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一个基本的动态域名程序,可在有外网地址的机器上实现动态域名转发。并可实时更新域名ip信息。-a basic dynamic domain procedures, which are outside the network addresses of the machines on the dynamic domain name forward. May ip domain real-time updates of information.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 316kb Publisher : 高龙

本人初学delphi的网络开发,对许多的东西还不是很通,但这个代码也是呕心(不是恶心:-) )之作!因为初学往往把握不准核心,有缺乏通俗的教材,故而曰:万事开头难! 这个程序的目的:希望能对刚开始学习网络开发得朋友一点提示!了解基本的网络开发流程!学习使用delphi的网络组件! 这个小程序实现了:客户端线服务器的连接,服务器接受后根据客户的要求转发信息,从而实现多个客户端的交流! 这个程序的不足:由于时间仓促仅实现了核心功能,对于像qq那样的注册和管理客户信息都没有完善,但是我认为这与信息的发送是同理的,在以后有时间我会再继续学习完善的! 我的期待:希望大家能给我的程序提点意见,无论是从想法上,还是程序的风格上……只要您说,就是对我的帮助,我会感激不尽的! 使用的组件:IdTCPClient,IdTCPServer -I Beginners network development, many of the right things is still valid, but the code is disgusting (not nausea :-)) of for! Because beginners often not allowed to grasp the core, a lack of common materials, the club said : Everything is hard in the beginning! The purpose of this procedure : The hope is to just start learning network development in a friend suggested 1:00! Basic understanding of the network development process! Delphi learning to use the network components! This small program : client server line connectivity, server customers after receiving the request forward, thereby number of client communication! The procedures are inadequate : only limited time to achieve a core functions, such as qq the registration and management of customer information is not perfect, but I thin
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 572kb Publisher :

Clock 桌面时钟 日历 阴历 看到的delphi程序 转发-Clock desktop calendar lunar calendar clock see delphi process forward
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 539kb Publisher : 郁闷

按 ~ 不放的同时 按其他按键 得到对应 偏旁汉字 不是真正的输入法 只是 模拟那个过程 拦截按键转发汉字 当初只是想看看外挂式输入法怎么弄的,现在已经基本上OK了 -~ tightly by the time of the other keys to be identical to corresponding Chinese character is not the real analog input method is that the process forward button intercept Chinese originally wanted to see external input methods, how get, and now has basically OK
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21kb Publisher :

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Feed Forward Neural Network Delphi 源程序-Feed Forward Neural Network Delphi source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher :

Feed Forward Neural Network 例子-Feed Forward Neural Network examples
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher :

用delphi开发驱动的必看的代码!!!!谁说delphi不能开发驱动来着?-Use delphi to develop code-driven must-see!!!! Who delphi development should not come forward to drive?
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.03mb Publisher : 红蚂蚁

给出一个工业PLC联网监控的例子,抛砖引玉吧!-Given an industrial PLC network monitoring example, forward it!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 88kb Publisher : 大象

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这是一个编辑/查看PE文件导出表的工具。利用它可以方便的对PE文件的导出表进行增、删、改的操作,现在它还可以用于给没有导出表的文件添加导出函数。 这个工具除了PE diy外,通过为导出函数添加Forward信息等方法还可以实现函数hook,dll注入等功能。-This is an edit/view PE file Export Table tool. It can be convenient to use for PE files by exporting table, delete, change operations, and now it can be used to export the table did not add export function. PE diy this tool in addition to outside, through the Export function to add information such as Forward method can also achieve the function hook, dll injection functions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 94kb Publisher : 董林

我的远程控制代码,delphi编写 各个功能齐备, 对木马爱好着有好大帮助!理解其中的原理!-My remote control code, delphi preparation of the various functions of the horse-loving forward to have a good big help! Understand the principle!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.97mb Publisher : 张希行

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通常情况下, 用Delphi开发的程序, dfm是作为资源嵌入可执行文件的, 这就或多或少地带来了一些安全方面的问题. 比如, 通过分析资源, 就能大致了解Form上用了哪些控件 甚至, 通过修改资源, 就可以达到修改程序界面的目的.. 这个小程序就是为了解决这一问题而作的尝试. 主要思路就是, 将dfm作为字符串变量, 保存在程序内部.. 至于代码, 基本上都是抄Delphi的, 只不过把从资源读改为从变量读, 仅此而已.. 如果您有更好的方法, 望不乞赐教, -Under normal circumstances, to use Delphi to develop procedures, dfm is as a resource embedded in the executable file, which more or less brought some security issues. For example, through the analysis of resources, we can roughly know what to use Form control and even, by modifying the resources, you can modify the program interface to achieve the purpose of .. this small program in order to solve this problem is to make the attempt. The main idea is to dfm as a string variable, stored in the internal procedures .. As for the code are basically copied from Delphi, but only read from the resources from the variable changed to read, nothing more .. if you have a better way, do not look forward begging,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 179kb Publisher :

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五子棋的delphi语言实现,实现向前搜索的人工智能搜索算法,加入递归调用,在电脑中预测出今后几步的各种走法,以便作出最佳选择。 可以实现人机博弈-Gobang the delphi language, the realization of artificial intelligence search forward search algorithm, recursive calls to join the computer to predict the next steps in the various moves in order to make the best choice. To achieve human-computer game
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 李荣春

PID水量控制仿真演示系统环境:DELPHI7+IOCOMP3.02+LMD-TOOLS7.00.59+WINXP 这个系统只是起到抛砖引玉的作用,可能不是很完善,采用的是位置PID控制法-PID control of water environment simulation demo system: DELPHI7+ IOCOMP3.02+ LMD-TOOLS7.00.59+ WINXP the system just to play forward role, may not be perfect, using the location of PID control method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 626kb Publisher : cheng

Windows核心编程(PASCAL代码) ------------------------------------- 《Windows核心编程》 原书: Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows Fourth Edition 作者: Jeffrey Richter 译者: 王建华等 --------------------------------------- 书中有不少C++写的Win32 SDK小程序,闲暇时用Object Pascal写了一遍, 限于自身水平和时间精力等关系,可能存在错误,期待您能给予指正。 感谢风云剑客提供原书光盘,否则,只是打字可能就会把人累得半死!^.^ -Windows core programming (PASCAL code )------------------------------------- Windows core programming the original book: Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows Fourth Edition Author: Jeffrey Richter Translator: Wang Jianhua, etc.--------------------------------------- book has a lot of C++ Writing the Win32 SDK applet, using Object Pascal spare time to write again, confined to their own level and the relationship between time and energy, etc., there may be errors, look forward to your correction can be given. Thanks to the provision of the original book Fengyun Swordsmen CD-ROM, otherwise, just typing the person may be too tired to death! ^. ^
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 415kb Publisher : whua

com和tcpip的转发程序,用delphi开发-com and the forward procedure tcpip
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 283kb Publisher : sxx

类似旧版Flashget的下载进度窗口, 小砖会根据下载的进度而向前滚动-like the download process view of the old version Flashget, a color brick will move forward as downloaded bytes increses.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 170kb Publisher : pengweizhi

Cmd管道,可以正向连接和反向连接,正向连接开监听本地端口,反向需要指定连接到的IP和端口-Cmd pipe, you can forward link and reverse link, forward local port to connect to open listening, reverse need to specify the IP and port to connect to the
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 29kb Publisher : whytt

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DELPHI社群中开源项目少之又少,我们可不可以自己组织?我们可不可以一起探讨?小弟不才,斗胆写下几行代码,来这里期待抛砖引玉。 我们身边,每天都有无数的项目开工,然后是老板对进度的紧追不舍,项目经理程序员加班的无奈,再然后或许是成功的喜悦或许是失败的哀愁,但不管结果如何,所有人心中此时最想要的,可能是好好的睡上一觉。-DELPHI very few open source projects and community groups, can we get organized? Can we explore? Brother Bucai, venture to write a few lines of code, come here to look forward to attract valuable comments. Around us every day countless projects start, and then the boss of the hot pursuit of progress, the project manager' s frustration programmers work overtime, and then perhaps the joy of success is perhaps the failure of sadness, but no matter the outcome, all the The most wanted people' s minds at this time may be properly slept.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 29.85mb Publisher : btboy999

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yprint.mdb为本地打印方案,方案你也可以保存在SQLSERVER里面。 │ zyprint.pas是调用文件 │ zyprintcrt.dll是打印 │ parameter目录是保存一些参数文件(ini)用的.现在暂时只有一个printcfg.ini文件. │ xp+delphi 7 环境下开发。 │ 如果你用的是Delphi 2007,请使用将D2007目录下的zyprintcrt.dll │ 随便你怎么打印,随便你怎么设计.QQ:88483816,有需要增加功能,提出bug和建议请Q我. │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────┘ 有很多人问为什么只支持StringGrid,不支持dbGrid,dbGrideh等等,这里我需要说明的是StringGrid只是 一个存放临时数据的载体,供CallDllPrint接受数据源而已。大家只要看了zyprint.pas里的CallDllPrint函数就清楚了。 -yprint.mdb local printing solutions, the program you can save SQLSERVER inside. │ zyprint.pas is calling file │ zyprintcrt.dll is printed │ parameter file directory is to keep some parameters (ini) used. now there is only one printcfg.ini temporary file. │ xp+ delphi 7 development environment. │ If you re using Delphi 2007, please use the D2007 directory zyprintcrt.dll │ Whatever you how to print, whatever you how to design. QQ: 88483816, the need for additional features, bug and suggestions put forward, please Q me. │ │ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ Many people ask why only support StringGrid, does not support dbGrid, dbGrideh so I need to note here is StringGrid only A temporary data storage carrier, the data source for CallDllPrint accepted only. We only saw zyprint.pas in the CallDllPrint the function clear.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 998kb Publisher : 陆嘉

来看一看delphi版本的杀毒软件。你自己也可以搞个。-To look at the delphi version of antivirus software. You' re allowed to put forward a.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 713kb Publisher : liyanya
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