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JLAB is a set of Matlab functions I have written or co-written over the past fifteen years for the purpose of analyzing data. It consists of four hundred m-files spanning thirty thousand lines of code. JLAB includes functions ranging in complexity from one-line aliases to high-level algorithms for certain specialized tasks. These have been collected together and made publicly available for you to use, modify, and --- subject to certain very reasonable constraints --- to redistribute. Some of the highlights are: a suite of functions for the rapid manipulation of multi-component, potentially multi-dimensional datasets a systematic way of dealing with datasets having components of non-uniform length tools for fine-tuning figures using compact, straightforward statements and specialized functions for spectral and time / frequency analysis, including advanced wavelet algorithms developed by myself and collaborators.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.87mb Publisher : chenxuzhen

% Atomizer Main Directory, Version .802 里面信号含有分解去噪合成过程的代码 %--------------------------------------- -------------------------------- % This is the main directory of the Atomizer package the full package % contains over 100 files, consisting of .m files, .mex files, and datasets.- Atomizer Main Directory, Version .802 decomposition inside the signal containing the code synthesis process denoising- This is the main directory of the Atomizer package the full package contains over 100 files, consisting of. M files,. Mex files, and datasets.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 579kb Publisher : li

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MATLAB SVM TOOLBOX,是一个在GUN 编写的基础上加速的版本-MATLAB SVM TOOLBOX, is a preparation based on GUN-accelerated version of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 392kb Publisher : 张山

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从因子分析的角度出发解决基因表达谱分析问题。为解决独立成分分析方法在求解过程中的不稳定性,提出一种基于选择性独立成分分析的DNA微阵列数据集成分类器。首先对基因表达水平的重构误差进行分析,选择部分重构误差较小的独立成分进行样本重构,然后基于重构后的样本同时训练多个支持向量机基分类器,最后选择部分分类正确率较高的基分类器进行最大投票以得到最终结果。在3个常用测试集上验证了本文设计方法的有效性。-This paper tries to deal with gene expression problem in view of factor analysis. In order to overcome the instability problem caused by performing independent component analysis, a DNA microarray data ensemble classifier based on selective independent component analysis is proposed. The reconstruction error of each gene is analyzed firstly and a part of independent components which contribute relatively small reconstruction errors are selected to reconstruct new samples. After that, several support vector machine base classifiers are trained simultaneously. Finally, the best base classifiers with high correct rates are selected to participate in the ensemble, using the majority voting method. Results on three publicly available microarray datasets show the feasibility and validity of the method proposed in this paper.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : cumtgyy

toolbox de MatLab, de analisis lineal discriminante
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21.06mb Publisher : KillerCkiken

traightforward Diffusion MRI (DTI) and Fiber Tracking (FT) functions and examples. DTI.m, will calculate the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient(ADC), fractional anistropy (FA), and diffusion tensor field, of a DTI datasets consisting of at least 6 dataset with different MRI gradients and at least 1 without gradient. FT.m, will calculate neural tracts (fiber tracts) starting from every point in the brain, and outputs all fibers crossing a certain ROI. Try DTI_example.m and then FT_example.m
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.05mb Publisher : mitko

kmeans均值聚类算法:一种改进的基于半监督聚类的入侵检测算法ASCID(Active-learning Semi-supervised Clustering Intrusion Detection),-kmeans clustering algorithm Algorithm was simulated by KDD 99 datasets, which the experimental results demonstrate that ASCID algorithm can improve the detection rates and low the false positive rates of the algorithm, and confirm the feasibility and validity of the algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 49kb Publisher : huhan

INSTRUCTIONS FOR RUNNING NSDCALC SOFTWARE Nsdcalc.m is a Matlab program for performing the image enhancement process described in the accompanying paper. Place the program in your work directory along with the demonstration data file grav.txt. At the Matlab prompt type >> g=load( grav.txt ) -and you should see a variable called g which is 200x200 double precision reals appear in the workspace. To filter this data type >> f=nsdcalc(g,3,0) which will calculate the standard deviation in a 3x3 window and apply no prior smoothing. The results will then appear onscreen in a window. You may need to adjust the histogram of the output for optimal display.-Nsdcalc is a Matlab program that performs normalised standard deviation analysis for edge enhancement of gravity and EM potential-field datasets
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 168kb Publisher : 蒋礼

一些非常有用的数据集,适合我们从事机器学习的人使用,matlab下的mat格式和excel格式,包括注明的iris,糖尿病等数据集-some useful datasers for machine learning learners,such as diabeters,iris and so on
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 294kb Publisher : 王凯

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Within each folder, first run gendata.m (in Matlab) to generate the appropriate data files. Then, run gclabel.cpp to estimate the shadow map and normal field. Finally, run genheight.m in Matlab to integrate the normal field. The light source directions and some other parameters are hard coded in gclabel.cpp. For other datasets of your own, you can generate the input files and the graph cuts optimization code similar to the examples shown above.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李岩

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说明 cloudPlot将有助于形象化的一个二维数据集的分布。这是特别有用当在非常大的数据集凡redular阴谋(的x,y, . )只是填充纯色的情节,因为测量点重叠看着对方。 cloudPlot使用内置的例程在MATLAB中轴线设置限制,并适当格点的数据。 MATLAB的释放MATLAB的7.7(R2008b) -Description cloudPlot will help visualize the distribution of a 2-dimensional dataset. It is especially helpful when looking at extremely large datasets where a redular plot(x,y, . ) will just fill the plot with a solid color because the measurement points overlap each other. cloudPlot uses the built-in matlab routines to set the axis limits and grid points appropriate to the data. MATLAB release MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 70kb Publisher : bcmvqqve

:在有限区域内分布的稀疏不均的、具有一定分布结构的海量数据集的高效、高精度聚 类问题是一个尚未完全圆满解决的难题。针对Affinity Propagation 聚类算法(AP)的不足之处, 提出了两个改进型的聚类算法-n limited areas of uneven distribution of sparse, has certain distribution structure of the mass datasets of high efficiency, high precision together Problem is a perfectly solved problem has not yet completely. For Affinity Propagation clustering algorithm (AP) of the deficiencies, Put forward the two improved version of the clustering algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : 李会清

This is classification code. Try with ypur datasets.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 106kb Publisher : revathi

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支持向量机,主要用于函数拟合和模式识别的matlab程序-Support vector machine for function fitting and pattern recognition matlab program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21kb Publisher : song

20 database of UCI converted to *.mat format for easy use in matlab software for clasification purpose
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.27mb Publisher : harky

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SNE降维算法,应用于多个合成数据集 显示降维效果(SNE dimensionality reduction algorithm is applied to reduce dimensionality in multiple synthetic datasets)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : qshx1111

和生物医学有关的数据集,可以用在MATLAB变成中,这是一些标准集(These are some datasets which can be used to matlab.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22.84mb Publisher : ghostkiller111

密度峰值聚类算法源码+测试数据(人工+UCI)(Source Code and datasets of CFSFDP Algorithm)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.24mb Publisher : 雪影-星空

泰坦尼克号数据集,数据分析挖掘经典数据集(Titanic data set, data analysis and mining of classic datasets)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : 市民梁先生

apriori算法,matlab,大数据挖掘(The libsvm used for handwritten digit recognition, data uci . You can go to uci datasets sites directly download The data can be called directly after putting into the folder.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : zhangyancong
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