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Description: 一个用Apriori算法实现的数据挖掘关联规则程序-An implementation of Association Rules Data Mining using Apriori Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: 潘文斌 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringhan-datamining

Description: 韩家炜:数据挖掘:概念与技术 非常不错的一本句与数据挖掘的电子书 -Han Wei : Data Mining : Concepts and technology is very good with a sentence of E-book Data Mining
Platform: | Size: 1786880 | Author: wangmin | Hits:


Description: 一个数据挖掘爱好者的总结,涉及数据挖掘的应用领域,有参考价值-a data mining lovers sum up, involving the application of data mining areas, a reference value
Platform: | Size: 328704 | Author: youyou | Hits:


Description: DataMining软件(集成了关联规则、k-均值聚类、模糊聚类、k-中心点聚类四种算法) -DataMining software (integrated association rules, k-means clustering, fuzzy clustering, k-center clustering of four algorithms)
Platform: | Size: 137216 | Author: Jim | Hits:


Description: 数据挖掘、模式识别,神经网络等电子书刊,第1部分-Data mining, pattern recognition, neural networks and other electronic publications, Part 1
Platform: | Size: 17770496 | Author: jiajia | Hits:


Description: 数据挖掘概念和技术,从大数据库中挖掘关联规则。-Data mining concepts and techniques, from the large database of mining association rules.
Platform: | Size: 347136 | Author: Mike | Hits:

[Special EffectsDataMining

Description: 序列图像二值化,初始化存放分类图像的数组,该数组存放该帧所属的类别号 图像归类,统计每一类的帧数,视频序列按照分类进行分段-Binarization image sequences, initialization kept classified image array, the array storage of the frame with the type No. classified images, statistics for each type of frames, video sequences in accordance with sub-classification
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zhj | Hits:


Description: SQL2005 数据挖掘平台培训,培训讲师: 赵亚军、王如涛—北京迈思奇科技有限公司-SQL2005 data mining platform for the training of lecturers: Yajun, Wang Tao- Beijing迈思奇Technology Co., Ltd.
Platform: | Size: 2566144 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 数据挖掘在入侵检测中的应用-Data Mining in Intrusion Detection
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: chen | Hits:


Description: 本书讲述如何创建和实施关于营销,销售,风险分析和客户关系管理及支持等最常用的数据挖掘领域的模型。-The book describes how to create and implement marketing, sales, risk analysis and customer relationship management and support the most commonly used areas of data mining models.
Platform: | Size: 13047808 | Author: Jenson | Hits:


Description: 一本经典的实用机器学习的参考书,对于学习机器学习的人很有 帮助!-A classic reference book Practical machine learning, machine learning for learning a person of great help!
Platform: | Size: 8303616 | Author: 朱睿 | Hits:


Description: Data Mining Concepts and Techniques 2nd edition 2006 经典数据挖掘教材-Data Mining Concepts and Techniques 2nd edition 2006 classic teaching Data Mining
Platform: | Size: 14241792 | Author: liuyuyang | Hits:


Description: Apriori源代码,包含c++/java实现;<br>神经网络算法源程序,如SOM、HOPFIELD、CPN、BPN、BOLTZMAN、ART、ADALINE,同时提供针对不同算法的演示源程序;遗传C源代码;外加充实的数据挖掘的算法讲解ppt -Apriori the source code, including c++/Java realize
Platform: | Size: 5304320 | Author: 阳光 | Hits:


Description: 为了下东西 随便发了个 datamining 的源代码-Things to the next just made a months datamining source code
Platform: | Size: 12250112 | Author: skyxiang | Hits:


Description: 使用matlab软件进行程序设计中的五个数据挖掘源程序代码。-Using matlab software programming for the five data mining source code.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 左秀霞 | Hits:


Description: 从海量的.htm文件中提取数据。为一个朋友做的一个非常有用的工具,用于从搜索结果中获取需要信息,并存入Excel中。程序用C#开发。-From the mass. Htm files to extract data. For a friend doing a very useful tool to from the search results need to obtain information, and deposited in Excel. Procedures using C# Development.
Platform: | Size: 260096 | Author: khzx | Hits:

[OS programBlueQuery3000_Client

Description: 蓝葵商业智能软件是一套全球功能最完备的商业智能软件产品之一,它是集查询(Query)、报表(Reporting)、分析(Analyze)、仪表盘经理(Dashboard Manager)、数据整合(Data Integration)及数据挖掘(Datamining)功能为一体的商业智能软件产品。 -Lan Kwai business intelligence software is the most comprehensive set of global business intelligence software products, it is a query (Query), statements (Reporting), analysis (Analyze), manager dashboard (Dashboard Manager), data integration (Data Integration) and Data Mining (Datamining) functions of business intelligence software products.
Platform: | Size: 33507328 | Author: 刘永 | Hits:


Description: 数据挖掘方面的一本很好的数,详细讲解了数据挖掘的相关思想和算法,适合对数据挖掘有兴趣的初学者。-Data mining aspects of a number of very good, detailed account of the relevance of data mining ideas and algorithms, suitable for data mining are interested beginners.
Platform: | Size: 1786880 | Author: 李冰 | Hits:


Description: 数据挖掘中与智能agent的结合,希望有用-Data mining and intelligent agent combination, I hope useful
Platform: | Size: 604160 | Author: tang yang | Hits:


Description: 以microsoft.com网站的一组处理后的web日志为数据(ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/machine-learning-databases/anonymous/),利用并根据实际情况改进了聚类分析基于划分的方法类中最基本的Kmeans和Kmedoids方法,对下载数据集的一个采样(5000samples,294 attributes per sample)进行了简单的聚类分析,以期望找出有用的用户访问模式。 -web datamining with dataset from microsoft weblog.
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 方四 | Hits:
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