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UDP实现的可靠数据传递的小程序。 考虑了丢包的几种可能性及其处理方法。-To achieve a reliable UDP data transfer of small procedures. Some considered the possibility of packet loss and its treatment.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : Will

Java基于Socket文件传输示例 采用了缓冲输入/输出流来包装输出流,再采用数据输入/输出输出流进行包装,加快传输的速度-Java-based file transfer example using Socket buffer input/output stream to the packaging output stream, and then using the data input/output the output stream packaging, to speed up the transmission speed
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : liyuan

银行管理系统,根据实习的要求以及参考现实中的银行数据库系统,普通用户在使用过程中需要知道自己的银行卡号、密码和卡类型,可以获取存款余额、透支金额、贷款金额、查询余额、转帐等数据信息。而管理员则可以获取普通用户的卡号、姓名、电话和住址等相关的用户信息,以及帐户余额、贷款总额等帐户信息,以实现对帐户的操作。由于需要计算利息,帐户中必需有存储日期的属性。综上所诉,该系统主要涉及的信息包括数字、字符和日期三种类型。-Bank management system, in accordance with the requirements of internship as well as the reality of the bank reference database system, ordinary users in the use of the process need to know their bank card number, password, and card type, you can obtain the balance of deposits, overdraft amount, loan amount, balance inquiries, such as data transfer. The administrator can obtain the ordinary user
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : rongjinsong

java轻松演示计算机网络客户端与服务端数据传送——UDP-easy demonstration of the computer network java client and server data transfer- UDP
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : gongchang

飞鸽传书源代码(Java原版),飞鸽是局域网间非常高效的通信软件,使用他可以实现局域网间数据传送最高速率可达10兆非常实用,旨在互相学习.-Dove Biography book source code (Java original), Dove are very efficient inter-LAN communication software, the use of inter-LAN he can achieve the highest data transfer rate of up to 10 trillion very useful.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 38kb Publisher : wulinxin

PO可以严格对应数据库表,一张表对映一个PO。 BO则是业务逻辑处理对象,我的理解是它装满了业务逻辑的处理,在业务逻辑复杂的应用中有用。 VO:value object值对象、view object视图对象 PO:持久对象 QO:查询对象 DAO:数据访问对象——同时还有DAO模式 DTO:数据传输对象——同时还有DTO模式 -PO can be strictly correspond to database tables, a table mapping a PO. BO is the business logic to deal with the object, and I understand that it is filled with the handling of business logic in the application of complex business logic useful. VO: value object value object, view object view object PO: Persistent Object QO: Query Object DAO: Data Access Objects- DAO mode also DTO: Data Transfer Object- DTO model also
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 东东

中国象棋。网络对战。采用Net Beans IDE开发。寻找主机采用IP多点传送。可以聊天。使用UDP进行数据传送。Java Socket编程。-Chinese chess. Network war. Developed using Net Beans IDE. To find the host using IP multicast. Can chat. The use of UDP for data transfer. Java Socket Programming.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.08mb Publisher : kprog

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系统介绍 企业内部通讯系统必须提供网络通讯功能、在通讯过程中禁止使用聊天表情、文件传送等功能,避免资料外泄,或因发送错误而导致上级资料的丢失以及其他损失。最重要的是必须适应任何操作系统,也就是实现跨平台技术,因为企业内部的工作需要,工作环境中使用了多个操作系统来完成不同的工作。另外,系统不需要使用服务器中转和记录通讯内容,可以独立完成通讯任务,排除职工对领导监视工作进度等逆反心理。 操作流程 使用本程序时,请按以下步骤操作: (1)单击“系统设置”选项卡,设置系统、IP搜索范围和服务器登录设置。如图1.4所示。 图1.4 系统设置 图1.5 用户搜索 (2)单击“系统操作”选项卡,搜索新的用户,如图1.5所示,如果你知道对方的IP地址,单击“用户列表”选项卡,选中其中的一个用户单击鼠标右键弹出快捷菜单,如图1.6所示。在该菜单中,可对用户信息进行添加、删除、用户更名、访问主机资源及公共程序等操作。 -System Introduction Internal communication systems to provide network communication capabilities in the communication process of prohibiting the use of chat expressions, file transfer and other functions, to prevent data leakage, or send an error which led to a higher level due to the loss of information, as well as other losses. The most important is the need to adapt to any operating system, which is cross-platform technology, as companies need to work within the working environment in the use of multiple operating systems to perform different tasks. In addition, the system does not require the use of a server transfer and recording of communications content, and could complete the communication task, excluding employees of the leadership to monitor the progress of work, etc. Reverse Psychology. Operational processes Using this program, please follow these steps: (1) Click "System Settings" tab, set the system, IP search range and server login settings. As shown i
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 323kb Publisher : 陆亦军

Multilizer 2007 Enterprise - a powerful program designed for transfer programs. Understand the immense number of formats, can distinguish between the type of programming language used in the program. It is possible to edit files for different OS platforms (Windows, Windows.NET, 16-bit Windows, Windows CE, Java, Palm, Symbian, Data, Internet). But most importantly, the program understands and shares the files on the lines written in DELPHI and C + + BUILDER. There is also a function of the import of other translations in the project. In this version of the program an opportunity to visually edit the dialog boxes are not limited to the files written in Visual C + +, but also resources RC DATA files written in DELPH
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26.82mb Publisher : Fire

这是企业内部通讯管理系统,在通讯过程中禁止使用聊天表情、文件传送等功能,避免资料外泄,或因发送错误而导致上级资料的丢失以及其他损失。实现跨平台技术,统不需要使用服务器中转和记录通讯内容,可以独立完成通讯任务,排除职工对领导监视工作进度等逆反心理。-This is the internal communication management system of communication during the expression of prohibiting the use of chat, file transfer and other functions, to prevent data leakage, or send an error which led to a higher level due to the loss of information, as well as other losses. Cross-platform technology, integration does not require the use of a server transfer and recording of communications content, and could complete the communication task, excluding employees of the leadership to monitor the progress of work, etc. Reverse Psychology.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 305kb Publisher : 阳一

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企业内部通讯系统必须提供网络通讯功能、在通讯过程中禁止使用聊天表情、文件传送等功能,避免资料外泄,或因发送错误而导致上级资料的丢失以及其他损失。最重要的是必须适应任何操作系统,也就是实现跨平台技术,因为企业内部的工作需要,工作环境中使用了多个操作系统来完成不同的工作。另外,系统不需要使用服务器中转和记录通讯内容,可以独立完成通讯任务,排除职工对领导监视工作进度等逆反心理。-Internal communication systems to provide network communication capabilities in the communication process of prohibiting the use of chat expressions, file transfer and other functions, to prevent data leakage, or send an error which led to a higher level due to the loss of information, as well as other losses. The most important is the need to adapt to any operating system, which is cross-platform technology, as companies need to work within the working environment in the use of multiple operating systems to perform different tasks. In addition, the system does not require the use of a server transfer and recording of communications content, and could complete the communication task, excluding employees of the leadership to monitor the progress of work, etc. Reverse Psychology.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 323kb Publisher : 110

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基于UDP协议的简单数据传输,三个.java 文件-Simple UDP based data transfer protocol
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李钰

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1.实现一个采用用户自定义协议的文件传输服务器FileServer和客户FileClient。 2. 编写一服务器程序和客户程序,要求客户每输入一行数据,服务器接收后加上echo:回送给客户程序,要求服务器程序采用多线程方式和线程池为每个客户分配一个线程。-1. The realization of a use of user-defined file transfer protocol server FileServer and customer FileClient. 2. Write a server program and the client, required for every input line of data, the server after receiving add echo: back to give clients require the server program uses multiple threads and thread pools for each customer is assigned a thread.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : zhang liang

采用NETBEANS开发。。实现登录、注册、房间等待、双人对战,不过系统比较简单,仅供学习参考-可以聊天。使用UDP进行数据传送。Java Socket编程。-Chinese chess. Network war. Developed using Net Beans IDE. To find the host using IP multicast. Can chat. The use of UDP for data transfer. Java Socket Programming.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.15mb Publisher : 蒋彪

UDP实现可靠数据传输。使用GBN算法,实现了:1.随即丢包(随机数产生器Math.random()) 2.丢包后遇冗余ack重传 3.超时重传 (DatagramSocket和Socket都有成员函数setSoTimeout(delay),通过捕获超时时抛出的IO异常来实现超时重传)-Reliable UDP data transfer. GBN algorithm used to realize: 1. Then packet loss (random number generator Math.random ()) 2. After the case of redundant packet loss retransmission ack 3. Retransmission timeout (DatagramSocket and Socket has a member function setSoTimeout ( delay), by capturing the IO exception thrown during timeout to achieve retransmission timeout)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : nazali

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基于Java环境下的网络五子棋游戏开发,使用JAVA语言实现,通过对图形界面,绘图,布局管理器等去构造出游戏的单机功能,在此基础上,利用SCOKET的知识,建立起服务器与客户端之间的连接,利用多线程技术来处理服务器端与客户端之间的数据传输,通信问题,使得客户端和服务器端之间能够同步的进行处理。-Web-based Java environment Gobang game development, using the JAVA language, through the graphical interface, graphics, layout managers, etc. to construct a single function of the game, on this basis, using SCOKET knowledge, build server and client the connection between the use of multi-threading technology to handle server-side and client-side data transfer between, communication problems, making between client and server-side processing can be synchronized.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 59kb Publisher : 程慧敏

用Java语言写的移动通信网络(ad hoc)中很多经典的路由协议所用到的Bellman-Ford算法,使用到多线程和UDP协议来进行数据传输-Written using Java language for mobile communications network (ad hoc), many of the classical routing protocols used by the Bellman-Ford algorithm, using the multi-threaded and UDP protocols for data transfer
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 唐叶

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对数据进行加密传输能有效地保证数据的机密性,DES是一个保证数据机密性的经典算法,本实验拟在VC/ C/C++/Java环境中实现DES算法。-Encrypt the data transfer can effectively guarantee the confidentiality of data, DES is a guarantee of data confidentiality classical algorithm, this study intends to VC/C/C++/Java environment to achieve DES algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 28kb Publisher : nannan

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使用java语言实现的简单的udp数据传输程序-Java language using a simple data transfer procedures udp
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhangsen

用Java编码,利用TCP协议,实现服务器和客户端的数据传输-With Java code, using TCP protocol, server and client to achieve data transfer
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 75kb Publisher : hudongfang
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