problem will consist of a (non-empty) series of up to 100 data sets. Each data set will be formatted according to the following description, and there will be no blank lines separating data sets. A single data set has 5 components: Start line- A single line, "START N", where 1 <= N <= 10. Slice list- A series of N slices. Each slice is an N x N matrix representing a horizontal slice through the asteroid field. Each position in the matrix will be one of two values: O - (the letter "oh") Empty space X - (upper-case) Asteroid present Starting Position- A single line, "A B C", denoting the <A,B,C> coordinates of your craft s starting position. The coordinate values will be integers separated by individual spaces. Target Position- A single line, "D E F", denoting the <D,E,F> coordinates of your target s position. The coordinate values will
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : peter parker

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本系统采用单片机 AT89S52 为控制核心,实现电子秤的基本控制功能。系统的硬件部分包括最小系统板,数据采集、人机交互界面三大部分。最小系统部分主要是扩展了外部数据存储器,数据采集部分由压力传感器、信号的前级处理和 A/D 转换部分组成。人机界面部分为键盘输入 , 128 64 点阵式液晶显示,可以直观的显示中文,使用方便。-The system uses a single chip AT89S52 as the control center for electronic scale basic control functions. The hardware of the system, including the minimum system board, data acquisition, man-machine interface of three parts. Minimum system component is extended to external data memory, data acquisition in part by the pressure sensor, signal processing and the first class A/D conversion parts. Man-machine interface for the keyboard part, 128 64 dot matrix liquid crystal display, you can visually display Chinese, easy to use.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 186kb Publisher :

kMeansCluster - Simple k means clustering algorithm Author: Kardi Teknomo, Ph.D. Purpose: classify the objects in data matrix based on the attributes Criteria: minimize Euclidean distance between centroids and object points For more explanation of the algorithm, see Output: matrix data plus an additional column represent the group of each object -kMeansCluster - Simple k means clustering algorithm Author: Kardi Teknomo, Ph.D. Purpose: classify the objects in data matrix based on the attributes Criteria: minimize Euclidean distance between centroids and object points For more explanation of the algorithm, see Output: matrix data plus an additional column represent the group of each object
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : ach

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  K-means算法,算法步骤如下: Step1.利用式(2)计算距离矩阵D=(),其中=dist[i, j] (); Step2.扫描坐标距离矩阵D,寻找距离的最大值和最小值,用式(3)计算limit; Step3.扫描坐标距离矩阵D,寻找矩阵中距离最小的2个数据a,b,将数据a,b加入集合,={a,b},同时将数据a,b从U中删除,更新距离矩阵D; Step4.利用 (4)式在U中寻找距离集合最近的数据样本t,如果小于limit,则将t加入集合,同时将t从集合U中删除,更新距离矩阵D,重复Step5,否则停止; Step5.若i<k,i=i+1,重复步骤Step3、Step4,直至k个集合完成; Step6.取集合中数据的算术平均值记作数据中心,并计算得到的坐标值,完成k个数据中心的选取。-Algorithm steps are as follows: Step1. Type (2) is used to calculate the distance matrix D = (), including = dist [I, j] () Step2. Scan coordinate distance matrix D, looking for the maximum and the minimum distance, use type (3) calculate the limit Step3. Scan coordinate distance matrix D, looking for matrix minimum distance of two data a, b, and the data to a, b to join the collection, = {a, b}, at the same time the data a, b is removed from the U, update the distance matrix D Step4. Using (4) in the U find closest to the collection of data samples t, if less than the limit, then t join collection, at the same time t is removed from the set U, update the distance matrix D, repeat Step5, otherwise stop Step5. If I < k, I = I+ 1, repeat steps Step3, Step4, until k collection is complete Step6. Take the arithmetic mean of the collection of data for the data center, and to calculate the coordinates, to complete the selection of k data center. The above steps distribution cu
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 125kb Publisher : ming

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matlab 代码,主要用于计算一数据矩阵的标准差,方差,变异系数,话三维曲面图-matlab code, data matrix used to calculate a standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation, then D surface chart
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 易度

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一个计算声子晶体结构的一维传递矩阵法,进行波形数据分析,D-S证据理论数据融合。- A one-dimensional transfer matrix method to calculate the phonon crystal structure, Waveform data analysis, D-S evidence theory data fusion.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : hingkeng

Data.PS功能简介:本数据处理软件内置表格编辑器,可以方便的进行数据输入输出;可以进行常见的(a)数值计算,如求解线性方程组、非线性方程组、常微分方程组、多项式求根、傅里叶变换、傅里叶逆变换、线性规划求解、多元线性回归和多元非线性回归参数拟合(20参数)、插值、微分、积分、求逆矩阵、矩阵特征值和特征向量、行列式值;(b)统计分析,统计描述、频数分布、假设检验、正态分布检验、二项式分布检验、泊松分布检验、相关性分析、方差分析;(c)6Sigman工具,过程能力CPK计算、测量系统分析MSA、公差分析TOL、实验设计DOE及DOE实验分析;(d)图形绘制,二维曲线、直方图、幅值相角图和三维曲面。(Data.PS features: this data processing software built-in table editor, can be convenient for data input and output; can be common (a) numerical calculation, such as solving linear equations, nonlinear equations, ordinary differential equations, polynomial roots, Fu Liye transform, Fu Liye transform, linear programming, multiple linear regression and multivariate nonlinear regression fitting parameters (20 parameters), interpolation, differential, integral, inverse matrix, matrix eigenvalue and eigenvector, determinant; (b) statistical analysis, descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, hypothesis test, normality test and binomial test, Poisson distribution test, correlation analysis, analysis of variance (; c) 6Sigman tools, process capability CPK calculation, measurement system analysis, MSA analysis, TOL tolerance experiment design DOE and DOE experimental analysis; (d) graph drawing, two-dimensional curve, histogram, amplitude phase diagram and 3D surface.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.88mb Publisher : w1w

Structured Optimal Graph Feature Selection 对图像样本进行特征选择,使用自学习算法,然后得出相似度矩阵S(% Input % X: dim*num data matrix % gamma: coefficient of L21 % d: projection dim of W(dim*d) % c: number of clusters % k: nearest neighobrs %Output %id: sorted features by ||w_i||_2)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 小星与月
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