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Description: 用delphi开发的p2p程序,功能强大、完整-P2p use delphi development program, powerful, complete
Platform: | Size: 496640 | Author: 曲飚 | Hits:


Description: Delphi 写的P2P方式模拟QQ即时消息通讯,非常具有参考价值.-P2P simulate QQ instant messaging communications, a very valuable reference.
Platform: | Size: 526336 | Author: 真名 | Hits:


Description: P2P点对点传输控件源码,可以让你的开发出点对点传输的软件-peer-to-peer transmission control source, which will let you in the development of point-to-point transmission software
Platform: | Size: 167936 | Author: 张三 | Hits:


Description: P2P无中心设计,在没有任何固定服务器的情况下,人们仍然可以畅通无阻的进行点对点的交流,传输文件,语音,视频等-P2P no center design, in the absence of any fixed server circumstances, people can still smooth conduct peer-to-peer exchanges, transfer files, voice, video, etc.
Platform: | Size: 493568 | Author: wuyuepeng | Hits:


Description: 一套P2P的源码。。。。。。。 从winsock函数开始封装。。。 并不完善-A P2P source. . . . . . . Winsock package function from the beginning. . . Not perfect
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 王平 | Hits:


Description: 即时通讯P2P聊天软件(全部源码)Delphi ] 安装方法: 1、解压source.rar 2、打开Sql Server的企业管理器,附加数据库源文件:Server\Data\SysDB_Data.MDF 3、打开Server\Server.ini文件,找到如下文字: [SQL Server] ServerName=(local) DataBase=Server UserName=sa PassWord= 在此处设置数据库服务器地址,数据库名称(Server),及用户名和密码。 [ServerInfo] ServerPort=7855 在此处设置服务器监听的端口号 4、运行Server.exe。看是否提示“服务器已启动”字样。-P2P instant messaging chat software (all source) Delphi] installation method: 1, extract source.rar2, Open Sql Server Enterprise Manager, an additional database source file: ServerDataSysDB_Data.MDF3, open ServerServer.ini documents, find the following text: [SQL Server] ServerName = (local) DataBase = Server UserName = sa PassWord = here set up the database server address, database name (Server), and the user name and password. [ServerInfo] ServerPort = 7855 set up the server here listening port number 4, run Server.exe. Prompted to see whether
Platform: | Size: 47725568 | Author: lavenw | Hits:


Description: 这是一个P2P例子,给想开发P2P的朋友们一个学习例子-This is a P2P example, to want to develop P2P friends a learning example
Platform: | Size: 534528 | Author: jia | Hits:


Description: 一个基于UDP协议P2P传输的实用例子,内附源代码-P2P protocol based on UDP transmission of practical examples, containing the source code
Platform: | Size: 1071104 | Author: a | Hits:

[Delphi VCLp2p

Description: 一个网络电话的delphi源码.在delphi6下调试通过, 可通过网络进行远程通话.-A network source delphi phones. In Delphi6 debugging passed through the network for remote calls.
Platform: | Size: 573440 | Author: qiaodong | Hits:


Description: P2P即时通讯源码(DELPHI编写),无加密,组件齐全,调试非常简单方便! 发送联机或脱机消息,同时可自定义消息字体、颜色、大小等信息,支持插入表情符号,屏幕截取。 支持多人消息群发等功能;在线即时语音、视频聊天 穿透网关防火墙,可在互联网和局域网任意对话 系统采用先进的点对点通讯技术,消息(包括文本、语音、视频、文件)的 传输大多数情况不需要经服务器中转而直接发往接收者所使用的机器,传输速度更快。 而且因服务器仅仅只是起着维护用户状态列表的功能,因此占用资源极少, 可允许同时在线的人数就越多,对系统的影响也最小。 可以设置各种离线状态,支持自定义状态 用户可自定义界面,界面皮肤可在线更新 灵活支持Oracle、Sql Server、Mysql等数据库 服务器端资源占用低,通讯中不占用服务端资源 -err
Platform: | Size: 36967424 | Author: shutao | Hits:


Description: 五套p2p的代码,delphi版本 thanksharp_tQ_V0[1].0.2.rar mmzmagic_PeerToPeer.rar iamy_P2PChatPlus.rar iamy_P2PChat.rar cyndi_P2P_Demo_UDP.rar-Five sets of p2p code, delphi version thanksharp_tQ_V0 [1] .0.2. Rar mmzmagic_PeerToPeer.rar iamy_P2PChatPlus.rar iamy_P2PChat.rar cyndi_P2P_Demo_UDP.rar
Platform: | Size: 3396608 | Author: mwm | Hits:


Description: delphi p2p即时通信系统,程序只是实现了基本的基于UDP穿NAT的P2P-delphi p2p instant messaging systems, procedures achieve only a basic UDP-based NAT wear the P2P
Platform: | Size: 744448 | Author: ssssddii | Hits:


Description: P2P即时通讯源码(DELPHI编写),无加密,组件齐全,调试非常简单方便! 发送联机或脱机消息,同时可自定义消息字体、颜色、大小等信息,支持插入表情符号,屏幕截取。 支持多人消息群发等功能;在线即时语音、视频聊天 穿透网关防火墙,可在互联网和局域网任意对话 系统采用先进的点对点通讯技术,消息(包括文本、语音、视频、文件)的 传输大多数情况不需要经服务器中转而直接发往接收者所使用的机器,传输速度更快。 而且因服务器仅仅只是起着维护用户状态列表的功能,因此占用资源极少, 可允许同时在线的人数就越多,对系统的影响也最小。 可以设置各种离线状态,支持自定义状态 用户可自定义界面,界面皮肤可在线更新 灵活支持Oracle、Sql Server、Mysql等数据库 服务器端资源占用低,通讯中不占用服务端资源.-P2P-source instant messaging (DELPHI prepared), without encryption, complete assembly, debugging is very easy and convenient! Send information online or offline, and can be customized news fonts, colors, size and other information to support the insert emoticons, screen interception. Support features such as mass over the news online real-time voice, video chat gateway to penetrate the firewall, the Internet and LAN can be any dialogue system uses advanced peer-to-peer communication technologies, information (including text, voice, video, file) transmission in most cases by the server do not need to turn directly to the machines used by the receiver, transmission faster. But just to play due to server maintenance of the status of a list of users, so rarely occupy resources that allows the number of people online at the same time the more the system has the smallest impact. Can set a variety of off-line state in support of the state of the user to customize the interface can be customi
Platform: | Size: 6157312 | Author: Massachusetts | Hits:


Description: P2P点对点通信源码,可实现点对点的通信-P2P point to point communication source, enabling point to point communication
Platform: | Size: 167936 | Author: cumtchenye | Hits:

[Delphi VCLDelphi-p2p

Description: Delphi视频编程,voc视频电话,视频会议程序(p2p)-Delphi video programming, voc video telephony, video conferencing program (p2p)
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: qqqq | Hits:

[Delphi VCLChat

Description: 这是一个delphi p2p 聊天的源码。 功能还可以,是个不错的参考资料,对于初学 p2p编程的人 是个不错的选择。-This is a delphi p2p chat source code. Function can also be, is a good reference for beginners who p2p programming is a good choice.
Platform: | Size: 1390592 | Author: gary | Hits:


Description: P2P(点对点)的流行产生了大批网络传输软件,我写一个简单的P2P文件传输,一方发送文件,一方接受,直到传输完整个文件。-P2P (peer) produced a large number of popular network transmission software, I wrote a simple P2P file transfer, one to send the file, one party to accept, until the transfer complete files.
Platform: | Size: 863232 | Author: 李明 | Hits:


Description: P2P方式实现聊天,基于IdUDP组件.-The realization of P2P chat, based on IdUDP component.
Platform: | Size: 319488 | Author: gz | Hits:


Description: 基于delphi p2p文件传输源码,分为服务端和客户端,供学习研究用-Delphi p2p file transfer based on the source, divided into server and client for the research study
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: wengjp | Hits:

[Delphi VCLP2P

Description: delphi 开发的各种C/S模式 聊天程序 -delphi development of the various C/S mode chat program
Platform: | Size: 3496960 | Author: 廉志坤 | Hits:
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