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一组Delphi/C++Builder上使用的Internet构件源码 -An set of component source used on delphi/c++ builder
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 0byte Publisher : 站长

想更多的学习一下DELPHI吗,下这个吧,反正我遇到问题从上面都能找到相关解决办法,还有一些编程小例子-would like to learn more about Delphi right, under the bar, anyway I encountered problems from above to find relevant solutions, there are some small examples Programming
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 496kb Publisher : 宋瑞轩

本人发现的很好的书籍-A good book I found
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 878kb Publisher : 冰冻果子

未经证实的delphi帮助文档,有一定的利用参考价值,希望对各位的delphi应用有所帮助。-unconfirmed delphi help files, the use of a certain value, and I hope to you delphi application help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.7mb Publisher : 战申

delphi+sql万能数据库连接示例,自己初学delphi时写的,相信对入门学习delphi进行ADO连接SQL的朋友有些帮助-Universal Database Connection example, when a delphi himself had written, and I believe that the entry delphi study conducted ADO SQL help some friends
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 635kb Publisher : sydk

本人上传的内容是有关DELPHI设计数据库的资料。运用DELPHI7.0来开发数据库,-I upload the contents of the Delphi design of information in the database. DELPHI7.0 used to develop the database,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 270kb Publisher : 李平

Delphi-神迹挂机外挂脱机外挂源码是不是骗人的啊!我要下载!啊!-Delphi-miracle of outboard external offline external source is not a lie ah! I want to download! Ah!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 210kb Publisher : vb

站长您你好:我这是我上传的delphi编程技巧大权,质量还是比较好的,请您细细审核一下.谢谢!-your head : This is my I uploaded delphi programming skills power, quality is still relatively good, you have carefully examined what. Thank you!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher : 庄恒飞

游戏quake2的delphi源代码,相信对游戏开发感兴趣的朋友一定不会错过-delphi source code, I believe the game developers interested friends will not miss
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.21mb Publisher : chy

Delphi 7 从入门到精通随书源码,写的比较浅显易懂,不过是英文版的,相信对你会有帮助。-Delphi 7 from entry to the source proficient with the book, written in relatively simple words, but is the English version, and I believe that will be helpful to you.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20.51mb Publisher : 王杰

说到类和对象,我们不能不提及这样几个概念:类,对象,实例。就我个人觉得可 以这样来理解:对象指的是泛称,自然界的任何实体都可以看成一个对象;而类则是 以这些对象某些特征而分成的一系列的种类;实例则是特指属于某一个类的一个对象-said classes and objects, we can not fail to mention the following concepts : type, object, examples. I personally think that this can be understood : the targets refer to the Pan said that the nature of any entity can be viewed as an object; Which category is the target certain features into a series of categories; Examples are an indicator of belonging to a certain category of an object
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 黄区

Delphi资源文件生成工具 我经常要在程序中加入许多资源,比如:声音、位图、光标等,这样可以使自己 软件更具特色。可以自己建立一个.RC的文件,然后再用Delphi\Bin\Brcc32.EXE来 编译生成一个.RES的文件,有了这个文件才能把资源编译到软件中去。 可是如果要加入一大批资源,要加入30个位图和20个光标的话,就要在.RC文件中一 行行加入要用的资源,比较麻烦。我是个懒人,所以自已写了这个能自动批量帮你完 成这个任务的工具,可以非常方便的生成.RES资源文件。 注意:由于Borland的Brcc32.EXE不能识别包含有空格和汉字的路径,所以你的资源来 源路径和保存路径不要带有空格和汉字,否则不能建立.RES的文件。-Delphi resources to generate tool I often join in the proceedings of many resources, for example : voice, bitmaps, cursors, etc., can make more software features. One can establish their own. RC paper, and then spend the Delphi \ bin \ Brcc32.EXE to build a generation. RES document, the document can have the resources to build software. But if a large number of resources to join, to join the 30-bit map and the cursor 20, then we should. RC paper lines to join with the resources, and trouble. I was lazy, so own writing this volume will automatically help you complete this task tool, it is easy generation. RES resource files. Note : Due to Borland's Brcc32.EXE not include recognition of Chinese characters and spaces are the path, so you Source path and not to preserve trails and spaces w
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 232kb Publisher : akay

继续一些资料,适合刚进门的兄弟们,高手就别看了,希望大家喜欢-to some information, the door just for the brothers, on top Although, I hope you like
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 李琨

一个超酷的RSA加密源代码,我在实际应用中表现很好,可以达到128位以上的加密。-a cool RSA encryption source code, I actually very good application performance can be achieved over 128 encryption.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 浪费四

Delphi实现的简单中文分词,不知道大家有没有发个上来。QQ:313433524 我很菜,有谁愿意教我 感激不尽。-Delphi simple Chinese word do not know if you have not sent out onto. QQ : 313433524 I am vegetables, then who is going to teach me very grateful.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 223kb Publisher : 超超

随便说说最近项目中的三层架构吧。讲点实际的东西。我最讨厌空讲道理。网上讲道理的太多了,不喜欢举例子。 大多数文章中都或多或少的讲到了三层架构。表示层,业务层,数据层。又把业务层再细分,分为外观服务层,主业务服务,及数据库库服务层。 今天主要讨论一下业务层吧。举个最简单的例子。客户端获取数据。 -idle recent projects in the three tiers of it. Say something concrete things. I hated most space reasons. Online reason too many, and do not like the examples given. Most articles are more or less referred to the three-tier structure. Layer said, the business layer, data layer. Again business layer breakdown divided into exterior layer services, the main business services, library services and database layer. Today, business-to discuss it. For the most simple example. Client access to data.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.79mb Publisher : 小生

古老的俄罗斯方块游戏相信大家都会玩,送上的这个源码清晰简单,自己修改了了去玩吧-old Tetris game I believe we will play, and sent a clear source of this simple, their revised the play it
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : 真实姓名

用DELPHIE来实现下位机和上位机的串口通信!相信会对需要的人有很大的帮助!-DELPHIE used to achieve lower computer and the PC serial communications! I believe this would have need of a great help!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : wwg

一个使用Delphi编写的提取应用程序图标的程序源码-an extract prepared by the icon of the application procedures FOSS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 张磊

Andrzej Daniluk-RS 232C_ praktyczne programowanie _ od Pascala i C++ do Delphi i Buildera-Helion (2007)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.99mb Publisher : Said ALEM
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