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这是个以oracle和sql plus和delphi共同开发的一个管理系统-This is a plus oracle and sql delphi and development of a common management system
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.97kb Publisher : 袁文

Direct Oracle Access 非常好的Oracle数据库直接访问组件包 支持个版本的Delphi及C++ Builder 有源码 -very good Oracle database directly to the group support package version of the Delphi and C Builder is FOSS
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 27.52mb Publisher : 牟孝金

Delphi+MapX+Oracle编程实例,大家可以参考使用,非常好用,Delphi7下编译通过。-MapX Oracle of Delphi programming examples, we can use and reference, very convenient, Delphi7 under compile.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 274.79kb Publisher : chenji

使用 DELPHI(C++BUILDER),存储二进制数据与文件的方法,经过测试,该方法可适用于sqlserver 和 oracle -using Delphi (C BUILDER), binary data storage and documentation methods, after testing, the method can be applied to SQLServer and oracle
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 268.73kb Publisher : 网信誉

使用 DELPHI(C++BUILDER),存储二进制数据与文件的方法,经过测试,该方法可适用于sqlserver 和 oracle -using Delphi (C BUILDER), binary data storage and documentation methods, after testing, the method can be applied to SQLServer and oracle
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 268kb Publisher : 网信誉

介绍了delphi第三方控件安装方法.,针对5种具体情况介绍了相应的安装方法,并提供了delphi的几个常用第三方控件:1、皮肤控件(businessSkinForm),2、报表控件(fastreport),3、数据库控件(Oracle Access),可根据安装方法,对这三个控件进行安装。-introduced a third-party control installation methods. Against five specific types of information corresponding to the installation methods, and to provide a delphi several common third-party control : a skin control (businessSkinForm), 2, statements control (FastReport 3), Database Control (Oracle Access), under installation methods, these three controls installed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23.86mb Publisher : 杨春生

这是个以oracle和sql plus和delphi共同开发的一个管理系统-This is a plus oracle and sql delphi and development of a common management system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : 袁文

Direct Oracle Access 非常好的Oracle数据库直接访问组件包 支持个版本的Delphi及C++ Builder 有源码 -very good Oracle database directly to the group support package version of the Delphi and C Builder is FOSS
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 27.52mb Publisher : 牟孝金

Delphi+MapX+Oracle编程实例,大家可以参考使用,非常好用,Delphi7下编译通过。-MapX Oracle of Delphi programming examples, we can use and reference, very convenient, Delphi7 under compile.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 275kb Publisher : chenji

数据库比较工具,比较两个数据库中的表、视图、字段、索引等信息是否一致。目前只支持SQLSERVER和ORACLE数据库。-database comparison tool to compare the two database tables, views, fields, indexes and other information is shared. Currently only support SQLSERVER and ORACLE database.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 380kb Publisher : 文丰良

delphi实现oracle数据的导入导出,通过调用A控制台命令!-delphi achieve the oracle data import and export, by calling the A console command!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 313kb Publisher : zx

程序员超级开发宝典,com,delphi,java,oracle,sql,vb,vc,软件工程等内容。其中vc篇包括 [VC_C_]NT系统下木马进程的隐藏(11774Bytes) [VC_C_]简单谈谈C++ 递归的思想实现以及和循环的关系(3537Bytes) [VC_C_]C++语法之函数重载(1938Bytes) [VC_C_]C语言编程风格(2200Bytes) [VC_C_]如何用Shell实现程序组快捷方式的添加(3387Bytes) [VC_C_]移动到平面(Blitting to Surfaces)(11290Bytes) [VC_C_]DirectX丢失及恢复平面(12480Bytes) [VC_C_]DirectX创建平面(6312Bytes) [VC_C_]两个小时学会DirectDraw编程(6647Bytes) [VC_C_]关于const的8点说明(2482Bytes) [VC_C_]泛型编程在非C++语言中的实现之探讨(5930Bytes) [VC_C_]删除文件中指定的部分内容(2096Bytes) [VC_C_]TOOLHELP32 In WIN2000(4138Bytes) [VC_C_]Windows下DLL编程技术及应用(7167Bytes) [VC_C_]MFC and Design Patterns(8117Bytes) [VC_C_]DVD解码源代码大公布(10169Bytes) [VC_C_]C++Builder实现Directx截流媒体屏代码(10363Bytes)-err
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.21mb Publisher : 辛欣

Universal.Data.Access.Components 3.00 Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a library of components that provides direct access to most popular database servers from Delphi, Delphi for .NET and, C++Builder. UniDAC can work with such servers as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Interbase, Firebird. The UniDAC library is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner cross-database applications. UniDAC is a complete replacement for such standard universal technology as dbExpress. UniDAC is a handy in use and efficient data access solution bringing into play many features specific to each server.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.58mb Publisher : Santiago

分析大型系统源代码中包含的SQL语句,解析这些SQL语句访问的数据表和条件表达式,连接数据库,探测对应的数据表包含的记录个数和参与条件过滤的字段的有效值个数,为数据表构建索引策略提供,并自动生成索引创建脚本。目前支持的开发语言有Java、C++、Delphi、Oracle(存储过程、触发器)。-Analysis of large system source code is included in SQL statements, explains these SQL statements to access data sheets and conditions of expression, to connect the database to detect the corresponding data table contains the records of the number and terms of participation in the field of the RMS filter number, Construction of an index strategy for the data table provided, and automatically generate the index creation script. Currently supports the development of language in Java, C++, Delphi, Oracle (stored procedures, triggers).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 52kb Publisher : wangyunxiao

很有用的一本书,介绍delphi&oracle开发,书内有详细的例子,对于要做此类开发的人有很大的帮助-A useful book on delphi & oracle development, with detailed examples of the book, for the development of the people to do such a great help
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.07mb Publisher : simon

Delphi_7数据库项目案例导航[By_艳文]--这是我做设计时在图书馆的老旧delphi书的源代码。有delphi与Acess、DB、slq、oracle的相关信息系统的案例代码。 copy的本书介绍: 本书从软件工程原理出发,对每一个管理系统进行详细的分析。全书始终贯彻深层的管理理念,同时通过具体的语言来实现每一个系统。每一个系统都具备商业特性,是许多数据库程序员的工作结晶。全书共14章,第1章Delphi与数据库开发作了介绍。第2章-第3章分别以人事/工资/考勤管理系统、销售管理信息系统、库存管理信息系统、质量管理信息系统、档案/资料管理信息系统、计算管理信息系统、制造业管理信息系统、学生管理信息系统、医院管理信息系统、宾馆/餐饮管理信息系统、图书馆管理信息系统、POS管理信息系统等多个实用信息管理系统作为例子,详细地讲述信息管理系统创建的各个过程。本书最后一章介绍了系统(数据库)建模技术。全书采用UML对每个系统进行建模,每个数据库都经过详细的分析和设计,并通过PowerDesign进行数据建模,每个系统都经过详细测试及专家审核。-Delphi_7 case database project navigation [By_ Yan Wen]- This is when I do a design book in the library of the old delphi source code. There delphi and Acess, DB, slq, oracle case of information systems related to the code. copy of the book description: Book starting from the software engineering principles, a management system for each detailed analysis. Always carry out a deep book management philosophy, through specific language to implement each system. Each system with the commercial character of the work of many database programmers crystallization. The book is Chapter 14, Chapter 1, Delphi and database development are presented. Chapter 2- Chapter 3, respectively, to the personnel/payroll/attendance management system, sales management information systems, inventory management information systems, quality management information systems, file/data management information systems, computer management information systems, manufacturing management information systems, student mana
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 28.95mb Publisher : 韦徳

Delphi And Oracle Old Billing System
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : dmitry

database in delphi and oracle
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : almohanad77

sql and oracle programs about delphi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21.47mb Publisher : almohanad77

DL : 0
open data from sql and open it on delphi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : anth
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