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这个指南让你熟悉报表设计器和了解报表设计的基本概念(各种区域,数据源,二次表,等等)。指南将帮助你开始用FastReport创建报表,但它不能告诉你怎样使用其它基本的报表设计器。 如果你不熟悉报表设计器,我们建议你参考QuickReport的帮助系统。QuickReport的指南已经包含在你的Delphi拷贝中。QuickReport的大部分基本概念也适用于FastReport,然而,FastReport能提供更多的弹性和最终用户的自定义。-The guide will let you familiar with the report designer, and statements designed to understand the basic concepts (regional, data sources, quadratic forms, etc.). The guide will help you begin to use FastReport create reports, but it can not tell you how to use other basic design for the statements. If you are not familiar with the report designer, we suggest you QuickReport reference to the help system. QuickReport guidelines already included in your copy of Delphi. QuickReport the most basic concept also applies to FastReport, however, FastReport can provide more flexibility and end-user self-definition.
: 2008-10-13
: 1mb
DL : 1
目 录 第 1 章 Delphi 集成开发环境 ..................... 1 2.2.4 指针类型................................... 30 2.2.5 过程与函数类型....................... 31 1.1 Delphi 主窗口 ........................................ 2 1.1.1 标题栏 ........................................ 2 1.1.2 菜单栏 ........................................ 2 1.1.3 工具栏 ........................................ 3 1.1.4 组件板 ........................................ 3 1.2 Delphi 窗体窗口..................................... 3 1.2.1 窗体窗口 .................................... 3 1.2.2 窗体文件 .................................... 4 1.3 代码编辑窗口 ........................................ 4 1.4 对象查看器窗口 .................................... 4 1.4.1 对象查看器窗口的组成............. 5 1.4.2 设置属性 .................................... 5 1.4.3 添加事件 .................................... 6 1.5 项目管理器 ............................................ 6 1.5.1 项目组成 .................................... 7 1.5.2 项目管理器 ................................ 9 1.5.3 项目管理 .................................. 10 1.5.4 项目编译和运行....................... 12 1.6 Delphi 程序设计过程........................... 14 1.7 实验 ...................................................... 17 习题 ............................................................... 19 2.2.6 可变类型................................... 31 2.3 常量和变量的定义............................... 32 2.3.1 常量........................................... 32 2.3.2 变量........................................... 32 2.4 运算符和表达式................................... 33 2.4.1 算术运算符............................... 34 2.4.2 逻辑运算符............................... 34 2.4.3 关系运算符............................... 34 2.4.4 位运算符................................... 35 2.4.5 指针运算符............................... 35 2.4.6 集合运算符............................... 35 2.5 语句 ...................................................... 36 2.5.1 简单语句................................... 36 2.5.2 条件语句................................... 36 2.5.3 循环语句................................... 38 2.6 过程与函数........................................... 40 2.6.1 过程和函数的声明................... 40 2.6.2 过程和函数的参数................... 40 2.6.3 过程和函数的调用................... 42 2.7 实验 ...................................................... 43 2.7.1 编写对象 Pascal 应用程序....... 43 第 2 章 Delphi 的编程语言........................ 21 2.7.2 函数和过程的编写和调用 ....... 44 2.1 保留字和标识符 .................................. 21 习题 ............................................................... 46 2.1.1 保留字和标准指令符............... 21 第 3 章 Delphi 窗体与组件........................ 47 2.1.2 标识符 ...................................... 22 2.1.3 注释 .......................................... 22 2.1.4 控制台程序中的屏幕输入 3.1 Delphi 窗体........................................... 47 3.1.1 窗体与窗口............................... 47 和输出 ...................................... 22 3.1.2 窗体属性................................... 47 3.1.3 窗体事件................................... 48 2.2 Object Pascal 的数据类型.................... 23 2.2.1 简单数据类型........................... 24 2.2.2 字符串类型 .............................. 28 2.2.3 结构类型 .................................. 29 3.2 设计窗体 .............................................. 48 3.2.1 新建窗体................................... 48 3.2.2 设置窗体属性........................... 49 3.2.3 添加组件 .................................. 49 3.2.4 编辑组件 .................................. 49 3.2.5 设置组件属性........................... 49 3.2.6 保存文件 .................................. 49 3.3 文本型组件 .......................................... 50 3.3.1 Label 组件 ................................ 50 3.3.2 Static Text 组件 ........................ 51 3.3.3 Tab 组件 ................................... 52 3.4 按钮型组件 .......................................... 52 3.4.1 Button 组件............................... 52 3.4.2 BitBtn 组件............................... 53 3.4.3 RadioButton 组件 ..................... 54 3.4.4 CheckBox 组件......................... 54 3.5 编辑型组件 .......................................... 54 3.5.1 Edit 组件................................... 54 3.5.2 MaskEdit 组件.......................... 56 3.5.3 Memo 组件 ............................... 57 3.5.4 RichEdit 组件 ........................... 58 3.6 列表框型组件 ...................................... 60 3.6.1 ListBox 组件............................. 60 3.6.2 CheckBox 组件......................... 62 3.6.3 ComboBox 组件 ....................... 62 3.7 滑块型组件 .......................................... 63 3.7.1 Scrollbar 组件........................... 63 3.7.2 TrackBar 组件 .......................... 64 3.8 容器型组件 .......................................... 64 3.8.1 GroupBox 组件......................... 64 3.8.2 Panel 组件................................. 65 3.8.3 ScrollBox 组件 ......................... 66 3.9 MDI 程序 ............................................. 66 3.9.1 MDI 窗体及其属性.................. 66 3.9.2 利用模板创建 MDI 应用 程序 .......................................... 67 3.10 实验 .................................................... 68 3.10.1 设计由按钮类组件实现 的功能窗体............................. 68 3.10.2 设计由列表类组件实现的 功能窗体 ................................ 70 3.10.3 按需求将各种组件灵活组合, 实现功能窗体......................... 73 习题 ............................................................... 74 第 4 章 菜单设计............................................ 76 4.1 菜单设计简介....................................... 76 4.1.1 菜单结构................................... 76 4.1.2 菜单命令项的作用................... 76 4.1.3 菜单设计器............................... 77 4.2 主菜单设计........................................... 77 4.2.1 打开主菜单设计器................... 78 4.2.2 添加菜单命令项....................... 78 4.2.3 菜单命令项分组....................... 79 4.2.4 菜单命令项热键....................... 79 4.2.5 调整菜单命令项....................... 79 4.2.6 创建级联菜单........................... 80 4.3 菜单命令响应....................................... 80 4.4 运行时设置菜单................................... 82 4.4.1 菜单命令灰显........................... 83 4.4.2 隐藏菜单命令........................... 83 4.4.3 改变菜单命令文本................... 84 4.4.4 菜单命令单选标记................... 84 4.4.5 菜单命令复选标记................... 84 4.5 创建动态菜单....................................... 85 4.6 图形菜单 .............................................. 88 4.7 快捷菜单设计....................................... 89 4.7.1 快捷菜单的设计....................... 89 4.7.2 快捷菜单的响应....................... 90 4.8 实验 ...................................................... 91 习题 ............................................................... 93 第 5 章 对话框、工具栏和状态栏设计 .... 95 5.1 对话框设计........................................... 95 5.1.1 文件对话框组件....................... 95 5.1.2 字体对话框组件....................... 97 5.1.3 颜色对话框组件....................... 98 5.1.4 打印、打印设置和页面设置 对话框组件............................... 98 5.1.5 查找和替换对话框组件........... 99 5.1.6 消息框和输入框..................... 100 5.1.7 对话框综合应用实例..............102 7.3.1 异常响应与 try…except 5.2 工具栏设计 .........................................107 语句......................................... 155 5.2.1 用面板构成工具栏..................107 7.3.2 异常保护与 try…finally 5.2.2 使用工具栏组件......................112 语句......................................... 157 5.2.3 使用 TCoolBar 组件................113 7.3.3 异常的重引发和处理嵌套 ..... 159 5.2.4 使用 TControlBar 组件 ...........115 7.3.4 定义自己的异常..................... 159 5.3 状态栏设计 .........................................115 7.3.5 利用异常响应编程................. 163 5.4 实验 .....................................................118 7.4 Delphi 调试器..................................... 165 习题 ..............................................................121 7.4.1 准备调试................................. 165 第 6 章 Delphi 多媒体应用.......................123 7.4.2 设置调试器的选项................. 165 7.5 控制程序的运行................................. 166 6.1 绘图组件 .............................................123 7.5.1 单步执行................................. 166 6.1.1 TShape 组件 ............................123 7.5.2 跟踪执行................................. 167 6.1.2 画布对象 .................................124 7.5.3 跳过一段代码......................... 168 6.1.3 TPaintBox 组件 .......................124 7.5.4 全速执行剩余的代码............. 168 6.1.4 TImage 组件 ............................124 7.5.5 返回到执行点......................... 168 6.2 图形列表组件 .....................................130 7.5.6 暂停运行................................. 168 6.2.1 TTreeView 组件 ......................130 7.5.7 重新开始运行......................... 168 6.2.2 TListView 组件 .......................131 7.5.8 命令行参数............................. 169 6.3 图形栅格组件 .....................................132 7.6 断点 .................................................... 169 6.3.1 TStringGrid 组件 .....................133 7.6.1 源代码断点............................. 169 6.3.2 TDrawGrid 组件......................134 7.6.2 机器指令断点......................... 170 6.3.3 TColorGrid 组件......................136 7.6.3 数据断点................................. 171 6.4 图形日历组件 .....................................136 7.6.4 模块断点................................. 171 6.4.1 TDateTimePicker 组件 ............137 7.6.5 指定遇到断点时的行为......... 171 6.4.2 TCalendar 组件........................137 7.6.6 断点列表窗口......................... 172 6.5 多媒体组件 .........................................137 7.6.7 删除断点................................. 173 6.5.1 TMediaPlayer 组件..................137 7.6.8 设置断点的属性..................... 173 6.5.2 多媒体播放器..........................138 7.6.9 禁止和允许断点..................... 173 6.5.3 Flash 播放器............................141 7.7 监视表达式的值................................. 174 6.6 实验 .....................................................144 7.7.1 观察窗口................................. 174 习题 ..............................................................148 7.7.2 计算和修改表达式的值......... 175 第 7 章 Delphi 异常处理与调试..............150 7.1 Delphi 异常处理..................................150 7.1.1 异常处理的意义......................150 7.1.2 错误类型 .................................151 7.2 Delphi 异常类 .....................................153 7.3 Delphi 异常处理机制..........................155 7.7.3 计算提示................................. 176 7.7.4 Inspector 窗口......................... 176 7.7.5 查看局部变量的值................. 177 7.8 实验 .................................................... 177 7.8.1 Delphi 异常处理机制 ............. 177 7.8.2 Delphi 调试............................. 178 习题 ............................................................. 180 第 8 章 数据库编程......................................183 8.1 数据库系统概述 .................................183 8.1.1 数据库管理系统......................183 8.1.2 关系数据库 .............................184 8.1.3 数据库应用程序......................184 8.1.4 Delphi 数据库的体系结构......184 8.2 BDE 组件 ............................................188 8.2.1 TTable 组件介绍 .....................189 8.2.2 TQuery 组件介绍 ....................199 8.3 ADO 组件............................................206 8.3.1 TADOConnection 组件 ...........208 8.3.2 TADOCommand 组件.............210 8.3.3 TADODataSet 组件.................212 8.3.4 TADOTable 组件 ....................213 8.4 数据控制组件简介 .............................214 8.4.1 TDBGrid 组件介绍 .................215 8.4.2 TDBNavigator 组件介绍.........217 8.4.3 TDBText 组件介绍 .................219 8.4.4 TDBEdit 组件介绍..................219 9.1.1 QuickReport 概述 .................. 244 9.1.2 TQuickRep 组件 .................... 245 9.1.3 TQRSubDetail 组件................ 247 9.1.4 TQRBand 组件 ....................... 248 9.1.5 TQRChildBand 组件............... 249 9.1.6 TQRGroup 组件...................... 250 9.1.7 TQRLabel 组件....................... 250 9.1.8 TQRDBText 组件................... 250 9.1.9 TQRExpr 组件........................ 250 9.1.10 TQRsysData 组件 ................. 251 9.1.11 TQRMemo 组件 ................... 252 9.1.12 TQRRichText 组件............... 252 9.1.13 TQRDBRichText 组件.......... 252 9.1.14 TQRShape 组件 .................... 252 9.1.15 TQRImage 组件.................... 252 9.1.16 TQRDBImage 组件 .............. 252 9.1.17 TQRComposite 组件............. 252 9.1.18 TQRPreview 组件................. 253 9.2 QuickReport 报表实例 ....................... 253 8.4.5 TDBMemo 组件介绍 ..............220 9.2.1 打印单数据库报表................. 253 8.4.6 TDBImage 组件介绍...............221 9.2.2 打印标签、信封..................... 256 8.4.7 TDBListBox 组件介绍............221 9.2.3 打印主/明细表........................ 258 8.4.8 TDBComboBox 组件介绍 ......221 9.2.4 打印分组与统计报表............. 260 8.4.9 TDBCheckBox 组件介绍........222 9.3 Rave 报表设计器的组件.................... 262 8.4.10 TDBRadioGroup 组件介绍 ...222 9.3.1 Rave 5 的报表设计界面......... 262 8.4.11 TDBLookupListBox 组件 介绍 .......................................223 8.4.12 TDBLookupComboBox 组件 介绍 .......................................223 9.3.2 Drawing(绘图)组件页 ............ 263 9.3.3 Bar Code(条形码)组件页 ....... 263 9.3.4 Standard(标准)组件页 ............ 263 9.3.5 Report(报表)组件页 ............... 263 8.4.13 TDBCtrlGrid 组件介绍 .........223 9.3.6 其他组件页............................. 264 8.4.14 TDBRichEdit 组件介绍.........224 8.4.15 TDBChart 组件介绍..............224 8.5 实验 .....................................................231 8.5.1 设计数据表结构......................231 8.5.2 设计数据表编辑窗体..............232 8.5.3 设计数据表查询窗体..............238 习题 ..............................................................242 9.4 Delphi 中的 Rave 组件....................... 265 9.4.1 RvProject 组件........................ 265 9.4.2 RvSystem 组件 ....................... 266 9.4.3 其他组件................................. 267 9.5 Rave 报表例程 ................................... 267 9.5.1 设计 Rave 报表....................... 267 9.5.2 调用 Rave 报表....................... 271 第 9 章 报表与图表......................................244 9.6 图表 .................................................... 271 9.1 QuickReport 组件................................244 9.6.1 DBChart 组件 ......................... 271 9.6.2 设计图表 .................................273 11.1.2 现有的组件........................... 309 9.7 实验 .....................................................274 11.1.3 组件模板............................... 310 习题 ..............................................................279 11.1.4 选择祖先类的建议............... 311 第 10 章 面向对象程序设计......................281 11.2 建立组件框架................................... 312 11.3 加入属性........................................... 314 10.1 面向对象程序设计概念....................281 11.3.1 加入简单型的属性............... 314 10.1.1 结构化程序设计方法............281 11.3.2 加入枚举型的属性............... 314 10.1.2 面向对象的设计方法............282 11.3.3 加入集合型的属性............... 315 10.2 类 .......................................................284 11.3.4 加入对象型的属性............... 315 10.2.1 类的定义 ...............................284 11.3.5 加入数组型的属性............... 316 10.2.2 保护方式 ...............................285 11.3.6 公开继承的属性................... 316 10.2.3 类的实例化............................286 11.3.7 给出属性的默认值............... 317 10.2.4 类操作符 ...............................286 11.4 加入方法........................................... 317 10.3 方法 ...................................................287 11.4.1 方法的可见性....................... 317 10.3.1 一般方法 ...............................287 11.4.2 避免内部相关性................... 318 10.3.2 构造方法 ...............................289 11.4.3 给方法命名........................... 318 10.3.3 析构方法 ...............................290 11.4.4 加入静态方法....................... 318 10.3.4 类方法 ...................................290 11.4.5 加入虚拟方法....................... 319 10.3.5 隐含参数 Self ........................291 11.4.6 加入动态方法....................... 319 10.4 继承和多态 .......................................292 11.4.7 加入消息处理方法............... 320 10.4.1 继承 .......................................292 11.5 加入事件........................................... 320 10.4.2 覆盖 .......................................293 11.6 安装组件........................................... 323 10.4.3 抽象类 ...................................294 11.7 实验 .................................................. 324 10.4.4 多态 .......................................295 习题 ............................................................. 327 10.4.5 共同祖先 TObject..................296 10.5 属性 ...................................................297 第 12 章 动态链接库(DLLs)编程............ 329 10.5.1 属性定义 ...............................297 12.1 动态链接库概述............................... 329 10.5.2 属性的访问方法....................298 12.1.1 Windows 系统的动态 10.6 消息 ...................................................299 链接库................................... 329 10.6.1 消息机制 ...............................299 12.1.2 为什么使用 DLL .................. 330 10.6.2 发送消息 ...............................300 12.1.3 DLL 与 EXE 文件之间 10.6.3 处理消息 ...............................301 的区别................................... 331 10.6.4 用户自定义消息....................303 12.1.4 DLL 编写规则 ...................... 331 10.7 实验 ...................................................305 12.2 在 Delphi 中编写 DLLs.................... 331 习题 ..............................................................307 12.2.1 编写一般 DLLs 的步骤........ 332 第 11 章 Delphi 自定义组件的开发.......308 12.2.2 动态链接库中的标准指示 ... 334 12.2.3 库初始化代码的编写........... 335 11.1 选择祖先类 .......................................308 12.2.4 从 DLL 中输出字符串 ......... 337 11.1.1 公共祖先类............................308 12.3 在 Delphi 中 DLLs 的调用............... 340 12.3.1 调用 DLL 方式......................340 12.3.2 静态调用 ...............................340 12.3.3 动态调用 ...............................342 12.4 利用 DLLs 实现窗体重用 ................345 12.4.1 利用 DLLs 实现窗体重用 的一般步骤............................346 12.4.2 使用 DLL 模态窗体..............346 12.4.3 DLL 中的非模态窗体...........346 12.5 DLL 与 Delphi 组件包......................351 12.6 实验 ...................................................352 习题 ..............................................................356 第 13章 多线程.............................................358 13.1 多线程概述 .......................................358 13.1.1 什么是多线程........................358 13.1.2 使用多线程的优缺点............358 13.1.3 编写多线程应用程序步骤....359 13.2 多线程编程 .......................................359 13.2.1 创建线程对象........................359 13.2.2 线程的同步............................361 13.2.3 设置线程的优先级................362 13.2.4 挂起和唤醒............................363 13.2.5 缓存线程对象........................363 13.2.6 线程终止 ...............................365 13.2.7 一个多线程排序程序............370 13.3 实验 ...................................................375 习题 ............................................................. 379 第 14 章 文件操作 ....................................... 381 14.1 文件操作命令................................... 381 14.1.1 文件的类型........................... 381 14.1.2 文件的定义........................... 381 14.1.3 文件管理命令....................... 382 14.1.4 文本文件命令....................... 382 14.1.5 输入输出命令....................... 383 14.2 文本文件........................................... 383 14.2.1 打开文本文件....................... 383 14.2.2 关闭文本文件....................... 384 14.2.3 写入文本文件....................... 384 14.2.4 读取文本文件....................... 385 14.3 非文本文件....................................... 386 14.3.1 类型文件............................... 386 14.3.2 无类型文件........................... 389 14.4 文件系统........................................... 390 14.4.1 文件系统组件....................... 390 14.4.2 文件控制单元....................... 393 14.5 实验 .................................................. 396 14.5.1 文件名操作........................... 396 14.5.2 文件读写操作....................... 399 习题 ............................................................. 401 参考文献................................................... 403
: 2011-05-10
: 3.37mb
Printing program
DL : 0
Works with or without Quick Reports. TPrintBarcode can print Barcodes of the following varieties. Code39, Interleaved2of5, Code128, All Postnet varieties EAN,EAN8,EAN13, ITF14, EAN128 FIMA,FIMB,FIMC Works with Delphi 1,2 3 & I Hope now 4. Barcodes can be printed on any canvas and may be automatically scaled to adapt to new numbers of pixels per inch. Bar Width Ratios are varied to give best readability available. Code 128 codes are completely optimized. FIM & Postnet codes will automatically position themselves when printing on a letter. Clear zones required around Barcodes are enforced completely (Default) or partially. Includes Quickreport barcode components for Delphi 2, 3 & 4. -Works with or without Quick Reports. TPrintBarcode can print Barcodes of the following varieties. Code39, Interleaved2of5, Code128, All Postnet varieties EAN,EAN8,EAN13, ITF14, EAN128 FIMA,FIMB,FIMC Works with Delphi 1,2 3 I Hope now 4. Barcodes can be printed on any canvas and may be automatically scaled to adapt to new numbers of pixels per inch. Bar Width Ratios are varied to give best readability available. Code 128 codes are completely optimized. FIM Postnet codes will automatically position themselves when printing on a letter. Clear zones required around Barcodes are enforced completely (Default) or partially. Includes Quickreport barcode components for Delphi 2, 3 4.
: 2025-03-15
: 177kb
Printing program
DL : 0
Works with or without Quick Reports. TPrintBarcode can print Barcodes of the following varieties. Code39, Interleaved2of5, Code128, All Postnet varieties EAN,EAN8,EAN13, ITF14, EAN128 FIMA,FIMB,FIMC Works with Delphi 1,2 3 & I Hope now 4. Barcodes can be printed on any canvas and may be automatically scaled to adapt to new numbers of pixels per inch. Bar Width Ratios are varied to give best readability available. Code 128 codes are completely optimized. FIM & Postnet codes will automatically position themselves when printing on a letter. Clear zones required around Barcodes are enforced completely (Default) or partially. Includes Quickreport barcode components for Delphi 2, 3 & 4. -Works with or without Quick Reports. TPrintBarcode can print Barcodes of the following varieties. Code39, Interleaved2of5, Code128, All Postnet varieties EAN,EAN8,EAN13, ITF14, EAN128 FIMA,FIMB,FIMC Works with Delphi 1,2 3 I Hope now 4. Barcodes can be printed on any canvas and may be automatically scaled to adapt to new numbers of pixels per inch. Bar Width Ratios are varied to give best readability available. Code 128 codes are completely optimized. FIM Postnet codes will automatically position themselves when printing on a letter. Clear zones required around Barcodes are enforced completely (Default) or partially. Includes Quickreport barcode components for Delphi 2, 3 4.
: 2025-03-15
: 17kb
Printing program
DL : 0
Works with or without Quick Reports. TPrintBarcode can print Barcodes of the following varieties. Code39, Interleaved2of5, Code128, All Postnet varieties EAN,EAN8,EAN13, ITF14, EAN128 FIMA,FIMB,FIMC Works with Delphi 1,2 3 & I Hope now 4. Barcodes can be printed on any canvas and may be automatically scaled to adapt to new numbers of pixels per inch. Bar Width Ratios are varied to give best readability available. Code 128 codes are completely optimized. FIM & Postnet codes will automatically position themselves when printing on a letter. Clear zones required around Barcodes are enforced completely (Default) or partially. Includes Quickreport barcode components for Delphi 2, 3 & 4. -Works with or without Quick Reports. TPrintBarcode can print Barcodes of the following varieties. Code39, Interleaved2of5, Code128, All Postnet varieties EAN,EAN8,EAN13, ITF14, EAN128 FIMA,FIMB,FIMC Works with Delphi 1,2 3 I Hope now 4. Barcodes can be printed on any canvas and may be automatically scaled to adapt to new numbers of pixels per inch. Bar Width Ratios are varied to give best readability available. Code 128 codes are completely optimized. FIM Postnet codes will automatically position themselves when printing on a letter. Clear zones required around Barcodes are enforced completely (Default) or partially. Includes Quickreport barcode components for Delphi 2, 3 4.
: 2025-03-15
: 223kb
DL : 0
这个指南让你熟悉报表设计器和了解报表设计的基本概念(各种区域,数据源,二次表,等等)。指南将帮助你开始用FastReport创建报表,但它不能告诉你怎样使用其它基本的报表设计器。 如果你不熟悉报表设计器,我们建议你参考QuickReport的帮助系统。QuickReport的指南已经包含在你的Delphi拷贝中。QuickReport的大部分基本概念也适用于FastReport,然而,FastReport能提供更多的弹性和最终用户的自定义。-The guide will let you familiar with the report designer, and statements designed to understand the basic concepts (regional, data sources, quadratic forms, etc.). The guide will help you begin to use FastReport create reports, but it can not tell you how to use other basic design for the statements. If you are not familiar with the report designer, we suggest you QuickReport reference to the help system. QuickReport guidelines already included in your copy of Delphi. QuickReport the most basic concept also applies to FastReport, however, FastReport can provide more flexibility and end-user self-definition.
: 2025-03-15
: 1mb
Windows Develop
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ENO企业人事信息管理系统配套组件包,压缩包包含如下组件包: XPmenu dxpack2.0.1 MenuBar .... QuickReport.v4.5.for.Delphi7 TStaticTextEx_TDBStaticTextEx-ENO business personnel information management system supporting kits, compressed packet contains the following components : XPmenu dxpack2.0.1 Wet .... QuickReport.v4.5.for.Delphi7 TStaticTextEx_TDBStaticTextEx
: 2025-03-15
: 2.33mb
GUI Develop
DL : 0
自己编写QuickReport报表阅读打印软件-their reading prepared statements QuickReport Print Software
: 2025-03-15
: 1.55mb
Delphi VCL
DL : 0
FreeReport 2.34 consists of the report engine, designer and previewer, with capabilities comparable to QuickReport 3 and ReportBuilder 3.52. FreeReport 2.34 works with Delphi 2/3/4/5/6 and C++ Builder 1/3/4. Freeware, full source code, royalty-free.-FreeReport 2.34 consists of the report eng BrdU, designer and previewer. with capabilities comparable to QuickReport 3 and ReportBuilder 3.52. FreeReport 2.34 works with Delphi 2/3/4/5/6 and C Builder 1/3/4. Free ware, full source code, royalty-free.
: 2025-03-15
: 830kb
Delphi VCL
DL : 0
报表控件。FastReport 是非常强大的报表控件,相比QuickReport,ReportBuilder更加灵活,又非常小巧,速度快。VCL版本支持Borland Delphi 2-6 and Borland C++Builder 1-6。CLX版本支持Delphi和Kylix-statements control. FastReport is a very powerful statements controls, as compared with QuickReport. ReportBuilder more flexible, and very compact, fast. VCL version supports Borland Delphi and Borland C 2-6 Builde r 1-6. CLX versions support Delphi and Kylix
: 2025-03-15
: 5.75mb
DL : 0
使用报表打印数据的基本操作方法,同时包括了自定义批量打印的功能。-Print data using the statements of the basic method of operation, at the same time, including a custom batch printing function.
: 2025-03-15
: 393kb
Static control
DL : 0
quickreport for delphi 2006 组件-quickreport for delphi 2006 component
: 2025-03-15
: 985kb
DL : 0
C++Builder 高级编程技术: 全书由十一章构成,主要内容包括Borland C ++ Builder集成开发环境、事件响应、Borland C ++ Builder与Delphi共享代码、图形图像、动态链接库DLL、数据库开发、网络数据库开发、组件创建、Internet应用程序开发、利用QuickReport组件创建报表和发布应用程序。-C++ Builder advanced programming technology: the book by chapter eleven composition, the main features of Borland C++ Builder integrated development environment, incident response, Borland C++ Builder and Delphi share the code, graphics, images, dynamic-link library DLL, the database development, web-based database development, component to create, Internet application development, using QuickReport Report component to create and publish applications.
: 2025-03-15
: 1.77mb
Printing program
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QuickReport 3.08 full source code -QuickReport 3.08 full source code
: 2025-03-15
: 351kb
Printing program
DL : 0
QuickReport[1].v5.04 for D2009
: 2025-03-15
: 2.22mb
Delphi VCL
DL : 0
TBarCode component for QuickReport package and for use it separately (ex. integrated in other component or packages)
: 2025-03-15
: 47kb
Delphi VCL
DL : 1
QuickReport 是用于BCB和Delphi的一款报表组件,可以简单快速的输出数据库报表。QuickReport 支持创建打印预览以免浪费纸张,支持导出数据为其他文件格式如ASCII文本、逗号分割值的文件和HTML。QuickReport 本身由 Delphi 编写,支持Delphi 所有操作数据库的模式。因此您可以将它用于旧式的基于BDE 的数据库如Paradox 和 dBase,用于多层应用环境的客户端数据表,新的Delphi 5 ADO 和 Interbase Express 组件及第三方可选数据库如Apollo。如果您需要,甚至可以用QuickReport 格式化部件打印非不是存储在数据库里的数据。-QuickReport for BCB and Delphi, a reporting component that can output simple and fast database reports. QuickReport support the creation of print preview to avoid wasting paper, to support export data to other file formats such as ASCII text, comma-separated value files and HTML. QuickReport itself is prepared by Delphi to support all operations Delphi database model. So you can use it for the old BDE-based databases such as Paradox and dBase, multi-application environment for the client-side data table, the new Delphi 5 ADO, and Interbase Express components and an optional third-party databases such as Apollo. If you need to, even the non-printing parts with the QuickReport format is not stored in the database data.
: 2025-03-15
: 1.73mb
Delphi VCL
DL : 0
PowerPDF For Delphi - FullSource PowerPdf is a VCL to create PDF docment visually. Like QuickReport, you can design PDF document easily on Delphi IDE. -PowerPDF For Delphi - FullSource PowerPdf is a VCL to create PDF docment visually. Like QuickReport, you can design PDF document easily on Delphi IDE.
: 2025-03-15
: 1.8mb
Delphi VCL
DL : 0
Delphi- QuickReport- QRChart
: 2025-03-15
: 7kb
Mahmoud/ AMH
Delphi VCL
DL : 0
Delphi- QuickReport v3 Tutorial-Delphi- QuickReport v3 Tutorial
: 2025-03-15
: 226kb
Mahmoud/ AMH
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