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Description: 一个关于模式识别的代码 不错 对初学者很值得推荐 -On Pattern Recognition code good for beginners is very worthy of recommendation
Platform: | Size: 696320 | Author: lilong | Hits:


Description: 《数据迁移学习》09年新书,模式识别与机器学习领域的人必备的新书,相信这是本领域最新最好的书籍之一。-" Data Migration Learning" in 2009 book, pattern recognition and machine learning fields to essential new book, I believe this is the latest in this field, one of the best books.
Platform: | Size: 1726464 | Author: gouyabin | Hits:


Description: 香蕉形(banana)标准数据集,用于测试机器学习与模式识别算法。-Banana-shaped standard data set for testing machine learning and pattern recognition algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 何创新 | Hits:


Description: this code is load orl dataset for face recognition
Platform: | Size: 734208 | Author: azaz | Hits:


Description: Face Recognition based on PLE dataset from CMU-Using Eigenfaces and Template matching
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: Jian Wang | Hits:


Description: 手写数字识别数据集,MNIST,包括原始数据集的所有样本,以及抽取的2000个样本的子集,.mat格式。美国著名数据集NIST的子集,模式识别常用实验数据集-handwritten digits recognition ,dataset, MNIST from NIST, .mat file,
Platform: | Size: 10696704 | Author: 陈静 | Hits:


Description: 聚类用的数据,很好用,具有代表性,适合做数据分析和模式识别。-Clustering with the data, useful, representative, suitable for data analysis and pattern recognition.
Platform: | Size: 182272 | Author: 张海如 | Hits:


Description: Hand Gesture Recognition NOTES: 1) For the details of the algorithm investigate the following images: -AlgorithmOverall.jpg -MKRoDAlgorithm.jpg 2) The prototype is implemented on MATLAB 7.0 and revised in MATLAB 7.10.0 3) The backgrounds of input images have to be purely ‘black’ and the details of the content(palms, fingers) must be clear for accurate recognition of the ASL. 4) A reduced ASL dataset is used. The dataset contains the following ASL gestures: "b,c,h,i,o,l,y". ---------------------------------------------------------------- Use execHGR.m inside the Project folder in order to execute the program. I hope you will enjoy it.-Hand Gesture Recognition NOTES: 1) For the details of the algorithm investigate the following images: -AlgorithmOverall.jpg -MKRoDAlgorithm.jpg 2) The prototype is implemented on MATLAB 7.0 and revised in MATLAB 7.10.0 3) The backgrounds of input images have to be purely ‘black’ and the details of the content(palms, fingers) must be clear for accurate recognition of the ASL. 4) A reduced ASL dataset is used. The dataset contains the following ASL gestures: "b,c,h,i,o,l,y". ---------------------------------------------------------------- Use execHGR.m inside the Project folder in order to execute the program. I hope you will enjoy it.
Platform: | Size: 374784 | Author: hooman | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeface_recognition

Description: This a face recognition program and is very efficient and fast. Dataset also included.-This is a face recognition program and is very efficient and fast. Dataset also included.
Platform: | Size: 3085312 | Author: Laksh92 | Hits:


Description: Sample frames from the Weizmann dataset. Summary: In this project, a new class of action recognition algorithms has been developed with performance
Platform: | Size: 37395456 | Author: meriouma | Hits:

[Special EffectsPCA_based-Face-Recognition-System

Description: 模糊支持向量机做分类数据集——人脸识别,数据来源UCI,用于模式识别做分类- PCA_based Face Recognition System dataset
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: 蔡苍穹 | Hits:

[DSP programface_recognition_adaBoost_M2

Description: face recognition is done here for a dataset by sequence of series of images and weak classifiers are trained to get back strong classifier
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: sai | Hits:


Description: 端至端卷积神经网络的文字识别,代码演示包. 它包含我们的论文中使用的所有主要组成部分: kmeans无监督特征学习 + 卷积神经网络(CNN)-This is a demo package of the code we used for our paper, "End-to-End Text Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks", T. Wang, D. Wu, A. Coates, A. Ng, in ICPR 2012. The package is provided to facilitate understanding of the algorithms used in our paper. It contains demos to all the major components of our end-to-end system. Because of speed considerations, the CNN architectures as well as dataset sizes provided in this package are much smaller than the actural ones used in the paper, although the algorithms themselves are identical. We also provide our trained models together with code to reproduce major results reported in our paper.
Platform: | Size: 61051904 | Author: twang | Hits:

[Special EffectsTest_view_recognition

Description: Gait view recognition by using Truncated GEI on CASIA dataset B .
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: caelyn | Hits:


Description: 在众多聚类算法中,基于划分的模糊聚类算法是模式识别中最常用的算法类型之一.至今,文献中仍不断 有关于基于划分的模糊聚类算法的研究成果出现.为了能更为系统和深入地了解这些聚类算法及其性质,本文从改 变度量方式、改变约束条件、在目标函数中引入熵以及考虑对聚类中心进行约束等几个方面,对在 C-均值算法的 基础上得到的基于划分的模糊聚类算法作了综述和评价,对各典型算法的优缺点进行了实验比较分析.指出标准 FCM算法被广泛应用的原因之一是它对数据的比例变化具有鲁棒性,而其他类似的算法对这种比例变化却很敏感, 并以极大熵方法为例进行了比较实验.最后总结了基于划分的模糊聚类算法普遍存在的问题及其发展前景. -Fuzzy partitional clustering algorithms are widely used in pattern recognition field. Until now, more and more research results on them have been developed in the literature. In order to study these algorithms systematically and deeply, they are reviewed in this paper based on c-means algorithm, from metrics, entropy, and constraints on membership function or cluster centers. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of the typical fuzzy partitional algorithms are discussed. It is pointed out that the standard FCM algorithm is robust to the scaling transformation of dataset, while others are sensitive to such transformation. Such conclusion is experimentally verified when implementing the standard FCM and the maximum entropy clustering algorithm. Finally, the problems existing in these algorithms and the prospects of the fuzzy partitional algorithms are discussed.
Platform: | Size: 452608 | Author: 成方 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeSOMface_demo

Description: 基于som脸编写的人脸识别算法,应用在feret数据集上,效果不错-Face recognition algorithm based on som face writing, applied on feret dataset, effect is good
Platform: | Size: 2219008 | Author: Fantasy | Hits:


Description: 人脸识别,提出LBP和DBN方法的人脸识别算法,数据集是ORL人脸数据集。-Face recognition, face recognition algorithm LBP and DBN proposed method, the data set is ORL face dataset.
Platform: | Size: 6880256 | Author: zhouxiao | Hits:


Description: 车牌识别的训练字符库,包括10个数字,24个英文字符(License plate recognition training character library, including 10 numbers, 24 English characters)
Platform: | Size: 1143808 | Author: 刘峰利 | Hits:


Description: 专为小物体识别(要识别的物体占整幅图像的比例小)设计的数据库(small object recognition dataset)
Platform: | Size: 5858304 | Author: m3miaomiaomiao | Hits:


Description: #中文命名实体识别,针对中文文档的命名实体识别(# Chinese-Literature-NER-RE-Dataset A Discourse-Level Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction Dataset for Chinese Literature Text)
Platform: | Size: 7988224 | Author: 无名1850 | Hits:
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