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[Windows DevelopDesktop Applications With Ms Visual C 6.0

Description: This course is designed for individuals interested in developing their skills in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 while developing desktop applications. Topics include using the Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) building applications with the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) creating user interfaces implementing application behaviors and working with persistent data. Also included are adding database support to applications creating Component Object Model (COM) components and ActiveX controls using MFC and the Active Template Library (ATL) Internet programming error handling, debugging, and testing and application deployment.
Platform: | Size: 9127699 | Author: 宝宝 | Hits:

[Delphi VCL学生成绩管理系统001

Description: 学生成绩管理系统,delphi+database desktop数据库。功能强大,<br> 包括成绩录入,复杂查询,统计等功能。使用方便,欢迎下载。<br> 没带dbe引擎,所以要装delphi才能运行。原想打包成exe的,但没成功。-student performance management system, delphi + database desktop database. Powerful, lt; Brgt; Results include logging, complex queries, and statistics functions. Ease of use, welcome to download. Lt; Brgt; No engine with DBE, to be installed delphi operation. The original package into exe to, but did not succeed.
Platform: | Size: 1018870 | Author: fy | Hits:

[Develop ToolsDelphi7_Lite_Full_20110501

Description: 【Borland是一家令人敬仰的公司,當值Borland已成往事之際,謹以此產品獻給曾經的Borland,紀念已經仙逝的Borland,藉以緬懷Borland傳奇中的經(精)典Delphi7.本產品僅供學習交流之用,未與任何盈利為目的,請勿用於任何非法的商業用途,否則後果自負.】 Delphi7 Lite,簡約而不簡單,一次安裝,到處運行.內含4彈:Tiny/Mini/Meduim/Full,功能和體積由小至大,力求達到功能和體積的完美平衡.已作性能優化及優量精簡,含安裝/綠色便攜版二合一,集成了部分常用高效的IDE專家及外掛程式,致力於把Delphi7打造成一個現代化(相對而言)的整合式開發環境,使用本產品將使你在開發效率/使用體驗/系統相容性等方面上相對原版有大幅提高. 关键特性: 一次安裝,到處運行.第一次需安裝,以後每次只需註冊即可. 已安裝集成現在所有可用的升級補丁(至Delphi7 Update 1.1,IDE版本號為Build 8.1),集成目前絕大多數的Bug Fix Pack. 支援現在所有正在使用的Windows版本:Windows7, 2008 R2, Vista, XP, 2008, 2003, 2000, Me, 98, 和 NT 4.0,支援非管理員許可權使用者安裝,支援UAC. 特別地對Windows7提供全面支援. 去除了所有多餘的安裝選項但保留了原始程式碼選項,移除了非必需的檔(ModelMaker,InterBase,MergeModules,Extra Docs,Images,MDAC等). 採用安裝後動態編譯生成RTL,VCL的DCU檔,極大的減小了安裝檔體積. 可選將Delphi7 RTL/VCL替換為Delphi2007 的RTL/VCL,讓Delphi7支援Delphi2007新增的Vista屬性. 可選將Delphi7 RTL/VCL 恢復為使用官方原始的源碼檔,僅供用於部分協力廠商元件兼容性的可能需要(不推薦). 安裝程式是設計為可重複安裝的.您在安裝新版本時,如果安裝程式沒有特別指明,則不需要先刪除舊的版本,直接升級即可,所有設置都會保留,原Delphi安裝的控制項及設置等會自動導入新安裝IDE環境中. 安裝程式內置了可直接選擇的”綠色便攜版安裝模式”,使用此模式安裝後目的檔案夾即成為一個可移動的綠色版,實現徹底的名符其實的”安裝/綠色便攜版二合一”. 安裝程式自帶獨立的綠化註冊程式(D7LiteReg.exe),方便您快速地恢復Delphi7開發環境(控制項/專家/設置).直接複製整個Delphi目錄,再執行D7LiteReg.exe即可完成Delphi的註冊工作.同樣方法可適用于對其它Delphi7版本進行綠化註冊,如Delphi7 SECOND EDITION v7.2. 安裝程式支援”使用現有的原始程式碼重編譯安裝(僅覆蓋安裝時有效)”或”使用外部的Delphi7-source原始程式碼來編譯安裝”,更多詳情請查看說明. 安裝程式帶附加的命令列功能.支援對已安裝程式的功能表/註冊表/雜項進行修復,使用命令列參數/?或/help查看更多詳情. 安裝程式支援附加的命令列參數以實現額外功能.支援對已安裝Delphi7程式的功能表/註冊表/雜項進行修復,常用的命令列參數已直接集成到了安裝程式中,在視窗中點擊右鍵或使用命令列參數/?或/help查看更多詳情. 安裝程式會根據安裝目的機器性能自動選擇不同的安裝元件. 安裝程式支援多語言介面(含中文簡體/繁體/英文). 同時可選僅替換為Delphi2007中windows相關pas,以支援XP/Vista API及視窗屬性,不同于完全替換Delphi2007 RTL/VCL,能最大程度保持Delphi7的相容性的同時支援vista的新API及視窗屬性. 代碼編輯器顏色方案設為Delphi2006樣式. 包含程式設計專用字體Consolas (推薦字體大小為10並且啟用ClearType). IDE及VCL預設字體由原先的MS Sans Serif改為Tahoma,介面看上去更為美觀. 可選擇修改Delphi IDE本身支援XP風格,在設計時即可見到程式運行的XP效果,所見即所得. 集成DelphiZLib 1.2.5(ZLibEx.pas),可選擇升級內置的ZLib 1.04至ZLib 1.2.5. 集成VCL Fix Pack 1.4,需要在工程中手動引用單元VCLFixPack.pas. 集成Midas Speed Fix 1.2,需要在工程中手動引用單元MidasSpeedFix.pas. 集成以下來自www.delphi-jedi.org的擴展的Win32Api單元: SHELL LITE :: Microsoft Shell Lightweight Utility API, v.1.2/SNMP :: Microsoft headers for Simple Network Management Protocol definitions/WINSOCK 2 :: Winsock 2 API (Windows Sockets). 集成MySQL Driver for DBExpress,支援MySQL 3.22/4.0/4.1/5.0 驅動程式. 集成Newly Delphi Features Extented Components,移植自Delphi7以后版本新增的控制項,如Vista Dialogs等,讓Delphi7也可以開發Vista風格對話方塊的程式. 包含下列專家或工具(依據版本不同有所差異): Delphi IDE 外掛程式 DelphiSpeedUp 3.1.(IDE加速). Delphi IDE 外掛程式 DDevExtensions 2.3.(增強IDE中工程的設置及編譯,可為工程增加不同版本編譯配置如release/debug版). Delphi 專家 GExperts 1.34 Experimental.(超級IDE專家). Delphi 專家 DelforExp 2.5.(代碼格式化工具). Delphi 專家 UnitExpert(提高IDE單元操作效率工具). Delphi 專家 CnWizards由中國人開發的超級IDE專家,支援原始程式碼結構高亮連線顯示,能自動備份恢復已安裝控制項資訊,製作自己綠化版delphi的好工具). Delphi 工具 DelphiDistiller 1.85.(選擇IDE啟動時載入的控制項及設置工具). Spy工具Microsoft Spy++ v7.1和Spy4Win (Spy for Window) v0.20b. EXE/DLL依賴關係分析工具Dependency Walker 2.2. DLL匯出函數檢視器DLL Export Viewer v1.42. BDE (Borland Database Engine 5.2), 及相關工具BDE Administrator, SQL Explorer, Database Desktop, SQL Monitor, Data Pump等. BDE 示例資料庫(別名DBDEMOS).
Platform: | Size: 77731415 | Author: ygman@qq.com | Hits:

[Delphi VCL学生成绩管理系统001

Description: 学生成绩管理系统,delphi+database desktop数据库。功能强大,<br> 包括成绩录入,复杂查询,统计等功能。使用方便,欢迎下载。<br> 没带dbe引擎,所以要装delphi才能运行。原想打包成exe的,但没成功。-student performance management system, delphi+ database desktop database. Powerful, lt; Brgt; Results include logging, complex queries, and statistics functions. Ease of use, welcome to download. Lt; Brgt; No engine with DBE, to be installed delphi operation. The original package into exe to, but did not succeed.
Platform: | Size: 1018880 | Author: fy | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDesktop Applications With Ms Visual C 6.0

Platform: | Size: 9127936 | Author: 宝宝 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLEhLib.v4.1.4.Full.Source.Delphi.BCB.305408

Description: bcb/delphi 数据库控件源码,包括DBgrid等控件,比BCB自带的好,非常好用,推荐-bcb/delphi source database controls, including controls DBgrid etc., BCB than bring their own good, very convenient, recommended
Platform: | Size: 708608 | Author: xpbluesky | Hits:


Description: SmallSQL is a 100% pure Java DBMS, a relational database for Java desktop applications. It has a JDBC 3.0 interface and offering many ANSI SQL 92 and ANSI SQL 99 features. It is very small and fast Java library. It does not have a network interface. -SmallSQL is a 100 pure Java DBMS, a relational database for Java desktop applications. It has a JDBC 3.0 interface and offering many ANSI SQL 92 and ANSI SQL 99 features. It is very small and fast Java library. It does not have a network interface.
Platform: | Size: 759808 | Author: 彭伟才 | Hits:

[Database systemDesktop

Description: 采用一个自定义类来操作数据库,功能蛮强大,而且界面非常美观,是一个很不错的程序。-Using a custom type to operate the database, function quite powerful, but interface is very beautiful, is a very good procedure.
Platform: | Size: 171008 | Author: 王小二 | Hits:


Description: 《仿Windows桌面的主界面》使用ListView控件,模仿windows桌面,可设置背景图片及图片的缩放、排列类型等。程序本身是一个数据库管理程序的主控界面。-" Imitation of the main Windows desktop interface," the use of ListView control, mimic desktop windows, you can set the background picture and picture zoom, with the type. Process itself is a database management program of the master interface.
Platform: | Size: 246784 | Author: 蓝涛 | Hits:


Description: Database Desktop的使用 在典型安装了Borland Delphi之后,Database Desktop就安装好了,这个小工具功能非常强大,对操作本地表十分便利。若没有安装Borland Delphi,将Database Desktop目录拷贝到电脑上也可以使用 -Database Desktop to use in a typical installed after Borland Delphi, Database Desktop on installed, this little tool is very powerful, very convenient to the operation of the local table. If not installed Borland Delphi, the Database Desktop catalog copy to your computer can use
Platform: | Size: 510976 | Author: 李晶 | Hits:


Description: 读入ORL人脸库的指定数目的人脸前前五张(训练) 输入:nFacesPerPerson --- 每个人需要读入的样本数,默认值为 5 nPerson --- 需要读入的人数,默认为全部 40 个人 bTest --- bool型的参数。默认为0,表示读入训练样本(前5张);如果为1,表示读入测试样本(后5张)-Read into the ORL face database face before the specified number of five sheets (Training) Input: nFacesPerPerson--- everyone needs to read the sample size, the default value is 5 nPerson--- the number of people need to read , the default for all 40 individual bTest--- bool type parameters. The default is 0, read the training samples (top 5) If 1, read that the test samples (after 5)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhouwujie | Hits:

[Hotel software systemDesktop

Description: 就是个点菜系统,数据库的课程设计,vb写的,SQL的数据库-Is a la carte system, database, curriculum design, vb write, SQL database
Platform: | Size: 133120 | Author: chengaomin | Hits:


Description: 这是我常用的数据库类,公布给大家使用八,希望大家有好代码也发上来,记得别发垃圾哦-This is my favorite database class, published for everyone to use eight, I hope you have good code is made up, remember do not send spam oh
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: symanli | Hits:


Description: java 编程的一个网络书店程序 不是特别的复杂 前台用了 strut 后台用的是EJB 数据库用的Mysql 因为用的是entity bean可以自动在数据库中生成表-java programming for a network program is not particularly complex bookstore front strut back with the EJB using the Mysql database for use with the entity bean can automatically generate a table in the database
Platform: | Size: 776192 | Author: polman | Hits:


Description: 这里面包含一个学校信息发布网站,数据库是sql server2008的。本网站实现的功能有:注册,登录(管理员登录,普通用户登录),在这个网站里可以发布文章,管理信息等-This release contains information about a school site, the database is sql server2008 in
Platform: | Size: 6322176 | Author: 齐薇 | Hits:

[GIS programARCGIS-9---Database-Servers-Tutorial

Description: ARCGIS 9 - Database Servers Tutorial ArcSDE database servers are used to store, access, and administer ArcSDE Personal and Workgroup geodatabases. ArcSDE Personal is available free with ArcGIS Desktop at the ArcEditor or ArcInfo license levels. ArcSDE Workgroup is licensed with ArcGIS Server at the Workgroup level. Both provide you with ArcSDE geodatabase functionality, such as versioned editing, archiving, and replication. They differ from ArcSDE Enterprise geodatabases in maximum size, number of connections, administration, and customization.
Platform: | Size: 1263616 | Author: Tino | Hits:

[WEB CodeDesktop

Description: 商城购物系统,有完善的登陆和数据库体系,以及现在网上购物的一些基本功能-Mall shopping system, a perfect landing and database systems, and now some of the basic features of online shopping
Platform: | Size: 1074176 | Author: 李晓爽 | Hits:


Description: 模拟atm管理系统在Linux下的程序,采用QT编程工具,连接sqllite数据库,实现了转账,修改密码,查询及查看流水日志的atm管理系统的大部分功能。此程序经过编译后可在arm开发板上运行-Atm management system simulation programs under Linux using QT programming tool connection sqllite database to achieve the transfer, change passwords, log inquiries and check the water management system atm most of the functionality. This program has been compiled to run on the arm development board
Platform: | Size: 2255872 | Author: 章彬 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringBIODATA-SEPAK-BOLA

Description: Program Biodata with database desktop on delphi 7
Platform: | Size: 8233984 | Author: deni | Hits:

[Other DatabasesDatabase-Desktop

Description: Database Desktop 32bit bde
Platform: | Size: 823296 | Author: ashdkasd | Hits:
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