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h.263的编解码程序。不过编码时只能编码I帧和P帧。解码时在Debug环境下会报错,在Release环境下能通过解码,但是以最快速度播放的。希望大家多多交流,对程序进行一下修改!-the H.263 codec procedures. But only when the coding frame coding I and P frames. Decoding the Debug environment will generate errors in the Release environment through the decoder, but with the fastest speed of the players. We want more, the procedures for amending what!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 938.02kb Publisher : 杨宁

流媒体视频编解码器.丁贵广编的《Visual C++6.0数字图像编码》中h.263的编解码程序。不过编码时只能编码I帧和P帧。解码时在Debug环境下会报错,在Release环境下能通过解码,但是以最快速度播放的。希望大家多多交流,对程序进行一下修改!- Flows the media video frequency to arrange the decoding Ding Guiguang arranges \"Visual C 6.0 Numerals Pictures Code\" center h.263 to arrange the decoding procedure. When codes only can code I and P. When decoding the bulletin is wrong under the Debug environment, under the Release environment can through the decoding, but by quickest speed broadcast. Hoped everybody many exchanges, carries on to the procedure revises!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 928.91kb Publisher : 吉雨田

进程调度时进程管理的主要内容之一,通过设计,编制,调试一个简单的进程调度模拟系统,对进程调度,进程运行状态变换加深理解和掌握。模拟计算机操作系统的进程调度,建立进程控制块PCB,要包含有关进程的描述信息,控制信息以及资源信息.模拟系统根据PCB感知进程的存在和通过PCB中所包含的各项变量的变化,掌握进程所处的状态以达到控制进程活动的目的.要实现进程的状态及其转换,进程的创建与撤消,进程的阻塞与唤醒.用P,V原语操作实现进程互斥.-process scheduling process management when one of the main contents, design, develop and debug a simple process of scheduling simulation systems, the process of scheduling, process running Transform deepen understanding and mastering. Computer simulation of the process of scheduling the operating system, create a process control block PCB, to include a description of the process of information, control of information and information resources. PCB simulation system based on perception of the existence and the process by which PCB contained in the variable changes and acquire where the process to achieve control system process activities. to achieve the process of the state and its conversion, the process of setting up and removed, and obstruction of the process of awakening. with P, V orig
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 100.67kb Publisher : 姚天伟

t嵌入式图形开发实战篇 嵌入式应用的开发工作基本上是在工作站或是PC 机上完成的,我们在工作的机器上调试运行嵌入式应用,并将输出结果显示在一个仿真小型设备显示终端的模拟器上。在开发的后期,我们要根据我们选择的嵌入式硬件平台,将嵌入式应用编译链接成适合在这个硬件平台上运行的二进制目标代码,另外由于应用使用到了Qt/Embedded 的库,所以我们还要将Qt/Embedded 库的源代码编译链接成为适合在这个硬件平台上使用的二进制目标代码库。当一个Qt/Embedded 应用被部署到小型设备上,并可靠的运行,这样一个开发过程才宣告结束。 介绍如何在一台装有Linux操作系统的机器上建立Qt/Embedded开发环境。 并教初学者认识Qt/Embedded 开发环境。-t embedded graphics development PART real embedded applications development work is basically in the workstation or PC End 10% of our work on the machine running debug embedded applications, results showed that output will be in a small simulation equipment display terminal on the simulator. Late in the development, we need to according to our choice of embedded hardware platforms, embedded applications will be compiled into a suitable link in the hardware platform running on the binary object code, As the application to use the Qt / Embedded libraries, So we need to Qt / Embedded for compiling the source code for the link as the hardware platform so the binary object code library. When a Qt / Embedded applications are deployed in small devices, and reliable operation, such a development p
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 847.18kb Publisher : 高颖峰

 /*                                 18.2.2 Debug API机制
 /*          使用Dr X调试寄存器框架程序
/*  Code by 罗  翼 2004

Update : 2008-11-12 Size : 1.46kb Publisher : 51test

DL : 0
液晶SMC1602原c51程序,调试环境keil 51,调试成功,希望对大家有用-LCD SMC1602 original decoder procedure debugging environment Keil 51, debug success we hope to useful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 194kb Publisher : 大锅饭

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 84kb Publisher : 天雨

3D GameStudio 的Delphi开发包,用于用Delphi开发3D GameStudio制作游戏的二次控制开发。-3D GameStudio the Delphi development kit for use Delphi to develop the production of 3D GameStudio Game Quadratic Control Development.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : 歪歪曲

at91的linux demo程序,希望对你的调试有所帮助-AT91 the linux demo program, and they hope to help you debug
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.68mb Publisher : 李向上

LPC2294 测试程序 YL_LPC229X_Test_Data的目录说明, DebugInChipSRAM:该目录在工程里对应target(DebugInChipSRAM),用来在内部SRAM调试 DebugInExram: 该目录在工程里对应target(DebugInExram),用来在外部SRAM调试 Ext_Flash_bin:该目录在工程里对应target(Ext_Flash_bin),在该目录下生成可以烧写到外部Flash运行的代码。 Int_Flash_Hex:该目录在工程里对应target(Int_Flash_HEX),在该目录下生成可以烧写到内部Flash运行的代码。-LPC2294 testing procedures note YL_LPC229X_Test_Data directory, DebugInChipSRAM: the directory in the project in the corresponding target (DebugInChipSRAM), used in the internal SRAM debug DebugInExram: the directory in the project in the corresponding target (DebugInExram), used in the external SRAM debug Ext_Flash_bin: the directory in engineering in the corresponding target (Ext_Flash_bin), in the directory can be generated to the external Flash programmer to run code. Int_Flash_Hex: the directory in the project in the corresponding target (Int_Flash_HEX), in the directory can generate internal Flash programmer to run code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 638kb Publisher : blueesnail

实现PS/2接口与RS-232接口的数据传输, PS/2键盘上按下按键,可以通过RS-232自动传送到主机的串口调试终端上,并在数据接收区显示接收到的字符。 串口调试终端的设置:波特率115200,一个停止位,无校验位。 -The realization of PS/2 interface with RS-232 data interface, PS/2 keyboard to press the button, through RS-232 automatic transmission to the host serial debug terminal and reception area in the data display received characters. Serial debug terminal settings: 115200 baud rate, one stop bit, no parity bit.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.53mb Publisher : chalin tong

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这是LPC2131的PWM源程序,这个已调试通过,这个是飞利浦公司的-This is the LPC2131 the PWM source, this has now debug through, this is the Philips
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 75kb Publisher : wason.wu

DM9161A资料,网上大多是DM9161E的资料 这是调试把DM9161A当DM9161E调不出来才跟厂家要的资料,两者差别比较大-DM9161A information, on-line information are DM9161E debug This is DM9161E tune when DM9161A put out only with the manufacturers do not want the information, the difference between the two relatively large
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.03mb Publisher : zsf

单片机与LCD1602,有原理图及源程序,程序在KEIL中调试过,并在PROTEUS中联调通过 -SCM and LCD1602, are schematic and source code, procedures have been in the KEIL debug and FBI adopted in PROTEUS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.59mb Publisher : liubin

学习debug写的调试器,简单功能类似于OD, 仅是学习而已-Learning to write debug debugger, similar to a simple function of OD, only to learn it
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 137kb Publisher : 岳磊

DL : 0
ARM调试和下栽的Wiggler头的PCB文件,可以直接制板,用AD打开-ARM debug and Wiggler of下栽head PCB document, you can direct the system board, opened with AD
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40kb Publisher : you_tiangang

测试NIOS PIO 与 及其中断的源代码 在NIOS IDE 7.2 下调试通过-Test NIOS PIO and its interrupt source code to debug through the NIOS IDE 7.2
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 456kb Publisher : liuzhenyu

windows 中调试错误的经典图书 英文版的 详细的几乎将所有windows下调试的方法都说明了-windows debug the error in detail the classic books in English in almost all the windows of the methods under the commissioning shows
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.12mb Publisher : 田非

通过C/C++开发系列小工具,请大家调试下-Through the C/C++ development series of small tools, please debug the next
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : jacsun

过程运行中除了调用P操作申请信号量外,还要调用V操作释放信号量,V操作在释放信号量之后,还将唤醒因申请此信号量而被阻塞的过程。 在程序运行的三个过程(PROCESS1,PROCESS2,PROCESS3),其中过程运行中通过P操作申请信号量1,过程2通过V操作释放信号量2,然后做一次操作申请信号量2。 三个过程之间存在这样一种关系:过程1消耗的信号量1由过程2通过V操作产生,而过程3既释放信号量2也消耗信号量2。 三个过程的运行通过进程调度模块统一安排,调度模块通过FIND()函数找到第一个就绪过程,如果当前没有过程已在运行,就直接运行此过程,如果有,则比较两者的优先数,然后运行优先权高者。 认真分析流程图,写出三个进程调度的次序。 -3 process
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 374kb Publisher : 韩梦丽
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